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PB中一个通用打印预览的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了在PB下的一个通用打印预览窗口的实现。  相似文献   

一、前言 标签控件(Tab Control)是VC 编程中经常使用的控件之一,使有限的对话框区域显示显示更多的内容.标签控件一般是把它放在对话框上,但有时我们想把标签控件放在某一个分割窗口中且每个标签页实现一个独立的视图(就像网络蚂蚁NetAnts),要实现它就有些难度,可在网上关于这方面的例子很少,有的不是在分割窗口中创建标签控件,有的的确是在分割窗口中创建标签控件,可是它标签控件不是基于Tab Control,而是CWnd自绘的,这样就显得太复杂了且效果也不是很好.于是经过摸索加上分析了多个相关程序的源代码,实现了在分割窗口中创建TabView.现把此实现的方法介绍给大家.具体分以下步骤:  相似文献   

Visal Basic语言中,标签(LABEL)控件用于显示窗口上某个可见对象的含义.标签的用法很多,如把一些信息显示在窗体上,给本身无标题属性的控件增加标题或其他描述信息,在程序运行期间,提示用户不断变化的条件,提供一个状态栏——行帮助信息等等.  相似文献   

Visual Basic作为一种可视化的开发工具,早已为广大的Windows程序设计人员所熟悉和掌握。在用VB设计Windows应用程序的过程中,有时我们希望输入或显示到文本框中的所有英文字符都成为大写(或小写)的,也有时需要在窗口中显示很长的只读文本消息。由于标签控件没有滚动条,所以不可采用;而VB文本框控件虽有滚动条,但不具有只读功能,如果禁止文本框,不但会取消文本内容,而且  相似文献   

在Win95中调出Word97主界面,选“工具”→“信封和标签”,屏幕上出现“信封和标签”窗口,在标签项中用鼠标点“选项”进入“标签选项”窗口,在此窗口中选“新建标签”,出现“新建自定义标签”窗口(见图1)。  相似文献   

使用VFP6.0的标签功能编制考试准考证既简单又方便,下面以制作辽宁省专业技术人员计算机职称考试准考证为例来说明VFP6.0标签的使用方法。 例如我们要如下样式的准考证。如图1所示。 1)在VFP6.0、Excel等系统中整理好数据源,本例以VFP6.0为例。数据表中的内容如表1所示。 2)使用标签向导创建标签。操作步骤如下: (1)选择“文件”菜单中的“新建”命令,在新建对话框中选中“标签”选项。然后单击“向导”按钮。 (2)在标签向导步骤一对话框中选择数据来源。这里选择自由表准考证。然后单击“下…  相似文献   

互联网的飞速发展引起越来越多的人对服务质量(QoS)的关注。基于传统IP网络的QoS保证已经很难有效达到高性能。多协议标签交换网络(MPLS)作为下一代网络(NGN)核心技术之一,在服务质量和流量工程方面具有重要作用。本文提出将MPLS网络的标签交换与区分服务模型相结合的QoS实现方法,并通过一系列实验数据对DiffServ overMPLS模型功能进行验证。  相似文献   

荣哥 《电脑迷》2010,(14):62-62
浏览器多标签在浏览网页时非常实用,可在一个窗口中打开多个标签页面随时看页面。而XP的资源管理器则无法实现多标签,当需要同时打开多个文件夹窗口,任务栏就拥挤不堪。其实也可以给Windows的资源管理器安装一个多标签软件,这样打开再多窗口也不会手忙脚乱了。  相似文献   

XML数据中的不正确数据、不一致数据、不精确数据等劣质数据给XML数据上的有效查询处理带来了挑战。重点研究了标签劣质的XML数据上twig查询的处理方法。给出求得每个标签的拼写相近标签、松弛标签、同义标签等相似标签的方法,以及在XML文档中求出与原查询相似的所有查询结果的高效算法。通过实验证明了所提方法的有效性和效率。  相似文献   

网页制作之实用技巧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在网络逐渐普及的今天,许多朋友都有自己的网上小屋,网络人对网页的美观和个性化也提出越来越高的要求。在网页制作中有很多的技巧和功能让你的网站锦上添花,以下就和大家谈几点网页制作的小技巧。让你的网页有声有色,在DW里为网页添加背景音乐1.单击Dreamweaver工作窗口左下角的<body>标签,单击Dreamweaver工作窗口右下角的<behavior>标签,或选择菜单Windows/behaviors。2.在弹出的behaviors窗口点“+”号,选择Controlsound,然后就可以选择要插入的背景音乐和循环次数。浏览器窗口状态栏字幕的制作我们经常看到一些网…  相似文献   

We report a numerical study of self-avoiding polymers on the square lattice, including an attractive potential between nonconsecutive monomers occupying neighboring lattice sites. Using Wang-Landau sampling (WLS) with adaptive windows, we obtain the density of states for chains of up to N=300 monomers and associated thermodynamic quantities. Finite size scaling analysis yields a transition temperature of Θ=1.505(18). WLS with adaptive windows enables one to simulate accurately the low-temperature regime, which is virtually inaccessible using traditional methods. Instead of defining fixed energy windows, as in usual WLS, this method uses windows with boundaries that depend on the set of energy values on which the histogram is flat at a given stage of the simulation. Shifting the windows each time the modification factor f is reduced, we eliminate border effects that arise in simulations using fixed windows.  相似文献   

