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The differential He(p,p)He reaction cross-section was determined at a laboratory angle of 165° for proton energies between 1.6 and 3.6 MeV. A new method for preparation of helium-titanium (Ti) targets by direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering was employed for the first time. The currently measured cross-section data are compared with the available literature values. They show a similarly trend in the higher energy range but with a maximum difference of up to 12% in the absolute value. The uncertainty in the present cross-section data is about 7.3%.  相似文献   

The D(p,p)D cross-sections for elastic scattering of proton on deuterium over incident proton energy range from 1.8 to 3.2 MeV at both laboratory angles of 155° and 165° were measured. A thin solid state target Ni/TiDx/Ta/Al used for cross-section measurement was fabricated by firstly depositing layers of Ta, Ti and Ni film on the Al foil substrate of about 7 μm in turn using magnetron sputtering and then deuterating under the deuterium atmosphere. The areal density of metal element in each layer of film was measured with RBS analysis by using a 4.0 MeV 4He ion beam, while the areal density of the deuterium absorbed in the Ti film was measured with ERD analysis by using a 6.0 MeV 16O ion beam. The results show that the cross-sections of p-D scattering under this experimental circumstance were much enhanced over the Rutherford cross-section value. It was found that the enhancement increases linearly as the energy of the incident beam increases. The total uncertainty in the measurements was less than 7.5%.  相似文献   

Proton-induced reactions on 58Ni have been studied in the energy range from threshold to 200 MeV. Based on experimental data of elastic scattering angular distributions and nonelastic cross section, an optimal set of proton optical potential parameters for 58Ni has been obtained. All cross sections, elastic and inelastic scattering angular distributions, energy spectra and especially double differential cross sections for neutrons, protons, deuterons, tritons, helium particles and alpha particles emission have been calculated, using nuclear models theory. Theoretical calculations have been compared with existing experimental data, in most cases, the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The experimental data available for magnesium (p,p) elastic scattering cross-section at angles and energies suitable for Ion Beam Analysis have been evaluated using the theoretical model approach together with additional measurements and benchmark experiments. The results obtained provide the evaluated differential cross-sections for magnesium (p,p) elastic scattering in the energy region up to 2.7 MeV.  相似文献   

The available experimental information on the proton elastic scattering from 14N in the energy range up to 5 MeV was compiled. The critical analysis of the revealed discrepancies was performed taking into account the applied experimental technique and possible error sources. Based on this, the apparently reliable experimental points were selected. Model calculations with comparison and fitting to the experimental data were used for parameterization of the cross section. The R-matrix theory was employed in the calculations, the phase shifts calculated for Saxon-Woods potential well being substituted for commonly used hard-sphere ones in order to take into account direct potential scattering. The result of the evaluation is that the required excitation functions for proton elastic scattering from nitrogen may be calculated for any scattering angle with reliability exceeding that for any individual measurement. The evaluated cross sections are provided by the SigmaCalc web site at www-nds.iaea.org/sigmacalc/.  相似文献   

Cross sections which is relevant in research of neutron transmutation doping of some important semiconducting materials were measured at neutron energies from 13.5 to 14.8 MeV for the reactions 75As(n, 2n)74As, 75As(n, p)75m+gGe, 75As(n, α)72m+gGa by activation relative to the 27Al(n, α)24Na reaction. Measurements were carried out by γ-detection using a coaxial HPGe detector. Natural realgar (As2S2) powder of 99.9% purity was used as samples. Fast neutrons were produced by the T(d, n)4He reaction. The results obtained are compared with existing data.  相似文献   

We measured the cross-sections of the 104g,105,106mAg and 104,107Cd radionuclides produced by proton-induced reactions on natural silver by using a stacked-foil activation technique in the energy range from a threshold energy to 40 MeV at a MC50 cyclotron. The results showed generally good agreement with available data as well as the theoretical data. The integral yields for thick targets were also deduced using the measured cross-sections and the stopping power of natAg over the energy range from a threshold energy to 40 MeV, taking into account that the total energy is absorbed in the targets. The production cross-sections for the 104gAg and the 104Cd radionuclides from natural silver were measured for the first time.  相似文献   

