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随着业务的发展,现有的套餐内各种免费量抵扣范围和共享规则越来越复杂,出现了可选包、加装包等多重营销的免费量共享组合以及跨套餐的免费量共享模式。为用户能够更清晰明了地掌握套餐内和套餐外的实时消费情况,本文通过对现有短信提醒模型的设计优化,使短信提醒模块在功能、性能和套餐覆盖范围上都有较大提升,扩大了前台免费量使用查询的范围,达到用户前台可解释的目标。使广大用户可以享受到实时提醒带来的更多便捷,真正做到"轻轻松松使用,明明白白消费"。  相似文献   

移动通信网业务的快速发展,造成的移动网络呼损率的提高给用户的通讯造成了一定的影响,并在一定程度上影响了运营商的收入。文中提出的基于信令采集的漏话提醒业务系统,通过信令采集分析通信流程技术,将可挽回的通话通过短信(或语音)的方式提醒用户,以提高呼叫的接通率。首先,介绍了基于信令采集的漏话提醒业务系统的整体设计;然后,阐述了用户忙、用户关机、用户不在服务区、用户停机的识别技术,并通过一个应用案例验证了系统的有效性;最后,分析了系统信令采集安全性问题的解决方法以及未来的工作。  相似文献   

针对目前大部分提醒软件功能单一,用户体验一般的特点,设计了一款智能生日提醒软件,将Android通信、拍照、媒体播放等自带功能融入其中,使软件具有很好的实用性,另外采用Android的传感器技术,实现了"摇一摇"自动发送短信功能,增强用户体验。测试结果表明这款软件能从多方面来满足用户的不同需求,真正做到操作方便,功能实用,用户体验好。  相似文献   

当前信息网络飞速发展,各类服务网络不断涌现,人们的消费需求已由单纯的文本方式转向多媒体方式,传统的接入方式已日益暴露出它们的不足。如大多数家庭用户接入Internet,多使用Modem经电话线接入。这种方式一方面因速率较低,不能满足用户对多媒体业务的需求,另一方面当用户通过Modem上网时,就不能使用电话业务,给用户造成不便。如何提供方便、快捷的用户接入,使人们充分享受现代科技的服务,已成  相似文献   

一种用户为中心、基于多视图合成的服务组合方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁维龙  王菁  赵栓 《计算机学报》2011,34(1):131-142
用户为中心的服务组合旨在直接地反映用户需求、提高建模灵活性和降低应用构建成本.然而,当前的用户编程方法仍然存在挑战:一方面传统方法以服务为基本元素,忽视了应用背后的业务数据,用户难以从熟知的业务数据角度表达建模需求;另一方面传统方法以控制流为中心,需要精确描述组合细节,非专业的用户不易理解和操作且难以表达业务约束.文中...  相似文献   

面向服务的搭建式开发技术研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当今企业业务敏捷性变化的需求,提出了面向服务的搭建式开发技术解决方法。重点介绍了面向服务架构的理论概念和相关特点以及面向服务的搭建式开发技术平台的基本架构。通过在面向服务的应用构造中引入业务端搭建的方法允许业务用户自主构造面向服务的应用,从而能够有效地满足业务用户的个性化需求,以及实现对敏捷业务需求的快速响应。最后以建设武警黄金地勘信息系统为实例展示搭建平台的使用。  相似文献   

通过对移动用户在位置、时间、业务需求即用户所处情景的综合挖掘分析,本文分三个步骤为移动用户提供当前情景下与用户当前业务需求相关性最强的业务信息以及下一情景下与当前情景下业务需求相关性最强的业务信息的主动推荐.  相似文献   

卢敏 《软件世界》2010,(5):66-70
各类机构都希望负责商业智能和绩效管理的IT主管们主动帮助转型,改善其业务。用户对商业智能和绩效管理的需求,让企业获得更大商业价值。  相似文献   

随着信息网络技术和互联网平台的快速发展,各类互联网企业竞争的越来越激烈.其中,用户选择渠道增多、产品更新升级加快以及相对被动的接受群体,这些都直接导致互联网企业的经营成本日益升高.本文首先介绍了用户关系管理、数据仓库和数据挖掘的相关概念,同时对研究意义进行了阐述;其次,主要对互联网用户关系管理系统的需求进行分析,针对互联网的业务特点,根据用户关系管理的核心,分析用户流失资料管理、判断用户价值、发掘潜在用户等方面的用例做出了详细的分析和研究;同时,主要针对用户资料管理模块和用户信息分析模块进行了用户关系管理系统设计;最后,主要探讨了判断用户价值、发掘潜在用户以及用户流失分析模块的实现方法.  相似文献   

政务系统业务需求复杂多变,导致很多电子政务系统都存在扩展性弱、生命周期短,功能细化程度不够,建设及运维成本高等不足。该团队结合多年的政务系统开发实践经验,总结了一套应用模板概念的设计模式。实践表明,与传统的开发方法相比,该方法在需求多变的系统建设中,取得了更高的开发效率,延长了业务系统的生命周期,降低了开发成本和用户的培训以及维护成本。该模式的创新在于通过抽象化,参数化的方法对业务系统进行特征提炼,将传统软件开发中针对具体业务系统进行的设计转化为针对抽象业务模板的设计。  相似文献   

