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土地利用/覆被变化是全球环境变化研究的核心问题之一,选择适当的变化检测方法在江苏海岸带土地利用/覆被变化研究工作中具有重要意义。本研究选取江苏海岸带具有典型代表性的大丰市作为变化检测方法比较研究的试验区,采用1992年和2002年两期Landsat TM影像,分别运用主成分分析法、混合变化检测法和变化矢量分析法进行变化检测,提取土地利用/覆被变化信息,并对每种变化检测方法进行定量分析和综合比较。研究表明,主成分分析法对于试验区的土地利用/覆被变化研究具有检测速度快、检测精度高等优点,适合试验区以及整个江苏海岸带的土地利用/覆被变化的检测。最终,综合运用主成分分析法和分类后比较法获得了5期近30年江苏海岸带土地覆被分类图,证明了主成分分析法可有效应用于江苏海岸带的变化检测。  相似文献   

具备时空计算特征的元胞自动机(CA)模型与GIS集成极大促进了GIS对地理过程的模拟能力。论文简要介绍了空间信息多级网格(SIMG)——一种既能适合网格计算环境又充分考虑到地球空间的自然特征和社会属性的差异性及经济发展不平衡的特点的空间信息表示新方法。充分研究了SIMG与CA之间的联系,分别讨论了在SIMG上CA元胞及状态的确定、元胞空间的确定、规则的定义、时间粒度确定等,提出了空间信息多级网格元胞自动机模型(SIMGCA),并提出了SIMGCA模型在土地利用/覆被变化中的应用框架。  相似文献   

基于Landsat TM数据的潮白河流域植被覆盖变化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
使用经严格配准的同一时间(1991年和2002年)Landsat TM图像数据,编制归一化植被指数(NDVI)图,进而计算生成植被覆盖度图像。通过掩膜技术和变化检测等提取了北京潮白河流域中上游地区从1991~2002年的植被覆盖变化信息。研究结果表明,北京潮白河流域中上游地区11年间植被退化的总面积为1635.3km^2,占该区域总面积的30.6%;其中植被覆盖度为40%~50%的类型退化的面积最多,为411.74km^2,变化率为66.0%,覆盖度为90%~100%的类型退化的面积最少,为14km^2,变化率为4.4%;覆盖度为30-40%的类型变化率最大,为100%,覆盖度为90%~100%的类型的变化率最小。为4.4%;从植被覆盖度变化的趋势来看,随着植被覆盖度的增加,变化率在逐渐降低;流域中游、密云水库北部和东北部以及上游的河谷地带由于受人类活动干扰的强度较大,植被退化较严重;而上游的山地区域由于人类活动干扰较少,再加上近年来采取封山育林、植树造林等措施,植被覆盖程度有所改善。  相似文献   

本文基于多时相中巴地球资源卫星CBERS CCD数据,以鹿洼煤矿塌陷区为例,利用混合像元分解技术开展土地利用/覆盖变化LUCC检测.分别选取研究区域的2002年、2006年和2010年3个时相的CBERSCCD图像作为遥感数据源,将粒子群优化算法引入到端元提取中,基于线性光谱混合模型提取鹿洼煤矿塌陷区水体、建筑用地、农田和土壤4类地物信息,并对结果进行统计分析.LUCC检测结果表明,2002年至2010年间,鹿洼煤矿塌陷地面积逐年增加,造成大面积农田积水,导致无法进行作物耕种.最后,结合当地政府采取的塌陷地治理措施分析了土地利用变化情况.  相似文献   

土地利用变化是土地资源利用情况的综合分析,遥感技术在土地利用变化的应用,更好的解决了大范围内土地利用变化动态监测的难题。本文基于Landsat影像,利用影像融合主成分分析法(PCA法)以及谷歌地球目视解译和最大似然法结合的方式进行监督分类,采用Majority/Minority分析对分类结果进行处理,通过混淆矩阵对分类的结果进行精度评估。运用遥感图像2001-2018年期间解译结果,对昆明市呈贡新区土地利用变化做出分析,以及对2001和2018年分类结果进行变化检测,结果表明,2001-2018年呈贡新区土地利用结构发生显著变化,城市建筑面积明显增多。  相似文献   

