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To investigate age-related changes in visual function in rats, male and female Fischer 344 (F344) rats at 30 months of age were examined electrophysiologically and histopathologically. The selection rate for the dark area in a T-shaped test box was 80% in aged rats, and the ability of light-dark discrimination was definitely depressed. Electroretinogram (ERG) was non-recordable in 25 out of the 28 eye balls examined, and amplitudes of the ERG a- and b-waves were markedly depressed in the remaining three eye balls. Histopathologic examination of the retina revealed marked atrophy of photoreceptor cells on the outer nuclear and photoreceptor layers; the change was less extensive in the retina of eye balls in which ERG was recordable. Immunohistochemically, increased reactivity to anti-glial fibrillary acid protein serum was observed in the retina of the aged animals. These results evidenced that the number of photoreceptor cells is decreased in age F344 rats, resulting in the reduced reactivity to light and the depressed light-dark discrimination.  相似文献   

Aging and grafting are associated with decreased ability of muscle to sustain power, likely reflecting diminished fuel availability. To assess mechanisms that may contribute to availability of glucose, we studied GLUT-1 and GLUT-4 protein as well as mRNA contents and enzymes of glucose metabolism in grafted and control medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscles of 6-, 12-, and 24-mo-old male Fischer 344 rats. There was no effect of age or grafting on MG GLUT-4 content. There was both an age- and graft-associated increase in GLUT-1 content (P = 0.0044 and 0.0063, respectively). There was no effect of aging or grafting on hexokinase and phosphofructokinase activity or on protein and glycogen content. Muscle mass and citrate synthase activity were significantly diminished with grafting. Citrate synthase activity was significantly greater in the 12-mo-old compared with the 6- and 24-mo-old animals. Grafting in combination with aging had no impact on any of the parameters measured. We conclude that diminished glucose transporter expression cannot explain the decreased ability of aged muscle to sustain power. In addition, we conclude that the diminished ability of the grafted MG muscle to sustain power may be explained, in part, by a decrease in energy available from oxidative metabolism.  相似文献   

Aging leads to alterations in the function and plasticity of hippocampal circuitry in addition to behavioral changes. To identify critical alterations in the substrate for inhibitory circuitry as a function of aging, we evaluated the numbers of hippocampal interneurons that were positive for glutamic acid decarboxylase and those that expressed calcium-binding proteins (parvalbumin, calbindin, and calretinin) in young adult (4-5 months old) and aged (23-25 months old) male Fischer 344 rats. Both the overall interneuron population and specific subpopulations of interneurons demonstrated a commensurate decline in numbers throughout the hippocampus with aging. Interneurons positive for glutamic acid decarboxylase were significantly depleted in the stratum radiatum of CA1, the strata oriens, radiatum and pyramidale of CA3, the dentate molecular layer, and the dentate hilus. Parvalbumin interneurons showed significant reductions in the strata oriens and pyramidale of CA1, the stratum pyramidale of CA3, and the dentate hilus. The reductions in calbindin interneurons were more pronounced than other calcium-binding protein-positive interneurons and were highly significant in the strata oriens and radiatum of both CA1 and CA3 subfields and in the dentate hilus. Calretinin interneurons were decreased significantly in the strata oriens and radiatum of CA3, in the dentate granule cell and molecular layers, and in the dentate hilus. However, the relative ratio of parvalbumin-, calbindin-, and calretinin-positive interneurons compared with glutamic acid decarboxylase-positive interneurons remained constant with aging, suggesting actual loss of interneurons expressing calcium-binding proteins with age. This loss contrasts with the reported preservation of pyramidal neurons with aging in the hippocampus. Functional decreases in inhibitory drive throughout the hippocampus may occur due to this loss, particularly alterations in the processing of feed-forward information through the hippocampus. In addition, such a profound alteration in interneuron number will likely alter inhibitory control of excitability and neuronal synchrony with behavioral states.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships of plasma glucose, fructosamine, triglycerides, and cholesterol as a function of age, gender, and diet in barrier-raised Fischer 344 rats aged 5 to 26 months, fed a diet either ad libitum or restricted to 60% of the ad libitum caloric intake. The complex relationships of these plasma levels to age, gender, and diet led to the development of a model with age, diet, and sex as covariates. Overall, fasting plasma glucose concentrations were reduced by approximately 25% in rats on the restricted diet, compared to ad libitum-fed animals. There was a significant age-dependent decline in glucose levels in male animals, whereas in females there was an increase in plasma glucose with aging. Plasma fructosamine levels in calorie-restricted animals, overall, were reduced by 7% compared to levels in animals fed ad libitum. There was a significant positive correlation between plasma glucose and fructosamine levels. Mean plasma triglyceride content was decreased by 50% in calorie-restricted rats compared to ad libitum-fed animals. A significant decrease in triglyceride levels with increasing age was seen in male animals, and an increase with aging in females. There was a significant positive correlation between plasma glucose and triglyceride levels. Plasma cholesterol levels in calorie-restricted animals were reduced by 7% compared to levels in ad libitum-fed animals. An increase of cholesterol concentration with aging was significant in both males and females. Analysis of the data showed that there were significant differences between male and female Fischer 344 rats in the response of plasma glucose and fructosamine to aging and calorie restriction. Changes of plasma triglyceride and cholesterol with aging and dietary calorie restriction were also different in males and females. Studies of the effect of aging on glycemia and blood lipid content should take into account the contributions of animal sex.  相似文献   

