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数值模拟在陶瓷粉末材料冷等静压过程中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解释陶瓷粉末件低密度缺陷的形成原因,借助有限元分析软件MSC.MARC对陶瓷粉末件的冷等静压(CIP)形成过程进行了有限元数值模拟,从数值计算的角度给出了成形过程中粉体的应变分布、密度分布规律,并提出了改善陶瓷粉末体件低密度现象的对策,研究结果表明:在CIP成形过程中芯棒顶端倒角处变形受到抑制,等效应变最大,相对密度最小,出现变形不均匀现象;粉末构件的几何形状、尺寸、模具形状对低密度区域的形成有较大影响。  相似文献   

采用选择性激光烧结(SLS)和冷等静压(CIP)复合工艺制造高密度形状复杂的氧化铝零件,经高温烧结,氧化铝零件密度高达94.5%.应用修正的Cam-Clay模型模拟了零件的CIP过程,同时通过模拟和实验研究其在CIP过程中的致密化、变形及收缩规律.研究表明,在激光扫描平面内模拟与实验的尺寸相对误差不超过2.26%,证明该模拟可为氧化铝SLS零件的尺寸设计和CIP过程提供有利指导.  相似文献   

不锈钢粉末冷等静压数值模拟与实验验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过冷等静压实验获得了不锈钢粉末的压力-密度关系,在模拟中用于表征材料的硬化特性。为了描述粉末的致密化行为,使用了ABAQUS有限元软件中的Cam-Clay模型,对粉末的冷等静压实验过程进行模拟,结果表明实验的尺寸与模拟的结果符合得较好,说明模拟中使用的参数设置是合理的。然后使用选择性激光烧结/冷等静压复合工艺制造球形制件,并对冷等静压过程进行模拟,结果表明制件变形比较均匀,实验的结果与模拟的结果符合得较好,密度的预测与实验结果比较吻合。通过模拟不仅为冷等静压工艺提供有益的指导,也为以后复杂试样的冷等静压尺寸设计提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

粉末注射成形过程计算机模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了国内外近年来在粉末注射成形计算机充模流动模拟研究方面的一些重要成果,主要涉及粉末注射成形充模流动过程的各种模型、控制方程及其数值计算方法等。并对各自的优缺点进行了分析和比较,在此基础上阐明了该技术的主要发展趋势和方向。  相似文献   

PBX粉末成形的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用有限元软件MSC.Marc,采用基于更新拉各朗日方法的热-机耦合分析法对高聚物黏结炸药(PBX)粉末温压成形过程进行了数值模拟.获得了粉末体几何形变、应力场及相对密度分布等相关数据,其大小和实验测得数据在同一个数量级.结果表明:随着成形压力的增加,PBX内应力,粉末位移以及相对密度都呈增大的趋势,粉末在压制过程中的流动性规律为其实际成形中工艺参数的改善和优化提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

综述了板料成形中有限元数值模拟技术的发展及我国目前板料成形数值模拟技术的研究和应用水平.论述了美、日等发达国家在汽车覆盖件模拟方面取得的进展,指出了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

研究了一种快速凝固高温钛合金粉末热等静压(HIP)成形的致密化过程及其机制。当HIP成形温度低于500℃时,快速凝固高温钛合金粉末的颗粒相互靠近并重排,相对致密度由64.5%提高到81%,粉末颗粒间为点接触,没有发生明显的塑性变形;当HIP成形温度提高到500-700℃时,粉末颗粒发生显著的塑性变形,相对致密度迅速提高到97%;当HIP成形温度高于700℃后,粉末颗粒间的接触面较大,几何强化效应显著,外界压力不足以使粉末进一步变形,粉末体通过扩散蠕变完成致密化。  相似文献   

应用有限元方法对一种全新的可应用于板料的等通道角挤压(ECAP)方法中摩擦力的作用进行了有限元模拟.计算模拟结果表明,不同于常规的等通道角挤压中摩擦力的负面影响,在板料等通道角挤压方法中一定的摩擦力和尺寸精确的模具结构却是保证此类等通道角挤压正常进行的关键.  相似文献   