余明  李慧珍 《遥感信息》2007,(3):29-33,53,I0001
本论文应用RS和GIS复合技术提取大福州城土地利用信息图谱,从现状结构、发展变化(净变化与相互转化)等方面对大福州城的土地利用信息进行定性和定量的分析,并建立了实验区土地利用演变过程和空间扩展图谱,其研究和建立的土地利用斑块形态与扩展图谱,在一定程度上反映了地学信息图谱的“形-数-理结合”和“系列化”、“谱系化”、“模型数值化”的特征,本工作是地学信息图谱在LUCC中的应用尝试,对区域土地可持续利用有指导意义。  相似文献   

频繁发生的森林大火对亚马逊热带雨林造成了大面积破坏,获取不同年份的火灾影响范围以及植被破坏情况,有助于了解该地区火灾时空演变规律以及火灾与植被的相互作用关系,进而探究火灾发展机理,为防灾减灾提供科学依据。为此,利用2015~2019年MODIS植被指数产品与地表温度产品,构建MODIS全球扰动指数模型(MGDI),结合火点数据(以下统称MOD14A1)、植被连续场数据(Vegetation Continuous Field,VCF)提取1 000 m分辨率下的燃烧范围和燃烧强度,并分析研究区域5年内的火灾分布时空规律。实验结果表明:(1)火灾主要分布在巴西中部以及巴西与玻利维亚的交界处,占燃烧区总面积的67%左右;(2)燃烧范围以及燃烧强度的综合信息显示火灾整体呈现出“升—降—升”的趋势;(3)火灾多发生于灌木草地(50%以上)以及阔叶林(30%),且火灾多发在旱季;在全球变暖大背景下,火灾发生频率呈上升趋势;(4)人类活动范围扩张、不合理农业开垦、森林砍伐导致研究区内草地退化严重,农业用地以及建筑用地逐年上升,在一定程度上为火灾的发生、传导提供了良好的条件。  相似文献   

研究湟中县土地利用/覆被变化,对于准确把握湟中县土地利用动态、提出针对性的建设意见、改善当地生态环境质量具有重要现实意义。基于1987、1999和2007年3期遥感影像,通过土地利用转移矩阵、动态度、利用程度等方法,研究了湟中县1987~2007年近20 a土地利用变化特征及其空间分异规律。结果表明:① 近20a湟中县林地数量总体增加,耕地面积减少;②1987~2007年间湟中县耕地面积出现明显波动;③ 1987年以来,各土地利用类型年均变化幅度差异较大;④ 研究时段湟中县土地利用综合指数平均值为252.35,低于我国东部地区,高于西部偏远地区。  相似文献   

通榆县作为松嫩沙地的重要组成部分,是半干旱环境下典型的土地生态环境脆弱区。以1979年、1992年和2001年3期Landsat影像为数据源,在RS、GIS技术和景观生态学理论的支持下,全面分析了通榆县22 a来土地利用/覆被类型的时序和空间景观变化特征。结果表明:研究区土地利用/覆被类型以耕地、草地、林地和重度盐碱地为主,并且在时序上呈现出草地迅速减少、重度盐碱地大面积增加的趋势;在空间景观上呈现出耕地、草地、林地高度破碎与重度盐碱地高度集聚的特征。土地利用程度指数还表明研究区土地正处于由衰退期向发展期过渡的转型阶段。
  相似文献   

植被净第一生产力(NPP)作为反映植被固碳能力的重要指标,在全球CO2浓度上升的背景下,成为研究全球及区域生态系统对气候环境变化响应的热点之一。基于Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像数据,采用改进的CASA模型,估算得到武汉市2001~2010年空间分辨率为30m的冬季NPP,并对其进行时空变化分析。研究结果表明:武汉市过去10a冬季平均NPP为8.55gC/m2·m。2001~2010年武汉市冬季NPP整体呈现波动上升的趋势,各区域具有不同的增长速率,其中以江夏区最快,而各植被类型中灌木林具有最快的增长速率和最高的平均NPP。武汉市冬季NPP均呈现从三环区域向四周增大的空间分布特征,过去10a武汉市冬季NPP最高的区域由黄陂区转移到了江夏区。  相似文献   

利用TM数据估算山丹军马场的植被生物量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
山丹军马场是我国面积最大的马场,近年来由于过度放牧和不合理开发,植被正在逐渐退化。所以植被的生长状况的研究就显得特别重要。利用2003年9月的Landsat TM图像估算了山丹军马场植被的地上生物量。主要方法是在GPS的帮助下,通过野外实地采样,然后根据样点数据和NDVI、第一主成分、DVI、TM4通道的光谱反射率数据之间的线性相关性,并利用逐步回归方法建立了估算生物量的最优模型,用此模型计算了山丹军马场典型区的生物量。  相似文献   

