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The radioisotope 165Er (T1/2 = 10.36 h) is a candidate for Auger-electron therapy. The β-emitting 166gHo (T1/2 = 26.83 h) is now being explored for various therapeutic applications. In the frame of our systematic study of charged particle production routes of therapeutic radionuclides the excitation functions of the 165Ho(d, 2n)165Er and 165Ho(d, p)166gHo reactions were measured up to 20 MeV by using a stacked foil irradiation technique and X/γ-ray spectroscopy. The excitation function of the 165Ho(d, 2n)165Er reaction was measured for the first time while for the 165Ho(d, p)166gHo reaction only a single dataset of earlier measured cross-sections was found. The measured excitation functions were compared to the results of different nuclear reaction model codes. The calculated thick target yield of the 165Ho(d, 2n) reaction is significantly higher over the optimal energy range than that for the 165Ho(p, n) reaction investigated earlier by us. The integral yield of the 165Ho(d, p)166gHo reaction is rather low compared to the established 165Ho(n, γ)166Ho reaction in a nuclear reactor.  相似文献   

Cross sections of proton induced nuclear reactions on ytterbium were measured up to 70 MeV by using the standard stacked foil irradiation technique and high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. Experimental cross sections and derived integral yields are reported for the first time for the natYb(p,xn)173,172mg,171mg,170,167Lu, natYb(p,x)175cum,166cumYb and natYb(p,x)173ind,172ind,168,167cum,165cumTm reactions. No earlier experimental cross section data were found in the literature. The experimental data were compared to and analyzed with the results of the theoretical model code ALICE-IPPE. Production routes of medical radioisotope 167Tm are discussed.  相似文献   

Excitation functions of the natEr(p,x)163,166,167,168,170Tm and natEr(p,x)cum161Er reactions were measured experimentally from the respective threshold up to 36 MeV incident proton energy and in the range of 60-70 MeV. The cross sections were measured with activation method using the stacked foil irradiation technique. A theoretical interpretation of contributing reactions based on results of the ALICE-IPPE code was done. From our experimental cross section data integral production yields were calculated which were compared to the experimental integral yield data reported in the literature.  相似文献   

We measured the production cross-sections of the 107,111m,115gCd, 108m,108g,109g,110m,110,111g,113m,114m,115m,116mIn and 104g,105g,106m,110m,111g,113gAg radionuclides for proton-induced reactions on cadmium by using a stacked-foil activation technique in the energy rangy between 3 and 40 MeV at the MC-50 cyclotron of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Science. The measured cross-sections were compared with the available literature data and the theoretical calculations by the model codes TALYS and ALICE-IPPE. The integral yields for thick targets were also obtained from the measured cross-sections of the produced radionuclides. The measured cross-sections, especially the indium (In) radionuclides have a significance for various practical applications; thin layer activation analysis, nuclear medicine, nuclear technology, radioactive waste handling, etc.  相似文献   

The excitation function was measured for the 68Zn(p, 2p)67Cu nuclear reaction from its threshold energy up to 40 MeV. Nine pieces of highly enriched 68Zn (>98%) metal foils were irradiated to obtain reliable cross-sections using the usual stacked-foil technique. All foils were subjected to high efficiency radiochemical separation before the activity measurements. A critical compilation of the available experimental cross-section results was also performed. Thick target yields of 67Cu and the longer-lived copper radio-contaminants (61Cu and 64Cu) were calculated using the reliable literature results up to 100 MeV. Additionally, EOB (End Of Bombardment) contamination levels as a function of bombarding energy and irradiation time were deduced.  相似文献   

Cross-sections for the residual radionuclide productions by proton-induced activation on natural molybdenum were measured up to 40 MeV by using a stacked-foil technique at the MC50 cyclotron of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS). This work has given a new data set for the formation of the investigated radionuclides. The present results for most of the radionuclides showed in general good agreement with the earlier reported data as well as the theoretical data taken from the calculations based on the ALICE-IPPE code. The integral yields for thick targets were also deduced from the measured cross-sections of the produced radionuclides. The optimum production of the 99mTc radionuclide with minimum impurities can be obtained at the energy ranges from 10 to 23 MeV, where the production yields were obtained as 597.15 MBqμA−1h−1 at saturation. The measured cross-sections are used for production of medically important radionuclides such as 99mTc, 94mTc and 93m,gTc by using the medium-energy cyclotrons.  相似文献   

