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Genesis, a member of NASAs Discovery Mission program, is the world’s first sample return mission since the Apollo program to bring home solar matter in ultra-pure materials. Outside the protection of Earth’s magnetosphere at the Earth-Sun Lagrange 1 point, the deployed sample collectors were directly exposed to solar wind irradiation. The natural process of solar wind ion implantation into a highly pure silicon (Si) bulk composition array collector has been measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Ellipsometry results show that bulk solar wind ions composed of approximately 95% H+, 4% He+ and <1% other elements physically altered the first 59-63 nm of crystalline silicon substrate during 852.8 days of solar exposure. STEM analysis confirms that the solar accelerated ions caused significant strain and visible structural defects to the silicon structure forming a 60-75 nm thick irradiation damage region directly below the surface SiO2 native oxide layer. Monte Carlo simulations of solar wind H, He, C, O, Ne, Mg, Si and Fe ion collisions in the Si collector with fluences calculated from the Genesis and ACE spacecrafts were used to estimate the energy deposited and Si vacancies produced by nuclear stopping in a flight-like Si bulk array collector. The coupled deposited energy model with the flown Genesis Si in situ measurements provides new insight into the basic principles of solar wind diffusion and space weathering of materials outside Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Thin layer activation (TLA) is a versatile tool for activating thin surface layers in order to study real-time the surface loss by wear, corrosion or erosion processes of the activated parts, without disassembling or stopping running mechanical structures or equipment. The research problem is the determination of the irradiation parameters to produce point-like or large area optimal activity-depth distribution in the sample. Different activity-depth profiles can be produced depending on the type of the investigated material and the nuclear reaction used. To produce activity that is independent of the depth up to a certain depth is desirable when the material removed from the surface by wear, corrosion or erosion can be collected completely. By applying dual energy irradiation the thickness of this quasi-constant activity layer can be increased or the deviation of the activity distribution from a constant value can be minimized. In the main, parts made of metals and alloys are suitable for direct activation, but by using secondary particle implantation the wear of other materials can also be studied in a surface range a few micrometers thick.In most practical cases activation of a point-like spot (several mm2) is enough to monitor the wear, corrosion or erosion, but for special problems relatively large surfaces areas of complicated spatial geometry need to be activated uniformly. Two ways are available for fulfilling this task, (1) production of large area beam spot or scanning the beam over the surface in question from the accelerator side, or (2) a programmed 3D movement of the sample from the target side. Taking into account the large variability of tasks occurring in practice, the latter method was chosen as the routine solution in our cyclotron laboratory.  相似文献   

An accelerator-based analytical method for measuring trace elements in foods and agricultural products was developed, optimized, validated and compared using reference standards. The method’s initial phase is a new, rapid and effective digestion process of a small mass analyte in an aqueous media containing H2O2. Digestion is initiated by radicals formed in water with pulsed UV (PUV) induced (laser) photolysis, which rapidly react with organic matter. After digestion, trace metals are pre-concentrated as carbamates and deposited as thin targets onto Teflon filters. Conventional particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) or X-ray fluorescence (XRF) methods are then used to analyze elements in the sample. When foods and other agricultural commodities (i.e., soils, feeds) are analyzed, the combined method named pulsed UV (PUV)/PIXE results in enhanced detection of trace elements such as Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb at ∼1 mg/kg (1 ppm) levels, without lengthy, acid-based digestions. It provides improvements in digestion kinetics and processing time enhancing analytical sensitivity and element recovery. Precision and recovery yields were confirmed with food reference standards. The analysis of edible foods from contaminated agricultural areas is also reported.  相似文献   

In meta-stable austenitic stainless steels, fatigue is accompanied by a partial strain-induced transformation of paramagnetic austenite to ferromagnetic martensite [G.B. Olsen, M. Cohen, Kinetics of strain induced martensite nucleation, Metall. Trans. 6 (1975) 791-795]. The associated changes of magnetic properties as the eddy current impedance, magnetic permeability or the remanence field may serve as an indication for the degree of fatigue and therefore the remaining lifetime of a component, even though the exact causal relationship between martensite formation and fatigue is not fully understood. However, measuring these properties by magnetic methods may be limited by the low affinity for strain-induced martensite formation. Thus other methods have to be found which are able to detect very small changes of ferromagnetic contents. With this aim the influence of cyclic strain loading on the magnetization curves of the austenitic stainless tube and pipe steels TP 321, 347, 304L and 316L is analysed in the present paper. The measured characteristic magnetic properties, which are the saturation magnetization, residual magnetization, coercive field and the field dependent permeability (AC-magnetization), are sensitive to fatigue and the corresponding material changes (martensitic transformation). In particular, the AC-magnetization was found to be very sensitive to small changes of the amount of strain induced martensite and therefore also to the degree of fatigue. Hence we conclude that applying magnetic minor loops are promising for the non-destructive evaluation of fatigue in austenitic stainless steel, even if a very small amount of strain induced martensite is formed.  相似文献   

