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Some long-lived nuclides, such as 36Cl, 41Ca, 53Mn, 79Se, etc., are very interested in life science, environment science, geo- and cosmo-sciences, nuclear wastes management, and other fields. Taking the advantages in high sensitivity and the strong ability to reduce the interferences from molecular ions and isobars, AMS has been one of the most promising methods for the measurement of these nuclides. However, the sensitivity of AMS is often unsatisfactory due to the interferences of stable isobars especially for medium and heavy radioisotopes. Gas-filled time of flight (GF-TOF), Gas-filled Magnet with a time of flight (GFM-TOF), Bragg Curve detector and energy loss (ΔE) combined with a Q3D magnetic spectrometer (ΔE-Q3D) are among the techniques used or being developed in AMS lab of China Institute of Atomic Energy, in an attempt to further reduce the interferences from isobars. These techniques will be tested in our AMS measurement of 53Mn, 79Se, 93Zr, 99Tc, etc., for identifying isobaric interferences.  相似文献   

It has been shown that microscale 14C measurements are possible by using a gas handling system and a gas ion source [T. Uhl, W. Kretschmer, W. Luppold, A. Scharf, AMS measurements from microgram to milligram, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. (2005) 474 (240th ed.), T. Uhl, W. Luppold, A. Rottenbach, A. Scharf, K. Kritzler, W. Kretschmer, Development of an automatic gas handling system for microscale AMS (14C) measurements, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. (2007) 303 (259th ed.)]. In Erlangen a gas handling system was especially developed for environmental and biomedical investigations. For the separation of the compound of interest a standard gas chromatograph (GC) is used. To minimize the sample contamination and sample loss we have designed a fraction collector that connects a GC and an elemental analyzer (EA) directly. The selected compound is combusted in the EA and the resulting CO2 is then transferred into the gas handling system for AMS measurements. From the beginning of GC preparation up to the AMS measurement the sample is in a closed line. All operations are fully automated, so no manual operations are necessary. This guarantees high cleanness and maximum sample yield. Preliminary measurements are done using modern and old ethyl alcohol (from fermentation and of petrochemical origin, respectively). The results are consistent with their expected values although cross contamination and background signal increased as the sample mass was decreased.  相似文献   

A growing number of AMS laboratories are pursuing applications of actinides. We discuss the basic requirements of the AMS technique of heavy (i.e., above ~150 amu) isotopes, present the setup at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA) which is especially well suited for the isotope 236U, and give a comparison with other AMS facilities. Special emphasis will be put on elaborating the effective detection limits for environmental samples with respect to other mass spectrometric methods.At VERA, we have carried out measurements for radiation protection and environmental monitoring (236U, 239,240,241,242,244Pu), astrophysics (182Hf, 236U, 244Pu, 247Cm), nuclear physics, and a search for long-lived super-heavy elements (Z > 100). We are pursuing the environmental distribution of 236U, as a basis for geological applications of natural 236U.  相似文献   

The separation of atomic and molecular isobars, prior to injection into a tandem accelerator for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), is discussed. To accomplish this separation, the anions from a standard sputter ion source are retarded to eV energy. The advantages of using very low energy (eV) for this purpose are twofold. The ionic reactions in gases can be isobar specific and the multiple scattering of the eV ions, unlike that at higher energy, can be controlled in linear radio-frequency multipoles. An example of current interest to AMS practice, the suppression of the S isobar ions from negative ion sources generating mainly Cl ions, will be described. It will be argued that this is a universal method for isobar separation prior to AMS, which is applicable to atomic anions and cations as well as their molecular counterparts. This procedure should be applicable to the AMS analysis of most rare radioactive species, as atomic or molecular ions, starting with either anions or cations, with appropriate charge changing. In some cases the ions may be analysable without AMS.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for measuring long-lived radionuclides with small AMS machines at energies below 1 MeV per nucleon raises the need for compact detectors which still have a decent energy resolution and allow for a clear identification of the incident particles. Based on a design by the AMS group at the ETH Zurich a compact gas ionization chamber was built and installed at the 3 MV tandem AMS facility VERA (Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator). The main challenge in AMS is the detection of rare isotope species in the presence of strong isotopic and isobaric interferences. The task of the ionization chamber is the suppression of the unwanted isobar by separating the ions via their different stopping powers. Measurements of 36Cl at VERA showed an achieved suppression of the unwanted stable isobar 36S of 3 × 10−4 and measurements of 10Be showed an achieved suppression of 10B of at least 3 × 10−6. Additional suppression of the isobaric ions can be achieved by a degrader foil technique applied to 10Be measurements by G.M. Raisbeck. In combination with the new ionization chamber the achieved suppression of 10B is at least 10−10. Measurements of blank samples at VERA show that the background for AMS with 10Be is below 2 × 10−15.  相似文献   

