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Evaporation pan (Ep) data are often used to estimate reference evapotranspiration (ET0) for use in water resource planning and irrigation scheduling. This paper reviews equations to estimate ET0 from Ep and provides a simpler method to make this conversion for arid climatic conditions like in California. The new method accounts for fetch differences by first adjusting the Ep rates to values expected for 100?m of grass fetch. Then it relies on an empirical relationship between ET0 and the adjusted Ep to determine Kp values; thus, eliminating the need for relative humidity and wind speed data that are often unavailable. The method is conceptually simpler, easier to code into computer applications, and within California, it gave better results than methods based on relative humidity and wind speed. However, the method might require calibration in more humid or windier climates.  相似文献   

Comparison of Some Reference Evapotranspiration Equations for California   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Four reference evapotranspiration (ETo) equations are compared using weather data from 37 agricultural weather stations across the state of California. The equations compared include the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) Penman equation, the Penman–Monteith equation standardized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Penman–Monteith equation standardized by the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the Hargreaves equation. Hourly and daily comparisons of ETo and net radiation (Rn) are made using graphics and simple linear regressions. ETo values estimated by the CIMIS Penman equation correlated very well with the corresponding values estimated by the standardized Penman–Monteith equations on both hourly and daily time steps. However, there are greater differences between the Rn values estimated by the two procedures. Although there are exceptions, the Hargreaves equation compared well to the FAO Penman–Monteith method. Spatial variability of the resulting correlations between the different equations is also assessed. Despite the wide variability of microclimates in the state, there are no visible spatial trends in correlations between the different ETo and/or Rn estimates.  相似文献   

Pan Evaporation to Reference Evapotranspiration Conversion Methods   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is often estimated from evaporation pan data as they are widely available and of longer duration than more recently available micrometeorologically based ET0 estimates. Evaporation pan estimation of ET0 ( = KpEpan) relies on determination of the pan coefficient (Kp), which depends on upwind fetch distance, wind run, and relative humidity at the pan site. The Kp estimation equations have been developed using regression techniques applied either to the table presented in FAO-24 or to the original data upon which this table was based (from lysimeter studies in Davis, Calif.). Here, the relative performances of the FAO-24 table and six different Kp equations are evaluated with respect to reproducing the original data table using the FAO-24 table as a standard. Evaporation pan- and CIMIS-based estimates of ET0 are also compared for stations having ranges of mean humidities (48–66%) and mean wind runs (156–193 km/day) located in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, and for a coastal station (Point Heuneme) near Ventura, Calif., having a greater mean humidity (71%). In comparing the means, standard deviations, root-mean-square errors, and linear regression coefficients, five of the six equations reproduced the original data table with approximately the same accuracy as the FAO-24 table. Use of either Kp table slightly underestimated measured ET0 at the coastal site, while the Cuenca, Allen-Pruitt, and Snyder Kp equations most closely approximated the average measured ET0 at all seven sites.  相似文献   

Crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and crop coefficient (Kco) values of four clean-cultivated navel-orange orchards that were irrigated with microsprinklers, having different canopy features (e.g., age, height, and canopy cover) were evaluated. Half-hourly values of latent heat flux density were estimated as the residual of the energy balance equation using measured net radiation (Rn), soil heat flux density (G), and sensible heat flux density (H) estimated using the surface renewal method. Hourly means of latent heat flux density (LE) were calculated and were divided by the latent heat of vaporization (L) to obtain ETc. Crop coefficients were determined by calculating the ratio Kco = ETc/ETo, with reference evapotranspiration (ETo) determined using the hourly Penman–Monteith equation for short canopies. The estimated Kco values ranged from 0.45 to 0.93 for canopy covers having between 3.5 and 70% ground shading. The Kco values were compared with Kc values from FAO 24 (reported by Doorenbos and Pruitt in 1975) and FAO 56 (reported by Allen et al. in 1998) and with Kc values from research papers that estimated reference ET from pan evaporation data using the FAO 24 method. The observed Kco values were slightly higher than Kc values for clean-cultivated orchards with high-frequency drip irrigation in Arizona and were slightly lower than for nontilled orchards in Florida. The Kco values were considerably higher than Kc values from FAO 24 and FAO 56 and were higher than Kc values from border-irrigated orchards near Valencia, Spain.  相似文献   