The floodplain forests bordering the Amazon River have outstanding ecological, economic, and social importance for the region. However, the original distribution of these forests is not well known, since they have suffered severe degradation since the 16th century. The previously published vegetation map of the Amazon River floodplain (Hess et al., 2003), based on data acquired in 1996, shows enormous difference in vegetation cover classes between the regions upstream and downstream of the city of Manaus. The upper floodplain is mostly covered by forests, while the lower floodplain is predominantly occupied by grasses and shrubs.This study assesses deforestation in the Lower Amazon floodplain over a ~ 30 year period by producing and comparing a historical vegetation map based on MSS/Landsat images acquired in the late 1970s with a recent vegetation map produced from TM/Landsat images obtained in 2008. The maps were generated through the following steps: 1) normalization and mosaicking of images for each decade; 2) application of a linear mixing model transformation to produce vegetation, soil and shade fraction-images; and 3) object-oriented image analysis and classification. For both maps, the following classes were mapped: floodplain forest, non-forest floodplain vegetation, bare soil and open water. The two maps were combined using object-level Boolean operations to identify time transitions among the mapped classes, resulting in a map of the land cover change occurred over ~ 30 years. Ground information collected at 168 ground points was used to build confusion matrices and calculate Kappa indices of agreement. A survey strategy combining field observations and interviews allowed the collection of information about both recent and historical land cover for validation purposes. Kappa values (0.77, 0.75 and 0.75) indicated the good quality of the maps, and the error estimates were used to adjust the estimated deforested area to a value of 3457 km2 ± 1062 km2 (95% CI) of floodplain deforestation over the ~ 30 years.  相似文献   

李居亮  都金康  张友水 《遥感信息》2004,(4):22-25,i001
基于绍兴市1984年和1997年的两期TM影像,用相对辐射校正方法将1997年的影像校正到1984年的辐射水平上,消除多时相遥感影像问地物的辐射差异,对两期影像分别做最大似然分类,构建覆盖转移矩阵,将分类图分析运算构建覆盖变化分类混淆矩阵,并结合土地覆盖变化的驱动因子,分析得出,绍兴土地覆盖变化主要因素是城镇的扩展及人们饮食结构的变化。  相似文献   

本文针对城市土地利用数据的时空特性,依托地理信息系统(GIS)丰富的空间分析工具以及对海量空间数据的高性能计算优势,围绕城市土地利用研究有关数据的处理、分析、建模等方面问题设计了一个基于GIS的城市土地利用分析与建模框架;框架主体结构中有关城市土地利用变化的驱动力机制建模方法选取逻辑回归模型,对地理数据的空间自相关性处理则根据Getis自相关系数构建滤波模型;具体应用则结合深圳市国土资源局的"城市土地利用虚拟政策实验室"项目,取得良好效果  相似文献   

Satellite imagery is the major data source for regional to global land cover maps. However, land cover mapping of large areas with medium-resolution imagery is costly and often constrained by the lack of good training and validation data. Our goal was to overcome these limitations, and to test chain classifications, i.e., the classification of Landsat images based on the information in the overlapping areas of neighboring scenes. The basic idea was to classify one Landsat scene first where good ground truth data is available, and then to classify the neighboring Landsat scene using the land cover classification of the first scene in the overlap area as training data. We tested chain classification for a forest/non-forest classification in the Carpathian Mountains on one horizontal chain of six Landsat scenes, and two vertical chains of two Landsat scenes each. We collected extensive training data from Quickbird imagery for classifying radiometrically uncorrected data with Support Vector Machines (SVMs). The SVMs classified 8 scenes with overall accuracies between 92.1% and 98.9% (average of 96.3%). Accuracy loss when automatically classifying neighboring scenes with chain classification was 1.9% on average. Even a chain of six images resulted only in an accuracy loss of 5.1% for the last image compared to a reference classification from independent training data for the last image. Chain classification thus performed well, but we note that chain classification can only be applied when land cover classes are well represented in the overlap area of neighboring Landsat scenes. As long as this constraint is met though, chain classification is a powerful approach for large area land cover classifications, especially in areas of varying training data availability.  相似文献   

