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A widely acknowledged limitation of current passive air sampling designs for semivolatile organic chemicals is their relatively low sampling rate, severely constraining the temporal resolution that can be achieved. Addressing the need for an improved sampling design which achieves significantly faster uptake while maintaining the capability of providing quantitative information, a new sampler has been developed that provides greatly increased sampling rates by forcing the wind to blow through the sampling medium. The sampler consists of a horizontally oriented, aerodynamically shaped, stainless steel flow tube mounted on a post with ball bearings, which turns into the wind with the help of vanes. A series of polyurethane foam (PUF) discs with relatively large porosity mounted inside the flow tube serve as the sampling medium. The sampled air volume is calculated from wind speed, which is measured outside the sampler and after passage through the sampling medium using precalibrated vortex rotor and turbine anemometers mounted on top of the sampler and at the exit of the flow tube, respectively. Small battery-operated data loggers are used for data storage. Under typical wind speed conditions, the sampler can collect 100 m(3)/ day, which is approaching the sampling rates of conventional high volume samplers. Controlled experiments in the laboratory and frontal chromatography theory yield the theoretical plate number and breakthrough volumes for polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the PUF plugs and allow for the estimation of breakthrough levels for relatively volatile organic chemicals. After correction for breakthrough, the air concentration obtained with the new flow-through sampler are independent of sampling length and volume and compare favorably with those obtained from conventional pumped high volume samples.  相似文献   

Even without access to the electrical grid, a flow-through sampler (FTS) can collect gaseous and particle-bound semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) from large volumes of air by turning into the wind and having the wind blow through a porous sampling medium. To test its performance under field conditions, a FTS and a traditional pumped high volume air sampler, both using polyurethane foam (PUF) as sampling medium, were codeployed at the campus of the University of Toronto Scarborough from August 2006 to June 2007. Quantitative relationships between the wind speed outside the sampler and after passage through the PUF were established and allow the accurate estimation of sampling volumes under conditions of low and high wind speed. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were quantified in the samples taken by both air samplers. Separate analysis of seven PUF disks arranged sequentially within the FTS, confirm that even relatively volatile SOCs do not experience serious break-through. Theoretical plate number analysis of the break-through curves yields an understanding of the effect of temperature and wind speed on FTS sampling efficiency, and reveals different behavior of gaseous and particle-bound-compounds on the PUF. Air concentrations of PCBs and PAHs obtained with the FTS compare favorably with those obtained by averaging the concentrations of several 24 h active high volume samples taken during the same time period.  相似文献   

Current theory of the uptake of semivolatile organic compounds in passive air samplers (PAS) assumes uniform chemical distribution and no kinetic resistance within the passive sampling media (PSM) such as polystyrene-divinylbenzene resin (XAD) and polyurethane foam (PUF). However, these assumptions have not been tested experimentally and are challenged by some recently reported observations. To test the assumptions, we performed kinetic uptake experiments indoors using cylindrical PSM that had been concentrically segmented into three layers. Both XAD and PUF were positioned in the same type of sampler housing to eliminate the variation caused by the different housing designs, which enabled us to quantify differences in uptake caused by the properties of the PSM. Duplicated XAD (PUF) samples were retrieved after being deployed for 0, 1 (0.5), 2 (1), 4 (2), 8 (4), 12 (8), and 24 (12) weeks. Upon retrieval, the PSM layers were separated and analyzed individually for PCBs. Passive sampling rates (R) were lower for heavier PCB homologues. Within a homologue group, R for XAD was higher than that for PUF, from which we infer that the design of the "cylindrical can" housing typically used for XAD PAS lowers the R compared to the "double bowl" shelter commonly used for PUF-disk PAS. Outer layers of the PSM sequestered much higher levels of PCBs than inner layers, indicative of a kinetic resistance to chemical transfer within the PSM. The effective diffusivities for chemical transfer within PSM were derived and were found negatively correlated with the partition coefficients between the PSM and air. Based on the results, we conclude that the PSM-side kinetic resistance should be considered when investigating factors influencing R and when deriving R based on the loss of depuration compounds.  相似文献   

