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This paper presents an approach and a corresponding mechanism for adjusting resource use strategies under conditions of uncertainty. Situations of competition between two economic agents are considered in which individual agents can affect the general characteristics of resources (particularly, the price). The proposed approach allows one to choose strategies depending on one’s interests regardless of the behavior of other agents as in the case of perfect competition.  相似文献   

For future dynamic spectrum access (DSA) systems, new spectrum management methodologies will be adopted such that the licensed primary spectrum holders can reallocate part of their available bandwidth to the unlicensed secondary service providers for profits, based on market-driven mechanisms. This is known as spectrum market or spectrum trading. This paper aims to propose a dynamic spectrum market model where each spectrum holder has a limited amount of spectrum and is allowed to enter a portion of its available bandwidth into the market managed by a spectrum broker, besides its primary services. To model the price dynamics, a continuous-time price adjustment process governed by a differential equation is considered. Subsequently, we show that the problem is a dynamic N-player oligopoly differential game, subject to the bandwidth constraint. We analyze the feedback Nash equilibrium (NE) solutions for the general game and provide a complete, closed-form solution for the special symmetric case. The solution can be characterized into three distinct regions and transitions between these regions may occur as time evolves, which will be thoroughly investigated. In addition, we propose a discrete-time price adjustment implemented at the spectrum broker. Extensive numerical studies are provided to investigate various aspects of the proposed competition.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络的目标跟踪应用中,动态跟踪组是一种有效的跟踪方式,但该方式下簇头的能耗较大,而且簇头失效易导致目标丢失.针对以上问题,本文对动态簇结构进行了改进,提出一种双节点协作跟踪协议TNCT,该协议通过簇头与辅助节点的协作实现目标变速时采样周期的自适应,以及簇头失效时的快速移交.为提高跟踪精度,辅助节点采用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法对目标轨迹进行估计和预测.仿真结果表明,TNCT协议下跟踪系统的网络能耗更加均衡,目标丢失概率大大降低.  相似文献   

A dynamic macromodel of an economic system with bilateral monopolistic competition in the labor market is considered. Conditions of arising post-classical business cycles in this model are investigated under the assumption that the impact of labor remuneration on the amount of aggregated demand is restricted. Numerical experiments with the model with varied labor productivity demonstrated the possibility of main-line effects. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 5, pp. 29–47, September–October 2007.  相似文献   

In the majority of the existing preventive optimization models only costs related to maintenance actions are accounted for, while breakdown and operational costs are usually ignored. Liao et al. (J Intell Manuf 21(6):875–884, 2010) proposed a preventive maintenance model to deal with this shortcoming. In the present paper, we revisit and discuss the results provided in Liao et al. (2010) and point out some inconsistencies in the maintenance optimization model proposed therein. Accordingly, we develop a new maintenance optimization model and discuss some of its main cost components. Furthermore, optimality conditions are also formally investigated and a solution method is provided. Numerical experiments are conducted to illustrate the validity of the proposed approach and results are compared with those provided in the original paper by Liao et al. (2010).  相似文献   

This study intends to investigate the tripartite competition among CRT, LCD and PDP TV by means of the quarterly shipments of 30- to 45-in. TV. The Lotka–Volterra competition diffusion model has been adopted to conduct the empirical analysis with the Lyapunov function to carry out equilibrium and stability. The results indicate that adopting this model can lead to good performance. The price dropping of LCD TV is greater than that of CRT and PDP TV. The severe dropping in the price of LCD TV leads to its higher growth rates. With respect to the equilibrium and stability analysis, PDP and LCD TV will coexist in the TV market and reach a stable equilibrium, while CRT TV will disappear from the 30- to 45 in. TV market.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modeling framework for airline flight schedule planning under competition. The framework generates an operational flight timetable that maximizes the airline's revenue, while ensuring efficient utilization of the airline's resources (e.g. aircraft and crew). It explicitly considers passenger demand shift due to the network-level competition with other airlines. It also considers minimizing the needless ground time of the resources. The problem is formulated in the form of a bi-level mathematical program where the upper level represents the airline scheduling decisions, while the lower level captures passenger responses in terms of itinerary choices. A solution methodology is developed which integrates a meta- heuristic search algorithm, a network competition analysis model, and a resource (e.g. aircraft and crew) tracking model. The performance of the framework is evaluated through several experiments to develop the schedule for a major U.S. airline. The results demonstrate the success of the framework to develop a competitive schedule with efficient resources.  相似文献   

