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An ultrathin, ordered and two-dimensional polymer coating was prepared on passivated iron by modification of 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion HO(CH2)15CO2 self-assembled monolayer (SAM) with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 and octadecyltriethoxysilane C18H37Si(OC2H5)3. Protection of passivated iron against passive film breakdown and corrosion of iron was examined by monitoring of the open-circuit potential and repeated polarization measurements in an aerated 0.1 M NaNO3 solution during immersion for many hours. Passive film breakdown on the polymer-coated electrode in the solution was not observed during immersion for 480 h, whereas that of the passivated one occurred at 18.1 h, indicating protection of the passive film from breakdown by coverage with the polymer coating. The protective efficiencies of the passive film covered with the coating were extremely high, around 99.9% in the initial region of the immersion time up to 72 h and more than 98.3% thereafter, indicating prominent cooperative suppression of iron corrosion in 0.1 M NaNO3 by coverage with the passive film and polymer coating. The polymer-coated surface was characterized by contact angle measurement and electron-probe microanalysis.  相似文献   

An ultrathin film of two-dimensional polymer was prepared on a passivated iron electrode by modification of a 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion self-assembled monolayer with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 and octadecyltriethoxysilane C18H37Si(OC2H5)3. This film prevented passive film breakdown examined by potentiodynamic anodic polarization of the coated electrode in the borate buffer solution containing 0.1 M of Cl. Neither current spikes nor the pitting potential was observed in the passive and transpassive regions of polarization curve. The anodic current density was decreased in these regions markedly, implying hindrance to permeation of Cl and water through the film. Structure of the film was clarified by X-ray photoelectron and FTIR reflection spectroscopies and contact angle measurement with a drop of water. Electron-probe microanalysis of the passivated surface coated with the film after anodic polarization scanning up to the transpassive region revealed that the polymer film prevents pit initiation by an attack on the passive film with Cl.  相似文献   

A film of two-dimensional polymer was prepared on an iron electrode passivated in a borate buffer solution at pH 8.49, derivatized with 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion and then modified with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 and octadecyltriethoxysilane C18H37Si(OC2H5)3. The protective ability of the polymer film adsorbed on passivated iron was examined by polarization measurement in oxygenated 0.1 M KClO4 solutions with and without 1 × 10−4 and 1 × 10−3 M of Cl. The values of the open-circuit potential, Eoc were monitored with the immersion time, t in these solutions. The Eoc value of the passivated electrode in 0.1 M KClO4 was maintained high, more than −0.2 V/SCE in the initial region of t up to 10 h, indicating the presence of a passive film on the electrode. Thereafter, Eoc decreased to −0.4 V/SCE abruptly, exhibiting breakdown of the passive film. The value of the passivated electrode covered with the polymer film remained almost constant around −0.04 V/SCE during immersion for 45 h. The protective efficiency, P (%) of the polymer film on passivated iron was extremely high, more than 99.9% unless the passive film was broken down, indicating complete protection of iron against corrosion. The times for breakdown on the passivated electrode and polymer-coated one diminished with an increase in the concentration of Cl. The polymer-coated surface was analyzed by electron-probe microanalysis after immersion in 0.1 M KClO4 for 24 h.  相似文献   

A passive film on an iron electrode was modified with alkyltriethoxysilanes directly. In order to examine the protective ability of the modified passive film against breakdown, the pitting potential, Epit was measured by anodic polarization of the modified electrode in a borate buffer solution (pH 8.49) containing 0.1 M of Cl. The value of Epit for the modified electrode shifted in the positive direction from that of the unmodified electrode, indicating prevention of passive film breakdown. The modified passive film was not broken down in the passive and transpassive regions of polarization curve in some cases. However, many current spikes appeared in the all curves of the modified electrodes. The modified surface of passivated electrode was characterized by X-ray photoelectron and FTIR reflection spectroscopies and contact angle measurement. There were defects and clusters of associated water within the modified film and hence, Cl could permeate through the defects, leading to appearance of current spikes and occurrence of breakdown.  相似文献   

