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Cherng M. J. Cherng Y. T. Jen H. R. Harper P. Cohen R. M. B.Stringfellow G. 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1986,15(2):79-85
The two crystal growth parameters most likely to affect the occurrence of GaAs0.5Sb0.5 spinodal decomposition during organometallic vapor phase epitaxial (OMVPE) growth, substrate temperature and substrate orientation,
were investigated in detail. The temperature range studied was the widest over which good morphology layers could be grown,
from 550 to 680° C. The InP substrate orientations used were (100), (221) and (311). The growth process was found to be diffusion
controlled at high temperatures, but to be controlled by surface kinetics at temperatures below approximately 620° C, depending
on substrate orientation. Growth of high quality layers was found to be much easier between 570 and 640° C. In addition, the
77 K PL intensity is much stronger for layers grown in this temperature range. The minimum PL halfwidth at 77 K is 20 meV
and at 8 K is 16 meV. The typical room temperature hole mobilities are 100 cm2/Vs with hole concentrations of 2 x 1017 cm-3 in undoped material. The temperature dependence of mobility is consistent with enhanced alloy scattering. Surprisingly, the
growth temperature has no significant effect on either PL halfwidth or hole mobility between 560 and 660° C. The single Raman
line observed for the unannealed alloy is split after annealing into two lines corresponding to the GaAs-rich and GaSb-rich
alloys on either side of the range of solid immiscibility. The spinodal decomposition apparently starts at the surface where
the coherency strain, which stabilizes the single phase alloy, is smallest. 相似文献
The doping behaviour of S and Se in the VPE growth of GaAs at 760 and 660°C is studied by carrier concentra-tion, mobility,
photo and cathodoluminescence measure-ments. The carrier concentration increases linearly with the partial pressure of S or
H2Se up to a solubi-lity limit, the highest value of which is obtained with Se at about 1019cm-3. The mobility for Se-doped layers is higher than for S-doped ones when n > 4.1017cm-3, and a mobility decrease is observed for both at dopings exceeding the solubility limit. Postgrowth annealing at the growth
temperature of highly doped samples decreases their carrier concentration to values corresponding to the bulk solubility limit.
The decrease of the room temperature luminescence intensity at high doping levels in tentatively interpreted as due to precipitate
for-mation. Finally, the linear dependence on the dopant partial pressure of the impurity incorporation as well as the observed
annealing behaviour are interpreted by an incorporation mechanism controlled by the surface states. 相似文献
Compositionally uniform Ga1-xInxAs epitaxial layers with 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2 5 have been grown by organometallic VPE on ◃100▹ GaAs substrates. Compositional uniformities
of ±0.25 InAs percentage and ±5% thickness over a 3-cm long wafer have been achieved and are essentially independent of small
changes in reactor geometry such as the angle of the susceptor tilt or wafer position on the susceptor. Growth has also been
demonstrated at x = 0.52. The Ga1-xInxAs is grown using trimethylgallium (TMGa), triethylindium (TEIn) or trimethylindium (TMIn), and trimethylarsenic (TMAs). The
use of TMAs eliminates the roomtemperature gas-phase reaction between AsH3 and either TEIn or TMIn, and allows one atmospnere pressure growth conditions to be used without any special mixing arrangements
in the reactor. The comparative effects of using TEIn or TMIn as the In source are discussed in terms of crystal quality.