The climate in Georgia and other southeastern states of the United States is considered to be humid and the annual precipitation is usually greater than the annual potential evapotranspiration (ET). However, during several months of the year, supplemental irrigation is needed to prevent yield reducing water stress due to the temporal rainfall variability and sometimes due to long-term droughts. The Priestley-Taylor (PT) equation has been used operationally in Georgia to compute ET for irrigation scheduling because of its simplicity, its general acceptable performance in humid regions, and its limited input requirements. A recent study for a site in the humid southeastern United States found that PT overestimated ET and was less accurate than the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (PM) among some of the approaches that were evaluated. The objective of this study was to assess the potential improvement that can be achieved by replacing PT with FAO-56 PM in Georgia and other southeastern states in a humid climate. More than 70 weather stations across Georgia are available as part of the Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network. Nine representative sites, including Blairsville in a mountainous area and Savannah in a coastal area, were selected to assess the potential improvements that may be achieved by replacing PT with FAO-56 PM. Each site had at least 10 years of daily records that included minimum and maximum air temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, and vapor pressure deficit. PT underestimated the daily and monthly ET during the winter months in the central and southwestern areas and overestimated the daily and monthly ET during the summer months in the coastal and mountainous areas. For the warm season, i.e., April through September, PT slightly overestimated the cumulative ET in the central and southwestern areas, moderately for the mountainous area and severely for the coastal area. Based on these results, it is anticipated that the use of FAO-56 PM for estimating ET will standardize the ET calculations and improve irrigation efficiency in Georgia, especially for the mountainous and coastal areas.  相似文献   

Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) estimates are often required for use in water resources planning and irrigation scheduling. Ten ETo estimation methods ranging from simple temperature-based to data-extensive combination methods, including Hargreaves (HAR), improved Hargreaves (IHA), FAO-24 Radiation (RAD), Ritchi-type (RIT), FAO-24 Class-A Pan with pan coefficients of Doorenbos and Pruitt (PEV) and empirical regression coefficient (SEV), combination methods McIlroy (McI), FAO-Penman with wind functions of Watts and Hancock (W_H) and Meyer (M_PY), and the Penman-Monteith (P_M) were evaluated at three sites, namely, Aspendale, Griffith, and Tatura in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation Area (GMIA) of southeastern Australia. At Aspendale, 4 out of 10 ETo methods (McI, M_PY, SEV, and RAD) overestimated the ETo estimates; at Griffith no method overestimated them, whereas at Tatura only the RAD method overestimated ETo. The overestimations were at Griffith, McI (1%), M_PY (10%), and SEV (4%); at Tatura, RAD (2%). At the Griffith and Tatura sites, almost all methods showed a strong tendency to underestimate daily ETo estimates throughout the entire range of evaporative demand. Overall, the underestimation ranges observed were McI (12–27%), W_H (7–22%), RIT (6–25%), PEV (19–31%), HAR (18–31%), and IHA (8–11%). The underestimation of daily ETo estimates by the P_M method ranged from 21 to 29%, raising caution about its use as a base method (without calibration against measured data under local conditions) to evaluate other ETo methods, as has been advocated in recent literature. The use of the McI method as the top-ranked method at Aspendale and Tatura, and the W_H method at Griffith, indicated that no single daily ETo estimation method using meteorological data was satisfactory for all three sites. Generally, the combination methods proved to be the most accurate ETo estimates. At Tatura, the fact that the RAD method was ahead of the W_H and M_P combination methods indicates how a less data-intensive ETo method, if calibrated, can perform even better than a physically based combination method. All ETo estimation methods required local calibration against measured lysimeter ETo data for better performance.  相似文献   

