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Human thermal models for evaluating infrared images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discusses comparing infrared images under various thermal environmental conditions through normalization of skin surface temperature. To evaluate IR images obtained under various thermal environmental conditions, we proposed a human thermal model with which IR images obtained under certain thermal environmental conditions can be converted into images under other conditions. The model was based on a numerical calculation of the bio-heat transfer equations that express heat transfer phenomena within the human body. A 16-cylinder-segment model was used as the geometry of the human body. Comparisons of IR images with their converted images indicate that this method is effective in eliminating the influence of the thermal environmental conditions. However, the difference between the converted images and the original ones varies among segments. In future work, we will use this method to investigate the IR images of several subjects under various thermal environments.  相似文献   

Thermal infrared (TIR) imaging is recognized as the most efficient technique for the study of skin temperature distribution. In specific diseases, characteristic changes can be measured from target anatomical sites. In this way, objective noninvasive investigations can be of diagnostic value. TIR imaging of the breast for breast cancer risk assessment is an example. Although TIR imaging possesses the advantages of being noninvasive, risk free, and considerably less expensive, it suffers the disadvantage of a lack of resolution due to blur compounded by rather high levels of noise. A maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) image restoration philosophy is proposed to solve this problem of resolution. The objective is three-fold: to increase the resolution of the measured image by using a type of 2:1 zooming; to remove the noise; and simultaneously to preserve the detail of features, including, in particular, the sharpness of edges  相似文献   

单轴并联式混合动力汽车动力总成建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以优化整车动力性和经济性为目标,在Insight混合动力汽车底盘基础上,设计以镍氢电池组和永磁同步电动机驱动的汽车动力系统.利用电辅助控制策略,在满足整车动力性能指标的基础上,使用汽车专用仿真软件ADVISOR(advanced vehicle simulator)进行二次开发,采用前向仿真与后向仿真相结合的方法,根据实际情况构建系统模型,对发动机参数、电机参数选择以及能源匹配进行了仿真研究.仿真结果表明:该单轴并联式混合动力样车的动力系统设计方案是可行的,研究结果可为混合动力电动汽车动力总成的优化设计提供理论依据.  相似文献   

The design of a low cost, target transputer system is described, along with code development facilities, that allows the concepts of parallel processing to be taught in a practical manner. Outlines of eight graded exercises are also included as an indication of how the system might be used in an undergraduate laboratory  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of parallel genetic algorithms (PGA) to the optimal long-range generation expansion planning. The problem can be formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem that determines the order of introduced generation units at each interval of the year. The proposed method considers introduced power limits of each technology, maximum loads at each interval, and load duration curves at each interval. Appropriate string representation for the problem is presented. Binary and decimal coding and three selection methods are compared. The method is developed on a transputer that is one of the parallel processors. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated using a typical expansion problem with four technologies and five intervals. The method is then compared with conventional dynamic programming and a simple genetic algorithm with promising results.  相似文献   

The feasibility of transmitting electric power in space to solar batteries of space vehicles via the channel of laser infrared emission is shown. Evaluation of the efficiency of solar batteries for the given type of power transmission has been made. Possible methods of optimizing the design of space solar batteries in regard to conditions of detection of energy of laser infrared emission have been discussed.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the determination of high-order Volterra transfer functions of non-linear multiport networks containing multidimensional non-linear elements. A new method is developed for utilizing parallel computing which is very efficient for approximately 10–20 processors. The utilization of each processor may be as high as 80%–95%. The developed program is very flexible as it is ANSI C++ compatible and may run on both single- and multiprocessor computers. Using about eight processors it is possible to analyse rather complicated non-linear circuits up to ninth order in a few hours. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An efficient dynamic interconnection model using wireless infrared technology and the theory of optical interconnections was constructed to design a dual-channel interconnection component. There were three conditions between the rotating optical field and the stationary optical field: end separation, angle misalignment and lateral misalignment. The calculation formulas were given for these three conditions. A dual-channel optical interconnection component was designed based on the dynamic interconnection model and the data transmission rate of the component was measured. The experimental result showed that the dual-channel optical interconnection component could transmit optical signals across the rotating interface. The maximum transmission rate can reach 2.14 Mb/s. Translated from Journal of Tianjin University, 2006, 39(8): 985–988 [译自: 天津大学学报]  相似文献   

提出了由多组电源模块配套12 V蓄电池并联供电的直流系统方案,与传统电池串联供电的直流系统有着明显的优点,通过软硬件阐述了该方案中电源模块对蓄电池的智能充放电管理,实验结果表明,此方案下的系统令蓄电池的寿命更长,维护成本更低,系统更加稳定。  相似文献   

We describe our research on optoelectronic parallel computing systems. Our architecture is based on a multilayer pipeline of two-dimensional optoelectronic device arrays in which each pixel is composed of an optical input channel, a general purpose programmable processor, local memory, and a surface-emitting laser diode as an optical output channel. Free-space optics provides parallel, global communication between layers in the pipeline via optical paths which are dynamically reconfigurable. Demonstration systems and some applications are described  相似文献   

