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何盼  魏琦  张炳 《水资源保护》2013,29(2):86-90
以控制流域断面水质为目标,在排污权交易市场中引入交易比率,以解决排污权交易带来局部水质恶化的热点问题。以江苏省无锡市社渎港流域为研究区域,模拟该流域主要点源化学需氧量(COD)的排污权交易,探讨交易比率对排污权交易政策效果的影响。模拟结果显示,交易比率会促使排污布局向上游迁移,但交易前后控制断面的水质不变,可避免热点问题的出现。  相似文献   

This viewpoint analyzes the Jordanian water strategy to investigate how water scarcity is framed, and what solutions are suggested. It also analyzes how the framings and discourses have changed in the two versions of the strategy, why, and their implications. The Jordanian national water strategy has been overlooked by the literature of hydropolitics. The analysis here also contributes by showing the interplay between discourses of scarcity and policy solutions.  相似文献   

传统的水权管理方式不利于水资源的高效利用,探索新的水权管理方式势在必行。通过分析资产概念,与水权特征相结合,提出水权资产的概念,探析其内涵与属性,分析水权资产管理的主客体、目标及原则。在此基础上,研究了水权资产管理的范畴,包括水权资产产权管理、价值管理和收益管理。  相似文献   

宁夏吴忠市红寺堡区由于水资源短缺,近年来取水总量均超过自治区水利厅分配的指标,加之用水结构不合理,供水形势十分严峻。因此,宁夏回族自治区将红寺堡区作为水权交易试点之一,重点开展农业内部水量指标交易试点工作,为促进农业节水,提高农民节水积极性,破解当地水资源供需矛盾进行探索。依据该试点情况,从节水潜力分析、交易水量确定、水权交易主客体、合同期限、费用价格、程序方式、监督管理等方面设计了农业水权随土地流转转向工业的水权交易试点技术方案,以期为黄河流域类似的水权交易实践提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

苏茂林 《中国水利》2007,(19):32-34
在黄河水权转换具体实践的基础上,分析了黄河水权转换制度体系的构成、作用和主要建设内容,其中制度体系由五大部分构成,即水权明晰制度、技术评估与审查制度、市场交易与行政审批制度、水权转换的组织实施与监督管理制度、水权转换的补偿制度,总结了黄河水权制度建设的现状,对未来黄河水权转换制度建设进行了展望。  相似文献   

水权交易制度建设是新形势下广东省水资源管理适应市场经济体制深化改革、增强社会各界节水意识、优化配置水资源的必行之路。通过开展广东省水权交易制度研究,鲜明地提出了包括可交易水权的定义与内涵,水权交易需要具备水权明晰、计量准确、价值可估三个基本条件,水权交易可分为政府储备水权竞争性配置、区域之间交易、用水户之间交易三种交易类型,以及需要建设水权交易法规、管理、技术论证和交易市场四大配套体系等符合广东省省情和水情现状的"一三三四"省级水权交易制度的顶层设计框架,为广东省水权交易制度建设和水市场培育提供重要的理论依据和指导方向。  相似文献   

This review presents the main results of a 10‐year research study conducted in a Mediterranean intermittent basin (Evrotas River). By assembling the main outcomes of past and ongoing research projects, this study provides an overview of multiple stressor effects, with emphasis on water scarcity, focusing on hydro‐biogeochemical processes, as well as on spatial and temporal variations in benthic macroinvertebrates and fish fauna. The major impact in the basin has been the over‐exploitation of surface and groundwater resources, which, in combination with droughts, has resulted in the recurrent artificial desiccation of large parts of the hydrological network. The response to intermittency of the macroinvertebrate fauna is characterized by high resilience through various drought‐resistant evolutionary mechanisms, with assemblages recovering successfully after recurrent droughts. However, when pollution is evident in combination with drought, effects on benthic species richness, abundance, and assemblage structure can be severe. Similarly, pollution and water stress may result in massive fish mortalities due to hypoxic conditions, with fish populations requiring long periods to recover. However, the fish fauna appears to be relatively resilient to drought‐driven reach‐scale desiccation, and ultimately recovers, provided that aquatic refugia are available to supply colonists and that there are no physical barriers impeding recolonisation. Appropriate conservation measures are urgently required to address the effects of recurrent bouts of water stress, as well as of other stressors on the freshwater communities of the Evrotas River, both at the level of water management and of water policy and at the local and the national level.  相似文献   

Matthew I. Weiss 《国际水》2013,38(2):251-272
Yemen faces a dire water availability crisis, with groundwater being extracted at four times the rate of natural recharge and the capital, Sana’a, at risk of running out of water altogether. Yemen’s capacity to adapt to water scarcity has been undermined by misrule, weak institutions and patronage-driven politics that have eroded traditional tribal mechanisms of water governance and conflict management without leaving a viable alternative in their place. Using material gleaned from interviews with water specialists, this article investigates the forces impeding water reform and the mechanisms mediating the relationship between water scarcity, institutional dysfunction and violent conflict in Yemen.  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid regions, the availability of adequate water of appropriate quality has become a limiting factor for development.This paper aims to evaluate the potential for rainwater harvesting in the arid to semi-arid Faria Catchment, in the West Bank, Palestine.Under current conditions, the supply-demand gap is increasing due to the increasing water demands of a growing population with hydrologically limited and uncertain supplies.By 2015, the gap is estimated to reach 4.5×106 m3.This study used the process-oriented and physically-based TRAIN-ZIN model to evaluate two different rainwater harvesting techniques during two rainfall events.The analysis shows that there is a theoretical potential for harvesting an additional 4 × 106 m3 of surface water over the entire catchment.Thus, it is essential to manage the potential available surface water supplies in the catchment to save water for dry periods when the supply-demand gap is comparatively high.Then a valuable contribution to bridging the supply-demand gap can be made.  相似文献   