A linearized form of the Boussinesq equation was solved analytically to predict the water table fluctuation in subsurface drained farmland in the presence of recharge and evapotranspiration (ET). The recharge was assumed to be variable with time and the ET considered decreasing linearly with a decrease in the water table height above the drains. The proposed analytical solution was verified for special cases with the existing solutions. There was a close match between the solutions. Applications of the solution in prediction of the water table height in a drainage system are illustrated with the help of physical examples.  相似文献   

The Imperial Irrigation District is a large irrigation project in the western United States having a unique hydrogeologic structure such that only small amounts of deep percolation leave the project directly as subsurface flows. This structure is conducive to relatively accurate application of a surface water balance to the district, enabling the determination of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) as a residual of inflows and outflows. The ability to calculate ETc from discharge measurements provides the opportunity to assess the accuracy and consistency of an independently applied crop coefficient—reference evapotranspiration (Kc?ET0) procedure integrated over the project. The accuracy of the annual crop evapotranspiration via water balance estimates was ±6% at the 95% confidence level. Calculations using Kc and ET0 were based on the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach and included separate calculation of evaporation from precipitation and irrigation events. Grass reference ET0 was computed using the CIMIS Penman equation and ETc was computed for over 30 crop types. On average, Kc-based ET computations exceeded ETc determined by water balance (referred to as ETc?WB) by 8% on an annual basis over a 7 year period. The 8% overprediction was concluded to stem primarily from use of Kc that represents potential and ideal growing conditions, whereas crops in the study area were not always in full pristine condition due to various water and agronomic stresses. A 6% reduction to calculated Kc-based ET was applied to all crops, and a further 2% reduction was applied to lower value crops to bring the project-wide ET predicted by Kc-based ET into agreement with ETc?WB. The standard error of estimate (SEE) for annual ETc for the entire project based on Kc, following the reduction adjustment, was 3.4% of total annual ETc, which is considered to be quite good. The SEE for the average monthly ETc was 15% of average monthly ETc. A sensitivity analysis of the computational procedure for Kc showed that relaxation from using the FAO-56 dual Kc method to the more simple mean (i.e., single) Kc curve and relaxation of specificity of planting and harvest dates did not substantially increase the projectwide prediction error The use of the mean Kc curves, where effects of evaporation from wet soil are included as general averages, predicted 5% lower than the dual method for monthly estimates and 8% lower on an annual basis, so that no adjustment was required to match annual ET derived from water balance. About one half of the reduction in estimates when applying the single (or mean) Kc method rather than the dual Kc method was caused by the lack of accounting for evaporation from special irrigations during the off season (i.e., in between crops).  相似文献   

In planning, designing, and managing of surface and groundwater supply, it is essential to accurately quantify actual evapotranspiration (ETc) from various vegetation surfaces within the water supply areas to allow water management agencies to manipulate the land use pattern alternatives and scenarios to achieve a desired balance between water supply and demand. However, significant differences among water regulatory agencies and water users exist in terms of methods used to quantify ETc. It is essential to know the potential differences associated with using various empirical equations in quantifying ETc as compared with the measurements of this critical variable. We quantified and analyzed the differences associated with using 15 grass (ETo) and alfalfa-reference (ETr) combination, temperature and radiation-based reference ET (ETref) equations in quantifying grass-reference actual ET (ETco) and alfalfa-reference actual ET (ETcr) as compared with the Bowen ratio energy balance system (BREBS)-measured ETc (ETc-BREBS) for field corn (Zea mays L.). We analyzed the performance of the equations for their full season, irrigation season, peak ET month, and seasonal cumulative ETc estimates on a daily time step for 2005 and 2006. The step-wise Kc values instead of smoothed curves were used in the ETc calculations. The seasonal ETc-BREBS was measured as 572 and 561?mm in 2005 and 2006, respectively. The root-means-quare difference (RMSD) was higher for the full season than the irrigation season and peak ET month estimates for all equations. The standardized ASCE Penman-Monteith (PM) ETco had a RMSD of 1.37?mm?d?1 for the full growing season, 1.05?mm?d?1 for the irrigation season, and 0.76?mm?d?1 for the peak month ET. The ASCE-PM, 1963 and 1948 Penman ETc estimates were closest to the ETc-BREBS. The FAO-24 radiation and the HPRCC Penman ETc estimates also agreed well with the ETc-BREBS. Most combination equations performed best during the peak ET month except the temperature and radiation-based equations. There was an excellent correlation between the ASCE-PM ETco and ETcr with a high r2 of 0.99 and a low RMSD of 0.34?mm?d?1. The difference between the ETcr and ETco was found to be larger at the high ETc range (i.e., >8?mm), but overall, the ETcr and ETco values were within 3%. Significant differences were found between the cumulative ETco-METHOD and ETcr-METHOD versus ETc-BREBS. Most combination equations, including the standardized ASCE-PM ETco and ETcr underestimated ETc-BREBS during the early periods of the growing season where the soil evaporation was the dominant energy flux of the energy balance and in the late season near and after physiological maturity when the transpiration rates were less than the midseason. The underestimations early in the season can be attributed to the lack of ability of the physical structure of the ETref×crop coefficient approach to “fully” account for the soil surface conditions when complete canopy cover is not present. The results of this study can be used as a reference tool by the water resources regulatory agencies and water users and can provide practical information on which method to select based on the data availability for reliable estimates of daily ETc for corn.  相似文献   