The cross sections for the 175Lu(n,2n)174m,gLu, 198Pt(n,2n)197m,gPt and 82Se(n,2n)81m,gSe reactions and their isomeric cross section ratios σm/σg have been measured in the neutron energy range of 13.5-14.6 MeV using the activation technique. Nuclear model calculations using the code HFTT, which employs the Hauser-Feshbach (statistical model) and exciton model (precompound effects) formalisms, were undertaken to describe the formation of the products. The total cross sections for the (n,2n) reaction on 175Lu, 198Pt and 82Se are compared with experimental data found in the literature, with results of published empirical formulae, and with values of model calculations including the pre-equilibrium contribution.  相似文献   

Excitation functions of the reactions natEr(α, xn)167,169Yb and natEr(α, x)165,167,172,173Tm were measured up to 38 MeV. The experimental excitation functions are compared to the theoretical calculations based on the model code ALICE-IPPE and to the data found in the literature. Yields of different production routes (proton-, deuteron- and alpha-irradiation) of 169Yb are compared.  相似文献   

We measured integral thin target cross sections for the proton-induced production of 3He, 4He, 21Ne, 22Ne, 36Ar and 38Ar from Fe and Ni from the respective reaction thresholds up to 1.6 GeV. The production of noble gas isotopes, especially 4He, from Fe and Ni is of special importance for design studies of accelerator driven systems and/or energy amplifier, because Fe is the main structural material in almost every design study. Furthermore, the cross sections are needed to establish the first physical model calculations for the production of cosmogenic nuclides in iron meteorites. As a result of our new measurements there now exist for both target elements a complete and consistent database for the production of noble gas isotopes. The experimental data are compared to results from the theoretical nuclear model codes INCL4/ABLA and TALYS. This comparison clearly demonstrates again that experimental data are still needed because the predictive power of nuclear model codes, though permanently improving, does still not allow reliably predicting the cross sections needed for most applications and irradiation experiments remain indispensable.  相似文献   

One of the radioisotopes for which a growing interest exists in nuclear medicine is 64Cu. Its branched decay makes it suitable for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Activation cross sections of the proton induced reaction on enriched 64Ni have been studied using the stacked foil technique up to 24 MeV. The experimental cross sections are compared with values available from literature. Thick target yields, based on the discrete measured values of the cross sections are calculated and allow a better estimation of the optimum production parameters.  相似文献   

Excitation functions for the natZr(p,xn)90,92m,95g,96Nb, natZr(p,pxn)88,89Zr, and natZr(p,αxn)86,87m,87mg,88Y reactions were measured by using a stacked-foil activation technique in combination with HPGe γ-ray spectroscopy using the MC50 cyclotron at the Korean Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences, Korea. In this way the proton beam energy range 4-40 MeV was covered. We report new data for these processes. The data were compared with the results of precompound-hybrid model calculations, whereby only a partial agreement was obtained.  相似文献   

We have measured the production cross-sections of the residual radionuclides for proton-induced reactions on natural tin by using a stacked-foil activation technique in the energy range from threshold energy to 40 MeV at the MC-50 cyclotron of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences. The results were compared with the earlier reported experimental data and theoretical calculations based on the TALYS and the ALICE-IPPE codes. The present results are in general good agreement with the available literature data and calculated results by using the computer codes TALYS and ALICE-IPPE. The thick target integral yields were also deduced from the measured excitation functions of the produced radionuclides.  相似文献   

We measured the excitation functions for the production of the 181,182m,182g,183,184g,186Re radioisotopes from proton bombardment of natural tungsten by using a stacked-foil activation technique in the energy range from threshold energy to 40 MeV at the MC50 cyclotron of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Science. The results were compared with the earlier reported experimental data and the model calculations using codes TALYS and ALICE-IPPE. The present values are in good agreement with some of the previously reported literature. The integral yields for thick targets were also deduced from the measured excitation functions of the produced radioisotopes. The deduced yield values were compared with the available directly measured thick target yield, and found acceptable agreement. The investigated radioisotope 186Re has remarkable applications in the field of nuclear medicine, whereas the data of 183,184gRe have potential applications in thin layer activation analysis.  相似文献   