This paper deals with inventory models that unify the inventory problems of raw materials and finished products for a single product imperfect manufacturing system. The product is manufactured in batches, and raw materials are jointly replenished from outside suppliers. The system is assumed to deteriorate during the production process. As a result, some proportion of defective items is produced. The defective items are reworked at some cost either before or after a sale. Periodic inspections at equally spaced times and restorations of the production process are used to operate the system. The objective is to minimize the expected total cost for the system. A solution procedure is developed to find a near optimal solution for the basic model. The analysis is extended to various cases where the defect rate is a function of the setup cost, the proportion of defective items is not constant, or the inventory system has a limited capacity for raw materials.  相似文献   

A solution methodology is described for the complete analysis of a geometrically imperfect, thin, circular, cylindrical shell loaded by a uniform axial compression. The analysis includes pre-limit point behavior, the establishment of critical conditions (limit point) and post-limit point behavior. The solution scheme is then utilized to study the effects of various geometrical parameters (radius to thickness and length to radius ratios) on the response characteristics of an imperfect, unstiffened, thin, cylindrical shell. These effects are assessed for a virtually axisymmetric-type of geometric imperfection.  相似文献   

A procedure is outlined for optimizing stiffened, thin, circular, cylindrical shells under uniform axial compression against general instability, in the presence of initial geometric imperfection. The procedure consists of two parts (a) optimization on the basis of a linear buckling analysis and perfect geometry, and (b) parametric studies on a reasonable region in the design space surrounding the optimum point (as obtained from part (a)) to assess the effect of initial geometric imperfections. This procedure is demonstrated through two design examples, for which it is concluded, that the presence of initial geometric imperfections does not alter the optimum weight and the corresponding design variables appreciably.  相似文献   

双机热备份机群的可信性建模分析与比较   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
机群系统已成为高性能计算机和服务器发展的主流,机群的可信性分析是机群研究的热点之一.本文深入研究了机群可信性建模的理论,对构成当前高可用机群系统的主要模式之一的双机热备份机群,建立多种可信性模型,着重于模型准确性与有效性的分析与比较,探讨机群的可信性模型的理论基础.  相似文献   

研究了基于Takagi-Sugeno(T-S)模糊模型描述的非线性时滞系统的稳定性与控制问题。选择一个最近提出的基于自由权矩阵的积分不等式,以线性矩阵不等式(LMIs)形式给出了保守性较小的时滞依赖的稳定性准则。基于前提不匹配策略,结合Finsler引理,提出了更为灵活的模糊状态反馈控制器的设计方法,该方法不要求控制器和系统分享共同的前提隶属函数和规则数目。最后,给出两个仿真算例,证明了所提理论的先进性和有效性。  相似文献   

不对称竞争条件下的集团转移定价决策   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
分析了不对称竞争条件下企业集团的转移定价决策问题.得出存在上游竞争的条件下,转移价格大于边际成本;存在下游竞争的条件下,转移价格的大小取决于各下游企业最终产品的相互替代程度.  相似文献   