The effect of an ultrathin, regularly arranged polymer film on prevention of passive film breakdown on iron in the presence of chloride ion was investigated. The film of two-dimensional polymer was prepared by modification of a 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion self-assembled monolayer adsorbed on a passivated iron electrode with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane(C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 and octyltriethoxysilane C8H17Si(OC2H5)3. The pitting potentials of the passivated electrodes bare and covered with the polymer film were determined by anodic polarization measurements in a borate buffer solution containing 0.1 M of Cl. The pitting potential of the coated electrode was higher than that of the uncoated one, indicating prevention of passive film breakdown. No breakdown was observed over the potential range in the passive and transpassive regions by covering the passive film with the well-arranged two-dimensional polymer film. The film was characterized by X-ray photoelectron and FTIR reflection spectroscopies and measurement of the contact angle with a drop of water.  相似文献   

A film composed of a one-dimensional polymer was fabricated by modification of a 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion HO(CH2)15CO2 self-assembled monolayer (SAM) adsorbed on a passivated iron electrode with octadecyltriethoxysilane C18H37Si(OC2H5)3. The pitting potential, Epit of the passivated electrode coated with this film was measured by anodic polarization in a borate buffer solution containing 0.1 M of Cl. The Epit value of the electrode coated with the film was markedly shifted from the value of the bare electrode in the positive direction, indicating prevention of passive film breakdown. No breakdown occurred over the potential range of passive region in some cases. Structure of the modified SAM was discussed by X-ray photoelectron and FTIR reflection spectroscopies and contact angle measurement of the electrode surface covered with the film. Suppression of Cl accumulation at a defect of the passive film was revealed by electron-probe microanalyses of the surfaces uncoated and coated with the SAM modified with octyltriethoxysilane C8H17Si(OC2H5)3 after anodic polarization in the borate buffer containing Cl.  相似文献   

For preparing an ultrathin two-dimensional polymer coating adsorbed on passivated iron, a 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion HO(CH2)15CO2 self-assembled monolayer (SAM) was modified with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 and octadecyltriethoxysilane C18H37Si(OC2H5)3. Protection of passivated iron against passive film breakdown and corrosion of iron was investigated by monitoring of the open-circuit potential and repeated polarization measurements in an aerated 0.1 M Na2SO4 solution during immersion for many hours. The time required for passive film breakdown of the polymer-coated electrode was markedly higher in this solution than that of the passivated one, indicating protection of the passive film from breakdown by coverage with the polymer coating. The protective efficiencies of the passive film covered with the coating were extremely high, more than 99.9% in 0.1 M Na2SO4 before the passive film was broken down, showing prominent cooperative suppression of iron corrosion in the solution by coverage with the passive film and polymer coating. The polymer-coated surface was characterized by contact angle measurement and electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA). Prevention of passive film breakdown and iron corrosion for the polymer-coated electrode healed in 0.1 M NaNO3 was also examined in 0.1 M Na2SO4.  相似文献   

An ultrathin, ordered and two-dimensional polymer coating was prepared on a passivated iron electrode by modification of 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion HO(CH2)15CO2 self-assembled monolayer with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 and octadecyltriethoxysilane C18H37Si(OC2H5)3. Subsequently, the electrode was healed in 0.1 M NaNO3. Protection of passivated iron against passive film breakdown and corrosion of iron was examined by monitoring of the open-circuit potential and repeated polarization measurements of the polymer-coated and healed electrode in an aerated 0.1 M NaCl solution during immersion for many hours. Localized corrosion was markedly prevented by coverage with the polymer coating and the healing treatment in 0.1 M NaNO3. Prominent protection of iron from corrosion in 0.1 M NaCl was observed before the breakdown occurred. The electrode surface covered with the healed passive film and polymer coating was analyzed by contact angle measurement, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron-probe microanalysis.  相似文献   