自20世纪末虚拟水的概念提出以来,其基本理论、核算方法及案例研究在国内外得到了蓬勃发展,逐步建立了包含虚拟水含量、虚拟水贸易、虚拟水流动、虚拟水平衡、水足迹等概念的经济社会水资源管理理论框架,成为研究水资源在经济社会中循环演变的重要方法。系统地对虚拟水的概念及特点进行了解析,梳理了虚拟水理论的产生和发展历程,详细阐述了当前虚拟水研究进展,并对虚拟水理论在水资源管理中的应用前景进行了分析,提出了将其应用于农业水资源管理中的三大科学设想,为虚拟水理论的研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Since the concept of virtual water was put forward, there has been an increasing number of papers on the topic, as a result of which virtual water is now being mainstreamed in the water policy world. Unfortunately, virtual water trade strategy as a solution to water shortages is wrong and fallacious. Although the virtual water trade theory is considered a descendant of the comparative advantage theory of economics, it is in fact an over-simplification, going from the truth to fallacy. To make decisions of virtual water trade based on only one production factor, water, though there are many other production factors that influence the allocation of resources at the same time, is misleading theoretically and practically.  相似文献   

在介绍合同节水管理的内涵、盈利模式、推进情况以及存在问题的基础上,提出"合同节水管理+水权交易"节水服务产业创新发展模式,从交易模式、交易主体、交易客体、交易期限、交易方式、交易定价、交易流程、交易履约、收益分配和风险管理等方面构建合同节水量交易机制,旨在为进一步优化节水服务产业链,推进节水服务产业创新发展提供可行方案,较好解决合同节水管理在农业节水领域中的适用问题,同时也为有稳定节水量的其他合同节水管理项目增加项目收益,促进合同节水管理与水权交易共同发展。  相似文献   

黄河水权转换的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李国英 《中国水利》2007,(19):30-31,40
在黄河水资源供需矛盾日益尖锐的情况下,为实现工业项目建设与农业灌区灌溉渠系节水改造的“双赢”,水利部黄河水利委员会与流域内有关省(自治区)积极进行了黄河水权转换的探索与实践,初步建立了水权转换的管理体系、技术体系和监测体系,取得了水资源利用与管理的新成效,但此项工作仍有进一步探索的理论与制度空间。  相似文献   

从江西省水权交易现状入手,分析当前水权交易存在的问题,提出开展水权交易制度体系构建的思路,提出推进江西省水权水市场建设建议,为南方丰水地区水权交易制度的理论研究提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Wastewater is no longer considered a waste product and water reuse needs to play a stronger part in securing urban water supply. Although treatment technologies for water reclamation have significantly improved the question that deserves further analysis is, how selection of a particular wastewater treatment technology relates to performance and sustainability? The proposed assessment model integrates; (i) technology, characterised by selected quantity and quality performance parameters; (ii) productivity, efficiency and reliability criteria; (iii) quantitative performance indicators; (iv) development of evaluation model. The challenges related to hierarchy and selections of performance indicators have been resolved through the case study analysis. The goal of this study is to validate a new assessment methodology in relation to performance of the microfiltration (MF) technology, a key element of the treatment process. Specific performance data and measurements were obtained at specific Control and Data Acquisition Points (CP) to satisfy the input-output inventory in relation to water resources, products, material flows, energy requirements, chemicals use, etc. Performance assessment process contains analysis and necessary linking across important parametric functions leading to reliable outcomes and results.  相似文献   

基于不完全信息条件下的贝叶斯博弈模型,建立了水污染物排放权交易市场中交易企业关于排放权交易价格谈判的博弈模型。分别从买卖方交易企业效用最大化的角度确定了双方的最优报价策略。研究表明:排污权交易双方的真实报价有利于促成排污权的成功交易,且有助于交易双方实现帕累托效率优化。  相似文献   

河北省属典型的资源型缺水省份。水资源短缺和水环境恶化已成为制约全省经济社会发展的重要因素。在深入研究缺水损失评价方法的基础上,定量分析了因缺水造成的直接损失或影响,为实施区域水资源合理配置,提高水资源和水环境承载能力,提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

针对当前我国水资源短缺问题,结合虚拟水概念及其特性,构建了水资源量、虚拟水、生态环境和社会经济4个维度的区域水资源承载力评价指标体系,利用变权法确定指标权重,建立了评价虚拟水影响下水资源承载力的改进物元可拓模型,并应用于粤港澳大湾区9市水资源承载力评价。评价结果表明,深圳水资源超载,广州、佛山为临界超载,其他地市为弱可承载或可承载,模型评价结果可为区域水资源优化配置提供参考。  相似文献   

依据虚拟水的计量分析方法,对2005年河北省单一农产品虚拟水量和动物产品的虚拟水量进行了计算,得出河北省2005年城乡居民消费产品中的虚拟水含量为484.72亿m3,为实体水利用量的2.3倍;5种动物产品虚拟水总含量为121.17亿m3,单位产品虚拟水含量平均值为2 597.60 m3/t,9种农产品虚拟水总含量为363.55亿m3,单位农产品的虚拟水含量平均值为648.44 m3/t,具有较大的虚拟水应用潜力。依据2005年河北省的虚拟水、用水量及用水结构,分析了虚拟水战略对河北省的影响及其发展潜力。认为对于河北省这样的缺水地区,运用虚拟水手段可有效解决实体水调用的工程费用问题。建议密切结合自身的产业优势,发展高新技术产业、药业,适当从邻省调入粮食。  相似文献   

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