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The modal μ-calculus is a very expressive temporal logic. In particular, logics such as LTL, CTL and CTL* can be translated into the modal μ-calculus, although existing translations of LTL and CTL* are at least exponential in size. We show that an existing simple first-order extension of the modal μ-calculus allows for a linear translation from LTL. Furthermore, we show that solving the translated formulae is as efficient as the best known methods to solve LTL formulae directly.  相似文献   

In explicit-state model checking, system properties are typically expressed in linear temporal logic (LTL), and translated into a Büchi automaton (BA) to be checked. In order to improve performance of the conversion algorithm, some model checkers involve the intermediate automata, such as a generalized Büchi automaton (GBA). The de-generalization is a translation from a GBA to a BA. In this paper, we present a conversion algorithm to translate an LTL formula to a BA directly. A labeling, acceptance degree, is presented to record acceptance conditions satisfied in each state and transition. Acceptance degree is a set of U-subformulae or F-subformulae of the given LTL formula. According to the acceptance degree, on-the-fly degeneralization algorithm, which is different from the standard de-generalization algorithm, is conceived and implemented. On-the-fly de-generalization algorithm is carried out during the expansion of the given LTL formula. It is performed in the case of the given LTL formula contains U-subformulae and F-subformulae, that is, the on-the-fly de-generalization algorithm is performed as required. In order to get a more deterministic BA, the shannon expansion is used recursively during expanding LTL formulae. Ordered binary decision diagrams are used to represent the BA and simplify LTL formulae.We compare the conversion algorithm presented in this paper to previousworks, and show that it is more efficient for five families LTL formulae in common use and four sets of random formulae generated by LBTT (an LTL-to-Büchi translator testbench).  相似文献   

In explicit-state model checking, system properties are typically expressed in linear temporal logic (LTL), and translated into a Büchi automaton (BA) to be checked. In order to improve performance of the conversion algorithm, some model checkers involve the intermediate automata, such as a generalized Büchi automaton (GBA). The de-generalization is a translation from a GBA to a BA. In this paper, we present a conversion algorithm to translate an LTL formula to a BA directly. A labeling, acceptance degree, is presented to record acceptance conditions satisfied in each state and transition. Acceptance degree is a set of U-subformulae or F-subformulae of the given LTL formula. According to the acceptance degree, on-the-fly degeneralization algorithm, which is different from the standard de-generalization algorithm, is conceived and implemented. On-the-fly de-generalization algorithm is carried out during the expansion of the given LTL formula. It is performed in the case of the given LTL formula contains U-subformulae and F-subformulae, that is, the on-the-fly de-generalization algorithm is performed as required. In order to get a more deterministic BA, the shannon expansion is used recursively during expanding LTL formulae. Ordered binary decision diagrams are used to represent the BA and simplify LTL formulae.We compare the conversion algorithm presented in this paper to previousworks, and show that it is more efficient for five families LTL formulae in common use and four sets of random formulae generated by LBTT (an LTL-to-Büchi translator testbench).  相似文献   

We prove there is a strict hierarchy of expressive power according to the Until depth of linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas: for each k, there is a natural property, based on quantitative fairness, that is not expressible with k nestings of Until operators, regardless of the number of applications of other operators, but is expressible by a formula with Until depth k+1. Our proof uses a new Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé (EF) game designed specifically for LTL. These properties can all be expressed in first-order logic with quantifier depth and size (log k), and we use them to observe some interesting relationships between LTL and first-order expressibility. We note that our Until hierarchy proof for LTL carries over to the branching time logics, CTL and CTL*. We then use the EF game in a novel way to effectively characterize (1) the LTL properties expressible without Until, as well as (2) those expressible without both Until and Next. By playing the game “on finite automata,” we prove that the automata recognizing languages expressible in each of the two fragments have distinctive structural properties. The characterization for the first fragment was originally proved by Cohen, Perrin, and Pin using sophisticated semigroup-theoretic techniques. They asked whether such a characterization exists for the second fragment. The technique we develop is general and can potentially be applied in other contexts.  相似文献   

Full first-order linear logic can be presented as an abstract logic programming language in Miller's system Forum, which yields a sensible operational interpretation in the ‘proof search as computation’ paradigm. However, Forum still has to deal with syntactic details that would normally be ignored by a reasonable operational semantics. In this respect, Forum improves on Gentzen systems for linear logic by restricting the language and the form of inference rules. We further improve on Forum by restricting the class of formulae allowed, in a system we call G-Forum, which is still equivalent to full first-order linear logic. The only formulae allowed in G-Forum have the same shape as Forum sequents: the restriction does not diminish expressiveness and makes G-Forum amenable to proof theoretic analysis. G-Forum consists of two (big) inference rules, for which we show a cut elimination procedure. This does not need to appeal to finer detail in formulae and sequents than is provided by G-Forum, thus successfully testing the internal symmetries of our system.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new operator, histogram-by, which provides a grouping for continuous domains, which partitions records into several groups by given ranges of the target attributes. The histogram-by operator can be represented as histogram-by clause in the SQL statement, and can be easily amenable to query optimization. As the application of the histogram-by operator, we introduce a multi-dimensional histogram query, which returns aggregate values of all ranges specified by the histogram-by clause. To process the query efficiently, we propose effective algorithms using aggregate R-trees. Our experimental results show that our algorithms are reliable in terms of performance over the synthetic and real-world datasets.  相似文献   

