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We have studied the radiation from a relativistic charged particle in a uniform rotation along the equatorial orbit inside a spherical cavity immersed in continuous loss-free dielectric, the permittivity of which in the frequency range under consideration is ε > 1. A formula for calculation of radiation intensity at large distances from the cavity is derived. It is shown that with a special (resonant) choice of a non-dimensional parameter ξ the intensity of synchrotron radiation in the presence of a cavity may be either amplified or reduced almost by times compared with particle rotation in empty space. The resonance value of ξ is determined by the number of harmonics and is independent of other parameters. A visual explanation of this phenomenon is given and its possible application is discussed.  相似文献   

We present a theory of diffraction radiation from a two-dimensional system that consists of small spherical particles on a metal substrate. The interaction between a moving charge and single particles is described in the frames of local field theory. The local field effects are proved to lead to a sharp increase of the radiation intensity at certain frequencies, similar to the effect of giant Raman scattering. The case of nanoparticles is explored and it is shown that the possible enhancement of radiation can reach some thousands of times in the THz range. The Smith-Purcell effect is investigated for the case when the system of particles is periodically arranged.  相似文献   

Backward transition radiation of an electron with an arbitrary energy is studied when an ideally-conducting target is flat and its normal is not collinear with the particle velocity (oblique incidence). A model for radiation registered with a small flat detector placed at a finite distance (including the radiation in the pre-wave zone) in the vicinity of specular reflection direction is developed. Characteristics of the radiation in the far-field zone are in complete agreement with well-known results. The calculations for pre-wave zone show that the angular distribution of the radiation intensity is distorted compared to the far-field case, and the radiation asymmetry (having a place in the far-field for moderately relativistic energies) is also preserved in the pre-wave zone. Some numerical estimations of the radiation asymmetry at a finite distance are also given. The technique developed may be used for estimations of coherent transition radiation intensity in the mm-wavelength range.  相似文献   

For the first time the focusing effect of coherent transition radiation generated in a paraboloidal target by electrons with energy of 6.1 MeV has been observed experimentally. A comparison of the angular distribution of detected radiation was made for flat and paraboloidal targets under focusing and defocusing conditions. Using paraboloidal targets one can considerably increase the spectral-angular density of the radiation in the paraboloidal focus without any additional optical devices.  相似文献   

A charged particle passing through or near a narrow optical fiber induces, by polarisation, coherent light guided by the fiber. In the limit of zero crossing angle, the radiation tends towards a Cherenkov radiation with a discrete spectrum, studied by different authors. If the particle crosses a bent fiber at regularly spaced points, interference gives quasi-monochromatic lines. If the particle passes near an end of the fiber, light is produced by the capture of virtual photons through the end face. An alternative way consists in sticking a metallic ball to the fiber: the passing particle induces plasmons which are then evacuated as light in the fiber. Interferences can occur between lights from several ends or balls. Applications of these various light signals to beam diagnostics are discussed. The shadow effect, which reduces the photon yield when the particle runs parallel to a row of balls, is pointed out and an upper bound -dE/dzC(Ze/b)2 for the particle energy loss is conjectured (Ze is the particle charge, b the impact parameter and C a numerical constant). This bound should also apply to other kinds of light sources, in particular to Smith-Purcell radiation.  相似文献   

To evaluate secondary electron (SE) image characteristics in helium ion microscope, Si surfaces with a rod and step structures is scanned by 30 keV He and Ga ion beams and 1 keV electron beam. The topographic sensitivity of He ions is in principle higher than that for scanning electron microscope (SEM) because of the stronger dependency of SE yield versus incident angle for He ions. As shrinking to sub nm patterns, the pseudo-images constructed from line profile of SE intensity by the electron beam lose their sharpness, however, the images for the He and Ga ion beams keep clearness due to darkening the bottom corners of the pattern. Here, the sputter erosion for Ga ions must be considered. Furthermore, trajectories of emitted SEs are simulated for a rectangular Al surface scanned by the beams to study voltage contrast, where positive and negative voltages are applied to the small area of the sample. Both less high energy component in the energy distribution of SEs and dominant contribution of direct SE excitation by a projectile He ion keep a high voltage contrast down to a sub nm sized area positively biased against the zero-potential surroundings.  相似文献   

A direct Monte Carlo program has been developed to calculate the backward (γb) and forward (γf) electron emission yields from 20 nm thick Al foil for impact of C+, Al+, Ar+, Cu+ and Kr+ ions having energies in the range of 0.1-10 keV/amu. The program incorporates the excitation of target electrons by projectile ions, recoiling target atoms and fast primary electrons. The program can be used to calculate the electron yields, distribution of electron excitation points in the target and other physical parameters of the emitted electrons. The calculated backward electron emission yield and the Meckbach factor R = γf/γb are compared with the available experimental data, and a good agreement is found. In addition, the effect of projectile energy and mass on the longitudinal and lateral distribution of the excitation points of the electrons emitted from front and back of Al target has been investigated.  相似文献   