测量并推算了盘件用FGH95合金的比热容等物理性能,用反推法计算了得到了热交换系数的函数计算公式,模拟计算了FGH95粉末高温合金锻件的温度和淬火应力场,并与实测值进行了对比,结果相符。计算并实测了不同冷速下FGH95合金的力学性能。本研究结果对实际热处理工艺具有实际意义。  相似文献   

为解决弹体旋压生产中参数难以选择的问题,基于弹塑性有限元基本理论,综合考虑旋压过程中金属在3个方向的流动以及摩擦等实际情况,建立了某导弹弹体某舱段旋压加工的三维弹塑性有限元力学数值模型,研究了几种关键工艺参数(包括旋轮圆角半径、进给速度、每道次减薄率等)对旋压成形结果的影响规律。  相似文献   

纳米晶W-Cu合金粉体的冷压成形研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了纳米晶W-Cu微粉在模压及冷等静压工艺下成形特性的对比,试验证明600MPa压力下,冷等静压工艺较模压工艺获得的坏体致密度高于15%,但冷等静压工艺中的包套除气对坯体致密及性能有较大的影响。  相似文献   

In this work, near-net-shape powder metallurgy hot isostatic pressing (NNS PM HIP) of Ni-base metal matrix composite (Ni-MMC) was developed to improve the hardness and wear properties of turbopumps mechanical seals. Silicon carbide (SiC) and titanium diboride (TiB2) fine powders were used as reinforcements with different ratios to improve the hardness and consequently the tribological properties of the developed Ni-MMC material. Powder characterisation was performed on the blended powders to check the homogeneity of the mixed powders. The hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) Ni-MMC microstructures were analysed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. The HIPed material showed a fully dense microstructure with a continuous network of ceramic reinforcement particles at the prior particle boundaries (PPBs). Furthermore, microhardness tests were performed on IN625, IN625-SiC and IN625-TiB2 to understand the impact of the reinforcement on the microhardness. It was demonstrated that the volume percentage of ceramic reinforcement in the IN625 matrix plays a crucial role in achieving higher hardness by increasing the fraction of hard phases appearing in the microstructure of the developed Ni-MMC material. The final part of the work focuses on the canister design and manufacture of a near-net-shape (NNS) mechanical gas seal using IN625 based MMC to demonstrate the feasibility of manufacturing mechanical seals through the NNS PM HIP technique. Overall, IN625 based MMCs resulted in a drastic improvement in tribological properties if compared to the base material. Furthermore, the employment of the PM HIP consolidation technique resulted in a fully dense and homogeneous microstructure, highlighting the potentials of PM HIP in the generation of novel composite materials.  相似文献   

采用热等静压技术(HIP)制备纯钒,利用动态拉伸,扫描电镜(SEM)、金相(OM)及TGA测试分析材料的动态损伤行为、焊接性能及高温氧化性能。结果表明动态拉伸应变率在100~1200s-1范围内,极限拉伸强度σb在400~700MPa且随应变率增加而呈下降的趋势;焊后漏率约为1×10-9Pa.m3/s,晶粒没有明显长大,焊池越深气孔明显减小;高温氧化符合抛物线规律,氧化激活能118kJ/mol,高温环境下易形成粉状腐蚀。  相似文献   

Ti-6Al-4V couples have been diffusion bonded by hot isostatic pressing (HIPping) after vacuum brazing was used to seal the periphery of the bonding samples so that no encapsulation was required during HIPping. Analytical scanning electron microscopy was used to assess the microstructure of the HIPped interface and tensile and fatigue properties of bonded samples were compared with those of the bulk starting material. The tensile properties of the bonds were shown to be comparable with those of the bulk material, but the fatigue life was slightly downgraded. The fatigue fractures were initiated by inclusions on the bonding interface, caused by contamination before bonding, but the fatigue cracks did not propagate along the bonding interface indicating a strong bond. It is concluded that this technique of vacuum brazing plus HIPping could be used for encapsulation-free HIPping to produce complex-shaped components.  相似文献   