The rat is a common laboratory animal utilized in a variety of investigations including experimental gerontology. Gerontologic investigations can be compromised when the differences observed when comparing young and old animals are actually differences between normal and disease states. It is of critical interest to know the pathology of the animals being studied and to understand the impact of these disease processes on the parameters being measured. The incidence and average age of occurrence for lesions have been characterized and are reported here for one inbred (Brown Norway) and two hybrid strains (Brown Norway x Fischer 344 and Fischer 344 x Brown Norway) of rat. Total lesion incidence functions as a biomaker of aging for all of the strains examined (p < or = .00001). These three genotypes have significantly lower incidence of several major pathologic processes (including glomerulonephritis, retinal atrophy, and leukemia) than do the Fischer 344 and the Wistar rats, two commonly utilized strains. Additionally, the BN and F344 x BN F1 hybrid attain 50% mortality at 130 and 146 weeks of age, respectively, which is significantly greater than the 103 weeks for the F344 rat. It is hoped that access to basic information on these three rat genotypes will increase their utilization by the community of gerontologic scientists.  相似文献   

Uniformly 14C-ring-labelled tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) was diluted with non-radioactive TBHQ and administered orally (for excretion studies) to Fischer 344 rats. An average of 72.9% and 10.6% of the administered radioactivity was recovered in the urine and faeces, respectively, of male rats, and 77.3% and 8.2% in the urine and faeces, respectively, of female rats in 4 days. No significant sex-related differences were found in either excretion, tissue distribution or urinary metabolites of TBHQ-derived radiolabel. For distribution studies, intraperitoneal doses were administered to female rats, and tissue levels of radiolabel were determined at various times after dosing. The parent compound quickly disappeared from tissue in vivo. The highest concentrations of radiolabel were found in the liver and kidneys. The urinary metabolites consisted of conjugated TBHQ and unidentified polar substance(s).  相似文献   