Owing to the difficulties in measuring daily reference potential evapotranspiration, its estimation by means of the ASCE Penman-Monteith approach and various other empirical equations that are less demanding in terms of input data is favoured for various applications in vegetation science and climatology. This study presents the development of a Visual Basic software that can be used for the estimation of the daily PETref by means of the standardized ASCE Penman-Monteith equation for both short (clipped grass) and tall (full-cover alfalfa) crops and thirteen additional empirical equations. Statistical measures of goodness of fit are also calculated to make it easier for users to compare and detect the empirical equations that have the minimum bias of estimation against the ASCE Penman-Monteith equation.  相似文献   

The magnitude and driving forces of nocturnal evaporative losses, ETcnight, and the interactions of other surface energy fluxes and microclimatic variables under various climatic, soil, and management conditions are not well understood. Such relationships are important for ecophysiological studies. This research attempts to investigate such relationships. Furthermore, ETcnight can be a sizable portion of the daily total evaporative losses. Most empirical equations, especially ones that use solar or net radiation to estimate daily evapotranspiration (ET), either ignore or poorly treat the contribution of ETcnight to the daily total ET. Neglecting ETcnight can lead to errors in determining the daily or the sum-of-hourly ETc (i.e., ETcSOH) and can also cause cumulative errors when making long-term water balance analyses. In this paper, the magnitudes, trends, and contribution to the nocturnal surface energy balance of various microclimatic variables (air temperature, Ta; vapor pressure deficit, VPD; relative humidity, RH; and wind speed at 3?m, u3) and surface energy fluxes (ETcnight; soil heat flux, G; sensible heat flux, H; and net radiation, Rn); were quantified and interpreted for a nonstressed and subsurface-drip-irrigated maize canopy. The effect of microclimatic variables and surface energy flux components on the Bowen ratio energy balance system (BREBS)-measured ETcnight and daytime evaporative loss, ETcday, were investigated in the growing season of 2005 (i.e., April 22–September 30) and 2006 (May 12–September 27). The nighttime evaporative losses were high early in the season during partial canopy closure because of increased surface soil evaporation and were also high later in the season during and after leaf aging, physiological maturity, and leaf senescence. The seasonal average nighttime evaporative losses for 2005 and 2006 were 0.19 and 0.11??mm/night, respectively. Losses of 0.50?mm or more occurred in 2005 and 2006 on eight and seven nights, respectively. The seasonal total ETcnight, ETcday, and ETcSOH in 2005 were 31, 612, and 642?mm, respectively. The ETc values in 2006 were 16, 533, and 547?mm, respectively. In both years, the percent ratio of ETcday to ETcSOH usually was more than 80–85%. ETcnight was affected primarily by u3, VPD, and Ta. A strong relationship between ETcnight and nighttime sensible heat was observed. Some of the largest ratios of ETcnight to ETcSOH occurred on rainy nights with strong winds. Because of strong winds, the ETcnight was high owing to the clear coupling among all energy exchanges within and above the canopy as a result of the mixing of the lower boundary layer of the microclimate. The results of this study showed that the ETcnight can be up to 5% of the ETcSOH, even for a subsurface-drip-irrigated maize canopy in which the soil surface is usually dry, thus, less evaporative losses potential compared with the surface or sprinkler-irrigated surfaces in which ETcnight would be expected to be considerably higher because of wetter surface conditions. ETcnight needs to be quantified for different vegetation surfaces and management practices, surface wetting, and climatic conditions to better account for nighttime water losses and better understand nighttime energy balance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Hourly evapotranspiration (ETo) rates were measured during the irrigation season in a highly advective area in Southern Spain, using a precision weighing lysimeter. Close to the lysimeter, an automatic weather station was located to register hourly values of the most relevant climatic variables. Several methods to estimate ETo were evaluated for hourly and daily estimates. Accuracy was assessed from ordinary regression and from error analysis of the comparisons against measured values. FAO-24 methods showed a strong tendency to overestimate throughout the whole range of evaporation. Ritchie-type and Hargreaves equations had a similar behavior, underpredicting for ETo>5.3?mm?day?1 and vice versa. Penman locally adjusted and ASCE-PM performed the best, followed by FAO-PM. Penman-63 also gave excellent daily estimates. The poor behavior of the Priestley–Taylor equation improved after applying the Jury and Tanner correction, but still remains at a very high noise level. With the exception of ASCE-PM and FAO-PM, the rest of the methods showed a tendency to underpredict more with increasing advective intensities. However, that tendency is very mild in the case of Penman locally adjusted.  相似文献   