An ultrathin and ordered polymer coating was prepared on a passivated iron electrode by modification of a 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion self-assembled monolayer with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 and octyltriethoxysilane C8H17Si(OC2H5)3. Further, the passivated and polymer-coated electrode was healed by treatment in 1.0 M NaNO3 for 4 h. Prevention of passive film breakdown and iron corrosion for the passivated, polymer-coated and healed electrode was examined by monitoring of the open-circuit potential and repeated polarization measurements in oxygenated 0.1 M KClO4, 0.1 M Na2SO4 and 0.1 M NaCl for many hours. The values of the time for passive film breakdown, tbd were >240, 22.2 and 9.5 h in these solutions, respectively. The protective efficiencies for the electrode were extremely high, more than 99.9% before tbd, indicating complete protection of substrate iron against corrosion in these solutions, unless passive film breakdown occurred. The presence of on the passive surface by treatment in 1.0 M NaNO3 was detected by X-ray photoelectron and FTIR reflection spectroscopies. The self-healing activity of adsorbed to suppress passive film breakdown was discussed.  相似文献   

Additional modification of the ultrathin two-dimensional polymer film, a p-hydroxymethylbenzene C6H4CH2OH self-assembled monolayer modified with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 (BTESE) and alkyltriethoxysilane CnH2n+1Si(OC2H5)3 (CnTES, n = 8 or 18), was attempted to improve the protective ability of the film against iron corrosion. The ability of the film was examined by polarization measurement of an iron electrode coated with the film in an oxygenated 0.5 M NaCl solution after immersion in the solution for 1.5 to 72 h. Marked improvement of the protective efficiency, P was not obtained by additional modification to the polymer film with BTESE. The P values of the two-dimensional polymer films were markedly increased by additional modification with C8TES. The increases in P were ascribable to improvement of alkyl tail arrangement and additional interconnection in the polymer films. The film on the iron surface was characterized by contact angle measurement, FTIR reflection spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The protective abilities of the two-dimensional polymer films additionally modified with C8TES were persistent during immersion for 72 h.  相似文献   

Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of carboxylate ions Cn−1H2n−1CO2 (CnA) with the carbon number, n=12-18 and 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion HO(CH2)15CO2 (HOC16A) were prepared on an iron electrode previously passivated in a borate buffer at pH 8.49 by treatment in aqueous solutions of their sodium salts for many hours. Breakdown of the passive film on the electrode coated with the SAM was examined by anodic polarization measurement in the borate buffer containing 0.1 M of Cl. The pitting potentials of the passivated electrodes coated with the SAMs of CnA and HOC16A shifted toward a more positive potential than that of the uncoated electrode, indicating prevention of passive film breakdown by blocking diffusion of Cl through the SAM to defects of the passive film. No breakdown was observed over the potential range of the passive region by coverage of the passive film with the SAM in some cases. The SAMs on the passive film were characterized by contact angle measurements and X-ray photoelectron and Fourier transform infrared reflection spectroscopies.  相似文献   

A self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion HO(CH2)15CO2(HOC16A) has been prepared on an iron electrode passivated in a borate buffer solution (pH 8.49) in the preceding paper. In this work, the HOC16A SAM on the passivated electrode was modified with octyltriethoxysilane C8H17Si(OC2H5)3 to form a film composed of one-dimensional polymer. Prevention of passive film breakdown was examined by anodic polarization measurements of the electrodes uncoated and coated with the modified SAM in the borate buffer containing 0.1 M of Cl. The pitting potential, Epit of the coated electrode shifted from that of the uncoated electrode in the positive direction, indicating prevention of passive film breakdown. The anodic current density was decreased in the passive and transpassive regions by coverage with the modified SAM. Neither current spikes nor Epit was observed in the curve of the passive region in some cases, demonstrating complete protection of the passive film against breakdown in the Cl solution. The modified SAM on the electrode was characterized by X-ray photoelectron and FTIR reflection spectroscopies and contact angle measurement.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional polymer coating, the self-assembled monolayer of 16-hydroxy hexadecanoate ion HO(CH2)15 modified with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 and octadecyltriethoxysilane C18H37Si(OC2H5)3 was prepared on the passivated iron electrode and further, the passive film was healed by additional treatment in 0.1 M NaNO3. This electrode was immersed in oxygenated 0.1 M KClO4 solutions with and without 1 × 10−4 to 1 × 10−2 M of Cl. Protection of passive film against breakdown by covering the electrode with the polymer coating was examined by monitoring the open-circuit potential during immersion in the solutions for many hours to determine the time for passive film breakdown, tbd. Repeated polarization measurements were carried out during immersion in these solutions for obtaining the protective efficiency, P. The tbd value of the passivated, polymer-coated and healed electrode in 0.1 M KClO4 solutions with and without Cl increased with a decrease in the concentration of Cl. No breakdown occurred on the electrode during immersion in 0.1 M KClO4 solutions with and without 1 × 10−4 of Cl for 360 h. The P values were extremely high, more than 99.9% before tbd, indicating complete protection of iron from corrosion. The effect of healing treatment in 0.1 M NaNO3 on passive film breakdown was investigated by electron-probe microanalysis.  相似文献   