We establish a decidability boundary of the model checking problem for infinite-state systems defined by Process Rewrite Systems (PRS) or weakly extended Process Rewrite Systems (wPRS), and properties described by basic fragments of action-based Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) with both future and past operators. It is known that the problem for general LTL properties is decidable for Petri nets and for pushdown processes, while it is undecidable for PA processes.We show that the problem is decidable for wPRS if we consider properties defined by LTL formulae with only modalities strict eventually, strict always, and their past counterparts. Moreover, we show that the problem remains undecidable for PA processes even with respect to the LTL fragment with the only modality until or the fragment with modalities next and infinitely often.  相似文献   

Discrete-event systems (DESs) usually consist of discrete states and transitions between them caused by spontaneous occurrences of labeled events. In this review article, we study DESs modeled by labeled (nondeterministic) finite-state automata (LFSAs). Due to the partially-observed feature of DESs, fundamental properties therein can be classified into two categories: state/event-inference-based properties (e.g., strong detectability, diagnosability, and predictability) and state-concealment-based properties (e.g., opacity). Intuitively, the former category describe whether one can use observed output sequences to infer the current and subsequent states, past occurrences of faulty events, or future certain occurrences of faulty events; while the latter describe whether one cannot use observed output sequences to infer whether secret states have been visited (that is, whether the DES can conceal the status that its secret states have been visited). Over the past two decades these properties were studied separately using different methods, and particularly, in most works inference-based properties were verified based on two fundamental assumptions of deadlock-freeness and divergence-freeness, where the former implies that an automaton will always run, the latter implies that an automaton has no reachable unobservable cycle, hence the running of such an automaton will always be eventually observed. In this article, for LFSAs, a unified concurrent-composition method is shown to verify all above inference-based and concealment-based properties, resulting in a unified mathematical framework for the two categories of properties. In addition, compared with the previous methods in the literature, the concurrent-composition method does not depend on assumptions and is currently the most efficient. Finally, based on concurrent composition, we represent the negations of the above inference-based properties as linear temporal logic (LTL) formulae; by combining the concurrent composition and an additional tool called observer (i.e., the classical powerset construction for LFSAs), we also represent the above concealment-based properties as LTL formulae. Although LTL formulae model checking algorithms do not provide more efficient verification for these inference-based and concealment-based properties, the obtained LTL formulae show common similarities among these properties.  相似文献   

TPTL and MTL are two classical timed extensions of LTL. In this paper, we prove the 20-year-old conjecture that TPTL is strictly more expressive than MTL. But we show that, surprisingly, the TPTL formula proposed by Alur and Henzinger for witnessing this conjecture it can be expressed in MTL. More generally, we show that TPTL formulae using only modality F can be translated into MTL.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for classifying a large and mixed set of uncharacterized sequences provided by genome projects. As the measure of sequence similarity, we use similarity score computed by a method based on the dynamic programming (DP), such as the Smith-Waterman local alignment algorithm. Although comparison by DP based method is very sensitive, when given sequences include a family of sequences that are much diverged in evolutionary process, similarity among some of them may be hidden behind spurious similarity of some unrelated sequences. Also the distance derived from the similarity score may not be metric (i.e., triangle inequality may not hold) when some sequences have multi-domain structure. To cope with these problems, we introduce a new graph structure called p-quasi complete graph for describing a family of sequences with a confidence measure. We prove that a restricted version of the p-quasi complete graph problem (given a positive integer k, whether a graph contains a 0.5-quasi complete subgraph of which size k or not) is NP-complete. Thus we present an approximation algorithm for classifying a set of sequences using p-quasi complete subgraphs. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated by the result of classifying over 4000 protein sequences on the Escherichia coli genome that was completely determined recently.  相似文献   

李保罗  蔡明钰  阚震 《控制与决策》2023,38(7):1835-1844
针对动态不确定环境下机器人执行复杂任务的需求,提出一种线性时序逻辑(linear temporal logic, LTL)引导的无模型安全强化学习算法,能在最大化任务完成概率的同时保证学习过程的安全性.首先,综合考虑环境中的不确定因素,构建马尔可夫决策过程(Markov decision process, MDP),再用LTL刻画智能体的复杂任务,将其转化为有多接受集的基于转移的有限确定性广义布奇自动机(transition-based limit deterministic generalized Büchi automaton, t LDGBA),并通过接受边界函数构建可记录当前待访问接受集的约束型tLDGBA (constrained tLDGBA,ctLDGBA);其次,构建乘积MDP用于强化学习搜索最优策略;最后,基于LTL对安全性的描述和MDP的观测函数构建安全博弈,并根据安全博弈设计安全盾机制保证系统在学习过程中的安全性.严格的分析证明了所提出的算法能获得最大化LTL任务完成概率的最优策略.仿真结果验证了LTL引导的安全强化学习算法的有效性.  相似文献   