In Nebraska, historically, there have been differences among the water regulatory agencies in terms of the methods used to compute reference evapotranspiration (ETref) to determine actual crop water requirements and hydrologic balances of watersheds. Because simplified and/or empirical temperature or radiation-based methods lack some of the major weather parameters that can significantly affect grass and alfalfa-reference ET (ETo and ETr) the performance of these methods needs to be investigated to help decision makers to determine the potential differences associated with using various ETref equations relative to the standardized ASCE Penman–Monteith (ASCE-PM) equations. The performance of 12 ETo and five ETr equations were analyzed on a daily basis for south central Nebraska from 1983 to 2004. The standardized ASCE-PM ETo and ETr values were used as the basis for comparisons. The maximum ASCE-PM ETo value was estimated as 12.6?mm?d?1, and the highest ETr value was estimated as 19?mm?d?1 on June 21, 1988. On this day, the atmospheric demand for evaporation was extremely high and the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) reached a remarkably high value of 4.05?kPa. The combination-based equations exhibited significant differences in performance. The 1963 Penman method resulted in the lowest RMSD of 0.30?mm?d?1 (r2 = 0.98) and its estimates were within 2% of the ASCE-PM ETo estimates. The 1948 Penman estimates were similar to the 1963 Penman (r2 = 0.98, RMSD = 0.39?mm?d?1). Kimberly forms of alfalfa-reference Penman equations performed well with RMSD of 0.48?mm?d?1 for the 1972 Kimberly–Penman and 0.67?mm?d?1 for the 1982 Kimberly–Penman. The locally-calibrated High Plains Regional Climate Center (HPRCC) Penman method, ranked 6th, performed well and underestimated the ASCE-PM ET by 5% (RMSD = 0.56?mm?d?1). Most of the underestimations occurred at the high ET range (>11?mm) and this was attributed to the upper limits applied by the HPRCC on VPD, (2.3?kPa) and wind speed (5.1?m?s?1). The lack of ability of the radiation methods in accounting for the wind speed and relative humidity hindered the performance of these methods in the windy and rapidly changing VPD conditions of south central Nebraska. The 1977 FAO24 Blaney–Criddle method was the highest ranked (seventh) noncombination method (RMSD = 0.64?mm?d?1, r2 = 0.94). The FAO24 Penman estimates were within 4% of the ASCE-PM ETo. Overall, there were large differences between the ASCE-PM ETo and ETr versus other ETref equations that need to be considered when other forms of the combination or radiation and temperature-based equations are used to compute ETref. We recommend that the ASCE-PM ETo or ETr equations be used for estimating ETref when necessary weather variables are available and have good quality. The results of this study can be used as a reference tool to provide practical information, for Nebraska and similar climates, on the potential differences between the ASCE-PM ETo and ETr and other ETref equations. Results can aid in selection of the alternative method(s) for reasonable ETref estimations when all the necessary weather inputs are not available to solve the ASCE-PM equation.  相似文献   

