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阐述了我国发展可再生能源的必要性及其重要的现实意义,概述了国家对发展可再生能源的立场及其对支持可再生能源发展所实施的宏观政策、对外开放政策、经济政策及一系列的可再生能源工程,并针对实践中就政策的不足之处提出了完善的建议。  相似文献   

我国发展可再生能源的政策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阐述了发展可再生能源的必要性与其现实意义,介绍了我国发展可再生能源的若干政策及示范工程。  相似文献   

世界典型国家可再生能源政策比较分析及对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文回顾了美国、加拿大、德国、英国、丹麦、日本、巴西、印度和中国等典型国家的可再生能源发展历程,系统地介绍了这些国家的可再生能源激励政策,比较分析了各国政策的实施经验,以期为我国可再生能源政策的进一步完善提供决策参考。  相似文献   

福建省可再生能源政策调研组一行4人,对美国促进可再生能源发展的政策和实践,包括政策支持与可再生能源发展相关性、可再生能源发电配额制(RPS)、购电法制度、可再生能源上网电价等方面进行较深入调查了解,并结合福建实际,对推动风电规模化发展的政策支持提出3条建议。  相似文献   

选取美国、德国、日本和中国作为典型国家,分析这些国家可再生能源政策的演化。分析结果表明:可再生能源政策取向与这些国家应对气候变化的战略密切相关,发展可再生能源已经成为能源低碳转型和应对全球气候变化的重大战略举措;尽管这些国家可再生能源政策各异,但却具有共同的演变规律,可再生能源政策正在从以政府主导的财税价格政策转向市场化政策体系。结合典型国家政策体系和我国可再生能源发展中存在的问题,提出了促进我国可再生能源持续健康发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

可再生能源发展的必经过程和我国的政策取向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文以学习曲线规律为理论依据,描述了可再生能源技术发展和产业成长的必经过程,以及可再生能源不同发展阶段所面临的障碍。分析了我国可再生能源的发展现状和所需要的支持政策的特点。同时分析了发展可再生能源与常规能源新技术之间的关系,探讨了常规能源的先进利用方式和可再生能源相互促进的发展思路。在此基础上提出我国应该按照发展阶段制订可再生能源的鼓励政策。  相似文献   

5月10-16日,国家发展改革委可再生能源和能源效率代表团一行17人对丹麦进行了为期一周的工作访问。期间,代表团走访了丹麦外交部、能源局和部分企业,与丹麦政府联合举办了中丹可再生能源和能源效率研讨会,参加了中丹能源企业家论坛,对丹麦能源政策和技术进行了考察学习。丹麦能源发展及政策将对我国能源发展起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

可再生能源电力费用分摊政策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
时璟丽 《中国能源》2010,32(2):15-18,21
我国已初步建立了支持可再生能源电力发展的电价和费用分摊政策框架,有效地促进了可再生能源电力市场的蓬勃发展。本文从资金来源、使用范围、筹措支付等角度,对国内外费用分摊政策及实施进行对比分析,对我国现有政策实施面临的资金严重不足、税收、财务、效率等诸多问题进行剖析,并测算了近三年可再生能源电力补贴资金需求。在吸纳国际经验的基础上,提出通过基金管理方式实现可再生能源电力费用分摊,利用可再生能源电价附加、国家财政资金等多条渠道支持可再生能源电力发展的具体建议。  相似文献   

我国可再生能源电力新政策的制定要以政策目标为核心。政策目标的确定,不但应结合国家的经济和能源发展需要,而且要适应可再生能源发电技术的发展规律。在今后二十年内,我国发展可再生电力将作为解决农村供能、特别是边远地区供电的主要手段,是  相似文献   

为发展可再生能源和完善优化现有电力系统,提高整体能源利用效率,世界主要国家均出台支持储能大规模发展的政策措施.尽管我国储能产业发展迅速,但仍处于从政策层面向行动计划过渡的时期.本文简要介绍了储能在全球绿色能源革命中发挥的重要作用以及全球储能产业的发展现状,从储能产业发展规划、储能应用在电力市场中的激励政策、可再生能源、清洁能源发展政策和新能源汽车类政策等方面,对我国国家层面的储能政策进行了梳理;然后从"十三五"时期能源规划类、调峰辅助市场运营规则类、地方补贴政策、储能协同可再生能源政策以及峰谷电价政策等方面,对我国地方政策进行了分析;并对国家电网和南方电网两个企业近年储能政策方向的转变进行了研究,最后分析了我国储能政策目前存在的主要问题,提出了促进我国储能发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

全球正面临着化石资源枯竭和气候变化的双重危机,中国作为一个迅速崛起的发展中国家,节能减排的压力巨大,而大规模发展可再生能源是我国调整能源结构、发展低碳经济的有效途径.介绍了我国目前化石资源短缺、温室气体排放、可再生能源发展的概况,阐述了我国从自身国情出发开发可再生能源的必要性和紧迫性,并指出我国可再生能源产业在政府强有...  相似文献   

Feed-in tariffs are the world’s most prevalent renewable energy policy and have driven approximately 75% of the world’s installed PV capacity and 45% of the world’s wind energy capacity. Although approximately 28 developing countries have enacted national feed-in tariffs, market growth in developing countries has been slow because of a range of technical, regulatory, and financial barriers. This paper uses the Global Energy Transfer Feed-in Tariff (GET FiT) concept to explore potential international support for renewable energy in developing countries. This paper reviews the GET FiT concept and discusses the key mitigation strategies that it proposes to employ. The paper also provides a short case study of how GET FiT might be targeted to support a feed-in tariff policy in a specific developing country, Tanzania.  相似文献   