ContextMost research in software effort estimation has not considered chronology when selecting projects for training and testing sets. A chronological split represents the use of a projects starting and completion dates, such that any model that estimates effort for a new project p only uses as training data projects that were completed prior to p’s start. Four recent studies investigated the use of chronological splits, using moving windows wherein only the most recent projects completed prior to a projects starting date were used as training data. The first three studies (S1–S3) found some evidence in favor of using windows; they all defined window sizes as being fixed numbers of recent projects. In practice, we suggest that estimators think in terms of elapsed time rather than the size of the data set, when deciding which projects to include in a training set. In the fourth study (S4) we showed that the use of windows based on duration can also improve estimation accuracy.ObjectiveThis papers contribution is to extend S4 using an additional dataset, and to also investigate the effect on accuracy when using moving windows of various durations.MethodStepwise multivariate regression was used to build prediction models, using all available training data, and also using windows of various durations to select training data. Accuracy was compared based on absolute residuals and MREs; the Wilcoxon test was used to check statistical significances between results. Accuracy was also compared against estimates derived from windows containing fixed numbers of projects.ResultsNeither fixed size nor fixed duration windows provided superior estimation accuracy in the new data set.ConclusionsContrary to intuition, our results suggest that it is not always beneficial to exclude old data when estimating effort for new projects. When windows are helpful, windows based on duration are effective.  相似文献   

本文介绍了工业实时控制中本地和远程串行通讯系统的一种设计和实现方法。根据目前WINDOWS环境下应用程序的流行和利用电话线这一公共通信介质进行远程通讯的方便性,特别介绍了WINDOWS环境下利用MODEM进行远程数据通讯的设计方法。  相似文献   

李志  宋礼鹏 《计算机工程》2020,46(4):135-142,150
用户在计算机上的行为直接体现在与应用窗口的交互过程中.针对内网安全问题,从应用窗口的使用角度出发,对用户行为进行研究.搭建完全自由的内网环境,采集与分析用户在应用窗口上的行为数据,提取面向异常用户检测与用户变化行为识别的行为特征.通过样本均值分布特性和K-S检验验证了不同用户使用应用窗口的行为存在显著差异,并结合欧氏距离与置信区间,构建异常行为检测算法.实验结果表明,该算法能够有效检测异常用户与识别用户变化行为,准确率分别高达97.4%和94.5%,对于内部威胁防御具有重要作用.  相似文献   

With the ever increasing amount of digital information, users desire more screen real estate to process daily desktop computing work, and might well benefit from using a large high-resolution display for information management. Unfortunately, we know very little about users' behaviors when using such a display for daily computing, and current user interfaces are mainly designed for normal-sized desktop monitors, which might not well suit a large display. In this article, we first present a longitudinal study that investigates how users manage overflowing digital information on a wall-sized display in a personal desktop computing context by comparing it with single and dual desktop monitors. Results showed users' unanimous preferences of working on a large display and revealed large-display users' unique activity patterns of managing windows. Guided by the study results, we designed a set of interaction techniques that provide greater flexibility in managing multiple windows. They include facile methods for selecting, moving, and resizing multiple windows using an active window boundary called Fringe, rearranging selected windows using multi- and single-window marking menus, packing/unpacking the selected windows using easily activated icons, and freely adjusting the order of overlapping windows with a Jab-to-Lift operation. We coherently integrated these techniques with traditional operations in a large-display window management prototype called WallTop. Two rounds of usability testing showed that users can quickly and easily learn the new interaction techniques and apply them to realistic window management tasks on a large display with increased efficiency.  相似文献   

探讨了在应用程序中如何采用匿名管道技术和控制台应用程序进行通信。并结合和Dos应用程序间的通信,论述了使用Visual C 在Windows98和Windows2000下使用匿名管道操作的区别。  相似文献   

The rose window is one of the most representative elements of Gothic art and architecture. In this work we analyze fifteen rose windows from fifteen Gothic cathedrals using fractal geometry. Specifically, we examine the texture and roughness of these rose windows focusing on three factors, their designs, glass areas and solid areas. In this investigation we generate parameters which provide a measure of roughness of the rose windows in order to find out if they show a general non-random fractal pattern. The paper concludes that statistically, there is a characteristic fractal pattern in the solid and glass areas of the rose windows of the Gothic style, but not necessarily in their overall design.  相似文献   

一种基于进程外窗口挂钩回调的软件集成方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统和窗口挂钩过程回调机制是实现windows软件集成的有效途径。本文利用进程外的窗口挂钩过程回调函数实现了对进程外窗口行为的控制,从而实现了对目标进程行为的控制。并以独立交互式车牌识别软件的联机集成应用为例详细说明了集成技术,此技术对其它没有提供SDK接口的独立交互式工具软件的联机自动集成应用的开发具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

根据MapX显示动态图像功能的不足,提出了利用GIF图像在MapX上显示动态图像的新方法。该方法用CGifWnd类在MapX上生成新的窗口,并在其上显示GIF图像。提供给其他开发人员在利用组件开发GIS软件时,实现GIS功能的新思路。  相似文献   

针对大规模等值线图裁剪算法面临的两个主要问题,如何减少线段求交次数和判别保留部分的起止点,提出一种针对大规模等值线图的任意多边形裁剪算法.该算法首先使用等网格分割方法,在等值线线段与裁剪多边形边之间建立网格索引,减少线段求交次数;同时,在网格数据结构基础上,采用局部射线法,很好地解决了判断交点在裁剪多边形内外时间复杂度过大的问题,使得算法可以快速判断出需要保留(剔除)的等值线部分.本文算法的优点是能够在求出交点的基础上快速获得需要保留(剔除)部分的起止点;同时,算法中裁剪多边形可以是包含任意多个洞的任意简单多边形,克服传统算法中对裁剪多边形的特定约束条件.本文算法易于实现且高效.  相似文献   

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