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腾讯:创新、服务、开放2012国际通信展在北京举行,除了运营商、设备厂商和手机终端厂商外,大量互联网公司也纷纷参会,其中腾讯公司的"星空飞船"造型展台备受与会者关注。此外,腾讯移动互联网事业群总经理张巍发表了《‘创新、服务、开放’共创移动互联网未来》,阐述了腾讯移动互联网事业群打造移动互联  相似文献   

客户需求的不断变化,要求运营商有快速应对市场的能力,以及有效地销售能力,还必须提高对客户服务的质量等发展现状,IBM在BSS/OSS系统方面以NGOSS标准,发展灵活、高性能、成本低解决方案,通过把独立的信息孤岛整合在一起,满足运营商在互联网的经济环境下的应用要求。在宽带业务发展方面,IBM将助力运营商、网络、业务等多方面的融合,简化整个IT环境,帮助固网和移动运营商能更加有效地提供新的服务,从而更好地为最终用户提供高服务质量的电信服务。在媒体的娱乐服务,IBM还为电信服务商提供了一个开放的、标准的平台——数字媒体框架,…  相似文献   

伞兴 《程序员》2013,(3):I0006-I0008
OSS(开放存储服务)是面向海量非结构化数据对象的存储服务。随着云计算的普及和飞速增长,越来越多的开发者把他们的应用建筑在了OSS之上,然而OSS的开发资料还不是很多。我在这里抛砖引玉,通过回答一个经常被问及的问题——如何在OSS上实现大文件的断点续传功能——希望有更多的高手来一同分享自己在云存储上的开发经验。  相似文献   

未来,电信运营商开放平台将向体系化方向发展,能力开放将由当前以通信能力开放为主,转为网络通信、用户关系、应用产品等全面开放。随着3G技术的广泛应用、移动智能终端的普及以及用户使用习惯的改变,移动互联网以其随时、随地、移动办公等特点正深入人们生活中的方方面面。在这个全新的移动互联阵营里,各大传统互联网公司以及运营商纷纷推出了自己的开放平  相似文献   

<正>在"2013中国互联网应用创新年会"上,中国移动互联网基地总经理杭国强发表了主题演讲。杭国强提出,中国移动互联网基地将以构建开放平台为基础,对外共享线上、线下渠道,开放计费、数据、语音等各项能力,全方位服务用户,打造健康发展的移动互联网生态圈。  相似文献   

长江水文移动应用服务系统采用移动互联网技术,有效聚合长江水文网新闻、水情会商、防汛测报信息服务等桌面互联网应用,在智能终端上实现移动水文信息服务。系统设计充分考虑跨平台服务、异构数据整合和访问安全控制,具有良好的开放性、可扩展性和安全性。该系统基于移动互联网创新了水文信息服务的新方式,对提升长江水文水情综合信息服务能力具有积极意义。  相似文献   

易观国际在近期发布的易观智库《中国移动互联网行业年度综合报告2011》中对于移动终端OS(操作系统)部分进行了深入的研究。易观国际认为,随着3G和移动互联网的迅猛发展,多样化的移动应用体系逐渐形成,促使具有独立OS的智能手机市场规模不断扩大。未来在各种形态移动互联网应用和服务爆发性增长的情况下,移动终端OS生态圈建设将走向开放,并促使多元化终端之  相似文献   

北京2012年12月13日电/美通社/一12月8日上午,浪潮技术与应用峰会(InspurWorld2012大会)的分论坛一“基于云架构的、互联网模式的新一代OSS”论坛隆重召开,来自运营商总部及20多个省公司的上百名领导、专家和媒体朋友参加了分论坛。浪潮通信副总裁陈东风在致辞中表示,下一代OSS是基于云架构互联网模式的具备“开放竞争、全员参与、智能灵巧、自我完善”基因的系统。  相似文献   

移动互联网新一代开放的电信基础网络,本文首先介绍了移动通信的网络化应用,包括:短消息服务,手机上网业务,移动电子商务,IP电话应用和Java技术的应用。然后,阐述了移动通信的网络化发展方向。  相似文献   