Data on crystal composition as a function of gas phase composition and growth rate as a function of composition are presented,
and n doping and carrier mobilities and p doping of Ga.80In.20As ars characterized. The vapor pressure of TMIn at 0°C is determined to be 0.21 mmHg. 相似文献
报道了采用欠饱和溶液的回熔—再生长液相外延(LPE)方法制备高效AIxGa1-xAs/GaAs异质结构太阳电池的工艺。研究表明,与传统的过冷生长技术相比,回熔工艺对衬底质量的要求不严格,且能形成有利于光生少子被收集的带隙结构。在工艺优化的情况下,获得大阳电池的全面积转换效率在AM0,1sun的测试条件下为18.78%(0.72cm2),在AM1.5,1sun下为23.17%。 相似文献
Estíbaliz Ortiz Carlos Algora 《Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications》2003,11(3):155-163
III–V solar cells for terrestrial concentration applications are currently becoming of greater and greater interest. From our experience, concentrations higher than 1000 suns are required with these cells to reduce PV electricity cost to such an extent that this alternative could become cost competitive. In this paper, a single‐junction p/n GaAs solar cell, with efficiencies of 23ċ8 and 22ċ5% at concentration ratios of 2700 and 3600 suns respectively, is presented. This GaAs solar cell is well suited for use with non‐imaging optical concentrators, which possess a large aperture angle. Low‐temperature liquid phase epitaxy (LTLPE) has been the growing technique for the semiconductor structure as an attempt to use a simplified, cheap and clean technique, within a renewable energy perspective. The GaAs solar cell presented is compared with the highest efficiency tandem solar cells at concentration levels exceeding 1000 suns. The GaAs solar cell performance maintains high efficiencies up to 4000 suns, while tandem cells seem to drop very quickly after reaching their maximum. Therefore, single‐junction GaAs solar cells are a good candidate for operating at very high concentrations, and LPE is able to supply these high‐quality solar cells to work within terrestrial concentration systems, the main objective of which is the reduction of PV electricity costs. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
K. M. Dzurko S. G. Hummell E. P. Menu P. D. Dapkus 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1990,19(12):1367-1372
We investigate the MOCVD growth characteristics of AlGaAs on nonplanar {111}A and {111}B substrates. Growth over features
etched into the {111} substrates is found to be highly anisotropic and asymmetric. The ratio of growth rates on adjacent facets
is strongly dependent on the depth of the etched feature during growth, and is strikingly different between AlGaAs and GaAs
layers. These observations suggest a large difference in the surface chemistry of Al and Ga species under these growth conditions
and indicate that the column III element determines the relative growth rates of different facets during nonplanar growth.
The results also provide strong evidence that lateral gas phase diffusion of reactants can be perhaps more significant than
surface migration as a mechanism determining the incorporation sites of column III elements. Growth characteristics on nonplanar
{111} substrates are markedly different than those observed for nonplanar growth on {100} substrates, creating a new set of
design tools for the single step growth of guided wave devices such as lasers, modulators and waveguides. 相似文献
Y. D. Kim F. Nakamura E. Yoon D. V. Forbes X. Li J. J. Coleman 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1997,26(10):1164-1168
By monitoring the cyclic behavior of surface photoabsorption (SPA) reflectance changes during the growth of GaAs at 650°C
and with sufficient H2 purging time between the supply of trimethylgallium and AsH3, we have been able to achieve controlled growth of GaAs down to a monolayer. Our results show, as confirmed by photoluminescence
(PL) measurements, the possibility of growing highly accurate quantum well heterostructures by metalorganic chemical vapor
deposition at conventional growth temperatures. We also present our PL measurements on the InGaAs single quantum wells grown
at this temperature by monitoring the SPA signal. 相似文献
重掺碳GaAs层的MOCVD生长及特性研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
采用 CCl4 作为碳掺杂源 ,进行了重掺碳 Ga As层的 L P- MOCVD生长 ,并且对掺杂特性进行了研究 ,研究了各生长参数对掺杂的影响。CCl4 流量是决定掺杂浓度的主要因素。减小生长温度、减小 / 比、降低生长压力 ,都能较大的提高掺杂浓度。通过改变 CCl4 流量 ,在生长温度为5 5 0~ 6 5 0℃、 / 比为 15~ 4 0 ,生长压力在 1× 10 4 ~ 4× 10 4 Pa的范围内 ,均能得到高于 2× 10 19/cm3 的掺碳 Ga As外延层 ,最高掺杂浓度为 8× 10 19/ cm3 相似文献