Extensive PIXE investigations have been performed at the LABEC accelerator laboratory in Florence on the painting “Ritratto Trivulzio” by Antonello da Messina, one of the great Italian masters of XV Century and a pioneer in modern oil painting.It is well known that a complete and unambiguous characterisation of materials in paintings is often difficult, owing to their complex structure. For the “Ritratto Trivulzio”, the combination of advanced variants of PIXE, such as differential and scanning-mode analysis, provided a relevant contribution to the characterisation of paint layers, in terms of composition and structure, in a totally non-invasive and non-destructive way.Single-spot mode PIXE with external proton beams of about half millimetre diameter was first used for a general characterisation of different areas of the painting. Differential PIXE performed in many spots led to reconstruct the sequence of paints employed by the artist and to estimate in some cases the local paint layer thickness.A second run carried out with the external scanning microbeam facility, using a 3 MeV proton beam of about 80 μm size, was then crucial to clarify some issues raised by the first analysis. In particular, elemental maps from selected areas helped to understand the way some colour shades had been obtained on the red mantle of the portrayed gentleman, using different pigments irregularly distributed on the surface.  相似文献   

The effect of rolling and annealing on the microstructure and high temperature creep properties of alloy 617 were investigated. Two types of foil specimens with different thickness reductions were prepared by thermo-mechanical processing. Recrystallization and grain growth were readily observed at specimens annealed at 950 and 1100 °C. The uniform coarse grains increase resistance against creep deformation. The grain size effect in creep deformation was dominant up to 900 °C, while dynamic recrystallization effect became dominant at 1000 °C. Dynamic recrystallization was observed in all the creep deformed foils, even though some specimens had already been (statically) recrystallized during annealing. Steady state creep rates decreased with increasing annealing temperature in the less rolled foils. The apparent activation energy Qapp for the creep deformation increased from 271 to 361 kJ/mol as the annealing temperature increased from 950 to 1100 °C.  相似文献   

A key point in the quality control of ion therapy is real-time monitoring and imaging of the dose delivered to the patient. Among the possible signals that can be used to make such a monitoring, prompt gamma-rays issued from nuclear fragmentation are possible candidates, provided the correlation between the emission profile and the primary beam range can be established. By means of simultaneous energy and time-of-flight discrimination, we could measure the longitudinal profile of the prompt gamma-rays emitted by 73 MeV/u carbon ions stopping inside a PMMA target. This technique allowed us to minimize the shielding against neutrons and scattered gamma rays, and to find a good correlation between the prompt-gamma profile and the ion range. This profile was studied as a function of the observation angle. By extrapolating our results to higher energies and realistic detection efficiencies, we showed that prompt gamma-ray measurements make it feasible to control in real time the longitudinal dose during ion therapy treatments.  相似文献   

Advanced applications of parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) such as energy-dispersive X-ray absorption fine structure (DXAFS) analysis and phase-contrast imaging have been developed at the Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA) of Nihon University. To improve the electron beam quality and geometrical stability of the target crystal, the cooling-water system for the linac and the PXR target was replaced with a new one capable of more precise control. As a result, the reliability of the experimental data in PXR applications, especially in X-ray imaging, has improved. The effect of the electron beam focusing on the target crystal was also investigated. The results of X-ray imaging with a long propagation distance and measurement of the time-structure of the PXR intensity suggest that the correlation between the electron beam profile and the X-ray coherence is rather complicated. It is possible that incident electrons cause some deformation of the target crystal, becoming the dominant factor restricting the quality of intense PXR.  相似文献   