云计算在手机通信中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云计算作为一种新兴的信息技术模型,已经在IT界引来了越来越多的关注.伴随手机的普及,手机用户对手机功能需求的增加,现有的手机功能已无法满足用户的要求.将云计算思想应用于在手机通信中,就可以很好地满足用户日益增长的需求,云计算在手机通信中有着良好的优势,将云计算应用在手机通信中会是一个理想的选择.  相似文献   

In today’s highly competitive business environment, most successful companies use ‘user-centered’ design techniques, to create products that meet user needs. Designers have used traditional user-centered design techniques, with some degree of success. However, in today’s market, companies need more accurate, more advanced user-centered design techniques, to mass produce customized products for individual users. This study introduces a new KE-LSA approach for user-centered design. Prior techniques used Kansei engineering (KE) for product design. Prior techniques used latent semantic analysis (LSA) for document indexing. The KE-LSA approach uses KE and a KE-LSA semantic space for individually customized product design. A case study is used to describe the KE-LSA approach. The case study uses the KE-LSA approach to match Kansei values for individual users’ needs to cell phone designs for each user. The case study also determines accuracy for matching KE-LSA designs to each user’s actual choice for a cell phone. In the case study, an iterative KE-LSA approach matched designs to users’ choices, with 82.3% overall accuracy. The iterative KE-LSA approach improved overall accuracy 11.4%, compared to a traditional iterative KE-QT1 approach. The KE-LSA approach improves matching accuracy for mass producing individually customized cell phone designs. Therefore, this study improves individually customized product design and product quality.  相似文献   

The profusion of smartphones allows more people to have access to a telephone, a computer and the Internet, all via one device. Despite this convenience, excessive usage and habitual checking can cause significant stress for smartphone users. A helpful-stressful cycle is beginning to emerge as a pattern. With this in mind, we develop a model that examines the differences between smartphone and traditional mobile phone users with regard to the relationships between four psychological factors: locus of control (LOC), social interaction anxiety (SIA), need for touch (NFT) and materialism. Our examination explores this in the context of the level of stress these two types of users experience when using their chosen phone. The results from our empirical study suggest that user type moderates the aforementioned relationships. The effects of LOC, SIA and NFT on ‘technostress’ are stronger for smartphone users than for traditional mobile phone users. In contrast, materialism is positively related to stress for traditional mobile phone users but not for smartphone users.  相似文献   

随着智能手机的快速发展,将自行车系统加入到智能手机中就可以加快自行车的发展,提高自行车的利用率。在此基础上,利用地理信息系统更够开发出功能非常强大的软件。因为移动GIS是目前的发展趋势,在主流的移动操作系统上开发移动GIS能使软件更容易的让用户接受并使用,借助移动操作系统的界面友好性,使应用更加容易使用。本系统利用了ArcGIS for Android开发了自行车租赁系统的一个部分,自行车的站点查询。同时利用面向对象的程序设计方法进行开发移动GIS,系统具有良好的用户界面与灵活性,能够满足用户的需求。  相似文献   

在越来越多的大学生离不开手机,学习效率日益下降的背景下,采用设计实现了一种基于Android系统开发的一个时间管理应用软件,可以用于帮助学生控制使用手机的时间。该系统一共分为两部分,一部分是客户端,即时间管理软件,采用了AChartEngine图表库,作为Android应用实现数据可视化的第三方类库,为用户提供了友好的数据表现形式,采用界面劫持攻击分析实现了对其他app的拦截。另外笔者采用了JSON数据格式实现了服务端和客户端的通信,而针对服务器端,采用了该系统使用Mysql作为数据库,体积小,成本低,并且支撑多线程,能够充分利用CPU资源来编写数据库,实现数据存储用于更新不同用户的提醒语。  相似文献   

读写坐姿长时间不规范将对青少年身体健康、学习效率产生不利影响.本文基于柔性力敏传感器,设计了一套新型的便携式读写坐姿实时监测及智能提醒系统.该系统根据生物力学、人体工程学规律,通过铺设于座椅上40 cm×40 cm的柔性力敏传感器,采集坐立时臀部压力分布数据。首先对原始数据进行预处理,再通过所提出的坐姿动作识别与分析算法对坐姿状态进行识别,实时分析坐姿情况,最后结合环境的温度、湿度、光强参数,给出预警方案.同时,在手机APP客户端实时显示并且存储监测期间坐姿及环境变化情况.该系统设计简单、交互性强,借助手机和压力垫的便携性,方便用户达到实时预警和分析的效果,帮助青少年纠正不良坐姿.  相似文献   