Persistent semivolatile contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) cycle between air and surface media in the environment. At different locations and times, PCB concentrations in air over a diel (24-hour) period have been observed to have maxima either during the day or at night. These observations have been interpreted as evidence of temperature-mediated air-surface exchange and of degrading reactions with hydroxyl radicals in the atmosphere. However, a general explanation of the processes responsible for the observed diel variability in concentrations has not been provided. Here, we interpret diel monitoring data using a multimedia mass balance model parametrized with local data on temperature, wind speed, atmospheric mixing height, and hydroxyl radical concentrations. We demonstrate that four factors are sufficient to account for the variability of PCB concentrations in air over a diel period; temperature, local atmospheric stability, hydroxyl radical concentration, and source type. We apply the model to re-interpret past diel monitoring studies and find that the observed patterns of concentrations can be rationalized by consideration of these factors. Using insights from this study, future diel monitoring campaigns can be targeted to observe the influence of specific fate and transport processes. Such studies will contribute to more accurate understanding of the processes controlling the short-term local, and long-term global fate of persistent semivolatile contaminants.  相似文献   

The surface interactions of nicotine and phenanthrene with carpet, painted wallboard, and stainless steel were investigated in a room-sized environmental test chamber. Adsorption kinetics were tested by flash evaporating a known mass of each compound into a sealed 20 m3 chamber containing one or more of the tested sorbents. In each experiment, one or more emissions were performed after the gas-phase concentration had reached an apparent plateau. At the end of each experiment, the chamber was ventilated and resealed to monitor reemission of the compound from the sorbents. Kinetic sorption parameters were determined by fitting a mass-balance model to the experimental results. The sorption capacity of stainless steel was of similar magnitude for nicotine and phenanthrene. Sorption of nicotine on carpet and wallboard was much stronger, with equilibrium partitioning values 2-3 orders of magnitude higher. The sorption capacities of phenanthrene on carpet and wallboard were smaller, approximately 10-20% of the stainless steel values. The rates of uptake are of similar magnitude for all sorbate--sorbent pairs and are consistent with the limit imposed by gas-phase boundary-layer mass transport. The rates of desorption are much faster for phenanthrene than for nicotine. Model simulations predict average nicotine levels in a typical smoking residence that are consistent with published data.  相似文献   

An analytical method was developed for the trace analysis of a wide range of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) in 50-L high-elevation snow and lake water samples. The method was validated for 75 SOCs from seven different chemical classes (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, organochlorine pesticides, amides, triazines, polychlorinated biphenyls, thiocarbamates, and phosphorothioates) that covered a wide range of physical-chemical properties including 7 orders of magnitude of octanol-water partition coefficient (log K(ow) = 1.4-8.3). The SOCs were extracted using a hydrophobically and hydrophilically modified divinylbenzene solid-phase extraction device (modified Speedisk). The average analyte recovery from 50 L of reverse osmosis water, using the modified Speedisk, was 99% with an average relative standard deviation of 4.8%. Snow samples were collected from the field, melted, and extracted using the modified Speedisk and a poly(tetrafluoroethylene) remote sample adapter in the laboratory. Lake water was sampled, filtered, and extracted in situ using an Infiltrex 100 fitted with a 1-microm glass fiber filter to trap particulate matter and the modified Speedisk to trap dissolved SOCs. The extracts were analyzed by gas chromatographic mass spectrometry with electron impact ionization and electron capture negative ionization using isotope dilution and selective ion monitoring. Estimated method detection limits for snow and lake water ranged from 0.2 to 125 pg/L and 0.5-400 pg/L, respectively. U.S. historic and current-use pesticides were identified and quantified in snow and lake water samples collected from Rocky Mountain National Park, CO. The application of the analytical method to the analysis of SOCs in large-volume groundwater samples is also shown.  相似文献   