Stimulation-evoked norepinephrine release from rat tail artery adrenergic nerves increased with advancing age in the Fischer-344 rat when function of norepinephrine uptake mechanisms and prejunctional alpha-2 adrenoceptors were blocked. When calcium channels were bypassed with the ionophore, ionomycin (4 microM), norepinephrine release from aged nerves (20 months) was still elevated as compared to 6-month-old nerves. Norepinephrine release stimulated by high K+ was also higher in 20-month nerves. The intracellular calcium chelator, 1,2 bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetomethylester (BAPTA/AM), was used to determine whether age-related increases in norepinephrine release could be reversed with the addition of an artificial intracellular calcium buffer. Exposure to BAPTA/AM decreased stimulation-evoked norepinephrine release in both old and young tail arteries; however, the effect was significantly greater in older arteries. When mitochondrial calcium uptake was compromised using the uncoupler of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, dinitrophenol, BAPTA caused a further decrease in stimulation-evoked norepinephrine release in 20-month tail arteries with much less effect in 6-month-old nerves. These results suggest that intracellular calcium buffering is less efficient in older nerves.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine factors predicting the practice of breast self-examination behaviour among Chinese women in Hong Kong using a cross-sectional survey research design. The Health Belief Model was used as the theoretical framework for the study to examine differences between breast self-examination practicers and non-practicers and among breast self-examination frequency groups. Data were collected from a convenience sample of 124 women using self-administrated questionnaires. Less than half of the sample practised breast self-examination and only 16% of the practicers performing breast self-examination monthly. There were differences between practicers vs. non-practicers and among breast self-examination frequency groups and some support of the predictive power of the Health Belief Model was found. Logistic regression showed that practicers perceived health as important, having fewer barriers and higher susceptibility to breast cancer. Discriminant function analysis revealed that barriers and children status were strong predictors of frequency of breast self-examination practice explaining 21.1% of the total variance in breast self-examination practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that vasoconstriction in the mesenteric and renal circulations is greater at both submaximal and maximal exercise intensities with advancing age. Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and mesenteric, renal, and iliac (hindlimb) artery blood flow velocities were measured before and during graded treadmill exercise in mature (12 mo) and senescent (24 mo) male Fischer 344 rats. During treadmill running at mild, moderate, and maximal exercise intensities (approximately 45, 70, and 100% of maximal oxygen uptake), the increases in arterial pressure were similar in the mature and senescent animals, whereas heart rate rose less in the older group (P < 0.05). Mesenteric and renal flow velocities declined and vascular resistances increased from resting levels in both groups in response to graded exercise; however, the magnitudes of the increases in both mesenteric and renal vascular resistance were significantly augmented in the older rats at the moderate and maximal workloads. Hindlimb blood flow velocity increased and resistance declined from resting levels at each exercise intensity in both groups. In contrast to the visceral and renal adjustments, the magnitudes of the changes in both hindlimb flow and resistance were similar for the two age groups at all exercise intensities. These findings support the hypothesis that mesenteric and renal vasoconstriction is augmented in senescent Fischer 344 rats during exercise at moderate and maximal intensities but not at mild workloads. Despite these regional differences, the maintenance of arterial pressure is not altered at either submaximal or maximal exercise intensities with advancing age.  相似文献   

We examined skeletal and cardiac muscle responses of mature (8 mo) and old (23 mo) male Fischer 344 rats to 14 days of hindlimb suspension. Hexokinase (HK) and citrate synthase (CS) activities and GLUT-4 glucose transporter protein level, which are coregulated in many instances of altered neuromuscular activity, were analyzed in soleus (Sol), plantaris (PI), tibialis anterior (TA), extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and left ventricle. Protein content was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in all four hindlimb muscles after suspension compared with controls in both mature (21-44%) and old (17-43%) rats. Old rats exhibited significantly lower CS activities than mature rats for the Sol, Pl, and TA. HK activities were significantly lower in the old rats for the Pl (19%) and TA (33%), and GLUT-4 levels were lower in the old rats for the TA (38%) and EDL (24%) compared with the mature rats. Old age was also associated with a decrease in CS activity (12%) and an increase in HK activity (14%) in cardiac muscle. CS activities were lower in the Sol (20%) and EDL (18%) muscles from mature suspended rats and in the Sol (25%), Pl (27%), and EDL (25%) muscles from old suspended rats compared with corresponding controls. However, suspension was associated with significantly higher HK activities for all four hindlimb muscles examined, in both old (16-57%) and mature (10-43%) rats, and higher GLUT-4 concentrations in the TA muscles of the old rats (68%) but not the mature rats. These results indicate that old age is associated with decreased CS and HK activities and GLUT-4 protein concentration for several rat hindlimb muscles, and these variables are not coregulated during suspension. Finally, old rat skeletal muscle appears to respond to suspension to a similar or greater degree than mature rat muscle responds.  相似文献   

