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Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) degrades the quality of focused Ultra-WideBand Synthetic Aperture Radar (UWB SAR) images. From both the theoretical analysis and real data validation, it is concluded that target echo and RFI have different Region Of Support (ROS) in 2-D fasttime wavenumber and aperture wavenumber domain. Consequently, a novel adaptive filter is proposed according to the Wiener optimum criterion on the distinct ROS characteristics of target echo and RFI. Compared with the notch filter and the Least Mean Square (LMS) adaptive filter in previ- ous literatures, the proposed method is more computationally efficient with satisfactory suppression results. In terms of Signal-to-Interference Ratio Improvement (SIRI) and processing time, the performance of the proposed adaptive filter is verified with the field data collected with a UWB SAR system.  相似文献   

The wavenumber shift in SAR interferometry   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
SAR surveys from separate passes show relative shifts of the ground wavenumber spectra that depend on the local slope and the off-nadir angle. The authors discuss the exploitation of this spectral shift for different applications: 1) generation of “low noise” interferograms benefiting phase unwrapping, 2) generation of quick-look interferograms, 3) decorrelation reduction by means of tunable SAR systems (TINSAR), 4) range resolution enhancement, and 5) the combination of SAR data gathered by different platforms (airborne and satellite) for a “long-time coherence” study  相似文献   

检测前跟踪(TBD)技术通过时间换取能量,可以有效提高微弱目标的检测和航迹处理性能.提出了一种距离多普勒域基于广义似然比检验-动态规划(GLRT-DP)的TBD算法.给出了目标回波信号模型,在此基础上,推导了基于二元复合假设检验的GLRT的TBD算法表达式,在把由表达式所得数据矩阵转换到离散距离多普勒域后,利用DP方法进行搜索寻优,实现所提算法的同时降低了运算量.利用虚警概率和检测概率对所提算法的性能进行了分析.通过仿真实验对所提算法进行了验证,实验结果表明:该算法对雷达微弱目标的检测性能优于传统TBD方法,可以有效实现低信噪比背景下微弱目标的检测和航迹处理.  相似文献   

Even if it were true that SAR (synthetic aperture radar) ocean surface imagery provides a perfect noiseless representation of ocean surface wave height, each spectrum computed from such imagery would be but a single realization of the ensemble-mean ocean spectrum. There would be sampling variability associated with the parameters of dominant wave number and propagation direction extracted from such a spectrum. The present study addresses two questions: (i) what statistical distribution is applicable to the spectra of SAR ocean images? and (ii) what are the consequences of such statistics on the precision with which wave number and propagation direction can be extracted? An examination is made of spectra computed from ocean imagery acquired during the SIR-B (Shuttle Imaging Radar-B) mission  相似文献   

A systematic comparison of QuikSCAT and SAR ocean surface wind speeds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We performed a systematic comparison of wind speed measurements from the SeaWinds QuikSCAT scatterometer and wind speeds computed from RADARSAT-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) normalized radar cross section measurements. These comparisons were made over in the Gulf of Alaska and extended over a two-year period, 2000 and 2001. The SAR wind speed estimates require a wind direction to initialize the retrieval. Here, we first used wind directions from the Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS) model. For these retrievals, the standard deviation between the resulting SAR and QuikSCAT wind speed measurements was 1.78 m/s. When we used the QuikSCAT-measured wind directions to initialize the inversion, comparisons improve to a standard deviation of 1.36 m/s. We used these SAR-scatterometer comparisons to generate a new C-band horizontal polarization model function. With this new model function, the wind speed inversion improves to a standard deviation of 1.24 m/s with no mean bias. These results strongly suggest that SAR and QuikSCAT measurements can be combined to make better high-resolution wind measurements than either instrument could alone in coastal areas.  相似文献   

A comparison of several algorithms for SAR raw data compression   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Proposes new algorithms for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) raw data compression and compares the resulting image quality with the quality achieved by commonly used methods. The compression is carried out in time and frequency domain, with statistic, crisp, and fuzzy methods. The algorithms in the time domain lead to high resolution and a good signal-to-noise ratio, but they do not optimize the performance of the compression according to the frequency envelope of the signal power in both range and azimuth directions. The hardware requirements for the compression methods in the frequency domain are significant, but a higher performance is obtained. Even with a data rate of 3 bits/sample, a satisfactory phase accuracy is achieved which is an essential parameter for polarimetric and interferometric applications. Preliminary analysis concerning the suitability of the proposed algorithms for different SAR applications shows that the compression ratio should be adaptively selected according to the specific application  相似文献   

