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Enzymes that catalyze the terminal hydroxylation of alkanes could be used to produce more valuable chemicals from hydrocarbons. Cytochrome P450 BM3 from Bacillus megaterium hydroxylates medium‐chain fatty acids at subterminal positions at high rates. To engineer BM3 for terminal alkane hydroxylation, we performed saturation mutagenesis at selected active‐site residues of a BM3 variant that hydroxylates alkanes. Recombination of beneficial mutations generated a library of BM3 mutants that hydroxylate linear alkanes with a wide range of regioselectivities. Mutant 77‐9H exhibits 52% selectivity for the terminal position of octane. This regioselectivity is octane‐specific and does not transfer to other substrates, including shorter and longer hydrocarbons or fatty acids. These results show that BM3 can be readily molded for regioselective oxidation.  相似文献   

Directed evolution of the monooxygenase P450-BM3 utilizing iterative saturation mutagenesis at and near the binding site enables a high degree of both regio- and enantioselectivity in the oxidative hydroxylation of cyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid methyl ester. Wild-type P450-BM3 is 84% regioselective for the allylic 3-position with 34% enantioselectivity in favor of the R alcohol. Mutants enabling R selectivity (>95% ee) or S selectivity (>95% ee) were evolved, while reducing other oxidation products and thus maximizing regioselectivity to >93%. Control of the substrate-to-enzyme ratio is necessary for obtaining optimal and reproducible enantioselectivities, an observation which is important in future protein engineering of these mono-oxygenases. An E. coli strain capable of NADPH regeneration was also engineered, simplifying directed evolution of P450 enzymes in general. These synthetic results set the stage for subsequent stereoselective and stereospecific chemical transformations to form more complex compounds, thereby illustrating the viability of combining genetically altered enzymes as catalysts in organic chemistry with traditional chemical methods.  相似文献   

A novel monooxygenase (CYP102A3) has been discovered within the Bacillus subtilis genome that reveals a similarity of 76 % to the well-known cytochrome P450 BM-3 of B. megaterium (CYP102A1). Both enzymes are natural fusion proteins consisting of a heme domain and a FAD/FMN-reductase domain. Because of their high turnover rates, these biocatalysts are of special interest for industrial applications, but show only limited regioselectivity. In this work, the regioselectivity of CYP102A3 was changed by directed evolution and protein design to hydroxylate substrates not only in different subterminal, but also to a high extent, in terminal carbon chain positions. To enable a high-throughput screening procedure, a very versatile assay was developed that is capable of discriminating between terminal and subterminal hydroxylation of carbon chains. A double mutant of CYP102A3 was obtained that produces 48 % octan-1-ol as the main product of the reaction.  相似文献   

细胞色素P450 BM-3羟基化吲哚能力的半理性改造   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
胡升  虞青  梅乐和  姚善泾  金志华 《化工学报》2009,60(11):2869-2875
为进一步改造细胞色素P450 BM-3酶对吲哚的羟基化能力,以P450 BM-3结构与功能关系的推测为指导,选择突变酶P450 BM-3 (A74G/F87V/L188Q/E435T)为父本,在可能影响P450 BM-3催化吲哚羟基化区域选择性的D168位点进行定点饱和突变,根据全细胞催化产物颜色及组成进行筛选,得到了产物组成、酶动力学性质与父本不同的两个突变酶。突变酶D168W的吲哚羟基化产物中90%是靛玉红,而另一个突变酶D168R的产物中87%是靛蓝,产物组成均不同于亲本。在催化吲哚羟基化时,D168W的kcat与父本相当,但Km却是父本的4.8倍,催化活力只有父本的20%;而D168R的kcat是父本的1.9倍,Km是父本的82%,催化活力比父本提高了1.37倍。结果表明,在E435T突变上叠加D168位氨基酸残基突变对酶的催化性质产生了单一位点突变所不具有的协同效应,对酶催化的区域选择性和催化活力都有显著影响,以致改变了催化产物组成。这种基于知识的半理性定向进化方法由于是在关键位点进行突变,因此突变目的性强、突变效果显著。  相似文献   