The potential oncogenic effects of isopropanol, a widely used solvent, were investigated. Four groups of animals, each consisting of 75 CD-1 mice/sex and 75 Fischer 344 rats/sex, were exposed to isopropanol vapor (CAS No. 67-63-0) at target concentrations of 0 (filtered air control), 500, 2500, or 5000 ppm. Animals assigned to the core group (55 mice/sex/group and 65 rats/sex/group) were exposed for 6 hr/day, 5 consecutive days/week for at least 78 weeks for the mice or 104 weeks for the rats. Ten mice/sex/group and 10 rats/sex/group were assigned to an interim euthanasia group and were terminated during Weeks 54 and 73, respectively. In addition, 10 mice/sex/group were assigned to a recovery group and did not receive any further exposure following Week 53 but were retained until the core group of animals was euthanized. Transient signs of narcosis were observed for both mice and rats during exposure to 2500 and 5000 ppm and following exposure for mice from the 5000-ppm group. Increased mortality (100% versus 82% for controls) and a decreased mean survival time (577 days versus 631 days for controls) were noted for male rats from the 5000-ppm group. Increases in body weight and/or body weight gain were typically observed for both sexes of mice and rats from the 2500- and 5000-ppm groups throughout the study. Urinalysis and urine chemistry changes indicative of impaired kidney function (i.e., decreased osmolality and increased total protein, volume, and glucose) were noted for male rats from the 2500-ppm group as well as for male and female rats from the 5000-ppm group. At the interim euthanasia, a concentration-related increase in testes weight (absolute and relative as a percentage of body and brain weight) was observed for male rats. Concentration-related increases in absolute and relative liver weight (as a percentage of body weight) were observed for male and female mice. In addition, increased absolute and/or relative (as a percentage of body and brain weight) liver and kidney weights were observed for male and/or female rats from the 2500- and 5000-ppm groups. At necropsy, an increased incidence of seminal vesicle enlargement was observed grossly for male mice from the 2500- and 5000-ppm groups. Microscopically, some of the nonneoplastic lesions noted for mice included an increased incidence of ectasia of the seminal vesicles for male mice from the 2500- and 5000-ppm groups, minimal renal tubular proteinosis for male and female mice from all isopropanol groups, and renal tubular dilation for female mice from the 5000-ppm group. A number of nonneoplastic lesions were observed for male and female rats from the 2500- and 5000-ppm groups, with the most significant lesions being observed in the kidney and associated with chronic renal disease. The lesions noted with increased severity and/or frequency included mineralization, tubular dilation, glomerulosclerosis, interstitial nephritis, interstitial fibrosis, hydronephrosis, and transitional cell hyperplasia. The only tumor type increased in incidence during the study was interstitial cell adenomas of the testes in male rats. However, the increase in these adenomas was not believed to be exposure-related due to an unusually low incidence observed for the control group. There were no increased frequencies of neoplastic lesions noted for male or female mice or for female rats from any isopropanol exposure group. Chronic renal disease was attributed to be the main cause of death for male and female rats from the 5000-ppm group and was also considered to account for much of the mortality observed for male rats from the 2500-ppm group. In conclusion, the no-observed-effect level (NOEL) for toxic effects for both rats and mice was 500 ppm. The NOEL for oncogenicity effects for both mice and rats was determined to be greater than 5000 ppm.  相似文献   

Duplications of the esophagus or stomach alone are infrequent, and complete foregut duplication has only rarely been described. Most combined esophagogastric duplications present within the first year of life, and if communication with the normal alimentary tract does occur, it does so only either above or below the diaphragm. This report illustrates a case of continuous duplication of the esophagus and stomach with communication to the normal alimentary tract at both proximal and distal ends. Operative management and a review of the literature and embryology are described.  相似文献   

Potassium bromate (KBrO3) is a rodent carcinogen and a nephro- and neurotoxicant in humans. KBrO3 is used in cosmetics and food products and is a by-product of water disinfection by ozonization. KBrO3 is carcinogenic in the rat kidney, thyroid, and mesothelium and is a renal carcinogen in the male mouse. The present study was designed to investigate the relationship of time and dose to bromate-induced tumors in male Fischer 344 (F344) rats and to provide some insight into the development of these tumors. KBrO3 was dissolved in drinking water at nominal concentrations of 0, 0.02, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 g/L and administered to male F344 rats as the sole water source for 12, 26, 52, 78, or 100 wk. Renal cell tumors were present after 52 wk of treatment only in the high-dose group. Mesotheliomas developed after 52 wk of treatment on the tunica vaginalis. Mesotheliomas were present at sites other than the testicle after 78 wk of treatment, indicating that their origin was the testicular tunic. Thyroid follicular tumors were present as early as 26 wk in 1 rat each from the 0.1- and 0.2-g/L groups. The present study can be used as a basis for the determination of dose-time relationships of tumor development for a better understanding of KBrO3-induced cancer.  相似文献   

We have examined the basal and the stress-induced secretion of corticosterone in relation to the expression of adrenal steroid receptors in the pituitary, hypothalamus and hippocampus of the inbred Brown Norway and Fischer 344 rat strains. Our data indicated that plasma transcortin and integrated plasma corticosterone levels were significantly higher in Fischer 344 compared to Brown Norway rats. Fischer 344 hypersecrete corticosterone during the dark phase of the diurnal cycle and during the phase of recovery following a 20 min period of restraint stress compared to Brown Norway rats. This hypersecretion of corticosterone was negatively correlated with the size of the adrenal gland but might be related to the higher density of mineralocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus of Fischer 344 rats.  相似文献   