A comparison of time versus frequency domain antenna patterns   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper compares the performance of antenna arrays that use sinusoidal and ultra-short pulse waveforms. There are two parts to the paper: first, a comparison of narrowband versus ultra-wideband linear arrays using an analytic approach and second, a series of computer simulations used to extend the analytic results and to show the characteristics of nonstandard array configurations. Analysis shows that antennas using ultra-short waveforms have highly desirable pattern properties that do not appreciably degrade under conditions of high array sparsity, failed elements, or antenna element position errors. Patterns are given that show these properties directly. These results are of particular importance to the emerging technology of base-band or time-domain communications and remote sensing. It addresses the practical problem of designing extremely large aperture space-based arrays without populating those arrays densely with antenna elements and also reducing the traditional fabrication tolerances.  相似文献   

Moving ships produce a set of waves of “V“ pattern on the ocean. These wavescan often be seen by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). The detection of these wakes can provide important information for surveillance of shipping, such as ship traveling direction and speed.A novel approach to the detection of ship wakes in SAR images based on frequency domain is provided in this letter. Compared with traditional Radon-based approaches, computation is reduced by 20%-40% without losing nearly any of detection performance. The testing results using real data and simulation of synthetic SAR images test the algorithm‘s feasibility and robustness.  相似文献   

Under wide sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) conditions, the signal spreading due to a random channel may be described by the scattering function (SF). In an active acoustic system, the received signal is modeled as the superposition of delayed and Doppler spread replicas of the transmitted waveform. The SF completely describes the second-order statistics of a WSSUS channel and can be considered a density function that characterizes the average spread in delay and Doppler experienced by an input signal as it passes through the channel. The SF and its measurement will be reviewed. An estimator is proposed based on a two-dimensional (2-D) autoregressive (AR) model for the scattering function. In order to implement this estimator, we derive the conditional minimum variance unbiased estimator of the time-varying frequency response of a linear channel. Unlike conventional Fourier methods, the AR approach does not suffer from the usual convolutional smoothing due to the signal ambiguity function. Simulation results are given.  相似文献   

首先建立了机载双基地SAR的信号模型,然后简要描述了RD算法以及波数域算法的基本成像原理和算法流程,最后基于双基地SAR的信号模型运用RD算法及波数域算法对点目标及面目标进行成像,并分析比较了在正侧式飞行模式下用两种成像算法的优缺点。  相似文献   

Quantitative comparison of the performance of SAR segmentationalgorithms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Methods to evaluate the performance of segmentation algorithms for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are developed, based on known properties of coherent speckle and a scene model in which areas of constant backscatter coefficient are separated by abrupt edges. Local and global measures of segmentation homogeneity are derived and applied to the outputs of two segmentation algorithms developed for SAR data, one based on iterative edge detection and segment growing, the other based on global maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation using simulated annealing. The quantitative statistically based measures appear consistent with visual impressions of the relative quality of the segmentations produced by the two algorithms. On simulated data meeting algorithm assumptions, both algorithms performed well but MAP methods appeared visually and measurably better. On real data, MAP estimation was markedly the better method and retained performance comparable to that on simulated data, while the performance of the other algorithm deteriorated sharply. Improvements in the performance measures will require a more realistic scene model and techniques to recognize oversegmentation.  相似文献   

蒋媛 《信息技术》2011,(5):105-107,111
针对SAR图像相干斑噪声去除问题,提出了一种基于多尺度分解的Contourlet域K-L变换的SAR图像去噪的新方法。方法首先对源图像进行Contourlet分解,在不同频段的子带图像中,利用K-L变换进行能量保持即提出信号的主要特征,用重构图像来进行去噪,最后通过Contourlet逆变换得到去噪之后的图像。在SAR图像上的实验结果表明,方法不仅较好地保持了图像的纹理和细节特征及边缘特征,且信噪比也较高。  相似文献   

