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基于OpenGL三维非均匀FDTD网格图形的消隐处理*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析了三维非均匀FDTD网格图形性质及计算数据结构特点的基础上,提出了一种基于OpenGL深度缓冲机制的绘图方法,采用多边形深度偏移量修正法进行精细化的消隐修正,实现了网格图形的快速生成与高效消隐,大大提高了FDTD仿真及模拟计算网格图形的可视化效果,并在此基础上设计并实现了基于OpenGL的三维网格模型仿真系统.最后,以U型天线的网格图形为例,展示其可视性.  相似文献   

非均匀抽样网格简化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种考虑视点空间中某些重要视点的非均匀抽样网格简化的新方法,是在借鉴了Garland-Heckbert方法的基础上提出的,是一种考虑外观相似性的简化算法。给出并证明了两个判定边界的定理,为抽样提供了理论依据。在简化过程中,该算法通过采用视点空间中某些重要视点对模型进行抽样,使抽中的顶点对(轮廓附近的顶点对)得到适当保护。该算法除具有Garland-Heckbert方法的长处外,还可以在三角面片数较少的情况下(50多个三角面片),尽可能保持模型的重要外观特征,给出了计算0-1图像的外观相似性误差的公式,通过该公式对简化结果进行比较,证明提出的简化算法对保持模型的外观特征是行之有效的。最后对该算法的时间和空间复杂性进行了分析。  相似文献   

有限差分法广泛用于铸造过程中流场和温度场等的模拟,而对复杂模拟对象进行三维网格自动划分是十分重要的。在传统的网格剖分算法基础上,研究了非均匀剖分的步长自动确定算法,并开发了网格剖分前处理软件。对实际模型的应用研究表明,本算法可以根据铸件的壁厚、拐角等特征自动确定网格空间步长,节省网格剖分所需时间,减少人工参与网格划分的工作量,从而提高了网格剖分效率,为快速求解温度场等物理量奠定了基础。  相似文献   

针对当前非均匀纹理合成方法或无法保持非均匀纹理的大尺度结构,或受网络结构限制,无法合成任意大小的纹理的问题,提出基于相对坐标控制的非均匀纹理合成方法.该方法基于全卷积金字塔结构生成对抗网络SinGAN,首先,引入相对坐标信息作为条件输入进行引导控制合成,从而保留非均匀纹理样图的整体结构特性;然后引入旋转图块增强训练,通过下采样和角度旋转,获得大量纹理图块训练数据,从而进一步提升纹理合成的细节质量.最后,通过对多张挑战性非均匀纹理进行任意比例合成实验,结果表明,该方法可合成具有任意大小的新纹理样本,合成结果能够有效地保持源图像的全局结构和局部精细纹理.此外,用户还可根据需要选择源纹理区域进行扩展合成,从而带来更好的可控纹理合成体验.  相似文献   

在工程中通常采用三角形网格描述几何物体,但是网格模型的大数据量成为后续处理的瓶颈,因此三角形网格模型的简化成为了多个领域中的研究热点。文章针对逆向工程中的特殊简化要求,提出了一种强制约束下的非均匀网格简化算法。对于工程应用实例的简化计算,可以得到与原始网格拓扑一致的非均匀简化网格,表明了所提出简化算法的有效性。  相似文献   

铸件及铸型实体的三维网格自动剖分是金属凝固模拟按实际形状顺利进行的前提条件.文章在传统的均匀剖分算法基础上,提出了基于STL文件三角形面片法向矢量的自适应分层算法.该算法根据给定的加工精度,求出相应的符合精度要求的分层厚度,从而得出剖分该模型的所有平行且间距不等的剖切面,然后根据有限差分均匀网格剖分的算法来实现非均匀网格的剖分.最后用VC++编程通过实例验证,其结果是正确的.  相似文献   

在边折叠网格简化算法的基础上,提出一种多尺度非均匀渐进网格简化算法。该算法不仅简化速度快,而且克服了传统算法在简化模型中网格分布均匀、无法突出模型重要特征的不足之处。该算法在模型的折叠、拐角、凹凸等表达特征的地方,采用的三角形网格面积较小、数量较多;而在平坦等不突出模型特征区域的三角形网格面积较大、数量较少。在简化程度较大的情况下仍然能够保持原始网格的几何特征和视觉特征。由于采用了渐进式多尺度的编码方式,再通过流式传输技术,就可以使采用这种算法生成的模型文件高效、方便地以渐进方式在网络上进行传输。  相似文献   

针对三维模型简化后的精度与效率上难以平衡的问题进行研究,提出一种局部特征熵的半边折叠非均匀网格简化算法。采用两次局部区域聚类探测,首先探测三维数据点所在边聚类局部区域,获取该探测区域法向量,其次以三维数据点临近点区域的重心约束来探测二次聚类区域法向量;根据信息熵的定义利,用两次探测的法向量之间夹角信息构建局部区域特征熵值做为半边折叠的代价,局部区域特征熵越大表示该区域越趋于平面,应优先简化,否则当保留;最后采用三角形内角判断方法来保留简化后网格中三角形的正则度,以减小变形引起的误差。实验结果表明,本算法在三维模型分均匀简化中在局部细节特性精度上和时间效率上能达到较优的平衡。  相似文献   