The paper presents some important problems related to the practical aspect of employing the bremsstrahlung radiation generated by linear accelerators used in the irradiation technological processes, namely:
The optimization of the electron-bremsstrahlung conversion output by optimizing the target thickness and
the study on the influence of some variable parameters of the accelerator (i.e. the beam current, the magnetron frequency and the injection voltage) on the dosimeter characteristics of the bremsstrahlung radiation.
The measurements have been performed with the 3.5 and 10 MeV linear electron accelerators in NILPRP-Electron Accelerator Laboratory.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of determination of cross-link density (νe) of hydrogels by using swelling tests and mechanical measurements has been made. Poly(acrylamide/methacrylamide) P(AAm/MAAm) and poly(acrylamide/hydroxyethyl methacrylate) P(AAm/HEMA) hydrogels were prepared by using gamma rays and used as model hydrogel systems. The uniaxial compression test was applied to cylindrical gel samples in the swollen state at pH 7. Stress-strain curves of hydrogels were evaluated to calculate the shear modulus values. The average molecular weight between cross-links and νe obtained from mechanical measurements were significantly different than the values obtained from swelling experiments. Large differences were attributed to the uncertainty on the value of the χ parameter used in the Flory-Rehner equation. ±1% change in this parameter doubled or reduced the value of hydrogel to half value.  相似文献   

The use of Al2O3 dielectric in MOS based radiation sensors has been investigated. Their response has been compared with conventional MOS capacitors with a SiO2 dielectric. The study includes gamma radiation effects with dose up to 4 Gy. The effect of radiation has been determined from the valance band shift in C-V curves. The amount of charge induced by the radiation has been calculated and compared with the response of MOS capacitors with SiO2 with the same and different thicknesses. Fading properties have been studied and compared. Results show that MOS capacitors with Al2O3 dielectric exhibit sensitivity greater than that obtained from MOS capacitors with SiO2. This higher sensitivity is attributed to higher trapping efficiency in the Al2O3 layer.  相似文献   

Plutonium isotopes have been recently added to the list of radionuclides that can be measured with the new generation of compact AMS facilities. In this paper we present first experimental results concerning the development of the plutonium AMS technique at 680 kV on the 1 MV AMS system at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA) in Sevilla, Spain. This is the first compact AMS machine designed and manufactured by High Voltage Engineering Europa. As we demonstrate, the obtained backgrounds for 239,240Pu, of about 106 atoms, and the 239Pu/238U mass suppression factor, in the range of 10−9, compare to the ones achieved on other AMS facilities. With the measurement of reference materials provided by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA-375, IAEA-Soil-6, IAEA-381) and samples already studied on the 600 kV compact ETH/PSI AMS system at Zürich, we show that the CNA system can be perfectly used for the routine measurement of plutonium isotopes at environmental levels.  相似文献   

The effects of the germanium detector electronics on diffraction line patterns is investigated. It is shown that not only the detector resolution and the throughput but also the energy stability depend on both the specific detector settings and the dead time. For a moderate resolution versus throughput setting a correction function is proposed and applied to the near-surface residual stress analysis of three samples with considerably different stress states. It is demonstrated that without the correction function ghost stresses up to hundreds of MPa in the near-surface region are obtained. The correction procedure is verified by conventional X-ray measurements. In conclusion, the authors strongly suggest quantifying the electronic shifts of any individual detector systems prior to the analysis of residual stresses.  相似文献   

Excitation functions of the 93Nb(p,n)93mMo, 93Nb(p,pn)92mNb and 93Nb(p,αn)89Zr nuclear reactions were measured up to 17.4 MeV by the conventional activation method using the stacked-foil technique. Stacks were irradiated at different incident energies on the TR19/9 cyclotron at the Edmonton PET Centre. The potential of the measured excitation functions for use as monitor reactions was evaluated and tested by measuring activity ratios at a different facility. Single Nb foils were irradiated at incident energies in the range from 12 to 19 MeV on the TR19/9 cyclotron at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Results are compared with the published data and with theoretical values as determined by the nuclear reaction model code EMPIRE.  相似文献   