包小倩  李青华  张茂才  周寿增 《功能材料》2004,35(4):432-433,436
热等静压烧结通常用来促进合金致密化和细化组织。本文尝试对Nd32.54Dy0.5Fe65.36Al0.6B1.0预烧结体分别进行热等静压烧结和常规烧结,旨在研究热等静压烧结能否促进Nd-Fe-B合金的致密化和晶粒细化。首次发现;高温热等静压烧结时,预烧结样品内的部分富Nd液相外流,在样品内形成空洞,被高压Ar气填充,造成样品不能收缩,磁体的密度比常规烧结磁体的低,力学性能明显恶化;且液相外流引起晶粒转动,导致取向度降低,最终磁体的剩磁和磁能积降低。  相似文献   

《Advanced Powder Technology》2021,32(10):3610-3623
Achieving the near-net shaping of brittle and difficult-to-machine materials is still challenging. Thus, we explore a method to prepare Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy by solid-powder hot isostatic pressing (HIP) diffusion bonding. The grain size, microstructure, interface features and mechanical properties of the fabricated alloy were systematically investigated. The results show that the solid-powder interface realizes a complete metallurgical bonding, and the grain size, composition and microstructure in transition zone is formed on the side of preform through recrystallization. There is a huge difference for the grain size between the powder forming zone and the preforming zone. As a result, the fabricated sample for solid-powder transition zone exhibits an excellent mechanical properties, with a tensile strength of 940 MPa, elongation of 2.9% and torsional strength of 815 MPa, respectively. In response to the torsional force, the crack starts from the preforming zone, and the crack deflection and branching occurs in the transition zone, thereby preventing the crack from propagating to the powder forming zone. The torsional strength of the solid powder HIP diffusion bonding zone is basically the same as that of the preformed zone. This study proposes a new solution for fabricating brittle and difficult-to-process materials and is of great significance in the development of the overall near-net shaping technology for complex components of such material.  相似文献   

镍基铸造高温合金是航空发动机与燃气轮机生产制造过程中应用的主要材料之一,在航空航天、能源工业、船舶舰艇等领域有着广泛的应用。现代航空工业的飞速发展离不开高温合金综合性能的快速提升,而热等静压技术在镍基铸造高温合金领域的应用对镍基铸造高温合金综合性能的改进方面发挥了举足轻重的作用。本文介绍了热等静压技术的工作原理与应用发展历史,总结了热等静压技术在镍基铸造高温合金领域的研究应用现状,重点阐述了热等静压技术对铸造高温合金的致密化作用机理与组织性能影响、热等静压对长期服役镍基铸造高温合金组织修复研究以及实现两种镍基高温合金扩散连接的应用优势与研究成果。同时指出热等静压技术研究中存在的一些问题及国内热等静压技术在镍基铸造高温合金领域的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A method is described for the fabrication of dense thin sheets of γ titanium aluminide (γ-TiAl) by a powder metallurgy route involving hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of tape-cast monotapes. Gamma-TiAl powder (particle size <90 μm) was incorporated into a concentrated slurry by mixing with an organic binder in a solvent and the system was tape-cast to form sheets with a thickness of 400–600 μm. After insertion of the tape-cast sheet into a HIP can and binder removal in situ by thermal decomposition, HIP at 1100 °C under a pressure of 130 MPa produced dense sheets with a thickness of 250–400 μm. The free, dense sheets with a fine-grain microstructure were obtained by dissolution and oxidation of the HIP can. The carbon content of the fabricated sheets was 0.035 wt.%. Facile adaptation of the process to the production of γ-TiAl thin sheets with complex shapes is expected.  相似文献   

《Optical Materials》2014,36(12):2405-2410
The Nd:YAG transparent ceramics were fabricated by vacuum sintering. The Nd:YAG samples were annealed at 1450 °C for 20 h in air and followed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) at 1700 °C for 2 h in 200 MPa Ar and then re-annealed at 1250–1450 °C for 10 h in air. The experimental results showed that the optical properties of Nd:YAG samples varied markedly with different post treatments. After air annealing at 1450 °C for 20 h and HIP at 1700 °C for 2 h under 200 MPa of Ar and then air re-annealing at 1250 °C for 10 h, the transmittances of the samples increased from 51.2% to 77.2% (at 400 nm) and 78.4% to 83.6% (at 1064 nm), respectively. The annealing and HIP are effective post treatments to reduce oxygen vacancies and intergranular pores respectively in Nd:YAG transparent ceramics.  相似文献   

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