CYP102A1 (BM3) is a catalytically self-sufficient flavocytochrome fusion protein isolated from Bacillus megaterium, which displays similar metabolic capabilities to many drug-metabolizing human P450 isoforms. BM3′s high catalytic efficiency, ease of production and malleable active site makes the enzyme a desirable tool in the production of small molecule metabolites, especially for compounds that exhibit drug-like chemical properties. The engineering of select key residues within the BM3 active site vastly expands the catalytic repertoire, generating variants which can perform a range of modifications. This provides an attractive alternative route to the production of valuable compounds that are often laborious to synthesize via traditional organic means. Extensive studies have been conducted with the aim of engineering BM3 to expand metabolite production towards a comprehensive range of drug-like compounds, with many key examples found both in the literature and in the wider industrial bioproduction setting of desirable oxy-metabolite production by both wild-type BM3 and related variants. This review covers the past and current research on the engineering of BM3 to produce drug metabolites and highlights its crucial role in the future of biosynthetic pharmaceutical production.  相似文献   

Enzymes capable of catalyzing non-natural reactions have the potential to alter the way relevant molecules are prepared on-scale. Efforts to this end have largely focused on combining non-natural cofactors with proteins lacking catalytic function to obtain non-natural reactivity. An alternative approach is to utilize a native cofactor to catalyze non-natural reactions. Recently, our group demonstrated that heme-containing cytochrome P450s are able to catalyze the highly selective cyclopropanation of alkenes. Superior activity was observed upon changing the axial cysteine to serine (“P411”). Mutation at the conserved axial ligand has enabled P450s to catalyze other non-natural reactions such as N H insertion and C H amination.  相似文献   

The power of proline : Bold amino acid substitutions in sensitive protein regions are frequently unproductive, while more subtle mutations can be sufficient to bring about dramatic changes. But introducing proline at the residue next to the sulfur ligand in P450BM3 (CYP102A1) has the unexpected and desirable effect of enhancing the activity of this fatty acid hydroxylase with a broad range of non‐natural substrates, as illustrated by the figure.


The hydroxylation activity of the Thr268Ala mutant of P450(BM3) has been shown to occur to varying degrees with small alterations in the structure of a fatty-acid substrate. Ten substrates were investigated, including straight chain, branched chain and cis-cyclopropyl substituted fatty acids with a straight-chain length that varied between 12 and 16 carbon atoms. The efficacy of the hydroxylation activity appeared to be governed by the chain length of the substrate. Substrates possessing 14 to 15 carbons afforded the highest levels of activity, which were comparable with the wild-type enzyme. Outside of this window, straight-chain fatty acids showed reduced activity over the other substrate types. These results provide a cautionary tale concerning the loss of ferryl activity in such cytochrome P450 threonine to alanine mutants, as the nature of the substrate can determine the extent to which hydroxylation chemistry is abolished.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 BM3 monooxygenases are able to catalyze the regio‐ and stereoselective oxygenation of a broad range of substrates, with promising potential for synthetic applications. To study the suitability of P450 BM3 variants for stereoselective benzylic hydroxylation of 2‐alkylated benzoic acid esters, the biotransformation of methyl 2‐ethylbenzoate, resulting in both enantiomeric forms of 3‐methylphthalide, was investigated. In the case of methyl 2‐propylbenzoate as a substrate the regioselectivity of the reaction was shifted towards β‐hydroxylation, resulting in the synthesis of enantioenriched R‐ and S‐configured 3‐methylisochroman‐1‐one. The potential of P450 BM3 variants for regio‐ and stereoselective synthesis of phthalides and isocoumarins offers a new route to a class of compounds that are valuable synthons for a variety of natural compounds.  相似文献   