The corrosion protection behaviour of poly(neutral red) (PNR) films on copper electrodes has been investigated using open circuit measurements, Tafel plots and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Pure copper electrodes were initially passivated in sodium oxalate, salicylate or hydrogen carbonate solution, to inhibit copper dissolution at potentials where neutral red monomer oxidation occurs, before its electropolymerization by potential cycling. The corrosion inhibition by these films was tested in 0.10 M KCl solution. It was found that, after long immersion times (96 h), the best protection efficiency was with PNR films formed on copper passivated in oxalate solution.  相似文献   

A self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of p-hydroxymethylbenzene HOCH2C6H4 - (HOMB) moiety adsorbed on iron by the formation of a covalent bond between carbon and iron atoms was prepared by electrochemical derivatization of an iron electrode with p-hydroxymethylbenzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate HOCH2C6H4N2BF4. The electrode covered with the HOMB SAM was modified with alkyltriethoxysilanes CnH2n+1Si(OC2H5)3 (CnTES, n = 8 or 18) to prepare a film of one-dimensional polymer. The protective ability of the polymer film was determined by polarization measurement of the covered electrode in an aerated 0.5 M NaCl solution. The ability was enhanced by modification of the HOMB SAM with CnTES markedly. The iron surface coated with the one-dimensional polymer film of the HOMB SAM modified with C8TES was characterized by contact angle measurement and FTIR reflection and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies. The persistence in the protective ability of the polymer film against iron corrosion in 0.5 M NaCl may be associated with the strong adsorption via the covalent bond, revealed by electron-probe microanalysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the lab-synthesized iron benzoate as a novel steel corrosion inhibitor pigment to formulate anticorrosive paint films. The iron benzoate anticorrosive properties were studied by electrochemical and spectroscopic essays employing pigment suspensions. In a second stage, it was evaluated the performance of anticorrosive paint films containing iron benzoate by accelerated (salt spray and humidity chambers) and EIS tests. The protective layer nature grown under the paint films in the salt spray chamber was also assessed.Experimental results shown that ferric benzoate was adequate to formulate anticorrosive paint films with improved anticorrosive assessed.  相似文献   

Ultrathin films of two-dimensional polymers were prepared on an iron electrode by modification of a p-hydroxymethylbenzene p-HOCH2C6H4 (HOMB) self-assembled monolayer (SAM) with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 (BTESE) and alkyltriethoxysilanes CnH2n+1Si(OC2H5)3 (CnTES, n = 8 and 18). The electrode was derivatized by cathodic reduction of p-hydroxymethylbenzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate HOCH2C6H4N2BF4 in an electrolytic acetonitrile solution below 10 °C for 1 h to form the SAM via a covalent bond between carbon and iron atoms. The protective ability of the polymer film against iron corrosion was determined by polarization measurement of the coated electrode in an oxygenated 0.5 M NaCl solution. The protective efficiencies of the polymer films prepared by modification with BTESE plus C8TES and C18TES were 63.9% and 68.5% after immersion in 0.5 M NaCl for 1.5 h, respectively. These values were higher than those of the one-dimensional polymer films prepared with the respective CnTES. The film of the HOMB SAM modified with BTESE plus C8TES was characterized by contact angle measurement using a drop of water and X-ray photoelectron and FTIR reflection spectroscopies. The films of the HOMB SAM modified with BTESE plus C8TES and C18TES were persistent during immersion of the coated electrodes in 0.5 M NaCl for many hours by far as compared with the alkanethiol SAM anchored on iron by the formation of a coordinate bond.  相似文献   