Mobile phone data help us to understand human activities. Researchers have investigated the characteristics and relationships of human activities and regional function using information from physical and virtual spaces. However, how to establish location mapping between spaces to explore the relationships between mobile phone call activity and regional function remains unclear. In this paper, we employ a self-organizing map (SOM) to map locations with 24-dimensional activity attributes and identify relationships between users' mobile phone call activities and regional functions. We apply mobile phone call data from Harbin, a city in northeast China, to build the location mapping relationships between user clusters of mobile phone call activity and points of interest (POI) composition in geographical space. The results indicate that for mobile phone call activities, mobile phone users are mapped to five locations that represent particular mobile phone call patterns. Regarding regional functions, we identified nine unique types of functional areas that are related to production, business, entertainment and education according to the patterns of users and POI proportions. We then explored the correlations between users and POIs for each type of area. The results of this research provide new insights into the relationships between human activity and regional functions.  相似文献   

Mobile phones are widely used all over the world, and with their increasing number of value-added features, they are becoming far more than a mere mobile voice communication device. Rather, they provide a powerful platform for accessing information universally. This paper reports a study which scrutinized users’ preference levels with five new mobile phone design features facilitating universal information access through mobile phones: camera, colour screen, voice-activated dialling, Internet browsing, and wireless connectivity (e.g. Bluetooth, infrared, etc.). The survey study involved college students and investigated the degree to which each of the above features impacts the users’ overall satisfaction and enhances the potential of mobile phones to contribute to different aspects of universal access. Our results show that colour screen, voice-activated dialling, and Internet browsing feature can strongly predict users’ satisfaction level, and their preference levels together account for 22.7% of the variance of the users’ overall satisfaction. Users’ satisfaction levels are significantly different between models with colour screen feature and those without, and models with Internet browsing features and those without. Since mobile phone design needs to accommodate the needs and preferences of diversified user groups, the performed study also investigated the difference in users’ preference levels of the five new features for different ethnic groups, and difference in mobile phone owned by different genders. The result indicates that Asian female users in the U.S. market have higher preference level on colour screen feature than Caucasian female users. Significantly higher percentage of male users own phones with camera, Internet browsing, and wireless connectivity features than female users. The empirical study reported in this paper provides a comprehensive picture of how new design features can enhance the mobile phone as a universal access device, and what impact they have brought about. It can also help manufacturers adopt a universal design perspective in view of the differences in preference levels of users with different ethnicity and genders.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which Japanese adolescents use mobile phone e-mail to bond, bridge, and break with their social ties. Although existing literature shows that adolescents use mobile phone e-mail to bond with intimate strong ties, the fluid nature of social networks during adolescence suggests that mobile phone e-mail may also be used to bridge to new ties and to break with old ties. Drawing on a stratified random sample survey of 501 high school students living in Tokyo, we find that mobile phone e-mail is used both to bond and bridge, but not to break with ties. We also find that the intensity with which Japanese adolescents use mobile phone e-mail is more fundamentally a result of bridging than bonding. These findings apply both to typical users and heavy users.  相似文献   

Worth-centred mobile phone design for older users   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The twenty-first century society fights against an inherent tendency to over-classify and label people. In the case of the aged, despite all efforts, the perception of the helpless, feeble older person still prevails. The truth of the matter is that people over sixty often do not fit this profile. The aged are a heterogeneous group with varying different skills and abilities in many different areas. This paper challenges prevalent mobile phone design decisions that appear to have been made based on the erroneous pre-conception of the incapable elder. Designers currently produce “senior” mobile phones that are, at best, inadequate and, at worst, insulting to a sector of society that deserves respect and consideration. Age does indeed influence mobile phone usage, and people over sixty often have specific and special needs, quite apart from age-related limitations, that predict their use of mobile phones. Most mobile phones designed for older users simply reduce the number of features: the so-called simplification approach. Apart from reducing the effectiveness of the phone, this approach often incorporates the fatal design flaw of using numbers or letters, on speed-dial buttons, which requires the user to remember the button–person mappings. In fact, this design rationale reduces the value of the phone to the user. This paper argues that mobile phone design for older users should be worth-centred (Cockton G in Designing worth is worth designing. In: Proceedings of the 4th Nordic conference on human–computer interaction: changing roles. Oslo, Norway, pp 165–174, 2006) rather than simplification-driven. The worth-centred approach maximises worth to the user of the phone. This is achieved by maximising effectiveness while accommodating reduced capabilities. To maximise ease of use, and consequent accessibility, features may have to be reduced in an informed way. To facilitate this, a mapping process is proposed whereby user needs are linked to uses of the phone, and then to the features that facilitate these uses. Needs fall into a number of categories, and each category is characterised by a number of different uses, which form a usage space. Features can be linked to one or more usage spaces, and thus be used to support needs. The first step in the conducted research entailed the identification of the needs of the older mobile phone user. Then, it was determined whether these needs were indeed being met by the uses afforded in existing phones. Having concluded that most users’ needs were not being met, the next step was to capture data on the needs, limitations and expectations of people over the age of sixty. This was achieved by conducting a series of one-to-one interviews with a number of older mobile phone users and also supervising a participatory design experiment. Using the findings of the analysis, a usage space model is proposed, which serves to align feature inclusion with user needs. Based on this usage space model (the theoretical contribution), a prototype mobile phone design is presented as the practical contribution of the paper.  相似文献   

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