SAR图像幅度域增强的正则化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正则化方法通过增加先验信息约束,达到增强SAR图像特征的目的。在分析现有先验信息约束条件的基础上,提出SAR图像幅度域上的正则化增强方法,从理论上证明了SAR图像复数域上正则化方法和幅度域上正则化方法的等价性,进一步解释了正则化方法的相位保持特性,提高了计算效率。通过参数变换,结合先验信息,给出正则化参数的选取方法,该方法操作简单,能有效地抑制噪声,保护目标。最后利用仿真图像和MSTAR图像验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of interferometric phase noise reduction in synthetic aperture radar interferometry. A new phase noise model in the complex domain is introduced and validated by using both simulated and real interferograms. This noise model is also derived in the complex wavelet domain, where a novel noise reduction algorithm, which is not based on a windowing process and without the necessity of phase unwrapping, is addressed. The use of the wavelet transform allows to maintain the spatial resolution in the filtered phase image and prevents to filter low coherence areas. By using both, simulated as well as real interferometric phase images, the performance of this algorithm, in terms of noise reduction, spatial resolution maintenance, and computational efficiency, is reported and compared with other conventional filtering approaches.  相似文献   

Reflection of planewaves at the planar interface of two biisotropic media has been examined in order to obtain the Brewster wavenumber. This examination shows that the Brewster wavenumber is, at least, not necessarily affected by the reciprocity or the non-reciprocity of the media on either side of the planarinterface.  相似文献   

Wireless systems usage has evolved, for instance, with the recent increase in the use of a hands-free kit, the mobile phone is used more and more in a body-worn position. Therefore, to check the compliance to the international limits, new methods have to be developed. In this study, we analyze the relevance of using the equivalent head liquid for the biological structure of organs that are different from that of the head. This paper compares the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values assessed using simulations in a flat phantom filled with the liquid used to test the compliance of mobile phone close to the head to those values obtained using a multilayer model representing the tissues of the trunk. The multilayer structures are derived from the anatomical analysis of the visible human model and corresponding to reasonable positions of a handset in a body-worn configuration. The employed sources are half-wavelength dipoles placed at different distances from those structures and operating at frequencies between 300 MHz and 6 GHz.  相似文献   

Speckle removal from SAR images in the undecimated wavelet domain   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Speckle reduction is approached as a minimum mean-square error (MMSE) filtering performed in the undecimated wavelet domain by means of an adaptive rescaling of the detail coefficients, whose amplitude is divided by the variance ratio of the noisy coefficient to the noise-free one. All the above quantities are analytically calculated from the speckled image, the variance and autocorrelation of the fading variable, and the wavelet filters only, without resorting to any model to describe the underlying backscatter. On the test image Lena corrupted by synthetic speckle, the proposed method outperforms Kuan's local linear MMSE filtering by almost 3-dB signal-to-noise ratio. When true synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are concerned, empirical criteria based on distributions of multiscale local coefficient of variation, calculated in the undecimated wavelet domain, are introduced to mitigate the rescaling of coefficients in highly heterogeneous areas where the speckle does not obey a fully developed model, to avoid blurring strong textures and point targets. Experiments carried out on widespread test SAR images and on a speckled mosaic image, comprising synthetic shapes, textures, and details from optical images, demonstrate that the visual quality of the results is excellent in terms of both background smoothing and preservation of edge sharpness, textures, and point targets. The absence of decimation in the wavelet decomposition avoids typical impairments often introduced by critically subsampled wavelet-based denoising.  相似文献   

冯子龙  王彦平  林赟  李洋  申文杰 《信号处理》2021,37(10):1961-1968
圆周扫描地基SAR(GBCSAR)是一种具备三维成像能力的地基SAR系统,其运动轨迹特殊,给三维成像带来难度。后向投影(BP)算法适用于该系统成像,但其计算量巨大,难以实现实时成像。应用于机载圆迹SAR成像的频域算法由于机载圆迹SAR与GBCSAR系统在成像模型和信号模型上都存在差异,因此无法应用于GBCSAR。因此,本文提出了一种针对GBCSAR的频域三维成像算法。本文在GBCSAR系统模型的基础上,推导信号由斜距平面转换到成像平面的解析表达,在频域进行匹配滤波,实现信号的聚焦。之后对本算法的适用条件进行讨论。最终经过仿真实验,本文提出的算法得以验证,并对本文算法与BP算法的成像质量和成像效率进行对比,证明本文提出的频域成像算法可以实现高效成像。   相似文献   

基于小波域Fisher分类器的SAR图像变化检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
给出了一种无监督SAR图像变化检测算法,它不需要分布假设,而是通过联合灰度直方图的分布特性进行判别.算法利用自适应边缘检测提取训练数据,通过Fisher分类器对联合直方图进行判别分析,得到不同小波层待检测点隶属度,并根据邻域关系以及上下文进行融合,得到最终检测结果.对真实SAR图像进行检测,得到了较好的检测结果.  相似文献   

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