The dynamic patterns of basal and stimulated hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) activity of freely moving female Lewis and Fischer 344 rats were compared using an automated blood-sampling system. Both strains showed pulsatile corticosterone release throughout the 24 h cycle. Lewis rats showed clear circadian variation in both pulse frequency (8.4 +/- 0.4 pulses between 1700-2300 h vs. 5.3 +/- 0.8 pulses between 0500-1100 h; P < 0.05) and height (198 +/- 27 ng/ml between 1700-2300 h vs. 107 +/- 14 ng/ml between 0500-1100 h; P < 0.05). Fischer rats exhibited pulses of similar frequency and height to those in Lewis rats during the evening, but showed no circadian variation, resulting in higher mean daily corticosterone concentrations. Although both strains showed behavioral and HPA responses to white noise stress (10 min; 114 dB), Fischer rats showed much greater increases in total activity, grooming, and rearings, and two important differences in the corticosterone responses were observed. First, in Lewis rats a clear relationship existed between basal and stimulated HPA activities, in that a significant response was seen only when the stress coincided with the rising (secretory active) phase of a basal pulse. Noise stress coinciding with a falling (nonsecretory) phase elicited no significant response. In contrast, Fischer rats showed similar responses regardless of the underlying pulse phase. Second, after the peak response at 20 min (Lewis, 237 +/- 67 ng/ml; Fischer, 390 +/- 57 ng/ml), corticosterone levels fell rapidly in Lewis rats, but remained maximally elevated for 20 min in Fischer rats, resulting in a significantly greater integrated response. The corticosterone response to i.v. CRF was unaffected by pulse phase in both strains, suggesting that a suprapituitary mechanism mediates the phase-dependent response to stress in the Lewis strain. CRF-induced corticosterone levels rose more rapidly in Fischer rats, peaking at 10 min (473 +/- 95 ng/ml) compared with 30 min (390 +/- 75 ng/ml) in Lewis rats, suggesting greater pituitary sensitivity in this strain. Thus, differences in both central and pituitary control of the HPA axis contribute to the strain difference in stress responsiveness between female Lewis and Fischer rats.  相似文献   

Vascular remodeling and changes in vascular responsiveness occur in the rat cerebrum with old age. This includes reductions in cerebral arteriolar numerical density, cross-sectional area, distensibility, the relative proportion of distensible elements in the cerebral arteriolar wall, and reduced endothelium-dependent relaxation. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that old age results in an increase in vascular resistance and, correspondingly, a decrease in blood flow to ocular, regional cerebral, and spinal tissue in the rat. Blood flow was measured in the eye, olfactory bulb, left and right cerebrum, pituitary gland, midbrain, pons, cerebellum, medulla, and spinal cord of juvenile (2-mo-old, n = 6), adult (6-mo-old, n = 7), and aged (24-mo-old, n = 7) male Fischer-344 rats. Arterial pressure and blood flow were used to calculate vascular resistance. Vascular resistance in the eye of aged rats (6.03 +/- 1.08 mmHg . ml-1 . min . 100 g) was higher than that in juvenile (3.83 +/- 0.38 mmHg . ml-1 . min . 100 g) and adult rats (3.12 +/- 0.24 mmHg . ml-1 . min . 100 g). Similarly, resistance in the pons of older rats (2.24 +/- 0.55 mmHg . ml-1 . min . 100 g) was greater than in juvenile (0.66 +/- 0.06 mmHg .ml-1 . min . 100 g) and adult rats (0.80 +/- 0.11 mmHg . ml-1 . min . 100 g). In contrast, vascular resistance in the pituitary gland was lower in the aged rats (juvenile, 3.09 +/- 0.22; adult, 2.79 +/- 0.42; aged, 1.73 +/- 0.32 mmHg . ml-1 . min . 100 g, respectively). Vascular resistance was not different in other cerebral tissues or in the spinal cord in the aged rats. These data suggest that regional cerebral and spinal blood flow and vascular resistance remain largely unchanged in conscious aged rats at rest but that elevations in ocular vascular resistance and, correspondingly, decreases in ocular perfusion with advanced age could have serious adverse effects on visual function.  相似文献   