Estimation of Crop Coefficients Using Satellite Remote Sensing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crop coefficient (Kc) based estimation of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) is one of the most commonly used methods for irrigation water management. The standardized FAO56 Penman-Monteith approach for estimating ETc from reference evapotranspiration and tabulated generalized Kc values has been widely adopted worldwide to estimate ETc. In this study, we presented a modified approach toward estimating Kc values from remotely sensed data. The surface energy balance algorithm for land model was used for estimating the spatial distribution of ETc for major agronomic crops during the 2005 growing season in southcentral Nebraska. The alfalfa-based reference evapotranspiration (ETr) was calculated using data from multiple automatic weather stations with geostatistical analysis. The Kc values were estimated based on ETc and ETr (i.e., Kc = ETc/ETr). A land use map was used for sampling and profiling the Kc values from the satellite overpass for the major crops grown in southcentral Nebraska. Finally, a regression model was developed to establish the relationship between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the ETr-based crop coefficients (Kcr) for corn, soybeans, sorghum, and alfalfa. We found that the coefficients of variation (CV) for NDVI, as well as for Kcr of crops were lower during the midseason as compared to the early and late growing seasons. High CV values during the early growing season can be attributed to differences in planting dates between the fields, whereas high CVs during the late season can be attributed to differences in maturity dates of the crops, variety, and management practices. There was a good relationship between Kcr and NDVI for all the crops except alfalfa. Validation of the developed model for irrigated corn showed very promising results. There was a good correlation between the NDVI-estimated Kcr and the Bowen ratio energy balance system based Kcr with a R2 of 0.74 and a low root mean square difference of 0.21. This approach can be a very useful tool for a large (watershed or regional) scale estimation of evapotranspiration using the crop coefficient and reference evapotranspiration approach.  相似文献   

Knowledge of spatiotemporal distribution of evapotranspiration (ET) on large scales, as quantified by satellite remote sensing techniques, can provide important information on a variety of water resources issues such as evaluating water distributions, water use by different land surfaces, water allocations, water rights, consumptive water use and planning, and better management of ground and surface water resources. The objective of this study was to assess the operational characteristics and performance of the surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) model for estimating crop ET (ETc) and other energy balance components, and mapping spatial distribution and seasonal variation of ETc on a large scale in south-central Nebraska climatic conditions. A total of seven cloud free Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)/Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) satellite images (May 19, June 20, July 22, August 7, September 8, September 16, and October 18, 2005) were processed to generate ETc maps and estimate surface energy fluxes. Predictions from the SEBAL model were compared with the Bowen ratio energy balance system (BREBS)-measured fluxes on an instantaneous and daily basis. The ETc maps generated by the model for seven Landsat overpass days showed a very good progression of ETc with time during the growing season in 2005 as the surface conditions continuously changed. The predictions for some surface energy fluxes were very good. Overall, a very good correlation was found between the BREBS-measured and SEBAL-estimated ETc with a good r2 of 0.73 and a root-mean-square difference (RMSD) of 1.04?mm?day?1. The estimated ETc was within 5% of the measured ETc. The model was able to predict growing season (from emergence to physiological maturity) cumulative daily corn ET reasonable well within 5% of the BREBS-measured values. The model overestimated the surface albedo by about 26% with a RMSD of 0.05. The difference between the measured and predicted albedo was the greatest on May 19, early in the growing season before the full canopy cover. The second largest difference between the two albedo values was on October 18, a day after harvest. The model significantly under predicted soil heat flux with a large RMSD of 80?W?m?2 and most of the underestimation occurred in the late growing season. Local calibration of soil heat flux significantly improved the agreement between the measured and predicted values. Furthermore, the sensible heat flux was underestimated between September 20 (after physiological maturity) and October 18 (a day after harvest). While our results showed that SEBAL can be a viable tool for generating ETc maps to assess and quantify spatiotemporal distribution of ET on large scales as well as estimating surface energy fluxes, its operational assessment for estimating sensible heat flux and ETc, especially during the drier periods for different surfaces, needs further development.  相似文献   