To estimate the emissions of anthropogenic semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) from East Asia and to identify unique SOC molecular markers in Asian air masses, high-volume air samples were collected on the island of Okinawa, Japan between 22 March and 2 May 2004. Contributions from different source regions (China, Japan, the Koreas, Russia, and ocean/local) were estimated by use of source region impact factors (SRIFs). Elevated concentrations of hexachlorobenzene (HCB), hexachlorcyclohexanes (HCHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), and particulate-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were attributed to air masses from China. A large proportion of the variation in the current-use pesticides, gas-phase PAHs, and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations was explained by meteorology. Chlordanes showed a technical mixture profile and similar concentrations regardless of source region. alpha/gamma HCH and trans/cis chlordane ratios did not vary significantly with different source regions and had regional averages of 2.5 +/- 1.0 and 1.2 +/- 0.3, respectively. Particulate-phase PAH concentrations were significantly correlated (p value < 0.05) with other incomplete combustion byproduct concentrations, including elemental mercury (Hg0), CO, NOx, black carbon, submicrometer aerosols, and SO2. By use of measured PAH, CO, and black carbon concentrations and estimated CO and black carbon emission inventories, the emission of six carcinogenic particulate-phase PAHs was estimated to be 1518-4179 metric tons/year for Asia and 778-1728 metric tons/year for China, respectively. These results confirm that East Asian outflow contains significant emissions of carcinogenic particulate-phase PAHs.  相似文献   

Potable water is an essential and major input in processing our food supplies, and the continued growth in food manufacturing is placing increased pressure on this limited resource. Recycling and reuse of factory wastewater can lessen potable water use but requires a detailed understanding of wastewater properties. This study uses solid-phase extraction techniques with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis to investigate trace-level semivolatile organic species in various waste and reference waters associated with the Burra Foods milk-processing plant located in Southeastern Australia. Our focus was on contaminants containing phenolic and heterocyclic nitrogen functional groups, which, because of their toxicity and persistence, may limit options for water recycling and reuse. Effluent from the wastewater treatment plant of the factory showed both the highest soluble carbon burden (47 mg/kg) and concentrations of target compounds. The target species found in these effluents included methyl phenol (13 mg/kg), hydroxy indole (9.8 mg/kg), synthetic tolyltriazoles (5.1 mg/kg) and alkyl phenol ethoxylates (0.2 mg/kg). Given the environmental stability of the tolyltriazoles, they may act as chemical markers where these effluents are used for purposes such as irrigation. Milk evaporator condensate waters, in contrast to the effluent, contained very few target species, with only low levels of pyrrolidine and piperidine derivatives such as ethylglutarimide (450 μg/L) detected. Although there were fewer target microcontaminants overall in the potable and creek reference waters, these samples had characteristic profiles. The potable water analysis revealed hydroxy cineole (2.1 μg/L) and the creek analysis revealed dichlorohydroxyacetophenone (0.3 μg/L), which were not detected in other waters. The compounds found in the wastewaters are likely to have been derived from milk or synthetic chemicals used in factory operations. The presence of nitrogen compounds in all the different milk-processing waters suggest their likely source was milk, probably milk phosphoproteins subjected to thermal, chemical, or microbial degradation. Our benign results for the condensates suggest it may be possible to substitute condensate for potable water with minimal pretreatment, both within the plant and in other applications, such as irrigation of recreation turf.  相似文献   

Semivolatile compounds present special analytical challenges not met by conventional methods for analysis of ambient particulate matter (PM). Accurate quantification of PM-associated organic compounds requires validation of the laboratory procedures for recovery over a wide volatility and polarity range. To meet these challenges, solutions of n-alkanes (nC12-nC40) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs (naphthalene to benzo[ghi]perylene) were reduced in volume from a solvent mixture (equal volumes of hexane, dichloromethane and methanol), to examine recovery after reduction in volume. When the extract solution volume reached 0.5 mL the solvent was entirely methanol, and the recovery averaged 60% for n-alkanes nC12-nC25 and PAHs from naphthalene to chrysene. Recovery of higher MW compounds decreased with MW, because of their insolubility in methanol. When the walls of the flasks were washed with 1 mL of equal parts hexane and dichloromethane (to reconstruct the original solvent composition), the recovery of nC18 and higher MW compounds increased dramatically, up to 100% for nC22-nC32 and then slowly decreasing with MW due to insolubility. To examine recovery during extraction of the components of the High Capacity Integrated Gas and Particle Sampler, the same standards were used to spike its denuders and filters. For XAD-4 coated denuders and filters, normalized recovery was >95% after two extractions. Recovery from spiked quartz filters matched the recovery from the coated surfaces for alkanes nC18 and larger and for fluoranthene and larger PAHs. Lower MW compounds evaporated from the quartz filter with the spiking solvent. This careful approach allowed quantification of organics by correcting for volatility- and solubility-related sample preparation losses. This method is illustrated for an ambient sample collected with this sampler during the Texas Air Quality Study 2000.  相似文献   