Differential cross sections of the 32S(d,p0,1,2,3,4-6,7) reactions were determined for deuteron energies Elab = 1975-2600 keV (in steps of 25 keV) and for detector angles between 140-170° in steps of 10°. A comparison of the experimental data with the existing ones and possible applications to nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental excitation functions for deuteron induced reactions up to 40 MeV on mono-isotopic Ta (181Ta) were measured with the activation method using a stacked foil irradiation technique. From high resolution gamma spectrometry and X-ray analysis cross-section data for the production of 181W, 177,178g,180g,182m+gTa, and 179m2,180mHf were determined. Comparison with the scarce earlier published data are presented and results for values predicted by different theoretical codes, adapted for more reliable calculations for d-induced reactions, are included. Thick target yields for 182m+g,180g,178gTa and 181W were calculated from a fit to our experimental excitation curves. Using dose conversion factors and irradiation scenarios, possible occupational doses to maintenance or scientific personnel around high power accelerators where Ta based structural elements (collimators, beam stoppers, shielding) are present could be derived.  相似文献   

The energy spectra and double differential cross sections of nucleon and the light composite particle (d, t, 3He and α) emissions are studied based on the exciton model included the improved Iwamoto-Harada model. All cross sections of proton induced reactions, angular distributions and energy spectra are consistent calculated and analyzed for 54,56,57,58,natFe at incident proton energies below 250 MeV by using nuclear theoretical models which integrate the optical model, the intra-nuclear cascade model, direct, pre-equilibrium and equilibrium reaction theories. Theoretical calculated results are compared with existing experimental data.  相似文献   

Excitation functions were measured for alpha-particle induced nuclear reactions on natural xenon leading to the formation of the radionuclides 129m(rel),129g,131m,131mg,133m,135m,137m,139cumBa and 129cum,130mg,132,134m,135m,136mg,138mgCs from the respective thresholds up to 40 MeV. No earlier experimental cross section data were found in the literature. The experimental data were compared to and analyzed with the results of the theoretical model code ALICE-IPPE. The feasibility of the production of the therapeutic radioisotope 131Cs by using gas target technology was investigated. Comparison of reactor and cyclotron production routes of 131Cs was given.  相似文献   

All cross-sections of proton-induced reactions, angular distributions and the energy spectra of neutron, proton, deuteron, triton, helium and alpha-particle emission are consistent calculated and analyzed for p+54,56,57,58,natFe at incident proton energies below 250 MeV by using nuclear theoretical models which integrate the optical model, the intra-nuclear cascade model, direct, preequilibrium and equilibrium reaction theories. Especially, the cross-sections of the light composite particle (d, t, 3He and α) emissions are improved based on the exciton model including the pick-up mechanism. Theoretical calculated results are compared with existing experimental data.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the neutron transportation from a beam-line tunnel to an access maze at a 12-GeV proton accelerator, we measured the spatial distribution of thermal and epithermal neutrons by using the Au activation method in detail. Gold foils were placed at about 70 positions in the maze in the case of the insertion (or extraction) of a copper target of 1 mm thickness into (or from) the beam axis in front of the maze. After the end of accelerator operation, relative activities of the Au foils were simultaneously measured by using an imaging plate technique and the radioactivity of one reference foil was also measured with a HPGe detector to convert to the absolute activities of all foils.It was found that the neutrons reach to the depth of the maze in the case of the insertion of the copper target. This result reflects higher proportion of high-energy particles from the copper target to that from other beam loss points and high-energy particles become the successive source of low-energy neutrons. Furthermore, it was found that several circumstances such as door walls and electric wire cables obviously affect the absorption effect of thermal neutrons. The reaction rates obtained in this study were also used for the benchmark of the Monte Carlo simulation code, MARS15 (version of February 2008). The results of the MARS15 calculations precisely reproduced experimental results and significant effects of the electric wire cables and door walls.  相似文献   

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