当P2P繁华落尽,开始向技术本质回归的时候,或许才是P2P再度生机焕发之时.智能手机的爆发式蔓延,带来了移动互联网流量的快速增长,也进一步加剧了移动互联网流量和无线带宽之间的矛盾.自营业务和开放互联网业务在服务和内容上逐步趋同,以及通道资费水平趋同,这些  相似文献   

随着高速发展的互联网和移动通信在业务层面的逐渐融合,国内运营商所采用的"封闭花园"模式的业务架构已经面临各种挑战,因此需要更多地考虑如何有效引入互联网业务和服务模式,不断提升用户体验。在电信运营商逐步开放其电信能力API的背景下,基于Mashup的业务构建模式,提出了一种云计算环境下的电信网络能力服务提供模式。该模式将Mashup的理念移植到电信能力上,并将电信能力封装成Web Element的形式呈现给用户,进一步提升了电信网络能力服务的抽象层次。这种电信能力应用模式打破了电信能力拘泥于手持终端的传统形式,提出了一种新的适合于Web2.0环境的电信网络能力服务提供模式。在"OMP(Open Mobile Internet Platform)应用运行和开发引擎算法及功能研发"项目中的试用证明了其可行性。  相似文献   

This paper studies the success of Open Source Software (OSS) projects in attracting developer interest and achieving project efficiency. The focus of our study is on examining the relationship between the four sets of capabilities proposed in the Theory of Competency Rallying (TCR) and the success of OSS projects. The data collected from 607 OSS projects mainly confirm that the capabilities proposed in the TCR are necessary for the success of OSS projects. The results of this study show that in order to succeed, OSS projects should constantly identify their market??s quality and functionality needs. Ability of OSS project managers to know which developers possess certain skills required to meet a particular market need is also found to be critical. Another capability that is recognised to be crucial in predicting project success is the ability of OSS developers in effectively addressing market needs and continuously learning from such experiences. Finally, the ability of stakeholders involving in addressing a particular market need to efficiently collaborate and fulfil that specific market need is found to be another essential capability required for OSS projects to succeed. Implications of the results for practitioners and the research community are presented.  相似文献   

Embedded Open Source Software (OSS) systems have been gaining a lot of attention in the embedded system area. The successful experience of embedded OSSs include Android, BusyBox, TRON, etc. Also, OSS market will be expanded not only to mobile phone OSS areas but also to other embedded OSS areas in the future. However, the poor handling of quality problem and customer support prohibit the progress of embedded OSS. Also, it is difficult for developers to assess the reliability and portability of embedded OSS on a single‐board computer. A method of software reliability assessment based on flexible hazard rate modeling for the embedded OSS is proposed in this paper. Also, several numerical examples are shown by using actual data. Moreover, this paper compares the proposed model with the conventional hazard rate models by using the comparison criteria of goodness‐of‐fit. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A framework for creating hybrid-open source software communities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract The open source software (OSS) model is a fundamentally new and revolutionary way to develop software. The success of the OSS model is also setting the stage for a structural change in the software industry; it is beginning to transform software industry from manufacturing to a service industry. Despite the success of the OSS model, for‐profit organizations are having difficulty building a business model around the open source paradigm. Whereas there are some isolated empirical studies, little rigorous research has been done on how traditional organizations can implement and benefit from OSS practices. This research explores how organizations can foster an environment similar to OSS to manage their software development efforts to reap its numerous advantages. Drawing on organizational theory, we develop a framework that guides the creation and management of a hybrid‐OSS community within an organization. We discuss the implications of this framework and suggest areas for future research.  相似文献   

王振江 《计算机工程》2009,35(10):267-269
针对移动终端增值业务设计的盲目性问题提出设备能力系统层次模型,建立厂商设备能力和用户设备能力概念,定义涵盖采集、验证、管理、描述等方面的管理流程。利用多种相关协议设计基于开放移动联盟设备管理规范的终端能力管理系统框架,原型系统整合了终端能力管理系统和流媒体服务,实验结果表明,该框架能较好地满足服务质量个性化要求。  相似文献   