Selective hydroxylation of the C‐H bond of saturated hydrocarbon chains at room temperature is the signature of an invaluable biocatalyst, cytochrome P450 BM3 from Bacillus megaterium. Despite this remarkable ability, because of the enzyme's inherent low stability and dependence on electron supply by expensive NADPH, developing stable and economic BM3 systems is a challenging subject. To improve BM3 stability, facilitate its reuse, and reduce the process cost, this study suggests covalent immobilization of R966D/W1046S P450 BM3 on glutaraldehyde pre‐activated super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs). This double mutant consumes less expensive cofactors like NADH and BNAH and its immobilization on magnetic support facilitates its separation and reuse. Free and immobilized enzyme performances were evaluated by 10‐pNCA hydroxylation and BM3 selectivity (hydroxylation at ω (1–3) positions of a fatty acid) was confirmed in a reaction involving myristic acid. The enzyme activity recovery was up to 60 % with 100 % enzyme binding efficiency. BM3‐SPIONs were easily separated from the reaction medium by applying a magnet, and recycled for 5 times, after which they could still present half of their initial activity. The enzyme storage stability was significantly improved: after one month of storage at 4 °C, the immobilized enzyme showed 80 % residual activity toward NADH while the soluble enzyme was inactive after a week. Binding an enzyme to fabricated SPIONs is a promising technique to increase enzyme stability and prevent downstream contamination in biocatalytic processes. In this context, BM3‐SPIONs can be a practical model system in cost‐effective large‐scale applications of such enzymes.

Descurainia sophia L. (flixweeds) is a noxious broad-leaf weed infesting winter wheat fields in China that has evolved high resistance to tribenuron-methyl. In this work, a brand new gene CYP77B34 was cloned from tribenuron-methyl-resistant (TR) D. sophia and transferred into Arabidopsis thaliana, and the sensitivities of Arabidopsis with or without the CYP77B34 transgene to herbicides with a different mode of actions (MoAs) were tested. Compared to Arabidopsis expressing pCAMBIA1302-GFP (empty plasmid), Arabidopsis transferring pCAMBIA1302-CYP77B34 (recombinant plasmid) became resistant to acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicide tribenuron-methyl, protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)-inhibiting herbicides carfentrazone-ethyl and oxyfluorfen. Cytochrome P450 inhibitor malathion could reverse the resistance to tribenuron-methyl, carfentrazone-ethyl and oxyfluorfen in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. In addition, the metabolic rates of tribenuron-methyl in Arabidopsis expressing CYP77B34 were significantly higher than those in Arabidopsis expressing pCAMBIA1302-GFP. Other than that, the transgenic plants showed some tolerance to very-long-chain fatty acid synthesis (VLCFAs)-inhibiting herbicide pretilachlor and photosystem (PS) II-inhibiting herbicide bromoxynil. Subcellular localization revealed that the CYP77B34 protein was located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). These results clearly indicated that CYP77B34 mediated D. sophia resistance to tribenuron-methyl and may have been involved in D. sophia cross-resistance to carfentrazone-ethyl, oxyfluorfen, pretilachlor and bromoxynil.  相似文献   

The multidomain, catalytically self‐sufficient cytochrome P450 BM‐3 from Bacillus megaterium (P450BM3) constitutes a versatile enzyme for the oxyfunctionalization of organic molecules and natural products. However, the limited stability of the diflavin reductase domain limits the utility of this enzyme for synthetic applications. In this work, a consensus‐guided mutagenesis approach was applied to enhance the thermal stability of the reductase domain of P450BM3. Upon phylogenetic analysis of a set of distantly related P450s (>38 % identity), a total of 14 amino acid substitutions were identified and evaluated in terms of their stabilizing effects relative to the wild‐type reductase domain. Recombination of the six most stabilizing mutations generated two thermostable variants featuring up to tenfold longer half‐lives at 50 °C and increased catalytic performance at elevated temperatures. Further characterization of the engineered P450BM3 variants indicated that the introduced mutations increased the thermal stability of the FAD‐binding domain and that the optimal temperature (Topt) of the enzyme had shifted from 25 to 40 °C. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of consensus mutagenesis for enhancing the stability of the reductase component of a multidomain P450. The stabilized P450BM3 variants developed here could potentially provide more robust scaffolds for the engineering of oxidation biocatalysts.  相似文献   