Here we describe a recently developed direct Monte Carlo program to study kinetic electron emission from SiO2 target. The program includes excitation of the target electrons (by projectile ions, recoiling target atoms and fast primary electrons), subsequent transport and escape of these electrons from the target surface. The program can be used to calculate the electron yields, distribution of electron excitation points in the target and other physical parameters of the emitted electrons. In order to demonstrate the capabilities of this program, we report a study on the kinetic electron emission from SiO2 induced by fast (1-10 keV) rare gas ions. The calculated kinetic electron yield for various ion energies and masses is in good agreement with the predictions of most frequently applied theoretical model. In addition, the effects of projectile energy, mass and impact angle on the depth distribution of electron excitation points and average escape depth of the outgoing electrons were investigated. It is important to mention that the existing experimental techniques are not capable to measure these parameters.  相似文献   

Combining the SRIM’06 computer code and the formula for spectral-angular distribution of radiation from a particle moving in a medium in arbitrary trajectory, we studied numerically the structure of angular distributions of Cherenkov radiation from moderately relativistic heavy ions (RHI) taking into account the decrease of the ion velocity due to stopping in the radiator. The results obtained clearly show that the width and the fine structure of the Cherenkov radiation in the vicinity of the Cherenkov cone depend strongly on several factors, e.g. the mean and total energy losses, the radiator thickness, the square of the ion charge, the emission wavelength and the refractive index of the radiator material. This might be useful for experiments using RICH detectors for relativistic heavy ions.  相似文献   

Coherent Smith-Purcell (SP) radiation has already been applied as a technique to measure the longitudinal bunch profile of charged particle beams in the low to intermediate energy range. However, with the advent of the International Linear Collider and the need to develop a non-invasive method of measuring the bunch profile, it has become necessary to carry out experiments at the highest possible energies. The paper summarizes some recent work at intermediate (45 MeV) energy and presents the first observations of SP radiation from a 28.5 GeV beam at SLAC. The experimental challenges and future possibilities of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation as a longitudinal bunch profile diagnostic tool are also discussed.  相似文献   

Although several 2-D simulations of Smith-Purcell (SP) radiation using particle-in-cell (PIC) codes have been performed, only recently have 3-D simulations been reported. To some extent this is caused by the requirements of computer memory and time, which are much greater in the latter. We present our new 3-D results concerning the simulation of the MIT experiment that used a pre-bunched 15 MeV beam to generate terahertz SP radiation. In particular, we compare the new results with our older 2-D simulations, in order to see which aspects survive in 3-D simulations. We also address the question of power radiated according to the two simulations.  相似文献   

A simple model to evaluate the imaging shape of an optical diffraction radiation (ODR) source focused by a lens on a detector, taking into account the pre-wave zone effect has been developed. The characteristic size of an ODR image does not depend on the Lorentz-factor and is defined by the impact-parameter (minimal distance between a particle trajectory and ODR target edge) only. Using the ODR intensity component polarized parallel to the target edge it is possible to significantly improve the spatial resolution of an ODR beam profile monitor.  相似文献   

The influence of the tails of particle trajectories on planar channeling radiation (CR) spectra from relativistic (800-2000 MeV) electrons and positrons in a thin silicon crystal is investigated. It is shown that the trajectory tails significantly change the CR spectra from electrons and positrons in specific parts of the spectra compared to calculations which do not take into account this effect.  相似文献   

It is shown that the band structure of the energy levels of planar channeled electrons qualitatively changes the angular distributions of X-rays emitted at Bragg angles.  相似文献   

Advanced applications of parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) such as energy-dispersive X-ray absorption fine structure (DXAFS) analysis and phase-contrast imaging have been developed at the Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA) of Nihon University. To improve the electron beam quality and geometrical stability of the target crystal, the cooling-water system for the linac and the PXR target was replaced with a new one capable of more precise control. As a result, the reliability of the experimental data in PXR applications, especially in X-ray imaging, has improved. The effect of the electron beam focusing on the target crystal was also investigated. The results of X-ray imaging with a long propagation distance and measurement of the time-structure of the PXR intensity suggest that the correlation between the electron beam profile and the X-ray coherence is rather complicated. It is possible that incident electrons cause some deformation of the target crystal, becoming the dominant factor restricting the quality of intense PXR.  相似文献   

Yu. V. Rogov 《Atomic Energy》1991,70(4):323-326
A. M. Gor'kii Kharkov State University. Translated Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 256-257, April, 1991.  相似文献   

Modification of two classical emission mechanism from relativistic electrons crossing a solid polycrystalline target (bremsstrahlung and transition radiation) is predicted. Peculiarities being considered appear due to the order in part atomic structure of the target.  相似文献   

Coherent X-radiation of a relativistic electron crossing a single crystal plate with constant speed is considered in the two-wave approximation of the dynamic diffraction theory [Z. Pinsker, Dynamical Scattering of X-rays in Crystals, Springer, Berlin, 1984] in a Laue geometry. Analytical expressions describing the spectral-angular distribution of parametric X-radiation (PXR) and diffracted transition radiation (DTR) formed on a system of parallel atomic planes situated at an arbitrary angle δ to the surface of the crystal plate (asymmetric reflection) are derived. The dependences of the PXR and DTR spectral-angular density and their interference with angle δ are studied.  相似文献   

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