The global energy consumption is likely to grow faster than the population growth. The fuel consumption was growing from 6630 million tons of oil equivalents (Mtoe) in 1980 to 11,163 Mtoe in 2009. This projected consumption will increase 1.5% per year until 2030 and reach 16,900 Mtoe and the main drivers of this growth are mostly developing countries in Asia. Indonesia is one of the developing countries and energy supply is an important factor for all-around development. The country's energy consumption still depends on non-renewable energy such as crude oil, coal and natural gas as sources of energy. Utilization of fossil fuel continuously contributes to huge amount of greenhouse gases emission that leads to climate change. Facing such an unfavorable situation, the government of Indonesia prioritizes on energy supply securities by diversification of energy resources. The energy mixes in Indonesia based on five main resources; these are crude oil, natural gas, coal, hydropower, and renewable energy. Although the country encourages utilizing renewable energy, the contribution is only around 3%. Considering natural condition and geography, this country is blessed with great potential of renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, micro hydro and biomass energy. Noting the potential of renewable and sustainable energy resources in the country, the government must pay more attention on how to utilize it. Many efforts have been done to promote renewable energy such as to create energy policy and regulations, yet it still did not give any satisfactory result. Government, non-government agencies and the public should take a more proactive step to promote and use renewable energy in order to achieve the secure and environmentally sustainable energy resources.  相似文献   

Fossil fuels cover most of the energy demand in the world, and this creates significant social, economic and environmental problems. Many countries have taken measures to increase the share of renewable energy sources (RES), especially in electricity generation, and the review of literature shows that the success of a country in RES diffusion depends on a comprehensive renewable energy policy which combines political commitment with stable and long-term support measures that stimulate technological innovation. As the largest economy in the world, EU has also taken steps to increase RES usage in electricity generation in member states. Similar to other developing countries, Turkey is learning lessons from EU experiences regarding RES policies, and Turkey is also reforming its legal framework in line with acquis communautaire as a candidate country. As a result, EU has a multiway impact on Turkey's renewable energy policy. An overview of Turkey's renewable energy policy showed that EU has significantly contributed to Turkey in shaping its renewable energy policy, and Turkey should increase cooperation with EU in order to utilize its renewable energy potential.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) is developing an increasingly close relationship with Moldova, going beyond cooperation, to gradual economic integration and a deepening of political cooperation. This fact indicates that eventually the adoption of EU legislation in the energy sector is a necessity. Therefore, the provision of a clear picture of the country’s renewable energy potential is considered essential, bearing in mind the new EU Renewable Energy Directive, which sets a mandatory target of 20% of renewable energy sources by 2020 for each member state. The aim of this paper is to discuss the perspective of renewable energy in Moldova taking into account the current energy framework and to analyze, whether it is suitable to adopt similar methodologies and policy frameworks applied in other EU countries.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes China's policy approach to renewable energies and assesses how effectively China has met the ideal of appropriate interactions between renewable energy policy and renewable energy industrial policy. First we briefly discuss the interactions between these two policies. Then we outline China's key renewable energy and renewable industrial policies and find that China's government has well recognized the need for this policy interaction. After that, we study the achievements and problems in China's wind and solar PV sector during 2005–2012 and argue that China's policy approach to renewable energies has placed priority first on developing a renewable energy manufacturing industry and only second on renewable energy itself, and it has not effectively met the ideal of appropriate interactions between renewable energy policy and renewable energy industrial policy. Lastly, we make an in-depth analysis of the three ideas underlying this policy approach, that is, the green development idea, the low-carbon leadership idea and indigenous innovation idea. We conclude that Chinas' policy approach to renewable energies needs to enhance the interactions between renewable energy policy and renewable energy industrial policy. The paper contributes to a deeper understanding of China's policy strategy toward renewable energies.  相似文献   

胡润青 《中国能源》2014,36(9):17-20
德国是全球可再生能源发展的领头羊,良好的投融资机制和模式是德国可再生能源发展的重要支撑力量.在法律框架的支持下,德国政策性银行和商业性银行已形成互补、合作的商业运作模式和合作关系,共同构建了良好的可再生能源投融资环境.本文研究分析了德国政策性银行和商业性银行的地位和作用、以及可再生能源投融资服务的种类,提出了促进我国可再生能源投融资发展的启示和建议.  相似文献   

循环经济框架下的可再生能源发展回顾与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在国家倡导大力发展循环经济的形势下,回顾了国内外可再生能源产业现状,展望可再生能源产业发展的前景,剖析了可再生能源产业发展中的问题,提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the development of renewable energy in Germany from 1973 to 2003. It investigates the relative importance of energy policy and green power marketing in shaping the renewable energy market. More than a decade of consistent policy support for renewables under the feed-in law (StrEG) and its successor (EEG) has been an important driver for increasing renewable electricity generation to date, putting the country in a better position than most of its peers when it comes to achieving European Union targets for renewable energy. Green power marketing driven by customer demand, on the other hand, is growing, but has had limited measurable impact so far. We discuss potential intangible benefits of green power marketing and scenarios for future market development. The paper concludes with lessons that can be learned from the German case for policy design and market development in other countries.  相似文献   

中国可再生能源规模化发展项目(CRESP)一期已经圆满结束,本刊记者就项目在推动我国可再生能源发展中的作用和影响,专访了国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所王仲颖副所长。王副所长认为,CRESP项目一期是我国规模最大的可再生能源领域国际合作项目,CRESP项目的成功实施,弥补了我国可再生能源技术和经验的不足,推动了我国可再生能源的规模化快速发展。CRESP项目的成功经验,值得在其他的国际合作项目中借鉴和推广,其已成为世界银行在发展中国家实施可再生能源项目的典范。  相似文献   

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