ContextIn this study, a software optimal release time with cost-reliability criteria has been discussed in an imperfect debugging environment.ObjectiveThe motive of this study is to model uncertainty involved in estimated parameters of the software reliability growth model (SRGM).MethodInitially the reliability parameters of SRGM are estimated using least square estimation (LSE). Considering the uncertainty involved in the estimated parameters due to human behavior being subjective in nature and the dynamism of the testing environment, the concept of fuzzy set theory is applicable in developing SRGM. Finally, using arithmetic operations on fuzzy numbers, the reliability and total software cost are calculated.ResultsVarious reliability measures have been computed at different levels of uncertainties, and a comparison has been made with the existing results reported in the literature.ConclusionIt is evident from the results that a better prediction of reliability measures, namely, software reliability and total software cost can be made under the fuzzy paradigm.  相似文献   

本文研究了前提不匹配的Tagaki-Sugeno(T–S)模糊时滞系统的镇定问题.与一般的T–S模糊时滞系统相比,该系统中模糊模型与模糊控制器拥有不同的模糊规则数与不同的隶属度函数.基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,通过引进新型积分不等式,给出了包含隶属度函数信息的镇定条件.本文提出的新方法充分考虑了隶属度函数的信息,同时得到了Lyapunov函数导数的最小下界,因此新的镇定条件比以往结果具有更小的保守性.另一方面给出前提不匹配的控制器设计方法,由于模糊控制器的隶属度函数可以任意选取,因此提高了控制器设计的灵活性.最后仿真实例证明了本文方法的有效性及优越性.  相似文献   

The size of CRT TV has always been limited by their bulk. However, the introduction of flat plane display TV has led to much larger screens, new rounds of technological innovation, largescale investment and an increasing share of the consumer market. Moreover, this development has spurred competition for market share between LCD TV and PDP TV.This study intends to investigate the dynamic competitive relationship between PDP TV and LCD TV by means of the quarterly shipment of TV. The Lotka–Volterra competition diffusion model has been adopted to conduct the empirical analysis, with the Lyapunov function used to carry out equilibrium and stability analysis. The result illustrates that there is good fitting performance in adopting this model. In the competitive relationship we can regard the LCD TV as a prey and the PDP TV as the predator. Nevertheless, the possibility of dropping the price of LCD TV is an advantage, which can be noted in the higher growth rate compared to PDP TV. With respect to the equilibrium and stability analysis, 30- to 39-in. and 40- to 49-in. PDP TV will not disappear from the market, but will instead reach stable equilibrium with LCD TV.  相似文献   

Research on software reuse has traditionally focused on reuse among employees within the same organization. In contrast, our research investigates consumer preferences in a software component market with multiple producers and consumers of software components. We propose that empirically studying competition in software component markets is crucial to discovering success factors for improving software reuse. To facilitate such research, we have developed an experimental market laboratory called SofTrade; we report here the results of two empirical studies made possible by this environment. Our results support some existing reuse maxims, such as the concept that consumers prefer to reuse components that are general and flexible. Other established reuse beliefs are not supported by our results, such as the expectation that consumers will prefer objects with unique, complex features. Overall, the research reported here strongly supports the claim that the practice of exploring software reuse activity within real or artificial software component markets produces unique insights into how we can improve software reuse.  相似文献   

研究在采用串行干扰消除的DS-CDMA系统中调整译码顺序以最小化系统中断概率的问题,兼顾了SIC非理想、用户接收功率有限以及存在外小区干扰这三方面的实际因素。给出了如何调整译码顺序以最小化中断概率的方法。仿真实验证实了分析结果并展示了该方法的有效性,可以用于实际系统。  相似文献   

针对Markov过程和虚拟役龄方法难以全面描述系统不完全维修的问题,构建基于准更新过程的串联系统可用度分析模型,提出平均故障间隔时间和平均维修间隔时间确定方法;引入运行时间缩减因子、维修时间增长因子描述考虑老化因素的不完全维修过程,确定系统可用度指标确定方法;根据单位时间维修成本、系统平均运行时间约束条件,确定系统在不同指标下的不完全维修次数.以某控制系统为例,应用传统方法验证不完全维修条件下可用度确定方法的有效性,并以维修成本、运行时间为约束确定不同条件下的不完全维修次数,为维修决策制定提供理论指导.  相似文献   

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