We have measured the production cross-sections of the residual radionuclides for proton-induced reactions on natural tin by using a stacked-foil activation technique in the energy range from threshold energy to 40 MeV at the MC-50 cyclotron of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences. The results were compared with the earlier reported experimental data and theoretical calculations based on the TALYS and the ALICE-IPPE codes. The present results are in general good agreement with the available literature data and calculated results by using the computer codes TALYS and ALICE-IPPE. The thick target integral yields were also deduced from the measured excitation functions of the produced radionuclides.  相似文献   

The excitation function was measured for the 68Zn(p, 2p)67Cu nuclear reaction from its threshold energy up to 40 MeV. Nine pieces of highly enriched 68Zn (>98%) metal foils were irradiated to obtain reliable cross-sections using the usual stacked-foil technique. All foils were subjected to high efficiency radiochemical separation before the activity measurements. A critical compilation of the available experimental cross-section results was also performed. Thick target yields of 67Cu and the longer-lived copper radio-contaminants (61Cu and 64Cu) were calculated using the reliable literature results up to 100 MeV. Additionally, EOB (End Of Bombardment) contamination levels as a function of bombarding energy and irradiation time were deduced.  相似文献   

We measured the excitation functions for the production of the 181,182m,182g,183,184g,186Re radioisotopes from proton bombardment of natural tungsten by using a stacked-foil activation technique in the energy range from threshold energy to 40 MeV at the MC50 cyclotron of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Science. The results were compared with the earlier reported experimental data and the model calculations using codes TALYS and ALICE-IPPE. The present values are in good agreement with some of the previously reported literature. The integral yields for thick targets were also deduced from the measured excitation functions of the produced radioisotopes. The deduced yield values were compared with the available directly measured thick target yield, and found acceptable agreement. The investigated radioisotope 186Re has remarkable applications in the field of nuclear medicine, whereas the data of 183,184gRe have potential applications in thin layer activation analysis.  相似文献   

All cross-sections of proton-induced reactions, angular distributions and the energy spectra of neutron, proton, deuteron, triton, helium and alpha-particle emission are consistent calculated and analyzed for p+54,56,57,58,natFe at incident proton energies below 250 MeV by using nuclear theoretical models which integrate the optical model, the intra-nuclear cascade model, direct, preequilibrium and equilibrium reaction theories. Especially, the cross-sections of the light composite particle (d, t, 3He and α) emissions are improved based on the exciton model including the pick-up mechanism. Theoretical calculated results are compared with existing experimental data.  相似文献   

Cross sections of proton induced nuclear reactions on ytterbium were measured up to 70 MeV by using the standard stacked foil irradiation technique and high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. Experimental cross sections and derived integral yields are reported for the first time for the natYb(p,xn)173,172mg,171mg,170,167Lu, natYb(p,x)175cum,166cumYb and natYb(p,x)173ind,172ind,168,167cum,165cumTm reactions. No earlier experimental cross section data were found in the literature. The experimental data were compared to and analyzed with the results of the theoretical model code ALICE-IPPE. Production routes of medical radioisotope 167Tm are discussed.  相似文献   

Niobium is a metal with important technological applications: use as alloying element to increase strength of super alloys, as thin layer for tribological applications, as superconductive material, in high temperature engineering systems, etc. In the frame of a systematic study of activation cross-sections of charged particle induced reactions on structural materials proton induced excitation functions on Nb targets were determined with the aim of applications in accelerator and reactor technology and for thin layer activation (TLA). The charged particle activation cross-sections on this element are also important for yield calculation of medical isotope production (88,89Zr,86,87,88Y) and for dose estimation in PET targetry. As Niobium is a monoisotopic element it is an ideal target material to test nuclear reaction theories. We present here the integral excitation functions of 93Nb(p,x)90,93mMo, 92m,91m,90Nb, 86,88,89Zr, 86,87mg,88Y and 85Sr in the energy range 30-70 MeV, some measured for the first time at this energy range.The results were compared with the theoretical cross-sections calculated by means of the code ALICE-IPPE and with the literature data. The calculations have been carried out without any parameter adjustment. The theory reproduces the shape of the measured results well and magnitude is also acceptable.Thick target yields calculated from our fitted cross-section give reliable estimations for production of medically relevant radioisotopes and for dose estimation in accelerator technology.  相似文献   