本文报道了用MOCVD法生长出了有效的GaAs光电阴极材料,并且在国产的GaAs光电阴极激活系统上进行激活实验,其反射式积分灵敏度高于1000μA/lm。 相似文献
The effect of oxygen injection during VPE growth of silicon doped and unintentionally doped GaAs has been investigated for
the Ga-AsCl3-H2 process. Depending on the oxygen concentration a reduction in the carrier concentration of up to four orders of magnitude
is found for the case of Si doping. Without purposely adding Si, oxygen injection yields high resistivity layers. Hall mobility
data suggest that the simultaneous injection of both silicon and oxygen is also responsible for the introduction of a deep
center which is probably associated with a Si-0 complex. We compared our results on carrier concentration with values calculated
from a thermody-namic model in which both the injected SiH4 and oxygen are taken into account. The computed behavior shows the same trend as our experimental data. This finding also
provides further support for the validity of the silicon contamination model as an explanation of the background doping of
VPE GaAs. 相似文献
用快速率(1.0ML/s)生长MBE InAs/GaAs(001)量子点。原子力显微镜观察结果表明,在量子点体系形成的较早阶段,量子点密度N(θ)随InAs沉积量θ的变化符合自然指数形式N(θ)∝ek(θ-θc),这与以前在慢速生长(≤0.1ML/s)条件下出现的标度规律N(θ)∝(θ-θc)α明显不同。另外,在N(θ)随θ增加的过程中,快速率生长量子点的高度分布没有经历量子点平均高度随沉积量θ逐渐增加的过程。这些实验观察说明,以原子在生长表面作扩散运动为基础的生长动力学理论至少是不全面的,不适用于解释InAs量子点的形成。这些观察和讨论说明,即使在1.0ML/s的快速率生长条件下,量子点密度也可以通过InAs沉积量有效地控制在1.0×108cm-2以下,实现低密度InAs量子点体系的制备。 相似文献
Edward Y. Chang Tsung-Hsi Yang Guangli Luo Chun-Yen Chang 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2005,34(1):23-26
A SiGe-buffer structure for growth of high-quality GaAs layers on a Si (100) substrate is proposed. For the growth of this
SiGe-buffer structure, a 0.8-μm Si0.1 Ge0.9 layer was first grown. Because of the large mismatch between this layer and the Si substrate, many dislocations formed near
the interface and in the low part of the Si0.1Ge0.9 layer. A 0.8-μm Si0.05Ge0.95 layer and a 1-μm top Ge layer were subsequently grown. The strained Si0.05Ge0.95/Si0.1Ge0.9 and Ge/Si0.05Ge0.95 interfaces formed can bend and terminate the upward-propagated dislocations very effectively. An in-situ annealing process
is also performed for each individual layer. Finally, a 1–3-μm GaAs film was grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
(MOCVD) at 600°C. The experimental results show that the dislocation density in the top Ge and GaAs layers can be greatly
reduced, and the surface was kept very smooth after growth, while the total thickness of the structure was only 5.1 μm (2.6-μm
SiGe-buffer structure +2.5-μm GaAs layer). 相似文献
Selective area growth of GaAs with semiconductor-metal-semiconductor structures using pulsed-mode operation of MOCVD, which
controls the flow of trymethylgallium (TMG) at regular intervals, is reported. GaAs is selectively grown over tungsten gratings
on (100) GaAs substrates. Tungsten gratings are masked with SiO2 for the selective growth and it is possible to have good GaAs growth over W gratings without keeping the substrate temperature
high and the growth rate low. The ideality factor and the barrier height of the W-GaAs Schottky diode in-situ annealed under
the growth conditions show slight degradation with increased growth time. Using double crystal x-ray diffractometer and Auger
electron spectroscopy analysis, it is shown that the interdiffusion of W and GaAs takes place. A vertical FET is fabricated
to show the device application of this selective growth method. 相似文献
We have grown unintentionally doped GaAs films using tertiarybutylarsine (tBAs) or arsine reacted with clean or silicon contaminated
triethylgallium. Hall and SIMS data along with photoluminescence spectra show that the silicon contaminant level in GaAs MOCVD
layers grown with tBAs is higher than for layers grown using arsine. Thus, high purity in the triethylgallium source is more
critical for high purity GaAs films when using tBAs than when using arsine. 相似文献
The microstructure of InxGa1−xAs/GaAs (5 nm/5 nm, x < 0 to 1.0), as grown by a metalorganic chemical vapor deposition two-step growth technique on Si(100)
at 450‡C, and subsequently annealed at 750‡C, is investigated using plan-view and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy.