Accurate knowledge of the air-water Henry's law constant (H) is crucial for understanding an organic compound's environmental behavior. The inert gas stripping (IGS) method, widely used to measure H of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs), may yield erroneously high values for compounds with a high water surface adsorption coefficient, K(IA), because chemical adsorbed to the bubble surface may be transferred to the head space upon bursting at the top of the stripping column. Experiments with alkanols of variable chain length identified a K(IA) threshold of approximately 10(-3) m, above which IGS is susceptible to this artifact. Most SOCs are predicted to have K(IA) values well above that threshold. IGS-determined H-values for chemicals belonging to various groups of SOCs were evaluated by comparison with H-values either calculated from reliable vapor pressure and solubility data or derived from data compilations that achieve thermodynamic consistency through optimized adjustment of measured physical-chemical property data. The investigated deviations were found to be generally consistent with what would be expected from a surface adsorption artifact. Namely, the apparent bias in IGS-determined H-values, if it occurs, (1) is positive, (2) increases with increasing size of an SOC, and (3) increases with decreasing temperature. It generally is also of a magnitude predicted using estimated K(IA) values. However, different studies display different K(IA) threshold values, beyond which the artifact becomes notable, and some studies appear to succeed in avoiding the artifact altogether. Whereas the use of aerosol traps cannot explain the absence of a surface adsorption artifact, it may be related to higher flow rates used by some investigators. For large compounds or those with more than one functional group, the predicted deviation is too large when compared to observations, suggesting that the estimated K(IA) values for those compounds are too high. A full quantitative understanding of the artifact requires more accurate predictions of the adsorption of SOCs to the water surface.  相似文献   

Airborne levels of selected volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) that are priorities for exposure assessment under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) 1999 were measured in both indoor air and outdoor air of 75 residential houses, in the city of Ottawa, Canada, during the winter of 2002/2003. The houses were randomly selected using Ottawa 2001 population census data. VOCs were collected on adsorbent tubes and measured by thermal desorption GC/MS. Among 37 chemicals monitored, 17 were detected with a frequency greater than 80% in indoor air; 9 were between 30% and 80%; 7 were between 1% and 30%; and 4 were not detected. Concentrations of VOCs in both indoor and outdoor air are presented. Virtually all of the target VOCs were detected more frequently and were present at significantly higher levels, in indoor air than in outdoor air. As an indication of the contribution of indoor levels of these chemicals, ratios of the concentration found in indoor air to outdoor air (I/O) and the indoor source strength expressed in estimated emission rate per house are also presented. Compared with earlier published studies including a 1991/1992 Canadian national survey of VOCs in residential air, levels of target analytes in indoor air in this study were lower for a number of chemicals, indicating a possible trend toward decreased inhalation exposure to these chemicals in residential environments. This study has yielded up-to-date information on levels of a variety of priority airborne chemicals in residential air, which is being used to estimate current exposure to these substances as input to health risk assessments and risk management actions under CEPA 1999.  相似文献   

The partitioning behavior of a set of diverse SOCs on two and three component mixtures of aerosols from different sources was studied using smog chamber experimental data. A set of SOCs of different compound types was introduced into a system containing a mixture of aerosols from two or more sources. Gas and particle samples were taken using a filter-filter-denuder sampling system, and a partitioning coefficient Kp was estimated using Kp = Cp/(CgTSP). Particle size distributions were measured using a differential mobility analyzer and a light scattering detector. Gas and particle samples were analyzed using GCMS. The aerosol composition in the chamber was tracked chemically using a combination of signature compounds and the organic matter mass fraction (f(om)) of the individual aerosol sources. The physical nature of the aerosol mixture in the chamber was determined using particle size distributions, and an aggregate Kp was estimated from theoretically calculated Kp on the individual sources. Model fits for Kp showed that when the mixture involved primary sources of aerosol, the aggregate Kp of the mixture could be successfully modeled as an external mixture of the Kp on the individual aerosols. There were significant differences observed for some SOCs between modeling the system as an external and as an internal mixture. However, when one of the aerosol sources was secondary, the aggregate model Kp required incorporation of the secondary aerosol products on the preexisting aerosol for adequate model fits. Modeling such a system as an external mixture grossly overpredicted the Kp of alkanes in the mixture. Indirect evidence of heterogeneous, acid-catalyzed reactions in the particle phase was also seen, leading to a significant increase in the polarity of the resulting aerosol mix and a resulting decrease in the observed Kp of alkanes in the chamber. The model was partly consistent with this decrease but could not completely explain the reduction in Kp because of insufficient knowledge of the secondary organic aerosol composition.  相似文献   