Drug metabolism in human liver is a process involving many different enzymes. Among them, a number of cytochromes P450 isoforms catalyze the oxidation of most of the drugs commercially available. Each P450 isoform acts on more than one drug, and one drug may be oxidized by more than one enzyme. As a result, multiple products may be obtained from the same drug, and as the metabolites can be biologically active and may cause adverse drug reactions (ADRs), the metabolic profile of a new drug has to be known before this can be commercialized. Therefore, the metabolites of a certain drug must be identified, synthesized and tested for toxicity. Their synthesis must be in sufficient quantities to be used for metabolic tests. This review focuses on the progresses done in the field of the optimization of a bacterial self-sufficient and efficient cytochrome P450, P450 BM3 from Bacillus megaterium, used for the production of metabolites of human enzymes. The progress made in the improvement of its catalytic performance towards drugs, the substitution of the costly NADPH cofactor and its immobilization and scale-up of the process for industrial application are reported.  相似文献   

Rydberg P  Olsen L 《ChemMedChem》2012,7(7):1202-1209
By the use of knowledge gained through modeling of drug metabolism mediated by the cytochrome P450 2D6 and 3A4 isoforms, we constructed a 2D-based model for site-of-metabolism prediction for the cytochrome P450 2C9 isoform. The similarities and differences between the models for the 2C9 and 2D6 isoforms are discussed through structural knowledge from the X-ray crystal structures and trends in experimental data. The final model was validated on an independent test set, resulting in an area under the curve value of 0.92, and a site of metabolism was found among the top two ranked atoms for 77% of the compounds.  相似文献   

We recently developed an artificial P450–H2O2 system assisted by dual-functional small molecules (DFSMs) to modify the P450BM3 monooxygenase into its peroxygenase mode, which could be widely used for the oxidation of non-native substrates. Aiming to further improve the DFSM-facilitated P450–H2O2 system, a series of novel DFSMs having various unnatural amino acid groups was designed and synthesized, based on the co-crystal structure of P450BM3 and a typical DFSM, N-(ω-imidazolyl)-hexanoyl-L-phenylalanine, in this study. The size and hydrophobicity of the amino acid residue in the DFSM drastically affected the catalytic activity (up to 5-fold), stereoselectivity, and regioselectivity of the epoxidation and hydroxylation reactions. Docking simulations illustrated that the differential catalytic ability among the DFSMs is closely related to the binding affinity and the distance between the catalytic group and heme iron. This study not only enriches the DFSM toolbox to provide more options for utilizing the peroxide-shunt pathway of cytochrome P450BM3, but also sheds light on the great potential of the DFSM-driven P450 peroxygenase system in catalytic applications based on DFSM tunability.  相似文献   

The cover picture shows a bacterial cytochrome P450 enzyme (CYP152A1, blue protein) screening for new substrates, such as nifidepine (highlighted green). The identification of novel reactivities of P450 enzymes is of major importance for applications in biocatalysis, biosensing and metabolic engineering. In their contribution on p. 751 ff, Niemeyer et al. report a novel assay for the rapid and facile screening of substrate libraries for organic hydroperoxide‐mediated P450 reactivity. Peroxide depletion is monitored in a fluorescence microplate assay, by harnessing a previously undescribed reactivity of the enzyme catalase (orange protein structure). The assay thus connects the occurrence of P450 reactivity with a universal read‐out, thereby circumventing the need for substrate‐specific detection schemes.


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