In many agricultural regions of the West, decades of intensive irrigation have produced shallow water tables under not only cultivated fields but also the nearby uncultivated land. It is possible that the high water tables under the uncultivated lands are substantially increasing evapotranspiration (ET) rates, which would represent an unnatural and potentially nonbeneficial consumptive use. The objective of this paper is to quantify loss of water that occurs from uncultivated lands in a semiarid irrigated river valley (the Lower Arkansas River Valley in southeastern Colorado). A remote-sensing algorithm is used to estimate actual ET rates on 16 dates on the basis of Landsat satellite images. On the same dates, water table depths, soil moisture values, and soil water salinities are measured at up to 84 wells distributed across three study sites. On the basis of a water balance of the root zone, it is estimated that 78% of the ET is supplied by groundwater upflux at these sites. It is also observed that the ET and groundwater upflux decrease with increasing water table depth. A regression analysis indicates that the spatial variations in ET are most closely related to variations in vegetation-related attributes, whereas soil moisture and water table depths also explain substantial amounts of the variation. Valley-wide implications for reducing nonbeneficial ET through water table control also are discussed.  相似文献   

Reliable estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) from vegetation are needed for many types of water-resource investigations. How well models can estimate ET from vegetation varies, depending on the capabilities of the model as well as the nature of the targeted vegetation. Model accuracy also depends heavily on the quality and quantity of the data used. Several ET models have been developed that use an energy balance approach in which the data used by the models are derived from satellite imagery. This research introduces an enhanced surface energy balance-based model, the remote sensing of evapotranspiration or ReSET model, for estimating ET. ReSET is an ET estimation model that takes into consideration the spatial variability in weather parameters, which makes it particularly applicable for calculating regional scale ET. ReSET also has the capability of interpolating between the available weather stations in time and space. The model’s accuracy at daily and seasonal time scales is evaluated in several case studies.  相似文献   

It is well known that local calibration is subject to improving the performance of the temperature-based equation because that calibration includes the influence of the local climate characteristics. This paper evaluates different local recalibrations (the regression-based, one-parameter, and three-parameter methods) of the Hargreaves equation at 21 meteorological stations. The FAO-56 Penman-Monteith is used to describe the control condition against which each calibration method is then assessed. The one-parameter method provides the strength for inland areas, while it presents the worst performance for coastal areas. The regression-based calibration provides slightly better performance for coastal areas. It is true that the difference between the estimates of ETo using the different calibration methods is relatively small and that the difference does not provide the benchmark control that is desirable to demonstrate a significant difference. In relative terms, the regression-based and the three-parameter methods can be an alternative for both inland and coastal areas, giving similar level of accuracy. However, the one-parameter presents may be an alternative only for inland areas. This study can provide guidelines for crop production, water resources conservation, irrigation scheduling, and environmental assessment.  相似文献   

The effects of irrigation water salinity on growth, yield, and water consumption of okra was investigated with a pot experiment. For this purpose, five irrigation water salinity levels with electrical conductivities of 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 5.0, and 7.0?dS/m and tap water as a control treatment were used in a randomized design with five replications. Irrigation practices were realized by considering the weight of each pot. Threshold soil salinity and slope values of the yield response to soil salinity level were determined to be 3.48?dS/m and 4.2%, respectively, for fruit yield, 4.24?dS/m and 7.0% for vegetative dry weight, and 6.0?dS/m and 7.9% for root dry weight. The results revealed that okra was moderately tolerant to salinity. Increasing soil salinity levels caused significant decreases in plant water consumption. Plant water consumption decreased by 2.43% per unit increase in soil salinity. Plant coefficient (Ky) was 1.26. Saline irrigation water treatments altered Cl, Mg, Ca, and Na accumulations in leaves, whereas only Na accumulation in fruits was observed.  相似文献   