Surface mining and reclamation is the dominant driver of land cover land use change (LCLUC) in the Central Appalachian Mountain region of the Eastern U.S. Accurate quantification of the extent of mining activities is important for assessing how this LCLUC affects ecosystem services such as aesthetics, biodiversity, and mitigation of flooding. We used Landsat imagery from 1976, 1987, 1999 and 2006 to map the extent of surface mines and mine reclamation for eight large watersheds in the Central Appalachian region of West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. We employed standard image processing techniques in conjunction with a temporal decision tree and GIS maps of mine permits and wetlands to map active and reclaimed mines and track changes through time. For the entire study area, active surface mine extent was highest in 1976, prior to implementation of the Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act in 1977, with 1.76% of the study area in active mines, declining to 0.44% in 2006. The most extensively mined watershed, Georges Creek in Maryland, was 5.45% active mines in 1976, declining to 1.83% in 2006. For the entire study area, the area of reclaimed mines increased from 1.35% to 4.99% from 1976 to 2006, and from 4.71% to 15.42% in Georges Creek. Land cover conversion to mines and then reclaimed mines after 1976 was almost exclusively from forest. Accuracy levels for mined and reclaimed cover was above 85% for all time periods, and was generally above 80% for mapping active and reclaimed mines separately, especially for the later time periods in which good accuracy assessment data were available. Among other implications, the mapped patterns of LCLUC are likely to significantly affect watershed hydrology, as mined and reclaimed areas have lower infiltration capacity and thus more rapid runoff than unmined forest watersheds, leading to greater potential for extreme flooding during heavy rainfall events.  相似文献   

利用LandsatTM6热红外遥感数据定量反演了干旱地区的地表温度,研究结果表明,区典型地表覆盖类型的地表亮温比地表起初温度低0.4-1K,遥感反演的地面真实温度与当地3月下旬的实测温度误差在0.8K以下,这说明用LandsatTM6定量反演干旱区的地表温度是可行的。研究结果表明,地下水富集带地表温度具有异常现象,其地表温度比地表水体高5K左右,而比其它地表类型低7K以上,据此,可以利用热红外遥感  相似文献   

Our article illustrates how to compare the outputs from models that simulate transitions among categories through time. We illustrate the concepts by comparing two land change models: Land Change Modeler and Cellular Automata Markov. We show how the modeling options influence the quantity and allocation of simulated transitions, and how to compare output maps from pairs of model runs with respect to a reference map of transitions during the validation interval. We recommend that the first step is to assess the quantity of each transition and to determine the cause of the variation in quantity among model runs. The second step is to assess the allocation of transitions and to determine the cause of the variation in allocation among model runs. The separation of quantity and allocation of the transitions is a helpful approach to communicate how models work and to describe pattern validation.  相似文献   

Drylands cover about 41% of the globe's surface and provide important ecosystem services, but land use and climate change exert considerable pressure on these ecosystems. Both of these drivers frequently result in gradual vegetation change and landscape-scale trend analysis based on yearly vegetation estimates can capture such changes. Such trend analyses based on high-resolution time series of satellite imagery have so far not widely been used and existing studies in drylands relied on different vegetation measures. Spectral mixture analysis (SMA) has been chosen due to its superiority to simpler vegetation estimates in quantifying vegetation cover in single-date studies, however SMA can be challenging to implement for large areas. Here, we quantify the trade-off involved when using simple vegetation estimates instead of SMA fractions for subsequent trend analyses. We calculated NDVI, SAVI and Tasseled Cap Greenness, as well as SMA green vegetation fractions for a time series of Landsat images from 1984-2005 for a study region in Crete. Linear trend analysis showed that trend coefficients and the spatial patterns of trends were similar across all vegetation estimates and the entire study region, especially for areas where vegetation changed gradually. On average, trends based on simple measures differed less than 5% from SMA-based trends with decreasing similarity in trend results from Tasseled Cap Greenness to SAVI and NDVI. Vegetation estimates differed markedly in their response to disturbance events such as fires. Trend analyses based on qualitative measures can easily be applied across very large areas and using multi-sensor time series based on high-resolution data. While the subtle differences between vegetation estimates may still be important for some applications, the robustness of trend analyses regarding the choice of vegetation estimate bears considerable promise to reconstruct fine-scale vegetation dynamics and land use histories and to assess climate change impacts on the world's drylands.  相似文献   

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