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Resistance data of passivated Al–Si–Cu contact electromigration test structures clearly show three different stages: incubation, time-dependent drift and ultimately saturation. A detailed model describing all three stages was developed and evidenced by a thorough analysis of the tested material. By using this model, a length dependent lifetime can be calculated and data obtained from different test structures can be compared directly with each other. Moreover, it can be predicted that due to the length dependent saturation, lines below a certain length will never reach the failure criterion! Taking this information into account during the design phase leads to very robust interconnects.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to study the effect of line width and length, and the results revealed interesting differences in electromigration behavior of via-fed upper and lower layer dual-damascene test structures. The observed location of electromigration induced void in upper and lower layer test structures cannot be completely explained by the theory of current gradient induced vacancy diffusion. The electromigration median time to failure (MTF) were found to be dependent upon the line width for the lower layer test structures while it remained unaffected in the case of upper layer test structure. Cu/dielectric cap interface acting as the dominant electromigration path and the current crowding location being near the Cu/dielectric cap interface for lower layer structures due to structural differences, explain this behavior. Similarly, short length upper and lower layer test structures exhibited completely different characteristics. The back stress effect on short lines was evident on both upper and lower layer structures, however, only the upper layer showed two distinct via and line failure mechanisms. These observed effects are specific to Cu dual-damascene structures and can have major technological implications for electromigration reliability assessment.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the deposition process, microanalytical characterization and barrier behaviour of 10–100-nm thick sputtered Ta–Si and Ta–Si–N films. Pure Ta–Si films were found to be already nanocrystalline. The addition of N2 leads to a further grain fining resulting in amorphous films with excellent thermal stability. According to microanalytical investigations, Ta–Si barriers between Cu and Si with a thickness of only 10 nm are not stable at 600°C. Copper silicides are formed due to intensive Cu diffusion throughout the barrier. In contrast, 10-nm thick nitrogen-rich Ta–Si–N barriers remain thermally stable during annealing at 600°C and protect the Si wafer from Cu indiffusion.  相似文献   

We extend the McPherson model for the silicon–oxygen bond-breakage in a manner to capture the impact of the O–Si–O angle fluctuations (typical for amorphous SiO2) on the breakage rate. In the McPherson model the transition of the Si ion from the 4-fold coordinated position to the 3-fold coordination is considered as rupture of the Si–O bond. We have studied the potential barrier (separating these saddle points) transformation induced by the O–Si–O bond angle variations and found that the secondary minimum occurs at a critical angle of about 107.75°. Since the Si ion “finds” the way corresponding to the highest breakage probability we used the two-dimensional downhill simplex method in order to find the direction of this maximal rate. It was shown that if the O–Si–O angle deviates from its nominal value 109.48° (typical for α-quartz) corresponding to the regular SiO4 tetrahedron the symmetry aggravates and the secondary minimum is rotated. Calculated dependencies of the breakage rate on the electric field demonstrate the linear slope in the log–lin scale thus reflecting the linear reduction of the activation energy for the bond-breakage vs. field. The family of distribution functions for breakage rate calculated with a fixed step of field shows that the curves do not change their form and are shifted in parallel with the field. This tendency supports the thermo-chemical model for the bond-breakage also in the case of strongly fluctuating O–Si–O angles. As a consequence, dependencies of the mean value of the rate, its standard deviation and the nominal rate (calculated for the angle of 109.48°) have the same slope on a log–lin scale. The wide spread of the breakage rate is reflected by the high value of its standard deviation.  相似文献   

We examine electromigration fatigue reliability and morphological patterns of Sn–37Pb and Sn–3Ag–1.5Cu/Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu composite solder bumps in a flip–chip package assembly with Ti/Ni(V)/Cu UBM. The flip–chip test vehicle was subjected to test conditions of five combinations of applied electric currents and ambient temperatures, namely, 0.4 A/150 °C, 0.5 A/150 °C, 0.6 A/125 °C, 0.6 A/135 °C, and 0.6 A/150 °C. The electrothermal coupling analysis was employed to investigate the current crowding effect and maximum temperature in the solder bump in order to correlate with the experimental electromigration reliability using the Black’s equation as a reliability model. From available electromigration reliability models, we also present a comparison between fatigue lives of Sn–37Pb solder bumps with Ti/Ni(V)/Cu and those with Al/Ni(V)/Cu UBM under different current stressing conditions.  相似文献   