Efficient use of natural water resources in agriculture is becoming an important issue in Florida because of the rapid depletion of freshwater resources due to the increasing trend of industrial development and population. Reliable and consistent estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) are a key element of managing water resources efficiently. Since the 1940s numerous grass- and alfalfa-reference evapotranspiration (ETo and ETr, respectively) equations have been developed and used by researchers and decision makers, resulting in confusion as to which equation to select as the most accurate reference ET estimates. Twenty-one ETo and ETr methods were evaluated based on their daily performance in a humid climate. The Food and Agriculture Organization Penman-Monteith (FAO56-PM) equation was used as the basis for comparison for the other methods. Measured and carefully screened daily climate data during a 23-year period (1978–2000) were used for method performance analyses, in which the methods were ranked based on the standard error of estimate (SEE) on a daily basis. In addition, the performance of the four alfalfa-based ET (ETr) equations and the ratio of alfalfa ET to grass ET (Kr values) were evaluated, which have not been studied before in Florida’s humid climatic conditions. The peak month ETo estimates by each method were also evaluated. All methods produced significantly different ETo estimates than the FAO56-PM method. The 1948 Penman method estimates were closest to the FAO56-PM method on a daily basis throughout the year, with the daily SEE averaging 0.11 mm?d?1; thus this method was ranked the second best overall. Although 1963 Penman (with the original wind function) slightly overestimated ET, especially at high ETo rates, it provided remarkably good estimates as well and ranked as the third best method, with a daily average SEE value of 0.14 mm?d?1. Both methods produced peak month ETo estimates closest to the FAO56-PM method among all methods evaluated, with daily peak month SEEs averaging 0.07 and 0.09 mm?d?1, respectively. Significant variations were observed in terms of the performance of the various forms of Penman’s equations. For example, the original Penman-Monteith method produced the poorest ETo estimates among the combination equations, with a daily SEE for all months and peak month averaging 0.50 and 0.35 mm?d?1, respectively and ranked 11th. An average value of 1.18 was used to convert ETr estimates to ETo values for alfalfa-reference methods. The Kr value of 1.18 resulted in reasonable estimates of ETo throughout the year by the Kimberley forms of the Penman equations. Another ETr-based equation, Jensen-Haise, gave consistently poor estimates. The Stephens-Stewart radiation method was the highest-ranked (10th) noncombination method overall. The temperature-based McCloud method (ranked 19th) produced the poorest ETo estimates among all methods with a daily SEE for all months and for the peak month averaging 1.93 and 1.22 mm?d?1, respectively. In general, the results obtained from the temperature methods suggest that all of the temperature methods, with the possible exception of the Turc method, can only be applicable for these climatic conditions after they are calibrated or modified locally or regionally. The FAO and Christiansen pan evaporation methods (ranked 17th and 18th, respectively) produced poor ETo estimates and had the largest amount of point scatter in daily ETo estimates relative to the FAO56-PM ETo. Both methods resulted in the highest daily SEE of 1.18 and 1.19 mm?d?1 for all months, after the McCloud method (1.93 mm?d?1), and with the highest SEE of 1.30 and 1.24 mm?d?1 for the peak month of all methods evaluated. The FAO56-PM method uses solar radiation, wind speed, relative humidity, and minimum and maximum air temperature to estimate ETo. It has been recommended that the FAO56-PM be used for estimating ETo when all the necessary input parameters are available. However, all these input variables may not be available, or some of them may not be reliable for a given location if the FAO56-PM equation is used, and one may need to choose other temperature, radiation, or pan evaporation methods based on the availability of data for estimating ETo. The results of this study can be used as a reference tool to provide practical information on which method to select based on the availability of data for reliable and consistent estimates of daily ETo relative to the FAO56-PM method in a humid climate.  相似文献   

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