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ERP系统与协同管理软件是互补的,本文论述了协同管理软件与ERP系统的对称性实施策略,特别是协同管理要同步或者先行实施,以保障ERP实施的顺利进行。供企业管理与企业信息化相关的管理和技术人员参考。  相似文献   

近日,在中国电子信息产业发展研究院与中国软件行业协会联合主办的“金软件”大型调查,评选活动中,朝华软件凭借旗下朝华CMS协同管理软件和朝华易博士办公系统软件,荣获了“协同管理软件金软件奖”及“办公软件金软件奖”两项大奖。此次获奖,在肯定朝华软件产品品质的同时,也再次肯定了朝华瞄准国际标准、坚持走软件品质化道路的市场策略。  相似文献   

日前,国内“首届协同办公软件产品应用及服务峰会”在北京召开,大会以“服务的力量”为主题,全面拉开了协同办公管理软件产业的服务大幕。  相似文献   

马沛 《程序员》2007,(11):74-75
协同在2003年之后就成为了各厂商竞相追逐的关键词,关于协同软件的方向渐渐分成了协同管理软件和协同通讯软件两大阵地,协同管理软件更多的是偏重于企业流程和管理方面的应用,而以关注企业人员和通讯为核心的协同软件成就了协同通讯软件。即时通讯软件IM是Web2.0的一个典型应用,它把Web2.0提出的交互、  相似文献   

企业管理软件从面向业务、面向业务逻辑、面向结构化信息的管理思路出发,而协同管理软件面向企业管理中的人,进行构建以“人”为中心管理信息和资源。  相似文献   

近些年来,国内协同管理软件市场发展十分迅速。谈到管理软件,几乎必谈协同,这其中有些厂商对/协同概念理解很透彻,也有一些厂商是跟风大肆宣传的。  相似文献   

国内知名的中小组织软件解决方案与应用服务提供商——朝华软件再掀管理软件市场风暴,其自主研发的“朝华易博士办公系统(EOA)”于9月正式上市,在战国纷争般的办公软件市场脱颖而出。这是继朝华OA、朝华智博士协同管理系统等一系列管理软件在市场上大获成功后,朝华软件冲击管理软件市场的又一记莺拳。  相似文献   

权威调查机构预测,未来5年,中小企业管理软件市场将以年均25%的速度增长。SAP、Oracle、用友、金蝶等等厂商纷纷加大对中小型企业管理软件市场的渗透力度。航天信息Aisino U3企业管理软件“财税管理一体化”的首次尝试得到了中小企业用户的广泛认可,甚至在中小企业市场掀起了“财税协同”的普及浪潮。  相似文献   

2006年春季,协同软件继续保持高速发展态势,为推动2006成为管理软件的“协同年”奠定了良好基础.  相似文献   

在行业特性明显、变化性强的企业管理中,传统ERP往往如“隔靴搔痒”。有在不适应企业的实际管理需求、灵活性差等问题,传统通用型软件无法满足企业个性化应用需求的矛盾,一直是横亘在用户与管理软件提供商面前的最大难题。去除传统ERP的种种弊端,寻找新的产业发展空间,也早已经是对中国管理软件产业发展的突出挑战。  相似文献   

Internet-based Web application systems are gradually built as software service coordination systems. In an open, dynamic and collaborative application environment, traditional methods assumed with closeness, centralization and independence are not able to cope with these security problems efficiently. Trust management is a new method for dealing with security issues of open, distributed network application system. However, the traditional policy-based trust management systems have some shortcomings, i.e. complex in policy making, unable to deal with negative se-curity credentials, etc. So, we design a trust management framework in combination with subjective trust model for software service coordination and security decision in Internet environment. This trust management framework has characteristics of operability, reasonability, and flexibility in policy setting.  相似文献   