Storage tests have been performed to obtain information on the influence of the passivation material and its geometry on the mechanical reliability of Al–Cu lines. During storage tests, the stress in the lines is tensile and depends on the passivation material and passivation geometry. The passivation was either a SiO2 layer or a SiNx layer. In both cases the influence of a conformal and a planarised passivation geometry has been studied. Passivating the lines with a material with a higher stiffness such as SiNx will increase the stress void density in the lines. Moreover, a conformal passivation layer induces less stress voids in the metal than a planarised passivation, deposited by a Dep/Etch method. The number of stress voids saturates within 24 h at 200°C. However, the voids continue to grow during longer storage times. When the lines are passivated with the lower stiffness material SiO2, stress voids have not been observed after storage testing.  相似文献   

The near-eutectic Sn-Pb-Cu and Sn-Pb-Ni ternary solder alloys were developed based on the consideration of strength and fatigue reliability enhancement of solder joints in part via the altering of formation of interfacial intermetallic compounds. In this work, we examine electromigration reliability and morphologies of 62Sn-36Pb-2Ni and 62Sn-36Pb-2Cu flip-chip solder joints subjected to two test conditions that combine different average current densities and ambient temperatures: 5 kA/cm2 at 150 degC and 20 kA/cm2 at 3 degC. Under the test condition of 5 kA/cm2 at 150 degC, 62Sn-36Pb-2Cu is overwhelmingly better than 62Sn-36Pb-2Ni in terms of electromigration reliability. However, under the test condition of 20 kA/cm2 at 30 degC, the electromigration fatigue life of 62Sn-36Pb-2Ni shows a profuse enhancement and exceeds that of 62Sn-36Pb-2Cu. Electromigration-induced morphologies are also examined on the cross sections of solder joints using scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The properties of amorphous metallic molybdenum–silicon–nitrogen (Mo–Si–N) films were characterised for use in nanoelectronic applications. The films were deposited by co-sputtering of molybdenum and silicon targets in a gas mixture of argon and nitrogen. The atomic composition, microstructure and surface roughness were studied by RBS, TEM and AFM analyses, respectively. The electrical properties were investigated in the temperature range 80 mK to 300 K. No transition into a superconductive state was observed. Nanoscale wires were fabricated using electron beam lithography with their properties measured as a function of temperature.  相似文献   

The Cu pillar is a thick underbump metallurgy (UBM) structure developed to alleviate current crowding in a flip-chip solder joint under operating conditions. We present in this work an examination of the electromigration reliability and morphologies of Cu pillar flip-chip solder joints formed by joining Ti/Cu/Ni UBM with largely elongated ∼62 μm Cu onto Cu substrate pad metallization using the Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solder alloy. Three test conditions that controlled average current densities in solder joints and ambient temperatures were considered: 10 kA/cm2 at 150°C, 10 kA/cm2 at 160°C, and 15 kA/cm2 at 125°C. Electromigration reliability of this particular solder joint turns out to be greatly enhanced compared to a conventional solder joint with a thin-film-stack UBM. Cross-sectional examinations of solder joints upon failure indicate that cracks formed in (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 or Cu6Sn5 intermetallic compounds (IMCs) near the cathode side of the solder joint. Moreover, the ~52-μm-thick Sn-Ag-Cu solder after long-term current stressing has turned into a combination of ~80% Cu-Ni-Sn IMC and ~20% Sn-rich phases, which appeared in the form of large aggregates that in general were distributed on the cathode side of the solder joint.  相似文献   

We fabricated high-performance thin-film transistors (TFTs) with an amorphous-Al–Sn–Zn–In–O (a-AT-ZIO) channel deposited by cosputtering using a dual Al–Zn–O and In–Sn–O target. The fabricated AT-ZIO TFTs, which feature a bottom-gate and bottom-contact configuration, exhibited a high field-effect mobility of 31.9 $ hbox{cm}^{2}/hbox{V}cdothbox{s}$, an excellent subthreshold gate swing of 0.07 V/decade, and a high $I_{{rm on}/{rm off}}$ ratio of $≫hbox{10}^{9}$, even below the process temperature of 250 $^{circ}hbox{C}$. In addition, we demonstrated that the temperature and bias-induced stability of the bottom-gate TFT structure can significantly be improved by adopting a suitable passivation layer of atomic-layer-deposition-derived $hbox{Al}_{2} hbox{O}_{3}$ thin film.   相似文献   