A new scheme to enhance the solution of the problems associated with parallel transmission line protection is presented in this paper. The scheme depends on the three line voltages and the six line currents of the two parallel lines at each end. Fault detection, fault discrimination, and calculation of the phasors of the measured signals are done by using wavelet transform (WT). By comparing the magnitudes of the estimated current phasors of the corresponding phases on both lines, internal faults on the parallel lines can be identified. Also, by calculating the distance element of the phases on which a disturbance is detected and having a very small current difference magnitude can enhance and strengthen the scheme. Studies show that all types of faults at different loading conditions can be correctly identified in less than one cycle of the fundamental frequency.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new method for removing view‐disturbing noise from images taken with multiple cameras. In outdoor environments, scenes taken by cameras are often hard to see because of adherent noise on the surface of the lens‐protecting glass. The proposed method analyzes multiple camera images describing the same scene, and synthesizes an image in which adherent noise is eliminated. We show the effectiveness of the proposed method through experimental results. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 164(3): 50–59, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20697  相似文献   

In this paper, we give an overview of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with radial tapers. Light is generated in the very center of a circularly symmetrical structure and is outcoupled at a tapered ring. Encapsulated devices with an emission wavelength of 980 nm achieve wallplug efficiencies of 48%. Non-encapsulated InGaAlP-based red-emitting LEDs show quantum efficiencies of 13%. A new device design combines the taper with a wafer-scale soldering technique promising a feasible fabrication method  相似文献   

为了对电力设备故障进行更为有效和直观的诊断,提出了一种基于灰度冗余和SURF算法的红外和可见光图像的配准方法.该算法对红外图像和可见光图像进行基于灰度冗余的处理,利用SURF方法分别找到两幅图像的特征点并求出其描述子,通过RANSAC(随机采样一致性)对这些特征点进行精确配对,通过最小二乘法求得仿射变换参数并实现两幅图像的配准.实验表明,该方法与其他配准方法相比,具有速度快,鲁棒性高等优点,具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

We present an automated multimodality (CT & MRI) registration algorithm based on hierarchical feature extraction. Two kinds of shape representations-edge and surface-are extracted hierarchically from different image modalities. The registration then is performed using least-squares matching of the user-specified (but automatically extracted) corresponding features. In our implementation, the 3-D version of the Canny edge detector is employed in the extraction of corresponding edge information. An automatic segmentation algorithm is introduced to extract the corresponding surfaces from the edges efficiently. The geometric matching of those extracted shape features then is performed using the iterative closest-point matching method  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of parallel processing and pipeline processing to power system analysis. The system matrix is transformed to a bordered block diagonal form (BBDF) matrix for effective utilization of the processors. After LU factorization, subnetworks organize sparse matrices and the boundary network organizes a full matrix. First, a parallel processing technique is used to calculate subnetworks. Then, as pipeline processing is applied, inverse matrix of the boundary network is multiplied. The proposed method is made operational on a parallel computing system including a pipeline processor. A consideration on the transient stability analysis using the proposed method also is presented at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

Power flow calculation is a basic tool for power system planning and control which includes power flow analysis, voltage control, service restoration, network reconfiguration, and other operation functions for control centers. In these applications, it is very important to solve the power flow problem as efficiently as possible. This paper presents a fast power flow using parallel processing for radial power systems. This method can be applied to secondary systems and distribution systems. Since it uses as state variables only active and reactive power injection to main lines and laterals, reduction of the number of state variables can be realized. Radical networks are mapped to the tree structure of parallel processor systems in the proposed method. The forward/backward sweep approach is realized by communication from a root processor to leaf processors and vice versa. Using the mapping scheme of the proposed method, each processor has to communicate with only neighboring processors. The proposed method is evaluated on various radial systems with promising results.  相似文献   

逆变器单元用LCL滤波器的并联系统性能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于各并联单元之间的参数差异,逆变器并联系统存在环流,其中的高频环流由于其频率超出系统的控制带宽,难以通过控制的方式进行抑制。本文分析了高频环流存在的原因,提出将并联逆变单元的LC滤波器改变为LCL滤波器。比较了LC滤波器和LCL滤波器的阻抗特性,分析了采用LC滤波器和LCL滤波器的逆变器的闭环输出特性,指出经过适当的参数设计可以使得这二种逆变器的等效输出阻抗在低频段相近而在高频段呈现很大差异。并联系统在采用了LCL滤波器的逆变器作为并联单元后,可以利用其高频高输出阻抗很好地抑制高频环流,同时可以保持较硬的输出电压外特性。仿真和实验都验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the motivation for and the design considerations of a low-cost head-operated joystick. The paper briefly summarizes the requirements of head-operated mouse pointer control for people with disabilities before discussing a set of technological approaches that can be used to satisfy these requirements. The paper focuses on the design of a head-operated joystick that uses infrared light emitting diodes (LED's) and photodetectors to determine head position, which is subsequently converted into signals that emulate a Microsoft mouse. There are two significant findings. The first is that, while nonideal device characteristics might appear to make the joystick difficult to use, users naturally compensate for nonlinearities, in a transparent manner, because of visual feedback of mouse pointer position. The second finding, from relatively informal, independent trials, indicates that disabled users prefer a head-operated device that has the characteristics of a joystick (a relative pointing device) to those of a mouse (an absolute pointing device).  相似文献   

The main problem facing the designer of electric vehicles for urban mobility is the large mass and volume taken by the energy sources (batteries or fuel cells plus storage elements) [1]. Moreover, accommodation of an electric propulsion system in two-wheel vehicles is usually intricate and the added devices may impair the driving features of the vehicles. Conversely, four-wheel vehicles are suited for accommodating an electric propulsion system but they have a larger track, which is a handicap in city traffic. Of course, the track can be shrunk, but its excessive reduction makes the vehicles prone to rollover especially at higher speeds.  相似文献   

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