The CIRCE AMS system started operation in March 2005. The measurement of isotopic ratios 14C/12C in samples of archaeological and environmental interest has rapidly attained high precision and accuracy levels in routine operation. The results of the intercomparison campaign in the framework of the VIRI program, as well as the outcome of a statistical analysis of the about 200 control measurements performed with standard samples, have shown the capability of the whole system for high precision measurements (δR/R < 0.3%), allowing systematic investigations in both archaeological and environmental sciences. 26Al AMS has been implemented for the measurement of the astrophysically relevant 25Mg(p,γ)26Al reaction cross section, while a beam line is under construction for the measurement of actinides isotopic ratios.  相似文献   

In this work we present the most recent improvements performed by our group on 10Be measurements on the 1 MV AMS system recently set up at the CNA (Centro Nacional de Aceleradores), in Seville (Spain). Our efforts have been focused on the study of the viability of our system for BeO and BeF? measurements. To achieve this, different standard materials have been measured to demonstrate the reliability of the system for BeO measurements in a wide 10Be/9Be atomic ratio range and several environmental samples have been studied both at the 1 MV AMS CNA facility and at the 6 MV AMS ETH-PSI facility of Zurich to validate our measurements. The results show a good agreement between laboratories. New experiments also have been carried out selecting 1+ and 2+ charge states at the exit of the accelerator and inserting Si3N3.1 foils with different thicknesses to separate 10Be from its isobar, 10B. The influence of each foil on the overall transmission (detected 10Be compared to BeO? injected into the accelerator) and background level was also assessed. In addition some tests were also done to assess the viability of BeF2 and BaBeF4 measurements at our system. Several metal matrices and cathode preparation procedures for BeO samples were investigated to maximize current and cathode lifetime.  相似文献   

The Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Xi’an Jiaotong University have jointly created an AMS center based on a 3 MV multi-element accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS). The main focus of the Xi’an-AMS center will be earth environmental studies, archeology and biomedical research. This paper summarizes that the end-user recognized features of the Xi’an-AMS and reports new results obtained during the final acceptance tests for nuclides 10Be and 26Al, for which the background for ratio 10Be/9Be of 3.65 × 10−15 was demonstrated and the 26Al precision test with terminal 3 MV was performed. We also introduce the new built graphite and BeO sample preparation systems and the preparation procedures. We also discuss the recent measurements obtained using our new machine after the acceptance tests.  相似文献   

We present the current status and research programs of a multinuclide accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) system on the 12UD Pelletron tandem accelerator at the University of Tsukuba (Tsukuba AMS system), Japan. A maximum terminal voltage of 12 MV is available for the AMS system. The Tsukuba AMS system can measure environmental levels of long-lived radioisotopes of 14C, 26Al, 36Cl and 129I by employing a molecular pilot beam. Recently, enhancements in AMS techniques and equipment, including sample preparation, the ion source and the data acquisition system, have improved the performance of 36Cl-AMS. The standard deviation of fluctuations is typically ±2%, and the machine background level for the 36Cl/Cl ratio is lower than 1 × 10?15 with a halite sample. We have measured over 500 samples in 1 year, including samples for earth and environmental sciences and nuclear safety research.  相似文献   

重核离子束成分的加速器质谱分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为拓展加速器质量技术测量范围及测量放射性核束成分,建立了利用入射离子发射特征X射线鉴别同量异位素的方法,开展了利用AMS测量重核离子束成分的工作。  相似文献   

The setups for the 10Be and 26Al AMS measurements at the Zurich 6 MV EN Tandem AMS facility are presented and data analysis procedures for both radionuclides are discussed. Performance parameters of the system are shown. In-house AMS standards are compared to commercially available AMS standards.  相似文献   

The nucleogenic isotopes 36Cl, 236U and 239Pu are produced naturally in subsurface environments via neutron capture of thermal and epithermal neutrons. Concentrations are, however, very low and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is required for quantitative measurements. A particular challenge is presented by the measurement of 236U/238U ratios down to the level of 10−13 that is expected from rocks with low uranium concentration. Here, we present the AMS methodology that has been developed at the ANU for measuring 236U/238U ratios at this level. The more established methodologies for 36Cl and 239Pu measurements are also summarised. These capabilities are then used to characterize the 36Cl, 236U and 239Pu concentrations in a range of uranium ores. A simple model of the neutron production and capture processes in subsurface environments has been developed and is presented. It is shown that nucleogenic 36Cl, 236U and 239Pu can be used to determine both thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes in subsurface environments. Potential applications include uranium exploration and monitoring of the environmental impact of uranium mining.  相似文献   

An ion optics program is presented, which addresses some of the specific problems of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Ion beams having a phase space with angular distributions based on small angle scattering and with energy distributions caused by the straggling in foils or stripper gas can be included in transmission calculations. As an example, a new design for 10Be measurements with the 600 kV AMS system at ETH Zurich including a silicon nitride degrader foil is discussed, which will allow competitive measurements of this cosmogenic radionuclide at low energies. This system should also improve background suppression for other AMS nuclides.  相似文献   