W–Si–N thin films were deposited via rf-magnetron sputtering from a W5Si3 target in Ar/N2 reactive gas mixtures over a large range of compositions, obtained by varying the partial flow of nitrogen within the reaction chamber. The samples of each set were then thermally annealed in vacuum at different temperatures up to 980 °C.Film composition was determined by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), surface film morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), micro-structure by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), vibrational properties by FT-IR absorption and Raman scattering spectroscopy, and electrical resistivity by four-point probe measurements.Independently of the deposition conditions, all the as-deposited films have an amorphous structure, while their composition varies, showing an increase of Si/W ratio from 0.1 up to 0.55 when the nitrogen concentration in the films increases from 0 to 60 at%. Thermal treatments in vacuum induce an important loss of nitrogen in the nitrogen-rich samples, especially at temperatures higher than 600 °C. Samples with high nitrogen content preserve their amorphous structure even at the highest annealing temperature, despite the chemical bonding ordering observed by means of FT-IR measurements. Raman spectroscopy of as-deposited films rich in nitrogen suggests the presence of an important amorphous silicon nitride component, but fails to detect any structural rearrangement either within the composite matrix of film or within silicon nitride component. Segregation of metallic tungsten was detected by TEM in the annealed sample with lowest nitrogen content (W58Si21N21). Finally, the resistivity of the films increases with the N content, while the loss of nitrogen accompanies the decrease of resistivity especially of samples with high nitrogen content.  相似文献   

The lateral liquid-phase epitaxy of Ge-on-insulator (GOI) using Si seeds has been investigated as a function of the Si-seed orientation and the growth direction. Giant single-crystalline GOI structures with ∼200 μm length are obtained using Si(1 0 0), (1 1 0), and (1 1 1) seeds. The very long growth is explained on the basis of the solidification temperature gradient due to Si-Ge mixing around the seeding area and the thermal gradient due to the latent heat around the solid/liquid interface at the growth front. In addition, growth with rotating crystal orientations is observed for samples with several growth directions. The rotating growth is explained on the basis of the bonding strength between lattice planes at the growth front. This rotating growth does not occur in any direction for (1 0 0) orientated seeds. Based on this finding the mesh-patterned GOI growth with a large area (250 μm × 500 μm) is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Fast wafer-level reliability (fWLR) techniques are successfully implemented in order to investigate several gate oxide reliability–performance tradeoffs that affect the architecture of a high speed BiCMOS process. Fast feedback of device and reliability parameters is required during process development in order to avoid failures during process qualification. This study highlights some performance–reliability tradeoffs that had to be overcome during the development of a modern BiCMOS process.  相似文献   

Thin films of Ti–Si–N are deposited by r.f. magnetron sputtering in a Ar/N2 gas mixture. The magnetron discharge is operated at 10 mTorr with 5 and 10% N2 in the gas mixture and r.f. powers ranging from 100 to 200 W. The composition and electrical resistivity of the thin films were determined by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and the four-point probe method, respectively. The structure of the films was determined by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The Ti–Si–N films were either amorphous or contained cubic TiN nanosized grains in an amorphous phase. The diffusion barrier properties of 10-nm thick film between Cu and Si were studied from 500 to 700°C. The highest failure temperature of 650°C was obtained for Ti37.5 Si27 N35.5 which. contains 4-nm TiN crystallites in an amorphous phase.  相似文献   

The effects of the fourth elements, i.e., Fe, Ni, Co, Mn and Ti, on microstructural features, undercooling characteristics, and monotonic tensile properties of Sn–3 wt.%Ag–0.5 wt.%Cu lead-free solder were investigated. All quaternary alloys basically form third intermetallic compounds in addition to fine Ag3Sn and Cu6Sn5 and exhibit improved solder structure. The precipitates of Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu (–0.1 wt.%X; X=Ni, Ti and Mn) alloy are very fine comparing with the other alloys. The effective elements for suppressing undercooling in solidification are Ti, Mn, Co and Ni. All quaternary bulk alloys exhibit similar or slightly larger tensile strengths; especially Mn and Ni can improve elongation without degrading strength. The interfacial phases of Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu (–0.1 wt.%X; X=Fe, Mn and Ti)/Cu joints are typical Cu6Sn5 scallops. Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu (–0.1 wt.%X; X=Ni and Co)/Cu joints form very fine Sn–Cu–Ni and Sn–Cu–Co scallops at interface. The Cu/Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu–0.1Ni/Cu joint exhibits improved tensile strength prior to thermal aging at 125 and 150 °C. The fracture surface of Cu/Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu/Cu joint exhibits mixture of ductile and brittle fractures, while Cu/Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu (–0.1X; X=Ni and Co)/Cu joints exhibit only brittle fracture at interface. The Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu–0.1Ni alloy is more reliable solder alloy with improved properties for all tests in the present work.  相似文献   