With the increase in size and complexity of current software projects, many large companies have established global software production lines over the world to develop and deliver software products with collaborative software development processes involving multiple teams located at different sites. Supporting global software production needs an effective software-engineering environment to meet the special requirements of the collaborative software development process, diverse management methods and engineering practice. WWW technology provides powerful means to set up an enterprise-oriented software engineering environment for global software production due to its advantages in networking, global access, internationalization, and communication. Although there are many articles addressing the methods and experience in building web-based applications systems and tools, very few papers discuss the real-world problems and solutions in the development and deployment of web-based software tools to support a collaborative software development process for global software production. This paper discusses the real world issues, and reports our experience and lessons in building and deploying a web-based problem information management system (PIMS) to support global software development processes at Fujitsu. It focuses on the real issues and needs of current collaborative development process involving multiple teams, and highlights the benefits and impact of the PIMS on global software production. Moreover, it discusses our technical solutions and trade-offs in the development of PIMS, and shares our experience and lessons. Furthermore, it introduces a new data-centered conceptual process model to support diverse collaborative processes for project and problem management in global software production. Finally, the paper shares our key successes and weaknesses, and reports our experience and lessons in the deployment of the system.  相似文献   

集群政务协同平台包括六大系统。论述了该平台的应用架构和技术架构,阐述了其主要关键技术:多个政务应用的规模集成和协同应用、业务模型驱动的SOA架构通用开发平台、统一资源管理、Web服务安全增强。运行实践表明,平台能够最大限度地整合利用省(市)级政务平台的软硬件资源和政务业务资源,使农村区县基于省(市)级平台构建各自的政务平台,从而实现全省(市)政务平台的城乡统筹建设和维护,提高政务管理和协同办公的效率。  相似文献   

The need for flexible file sharing in distributed systems is increasing in applications such as calendar management, collaborative editing of documents, collaborative software developments etc. The file sharing policies required in these applications are often very different from the traditional read/write policies. Hence, a flexible way of specifying and implementing sharing policies on individual files in file systems is required. We propose a distributed object-based system model of constructing file systems. The object-based system model is based on a pattern called FlexiFrag. We show how a distributed object-based system and in particular distributed file system can be constructed using the pattern in a flexible way.  相似文献   

Collaborative software development involving multiple organizational units, often spanning national, language, and cultural boundaries, raises new challenges and risks that can derail software development projects even when traditional risk factors are being controlled. This article presents a framework that can be used to manage collaborative software development projects, based on an extended set of risk management principles. Three risk factors — trust, culture, and collaborative communication — are discussed in depth.  相似文献   

为解决公司以往技术文件、资料管理中存在的安全问题和研发工作效率问题,公司先后引进了CAXA协同管理系统和CASS文档加密系统,同时对设计过程实施集成功能,对技术资料进行自动加密,经过与两家软件公司的共同努力,解决了相互之间的兼容问题和实施过程中遇到的其他各项问题,最终成功实现了CASS加密环境下的CAXA协同集成管理,保证了技术资料的安全。  相似文献   

文章介绍了协同仿真平台中项目管理系统的设计和实现方法。分析并介绍了协同仿真中对项目管理技术的需求以及现有项目管理软件的不足之处;针对协同仿真平台的具体需求自行设计并实现了一套项目管理系统,然后通过“YY作战系统仿真”项目进行了实施验证。  相似文献   

张俊升  李庆华 《计算机应用》2004,24(6):174-177,184
传统标绘系统都是单用户标绘,它不能满足多用户同时进行标绘的要求。文中设计构建了一个CSCW标绘系统,以解决远程多用户同时进行协同标绘行为的难题,并提出主席一用户模式体系结构,以协同标绘层和协同管理层为核心的系统框架以及分布式加锁策略等技术来解决协同管理、实时交互和协同感知,以此实现异地协同标绘系统。  相似文献   

何晓川  李新星 《软件》2012,(6):61-63
虚拟样机仿真技术在汽车制造、航空、航天等多个领域中拥有广泛的应用和发挥重要的作用,然而仿真数据量和仿真工具种类的的迅速增加在简化仿真应用的同时业也带来了不小的麻烦,如何能够有效的管理和利用这些数据成为一个新的研究热点。文中通过对工作组级的项目仿真作业的分析,建立了仿真数据和过程管理系统(SD & PMS),通过管理和技术两种手段对仿真中的数据,关系、流程进行了梳理和优化。应用SD&PMS能理顺和高效地管理工作组的仿真数据,提高仿真开发效率,提升仿真工作的质量,将工程师从不重要的重复性的操作中解放出来。  相似文献   

引入了SaaS软件服务模式,分析了基于SaaS的OA系统与传统OA的不同点及其优势。分析并设计了SaaS模式下的OA系统软件架构,并对基于SaaS的协同办公平台的业务流程进行了详细的分析与设计,最后给出了系统模块与权限管理的具体实现方法。  相似文献   

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