The neutron total cross-sections of molybdenum were measured in the neutron energy region from 0.01 eV to 200 eV by using the time-of-flight method at the Pohang Neutron Facility, which consists of an electron linear accelerator, a water-cooled tantalum target with a water moderator, and a 12-m long time-of-flight path. A 6Li-ZnS(Ag) scintillator with a diameter of 12.5 cm and a thickness of 1.6 cm was used as a neutron detector, and a high purity natural molybdenum metallic disc with a diameter of 6.2 cm and a thickness of 3 mm thickness was used for the neutron transmission measurement. Notch filters composed of Co, In, Cd were used to estimate the background level and to calculate the length of neutron flight path. In order to reduce the gamma-ray background from Bremsstrahlung and from neutron capture, we employed a neutron-gamma separation system based on their different pulse shapes. The present measurement was compared with the existing experimental and the evaluated data. The resonance parameters of Mo isotopes were extracted from the transmission by using the SAMMY code and were compared with other previous reported results.  相似文献   

The IAEA has been playing a significant role in fostering developments in radiation technology in general and radiation processing of polymers in particular, among its Member States (MS) and facilitate know-how/technology transfer to developing MS. The former is usually achieved through coordinated research projects (CRP) and thematic technical meetings, while the latter is mainly accomplished through technical cooperation (TC) projects. Coordinated research projects encourage research on, and development and practical application of, radiation technology to foster exchange of scientific and technical information. The technical cooperation (TC) programme helps Member States to realize their development priorities through the application of appropriate radiation technology.The IAEA has implemented several coordinated research projects (CRP) recently, including one on-going project, in the field of radiation processing of polymeric materials. The CRPs facilitated the acquisition and dissemination of know-how and technology for controlling of degradation effects in radiation processing of polymers, radiation synthesis of stimuli-responsive membranes, hydrogels and absorbents for separation purposes and the use of radiation processing to prepare biomaterials for applications in medicine.The IAEA extends cooperation to well-known international conferences dealing with radiation technology to facilitate participation of talented scientists from developing MS and building collaborations. The IAEA published technical documents, covering the findings of thematic technical meetings (TM) and coordinated research projects have been an important source of valuable practical information.  相似文献   

Measurements of pyrolytic carbon optical anisotropy and density have been made on a series of tri-isotropic (TRISO) coated particles prepared for the United States Department of Energy’s Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification (AGR) program. These measurements show the effect of varying the deposition conditions, especially the deposition temperature, on the density and optical anisotropy of the carbon layers. Additional heat treatment studies of the coated particles at various stages illustrate the strong effect of post-deposition thermal processing on these two pyrolytic carbon properties. Such post-deposition heat treatment occurs during SiC deposition and fuel compact firing, resulting in increased anisotropy and density of the pyrolytic carbon layers.  相似文献   

Measuring in a non-destructive way the characteristic trace elements of the metal allows following the circulation of gold in the past. The aim of this work is to probe the possibilities of X-ray fluorescence with high energy synchrotron radiation (SR-XRF) at the BAMline at BESSY II to determine the concentration of Pt in ancient gold alloys. A HP-Ge detector was used to measure the Pt K-lines excited with an incident energy of 79.5 keV. Data processing was done by subtraction of a Pt free gold standard spectrum from the spectrum of the sample. Depending on the sample composition, the MDL ranges between 40 and 90 ppm. The first results obtained for a small set of gold alloys of different thickness, size and composition showed that high energy SR-XRF is a significant method for the non-destructive determination of Pt in gold.  相似文献   

During the late Roman period the production of complex copper alloy (Cu-Sn-Pb-Ag) coins with a silvered surface, became common practice. Previous analyses of these coins did not solve key technological issues and in particular, the silvering process. Two methods have been suggested for the production of the thin plating layers in late Roman coins the dipping in molten silver chloride and the use of silvering pastes. However, there are questions about their use. More recent research showed that hot-dipping methods, such as the dipping in molten silver chloride, were not really suitable for mass production. Also, the earliest references to the use of silvering pastes dated to 17th century AD. A review of ancient sources and historic literature indicated silver amalgam plating as the possible method for the production of the plating in late Roman coins. Results derived from non-destructive LA-ICP-MS analysis have demonstrated, for the first time, the presence of Hg in the surface layers of these coins. The optimization of the method and the factors influenced the analyses results, are discussed. The examination of the coins by means of EPMA confirmed the ICP-MS results. The introduction of a new technique for the examination of plating layers, helped in the identification of amalgam silvering as the method used in the production of the coins.  相似文献   

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