A novel procedure is proposed for the deposition of Si/SiO2 multilayers by magnetron sputtering of an SiO2 target under a hydrogen-rich plasma. The effect of increasing hydrogen pressure (PH) was investigated for the case of a monolayer. This involved an increased enrichment in the Si of the deposited film, because of the incorporation deficit of oxygen that is efficiently “reduced” by hydrogen. This was found to favour the formation of Si crystallites, together with a significant improvement of the phase segregation between Si grains and silica. The increase of the deposition temperature (TS) induced similar effects in such a way that the layer obtained with high PH and TS behaves as a pure silicon film with a refractive index close to 3.2. Thus, a 40-period Si-rich/silica multilayered system was fabricated by alternating the introduction and the switching off of the hydrogen flux. The related electron microscopy image showed evidence of good quality multilayers, which attests the reliability of the new method.  相似文献   

Lead-free solders are replacing traditional lead-rich solders in the electronic industry. In the present study, the fatigue crack growth behavior of Sn–Ag–Cu solder interconnect has been investigated. An approach based on phase transformation theory and fracture mechanics was applied to predict fatigue crack propagation in a Sn–Ag–Cu interconnect, which consists of solder and intermetallic layers. Fatigue experiments were carried out on plastic ball grid array (PBGA) solder interconnects, different fatigue crack growth phases in interconnects were observed in the experiments. Displacement-controlled shear fatigue was done with a simple strain range from 0.01 to 0.1 (0.005 $mu$ m to 0.050 $mu$ m displacement) and cycle frequency of 0.1 Hz. It is found in the experiment that the majority of the interconnect lifetime is contained at the crack nucleation and early crack growth stage. Since solder alloys operate at high homologous temperatures, usually above 50% of their melting temperatures, combined creep and plasticity effects play important roles in interconnect failure and need to be considered in the analysis. A finite-element analysis was conducted to predict the required energy $U$ to increase the crack by a unit area. Unified creep-plasticity theory was incorporated in the model to predict the creep and hysteresis effects on fatigue crack propagation in solder. The fatigue crack propagation rate in a Sn–Ag–Cu solder was predicted using phase transformation theory. Reasonable agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results was obtained.   相似文献   

Copper pillar interconnects are a popular interposing option due to the advantages of small pillar size and good thermal and electrical performance, making copper pillar interconnects very useful for high-frequency and high-density flip-chip-on-module (FCOM) packages. However, the challenges associated with the technology include controlling the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds (IMC) and weak interfaces during heat-related processes, and preventing copper migration during bonding and reliability testing. As the reliability of the joint is significantly affected by the property of the surface finish, it is important to understand the influence of different surface finishes on the reliability of copper pillar interconnections. This paper focuses on Ni/Au-capped, Sn-capped, Sn–2.5Ag-capped, and organic solderability preservative (OSP)-capped copper pillar interconnections with lead-free Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu solder paste in FCOM packages. The types, morphology, and distribution of IMC formed in the bulk solder, the copper pillar/SAC, and copper pad/ENIG/SAC interfaces during multiple reflows ( 265 $~^{circ}{hbox {C}}$ ) and reliability testing [thermal cycle (TC), autoclave (AC), high-temperature storage (HTS), and thermal shock ([TS)] were investigated using a scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). The feasibility and reliability of these copper-pillar FCOM systems were also compared and evaluated. The reliability results show that OSP-capped copper pillar interconnects are the best interposing option in terms of reliability and performance.   相似文献   

An AlGaAs-GaAs-InGaAs strained layer laser structure has been shown to have a low threshold current density which is independent of AlGaAs layer quality. This threshold invariance is attributed to the use of a large GaAs region outside the InGaAs well to reduce the effects of traps in the AlGaAs on the active region of the laser and was demonstrated by characterising identical structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) under different AlGaAs growth conditions. These results should have strong implications for the reliability and manufacturability of such lasers and for the integration with electronic devices where low temperature growth is required.<>  相似文献   

The effects of the composition of La–Al–O gate dielectrics on metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) characteristics and reliability properties were investigated in detail. It was found that the interface trap density (Dit) was greater for [Al]-enriched La–Al–O than for [La]-enriched La–Al–O. As a result, the drive current and the time-to-breakdown (Tbd) for the gate oxide were lower for [Al]-enriched La–Al–O than for [La]-enriched La–Al–O. It is thought that the large tensile strain at the interface with the Si substrate is responsible for the smaller Dit in the case of [La]-enriched La–Al–O.  相似文献   

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