The isomeric yield ratios of 110m,gIn, 111m,gIn, 112m,gIn, and 117m,gIn were measured in photonuclear reactions for the end point energies of bremsstrahlung about 50, 60, and 70 MeV. The isomeric yield ratios were determined from the induced activities in the irradiated samples using a high-purity germanium detector equipped with a multichannel analyzer. The results are the first measurements in this energy region. Experimental values of the isomeric yield ratios are compared with the corresponding values found in the literature.  相似文献   

The longlived isotope 10Be is of great importance in earth sciences for dating applications, reconstruction of the solar activity or in climate research. Routine AMS measurements with BeO samples are performed on accelerators with a terminal voltage above 2 MV. Applying the degrader foil technique for boron suppression, first tests with BeO samples on the 0.6 MV ETH/PSI machine were limited by background to a 10Be/9Be ratio of 10−13. The background was identified as 9Be which reaches the detector by scattering processes. By applying an additional magnetic mass filter to the high energy mass spectrometer the background was effectively removed. A 10Be/9Be background ratio of <5 × 10−15 was achieved. The overall efficiency (detected 10Be compared to BeO injected into the accelerator) was 7-8%.  相似文献   

Cross-sections for the residual radionuclide productions by proton-induced activation on natural molybdenum were measured up to 40 MeV by using a stacked-foil technique at the MC50 cyclotron of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS). This work has given a new data set for the formation of the investigated radionuclides. The present results for most of the radionuclides showed in general good agreement with the earlier reported data as well as the theoretical data taken from the calculations based on the ALICE-IPPE code. The integral yields for thick targets were also deduced from the measured cross-sections of the produced radionuclides. The optimum production of the 99mTc radionuclide with minimum impurities can be obtained at the energy ranges from 10 to 23 MeV, where the production yields were obtained as 597.15 MBqμA−1h−1 at saturation. The measured cross-sections are used for production of medically important radionuclides such as 99mTc, 94mTc and 93m,gTc by using the medium-energy cyclotrons.  相似文献   

We have investigated the scattering of K+ and Cs+ ions from a single crystal Ag(0 0 1) surface and from a Ag-Si(1 0 0) Schottky diode structure. For the K+ ions, incident energies of 25 eV to 1 keV were used to obtain energy-resolved spectra of scattered ions at θi = θf = 45°. These results are compared to the classical trajectory simulation safari and show features indicative of light atom-surface scattering where sequential binary collisions can describe the observed energy loss spectra. Energy-resolved spectra obtained for Cs+ ions at incident energies of 75 eV and 200 eV also show features consistent with binary collisions. However, for this heavy atom-surface scattering system, the dominant trajectory type involves at least two surface atoms, as large angular deflections are not classically allowed for any single scattering event. In addition, a significant deviation from the classical double-collision prediction is observed for incident energies around 100 eV, and molecular dynamics studies are proposed to investigate the role of collective lattice effects. Data are also presented for the scattering of K+ ions from a Schottky diode structure, which is a prototype device for the development of active targets to probe energy loss at a surface.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the capture and scattering cross sections of natural cadmium are not well described by the resonance parameters that are given in the evaluated data files. In particular, doubts on the parameters of the first resonance of 113Cd at 0.178 eV have been raised. This resonance is of high importance in the interpretation in many integral experiments, such as neutron activation analysis, in which cadmium foils are used to shield from thermal neutrons. A new set of experiments has been designed and performed at the neutron time-of-flight facility GELINA, to determine the total cross section and to extract a set of resonance parameters. The covariance information of the experimental data is propagated and the correlation between the resonance parameters is derived. The obtained parameters are then compared to the data available in the literature. Finally a set of criticality experiments from the international handbook of evaluated critical safety benchmark experiments is used to quantify the influence of the change in the resonance parameters.  相似文献   

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