The variations in resultant island morphology and strain as a function of the In content were examined through the comparison
of the misfit dislocation arrays and moirés observed. The results are discussed in relation to the ways in which the island
relaxation process changes for high In content. 相似文献
X. B. Zhang J. H. Ryou R. D. Dupuis G. Walter N. Holonyak Jr. 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2006,35(4):705-710
Lattice-matched In0.49Ga0.51P/GaAs superlattices were grown on (001) GaAs substrates using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The interface properties
were characterized by photoluminescence, transmission electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. By varying the growth temperature,
the precursor flow rates, and the growth interruption at the interfaces, we found that, while arsenic and phosphorus carry
over have some effect on the formation of a low-bandgap InGaAsP quaternary layer at the interfaces, the In surface segregation
seems to play an important role in the formation of the interface quaternary layer. Evidence of this indium segregation comes
from x-ray and photoluminescence studies of samples grown at different temperatures. These studies show that the formation
of an interfacial layer is more prominent when the growth temperature is higher. Growing a thin (∼1 monolayer thick) GaP intentional
interfacial layer on top of the InGaP before the growth of the GaAs layer at the P→As transition effectively suppresses the
formation of the low-bandgap unintentional interface layer. On the other hand, the growth of a thin GaAsP (or GaP) layer before
the growth of the InGaP layer, at the As→P transition increases the formation of a low-bandgap interfacial layer. This nonequivalent
effect of a GaP layer at the two interfaces on the PL properties is discussed. 相似文献
G. Coudenys I. Moeeman G. Vermeire F. Vermaerke Y. Zhu P. Van Daele P. Demeester E. Maayan B. Elsner J. Salzman E. Finkman 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1994,23(2):225-232
The shadow masked growth technique is presented as a tool to achieve thickness and bandgap variations laterally over the substrate
during metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Lateral thickness and bandgap variations are very important for the fabrication of
photonic integrated circuits, where several passive and active optical components need to be integrated on the same substrate.
Several aspects of the shadow masked growth are characterized for InP based materials as well as for GaAs based materials.
Thickness reductions are studied as a function of the mask dimensions, the reactor pressure, the orientation of the masked
channels and the undercutting of the mask. The thickness reduction is strongly influenced by the mask dimensions and the reactor
pressure, while the influence of the orientation of the channels and the amount of undercutting is only significant for narrow
mask windows. During shadow masked growth, there are not only thickness variations but also compositional variations. Therefore,
we studied the changes in In/Ga and As/P ratios for InGaAs and InGaAsP layers. It appears that mainly the In/Ga-ratio is responsible
for compositional changes and that the As/P-ratio remains unchanged during shadow masked growth. 相似文献
采用低温GaAs与低温组分渐变InxGa1-xP作为缓冲层,利用低压金属有机化学气相外延(LP-MOCVD)技术,在GaAs(001)衬底上进行了InP/GaAs异质外延实验。实验中,InxGa1-xP缓冲层选用组分线性渐变生长模式(xIn0.49→1)。通过对InP/GaAs异质外延样品进行双晶X射线衍射(DCXRD)测试,并比较1.2μm厚InP外延层(004)晶面ω扫描及ω-2θ扫描的半高全宽(FWHM),确定了InxGa1-xP组分渐变缓冲层的最佳生长温度为450℃、渐变时间为500s。由透射电子显微镜(TEM)测试可知,InxGa1-xP组分渐变缓冲层的生长厚度约为250nm。在最佳生长条件下的InP/GaAs外延层中插入生长厚度为48nm的In0.53Ga0.47As,并对所得样品进行了室温光致发光(PL)谱测试,测试结果表明,中心波长为1643nm,FWHM为60meV。 相似文献
Layers of LPE GaAs have been grown with background carrier levels in the low 1014 cm−3 range by systematic bakeouts of the Ga melts together with between-run loading in a dry N2 environment. High resistivity layers in the range 103-104Ω cm have been grown by making use of the compensation of free carriers by the out diffusion of Cr from the substrate. Intentional
Cr-doping from the melt resulted in layers with poor surface morphologies. Buffered MESFET structures have been grown which
show near ideal carrier concentration profiles and which do not exhibit interfacial space charge effects. 相似文献
InP epitaxial layers have been grown by the pyro-lysis of a new metalorganic compound, a trimethyl-indium trimethyl-phosphene
adduct. The formation of unwanted polymer products during epitaxial growth could be avoided in this way. The layers were grown
at 500°C with a growth rate of about 1 μmh-1. Net carrier concentrations of n≏5-10l5cm-3 could be achieved. 相似文献