The film thickness, d of a p-hydroxymethylbenzene - C6H4CH2OH (HOMB) self-assembled monolayer (SAM) adsorbed on iron via a covalent bond was increased by multistep modification with tetraethoxysilane (C2H5O)4Si (TES) and 1,8-octanediol HO(CH2)8OH (C8DO) and subsequently with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 (BTESE) and akyltriethoxysilane CnH2n+1Si(OC2H5)3 (CnTES, n = 8 or 18). The protective ability of the film against iron corrosion was examined by polarization measurement of the iron electrode coated with the film in an oxygenated 0.5 M NaCl after immersion in the solution for many hours. The values of protective efficiency, P for the films, the HOMB SAM modified with TES and C8DO twice and subsequently with BTESE and CnTES were high, more than 81% at n = 8 and 85% at n = 18 in the range of the immersion time, t up to 240 h, respectively. The maximal P values of the respective films were 88.0% and 92.2%, of which approximate d values were 4.6 and 5.8 nm. The high protection of iron against corrosion was attributed to increases in the film thickness and interconnection between the adsorbed molecules with Si-O polymer linkages. The protective ability of the film was remarkably persistent during immersion in the solution for many hours. A slight enhancement of P was observed by additional modification of the modified HOMB SAM with C8TES due to increases in interconnection and close packed arrangement. The formation of strong adsorption bonds, σ-covalent bond and back-donating π-bond, between the carbon atom of HOMB moiety and iron atom was discussed.  相似文献   

For enhancing the protective efficiency, P of a film prepared by modification of a p-hydroxymethylbenzene HOC6H4 (HOMB) self-assembled monolayer (SAM) adsorbed on iron by the formation of a covalent bond, an increase in the film thickness, d was attempted. The HOMB SAM was modified with tetraethoxysilane (C2H5O)4Si (TES), 1,8-octanediol HO(CH2)8OH (C8DO), 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C2H5O)3Si(CH2)2Si(OC2H5)3 (BTESE) and alkyltriethoxysilane CnH2n+1Si(OC2H5)3 (CnTES, n = 8 or 18). The P value of the film was determined by polarization measurement of a covered iron electrode in an aerated 0.5 M NaCl solution after immersion in the solution for 1.5–72 h of the immersion time, t. High values of P, more than 82% were obtained for the films of HOMB SAM modified with TES, C8DO and CnTES and with TES, C8DO, BTESE and CnTES in the range of t up to 72 h. The highest value was 93.2%, for the film of HOMB SAM modified with TES, C8DO, BTESE and C18TES, of which d was 4.7 nm. The film of HOMB SAM modified with TES, C8DO and C8TES was characterized by contact angle measurement, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and FTIR reflection spectroscopy.  相似文献   

A thin protective layer was prepared on a zinc electrode by treatment in 1 × 10−3 M Ce(NO3)3 at 30 °C for 30 min and modification in 1 × 10−2 M H2O2 at 30 °C for 10 min. This layer was highly protective against corrosion of zinc in an aerated 0.5 M NaCl solution after immersion in the solution for many hours. The protective efficiencies of the modified layer were remarkably high, more than 96% in the region of the immersion time between 72 and 168 h and 94% at 720 h. The layer was composed of hydrated Ce3+ oxide containing Ce4+ which improved the protective ability of the layer.  相似文献   

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