For the first time, an AMS system was used to determine concentrations of the actinide Protactinium-231. 231Pa has widespread applications in the earth sciences. It can be used for U-series disequilibrium dating, and 231Pa is an important tracer in Paleoceanography. The Pa isotopes were measured with the compact ETH/PSI-AMS facility TANDY operating at about 300 kV. The linearity of the AMS is documented with two standard-dilution experiments and first measurements of natural samples from very different climate archives are presented. Our results show that it is possible to determine 231Pa amounts in the lower femtogram (1 fg = 10−15 g) range with the TANDY. In natural samples, 231Pa concentrations between 1 and 4 pg/g (1 pg = 10−12 g) were measured with an average total error of 3% (one sigma). The average over all reproducibility of these first measurements was better than 2% with clear potential for improvement.  相似文献   

The spreading application of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) to the geosciences will require measurement of increasing numbers of samples with low 10Be/9Be and 36Cl/Cl isotopic ratios. To distinguish radionuclide concentrations in samples from corresponding processing blanks, samples must be prepared using stable isotope carriers with low intrinsic radionuclide concentrations. Measurements at different AMS facilities have shown that commercially available 9Be carriers rarely meet these requirements and use of 9Be carriers prepared from Be-containing minerals such as Be2SiO4 is advisable. For precise determinations at the low 10−14 level, samples need to produce the highest 9Be currents possible. Measurements performed at the two AMS facilities in France show that mixing BeO with Nb powder generally yields higher 9Be currents than mixing with Ag powder. Contamination of BeO by other elements such as Ti or Al will reduce the current by a simple dilution effect, thus limiting the statistical precision with which 10Be can be determined. In the case of 36Cl analyses, repeated water-leaching of calcite samples sufficiently removes all atmospheric 36Cl contamination, allowing determination of terrestrial cosmogenic in situ produced 36Cl concentrations for surface exposure dating.  相似文献   

Plutonium isotopes have been recently added to the list of radionuclides that can be measured with the new generation of compact AMS facilities. In this paper we present first experimental results concerning the development of the plutonium AMS technique at 680 kV on the 1 MV AMS system at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA) in Sevilla, Spain. This is the first compact AMS machine designed and manufactured by High Voltage Engineering Europa. As we demonstrate, the obtained backgrounds for 239,240Pu, of about 106 atoms, and the 239Pu/238U mass suppression factor, in the range of 10−9, compare to the ones achieved on other AMS facilities. With the measurement of reference materials provided by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA-375, IAEA-Soil-6, IAEA-381) and samples already studied on the 600 kV compact ETH/PSI AMS system at Zürich, we show that the CNA system can be perfectly used for the routine measurement of plutonium isotopes at environmental levels.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon measurements on the carbonaceous aerosol fractions have been demonstrated as an effective tool for aerosol source apportionment. For these measurements, a new sample preparation facility was installed at the INFN-LABEC laboratory of Florence (Italy). The line was designed to allow the preparation of samples from different carbonaceous fractions: the combustion of the aerosol samples can be performed in helium or oxygen flows, according to thermal sequences. The evolved CO2 is cryogenically trapped and reduced to graphite, which is the target material for following Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) 14C measurements. This preparation line is described in detail in the paper. As a first step, the line was tested by means of AMS measurements performed on standards to check the reproducibility and the accuracy of the system; moreover, preliminary measurements on the total carbon fraction in aerosol samples were made. Results of these measurements are also reported.  相似文献   

Nuclear data based upon reaction and radioactivity studies of mass 159 nuclei are presented.For A = 159 all nuclei with 63 ?Z?72 with the exception of Yb and Lu have been reported; but not much is known for Eu, Er, Tm, and Hf isobars other than their ground-state properties. The only stable nucleus with A = 159 is 159Tb, and it has been studied in considerable detail both by nuclear reactions and radioactive decay of its neighboring isobars. Because of ambiguity in beta branching in 159Eu decay and since the beta branch to 159Tb g.s. in 159Gd decay is known only approximately, the normalizations in these radioactive decays are rather uncertain.For brevity some of the older data have been omitted or referenced as other measurements.It has been attempted to include all available data prior to February 1, 1973.  相似文献   

加速器质谱(AMS)中的入射离子X射线方法是为解决AMS测量中重核同量异位素而发展的一种方法(PX AMS),在中国原子能科学研究院建立了PX AMS方法之后,利用这套系统开展了79Se,75Se,64Cu等核素的PX AMS方法测量,基于此技术实现了79Se,75Se半衰期的测量和64Cu放射性核束强度及库仑激发截面的测量。  相似文献   

Competitive 10Be measurements at energies as low as 0.75 MeV are now possible with the compact ETH AMS system TANDY. In this paper we describe and discuss the modifications that led to the significantly improved performance for 10Be at the 0.6 MV accelerator. Results from the first routine measurement show that 10Be on the upgraded TANDY is now fully competitive with larger AMS systems with respect to background and measurement precision. The total efficiency for 10Be is comparable to our large 6 MV Tandem system and thus sufficient for the full range of applications in the Earth and Environmental Sciences.  相似文献   

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