Snow and ice have been implemented in a global multimedia box model to investigate the influence of these media on the environmental fate and long-range transport (LRT) of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs). Investigated compounds include HCB, PCB28, PCB180, PBDE47, PBDE209, alpha-HCH, and dacthal. In low latitudes, snow acts as a transfer medium taking up chemicals from air and releasing them to water or soil during snowmelt. In high latitudes, snow and ice shield water, soil, and vegetation from chemical deposition. In the model version including snow and ice (scenario 2), the mass of chemicals in soil in high latitudes is between 27% (HCB) and 97% (alpha-HCH) of the mass calculated with the model version without snow and ice (scenario 1). Amounts in Arctic seawater in scenario 2 are 8% (alpha-HCH) to 21% (dacthal) of the amounts obtained in scenario 1. For all investigated chemicals except alpha-HCH, presence of snow and ice in the model increases the concentration in air by a factor of 2 (HCB)to 10 (PBDE209). Because of reduced net deposition to snow-covered surfaces in high latitudes, LRT to the Arctic is reduced for most chemicals whereas transport to the south is more pronounced than in scenario 1 ("southward shift"). The presence of snow and ice thus considerably changes the environmental fate of SOCs.  相似文献   

On the basis of recently reported measurements of semivolatile organic compound (SOC) uptake in forest canopies, simple expressions are derived that allow the inclusion of a canopy compartment into existing non-steady-state multimedia fate models based on the fugacity approach. One such model is used to assess how the inclusion of the canopy compartment in the model affects the calculated overall behavior of SOCs with specific physical--chemical properties. The primary effect of the forest is an increase in the net atmospheric deposition to the terrestrial environment, reducing atmospheric concentrations and accordingly the extent of deposition to the agricultural and aquatic environments. This effect was most pronounced for chemicals with log KOA around 9-10 and log KAW -2 to -3; their average air concentrations during the growing season decreased by a factor of 5 when the canopy compartment was included. Concentration levels in virtually all compartments are decreased at the expense of increased concentrations in the forest soil. The effect of the forest lies not in a large capacity for these chemicals but in the efficiency of pumping the chemicals from the atmosphere to the forest soil, a storage reservoir with high capacity from which the chemicals can return to the atmosphere only with difficulty. Because of seasonal variability of canopy size and atmospheric stability, uptake into forests is higher during spring and summer than in winter. The model suggests that this may dampen temperature-driven seasonal fluctuations of air concentrations and in regions with large deciduous forests may lead to a temporary, yet notable dip in air concentrations during leaf development in spring. A sensitivity analysis revealed a strong effect of forest cover, forest composition, and degradation half-lives. A high degradation loss on the plant surface has the effect of preventing the saturation of the small plant reservoir and can cause very significant reductions in atmospheric concentrations of those SOCs for which uptake in the canopy is limited by the size of the reservoir.  相似文献   

An approach using trace elements in particulate matter (PM) to identify the geographic sources of atmospherically transported semivolatile organic contaminants (SOCs) was investigated. Daily samples of PM and SOCs were collected with high-volume air samplers from 16 January to 16 February 2009 at Temple Basin, a remote alpine site in New Zealand's Southern Alps. The most commonly detected pesticides were dieldrin, trans-chlordane, endosulfan I, and chlorpyrifos. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls were also detected. For each sampling day, the relative contribution of PM from regional New Zealand versus long-range Australian sources was determined using trace element profiles and a binary mixing model. The PM approach indicated that endosulfan I, indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, and benzo[g,h,i]perylene found at Temple Basin were largely of Australian origin. Local wind observations indicated that the chlorpyrifos found at Temple Basin primarily came from the Canterbury Plains in New Zealand.  相似文献   

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