1. Thonningia sanguinea, a plant used prophylactically against bronchial asthma in Ghana was recently found to have antioxidative and hepatoprotective actions in our laboratory. 2. In this study, the effect of T. sanguinea extract on certain biochemical indices in serum and liver of Fischer 344 rats given a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) dose (1 mg/kg) of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was investigated. 3. Administration of AFB1 resulted in significant increases in serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) levels and a significant decrease in aniline hydroxylase activity in liver microsomes. When T. sanguinea (5 ml/kg) was intraperitoneally administered to rats 12 h and 1 h before AFB1, liver injury was significantly reduced as seen in the decreased levels of serum ALT and serum GST. However, the decrease in aniline hydroxylase activity by AFB1 was not recovered but enhanced by T. sanguinea pre-treatment. 4. Kinetic analysis of cytochrome P450 activity of rat liver microsomes in vitro demonstrated that T. sanguinea inhibited aniline hydroxylase non-competitively suggesting depression of biotransformation of AFB1 to toxic metabolites. 5. The data indicate a hepatoprotective action of T. sanguinea against AFB1-induced liver injury.  相似文献   

The sequential changes of natural killer cell (NK) activity and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) during hepatocarcinogenesis induced by diethylnitrosamine (DEN) in male Fischer 344 rats were investigated. DEN at a concentration of 40 ppm was administered in drinking water for 10 weeks. At weeks 5, 10, 20 and 30, rats were autopsied and the development of glutathione S-transferase placental form positive foci (GST-P+ foci) at weeks 5 and 10 and hepatocellular tumors at weeks 20 and 30 were examined. The labeling index of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) an indicator of DNA synthesis, was also sequentially checked. GST-P+ foci were found to increase with age. Hepatocellular nodules increased until week 20, but by week 30 when the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma was 100%, the incidence of nodules had decreased. BrdU positive cells also increased with age, and by week 30 when the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma was 100%, the number of BrdU-positive cells had decreased. NK cell activity increased until week 10, but at week 20, was less than in the untreated control group. The level of PGE2 increased until week 5, but at week 10, levels were not significantly different from those seen in the untreated control group. On the basis of these results, we concluded that NK activity is closely related to the progression of hepatocarcinogenesis, but PGE2 levels show no significant change.  相似文献   

To investigate possible gender- and age-associated changes of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis at baseline and during stress, we studied healthy young (3-month) and old (23-month) female 344/N Fischer rats at the basal state and after 2 h of immobilization (IMMO), in parallel to age-matched male rats. At baseline, there were no major differences on HPT axis functions between young female and male animals. Old age was associated with impaired central thyroid function in both genders, albeit to a much lesser extent in females than in males. Plasma prolactin (PRL) levels were similar in young females and males but were higher in old females than males. IMMO inhibited HPT axis functions in both genders in young, but not old animals. Thus, plasma TSH and hypothalamic TRH mRNA levels were decreased by IMMO in young, but not in old rats of both genders. IMMO increased plasma PRL in young and old males, but did not have any effect in young and old females. In summary, these data indicate that age and gender exert diverse effects on HPT axis functions at baseline and after stress.  相似文献   

Localization of age-related deficits in the cerebellar beta adrenergic signal transduction cascade were investigated electrophysiologically using forskolin (FORSK) and adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphothioate Sp-isomer (Sp-cAMPS) applied via pressure ejection from extracellular multibarreled glass electrodes to activate the transduction cascade. In young rats, 100 microM FORSK activated AC, and 100 microM Sp-cAMPS activated protein kinase A; thus, both increased GABAergic inhibition of Purkinje cell firing. In aged rats, however, 100 microM FORSK was unable to increase GABAergic inhibition of Purkinje cell firing. In addition, 1 mM 7 beta-decacetyl-7 beta-(gamma-N-methylpiperazino)butyryl-forskolin, an analog of FORSK, was also unable to increase GABAergic inhibition in aged rats. In contrast, Sp-cAMPS was able to increase GABAergic inhibition in aged rats, but higher doses were required than in young rats, Isoproterenol (ISO), a beta adrenergic agonist, was ineffective in increasing GABAergic inhibition of Purkinje firing in aged rats when tested alone, but ISO was effective in increasing Purkinje cell inhibition when ISO was tested with Sp-cAMPS. The results of this experiment indicate that one age-related deficit in the cerebellar beta adrenergic system occurs at the level of protein kinase A activation.  相似文献   

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