非结构化四边形网格生成新算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
改进了一类基于递归区域分解过程的四边形网格生成算法。引入一套健壮的网格模板,为子域的网格剖分提供统一的处理方案,不再限制最终子域为4节点、6节点或8节点子域,提高了算法的时空效率。结合新的子域网格生成过程和自动区域分解算法,利用背景网格和网格源控制分解线上点的布置,得到一个全自动的非结构化四边形网格生成算法。最后通过网格及数值模拟实例验证了算法性能和实用性。  相似文献   

随着计算流体力学领域待解决问题复杂程度的不断提高,传统的统一贴体结构网格已不能很好地满足针对复杂外形的高精度网格生成需求,而非结构网格以其独特优势受到CFD工作者的普遍关注。带有附面层的非结构网格是非结构网格生成的难点。进行了非结构四面体网格的生成方法研究,同时结合Spider软件平台中结构网格参数化附面层推进的技术优势,进行了基于Spider软件平台中非结构网格生成模块“UGCS”的开发。通过分析大量网格生成实例中网格质量和数值计算结果,验证了算法的可靠性与鲁棒性。  相似文献   

为了提高有限元网格的生成质量,扫掠法生成六面体网格过程中内部节点定位成为关键一步,在研究复杂扫掠体六面体有限元网格生成算法过程中,提出了一种基于扫掠法的六面体网格生成算法,算法利用源曲面已经划分好的网格和连接曲面的结构化网格,用仿射映射逐层投影,生成目标曲面,提出基于Roca算法的内部节点定位的新算法,运用由外向内推进的波前法思想,生成全部的六面体网格。通过实例表明,该算法快速,稳定,可靠,可处理大量复杂2.5维实体六面体网格生成问题。  相似文献   

We present a heuristic approach to tetrahedral mesh generation for implicit closed surfaces. It consists of a surface sampling step and a volume sampling step that both work in a unified optimization framework. First, high‐quality isotropic samplings as well as a triangular mesh on the surface are generated. Then uniform volume samplings are determined by optimizing the point distribution inside the closed surface domain. Finally, the tetrahedral mesh is easily obtained by constrained Delaunay triangulation. Experimental results show that the new method can generate ideal tetrahedral meshes for closed implicit surfaces efficiently that are Delaunay based. Our method has the advantage of high efficiency and nice performance at surface boundaries. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The proposed method computes a navigation mesh for arbitrary and dynamic 3D environments based on curvature and is robust and efficient. This method addresses a number of known limitations in state‐of‐the‐art techniques to produce navigation meshes that are tightly coupled to the original geometry, incorporate geometric details that are crucial for movement decisions, can robustly handle complex surfaces and can efficiently repair the navigation mesh to accommodate dynamically changing environments. The method is integrated into a standard navigation and collision avoidance system to simulate thousands of agents on complex 3D surfaces in real time. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, a hybrid algorithm based on traditional finite‐difference time‐domain (FDTD) and weakly conditionally stable finite‐difference time‐domain (WCS‐FDTD) algorithm is proposed. In this algorithm, the calculation domain is divided into fine‐grid region and coarse‐grid region. The traditional FDTD method is used to calculate the field value in the coarse‐grid region, while the WCS‐FDTD method is used in the fine‐grid region. The spatial interpolation scheme is applied to the interface of the coarse grid region and fine grid region to insure the stability and precision of the presented hybrid algorithm. As a result, a relatively large time step size, which is only determined by the spatial cell sizes in the coarse grid region, is applied to the entire calculation domain. This scheme yields a significant reduction both of computation time and memory requirement in comparison with the conventional FDTD method and WCS‐FDTD method, which are validated by using numerical results.  相似文献   

A new functional is presented for variational mesh generation and adaptation. It is formulated based on combining the equidistribution and alignment conditions into a single condition with only one dimensionless parameter. The functional is shown to be coercive but not convex. A solution procedure using a discrete moving mesh partial differential equation is employed. It is shown that the element volumes and altitudes of a mesh trajectory of the mesh equation associated with the new functional are bounded away from zero and the mesh trajectory stays nonsingular if it is so initially. Numerical examples demonstrate that the new functional performs comparably as an existing one that is also based on the equidistribution and alignment conditions and known to work well but contains an additional parameter.  相似文献   

This paper presents and automatic mesh generation procedure on a 2D domain based on a regular background grid.The idea is to devise a robust mesh generation scheme with equal emphasis on quality and efficiency,Instead of using a traditional regular rectangular grid,a mesh of equilateral triangles is employed to ensure triangular element of the best quality will be preserved in the interior of the domain.As for the boundary,it is to be generated by a node/segment insertion process.Nodes are inserted into the background mesh one by one following the sequence of the domain boundary.The local strcture of the mesh is modified based on the Delaunay criterion with the introduction of each node.Those boundary segments.which are not produced in the phase of node insertion,will be recovered through a systematic element swap produced in the phase of node insertion will be recovered through a systematic element swap process.Two theorems will be presented and proved to set up the theoretical basic of the boundary recovery part.Examples will be presented to demonstrate the robustness and the quality of the mesh generated by the proposed technique.  相似文献   

论文给出了基于黎曼度量的参数曲面网格生成的改进铺砖算法。阐述了曲 面自身的黎曼度量,并且运用黎曼度量计算二维参数域上单元节点的位置,从而使映射到三 维物理空间的四边形网格形状良好。文中对原有铺砖法相交处理进行了改进,在运用铺砖法 的同时调用UG-NX 强大的二次开发库函数获取相应的信息,直接在UG-NX 模型的表面生 成四边形网格。算例表明,该法能在曲面上生成质量好的网格。  相似文献   

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