The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), already widely recognized as a fundamental core component of Next Generation Networks (NGNs), enables proliferation of a huge variety of value added services. Simultaneous to the emergence of triple play services there is a strong need for establishing standardized methodologies for service fulfillment and assurance, maintaining service execution parameters at advertised levels. Traditional Operations Support Systems (OSS) are not adequate for managing NGNs. This work shows experiences gained from implementing OSS for NGNs. It describes a solution that combines extensive NGN development expertise with a new generation, of policy-based, service oriented OSS solutions in order to provide enhanced levels of automation and reliability to the NGN service delivery and session control environment. Primary focus of this approach is put on service assurance and service fulfillment mechanisms for remote monitoring, automated control and configuration of standard compliant IMS infrastructures, such as the Open Source IMS Core (OSIMS) based Open IMS Playground. This work describes state of the art NGN OSS design principles and knowledge attained by integration of standardized fault management as well as service and subscriber provisioning procedures showing how the full cycle from service deployment to service advertisement to service execution can be delivered in an automated way.
Peter WeikEmail:


This research investigated how mobile apps influence the dynamic capabilities of service sector micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Lagos, Nigeria. Using an abductive method, data from 388 service sector MSEs was examined through exploratory factor analysis. The resultant model suggests that mobile app usage barely increases the absorptive capability (integrating new learning into the organization) of MSEs; rather, it strongly influences the ability to seize opportunities. The result implies that mobile app usage by service sector MSEs in Lagos deviates from the conventional views on the micro foundations of the dynamic capability framework, which argues that sensed opportunities are first analysed (shaped) before resources are deployed towards their maximization. These findings suggest that the service sector MSEs in Lagos seldom scrutinize opportunities before deploying resources to seize them. This study extends IS literature on how mobile apps help MSEs to exploit business opportunities in resource-constrained contexts.  相似文献   

SyncML协议是一种基于XML(扩展标记交换语言)的新一代的数据同步协议,它使用了基于V-Card概念的数据交换机制,可以适用于各种不同的移动通信平台和移动通信网络。文章介绍并分析了SyncML数据同步协议、V-Card数据交换规范,然后具体讨论了SyncML协议在移动终端设备上的实现。  相似文献   

随着移动计算技术的发展,移动设备用户可以服务的方式共享移动设备及其周围设备的计算能力和计算资源.然而,移动设备的私有性、资源受限性以及移动性等特征使得这种基于移动设备提供的个人化服务在发布和组装方面存在着一些特殊问题,例如用户隐私、移动设备资源消耗、网络环境变化引起的失效问题等.针对以上这些问题,提出一种移动计算环境下的个人化服务发布和组装方法.该方法在个人化服务发布过程中引入了服务意愿的概念,并在服务选择过程中综合考虑了服务意愿和服务效用.此外,还提出了资源感知的心跳机制来定期更新服务选择所依赖的设备及服务状态信息,从而解决由于网络环境变化等引起的服务失效问题.基于该方法,提出了一个基于JADE和OSGi的实现框架.通过一个案例分析,验证了所提出的实现框架的有效性以及在移动计算环境下考虑服务意愿的合理性.  相似文献   

Currently, open source software (OSS) products have started to become popular in the market as an alternative to traditional proprietary or closed source software. Governments and organizations are beginning to adopt OSS on a large scale and several governmental initiatives have encouraged the use of OSS in the private sector. One major issue for the government and private sector is the selection of appropriate OSS. This paper uses new internal quality characteristics for selecting OSS that can be added to the dimensions of DeLone and McLean information systems’ model. Through this study, the quality characteristics are organized in a two level hierarchy, which list characteristics and sub-characteristics that are interconnected with three main dimensions: system quality, information quality and service quality. These characteristic dimensions are tailored to the criteria having been built from literature study and standard for software quality and guidelines. This paper presents case study results of applying the proposed quality characteristic on eight different open source software that are divided between open source network tools and learning management systems.  相似文献   

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