It is known that LTL formulae without the ‘next’ operator are invariant under the so-called stutter equivalence of words. In this paper we extend this principle to general LTL formulae with given nesting depths of both ‘next’ and ‘until’ operators. This allows us to prove the semantical strictness of three natural hierarchies of LTL formulae, which are parametrized either by the nesting depth of just one of the two operators, or by both of them. Further, we provide an effective characterization of languages definable by LTL formulae with a bounded nesting depth of the ‘next’ operator.This paper is a revised and extended version of [6].  相似文献   

Convenient use of legacy software in Java with Janet package   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes Janet package — highly expressive Java language extension that enables convenient creation of powerful native methods and efficient Java-to-native code interfaces. Java native interface (JNI) is a low-level API that is rather inconvenient if used directly. Therefore Janet, as the higher-level tool, combines flexibility of JNI with Java’s ease-of-use. Performance results of Janet-generated interface to the lip library are shown. Java code, which uses lip, is compared with native C implementation.  相似文献   

A real-time process algebra, enhanced with specific constructs for handling cryptographic primitives, is proposed to model cryptographic protocols in a simple way. We show that some security properties, such as authentication and secrecy, can be re-formulated in this timed setting. Moreover, we show that they can be seen as suitable instances of a general information flow-like scheme, called timed generalized non-deducibility on compositions (tGNDC), parametric w.r.t. the observational semantics of interest. We show that, when considering timed trace semantics, there exists a most powerful hostile environment (or enemy) that can try to compromise the protocol. Moreover, we present a couple of compositionality results for tGNDC, one of which is time dependent, and show their usefulness by means of a case study.  相似文献   

We investigate a variant of dense-time Duration Calculus which permits model checking using timed/hybrid automata. We define a variant of the Duration Calculus, called Interval Duration Logic, (IDL), whose models are timed state sequences [1].A subset LIDL of IDL consisting only of located time constraints is presented. As our main result, we show that the models of an LIDL formula can be captured as timed state sequences accepted by an event-recording integrator automaton. A tool called IDLVALID for reducing LIDL formulae to integrator automata is briefly described. Finally, it is shown that LIDL has precisely the expressive power of event-recording integrator automata, and that a further subset LIDL- corresponds exactly to event-recording timed automata [2]. This gives us an automata-theoretic decision procedure for the satisfiability of LIDL– formulae.  相似文献   

Linear temporal logic (LTL) has been widely used for specification and verification of reactive systems. Its standard model is sequences of states (or state transitions), and formulas describe sequencing of state transitions. When LTL is used to model real-time systems, a state is extended with a time stamp to record when a state transition takes place. Duration calculus (DC) is another well studied approach for real-time systems development. DC models behaviours of a system by functions from the domain of reals representing time to the system states. This paper extends this time domain to the Cartesian product of the real and the natural numbers. With the extended time domain, we provide the chop modality with a non-overlapping interpretation. This allows some linear temporal operators explicitly dealing with the discrete dimension of time to be derivable from the chop modality in essentially the same way that their continuous-time counterparts are in the classical DC. This provides a nice embedding of some timed LTL (TLTL) modalities into DC to unify the methods from DC and LTL for real-time systems development: Requirements and high level design decisions are interval properties and are therefore specified and reasoned about in DC, while properties of an implementation, as well as the refinement relation between two implementations, are specified and verified compositionally and inductively in LTL. Implementation properties are related to requirement and design properties by rules for lifting LTL formulas to DC formulas.On leave from the Department of Mathematics Computer Science the University of Leicester England.Received June 1999Accepted in revised form September 2003 by M. R. Hansen and C. B. Jones  相似文献   

Rewriting-Based Techniques for Runtime Verification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Techniques for efficiently evaluating future time Linear Temporal Logic (abbreviated LTL) formulae on finite execution traces are presented. While the standard models of LTL are infinite traces, finite traces appear naturally when testing and/or monitoring real applications that only run for limited time periods. A finite trace variant of LTL is formally defined, together with an immediate executable semantics which turns out to be quite inefficient if used directly, via rewriting, as a monitoring procedure. Then three algorithms are investigated. First, a simple synthesis algorithm for monitors based on dynamic programming is presented; despite the efficiency of the generated monitors, they unfortunately need to analyze the trace backwards, thus making them unusable in most practical situations. To circumvent this problem, two rewriting-based practical algorithms are further investigated, one using rewriting directly as a means for online monitoring, and the other using rewriting to generate automata-like monitors, called binary transition tree finite state machines (and abbreviated BTT-FSMs). Both rewriting algorithms are implemented in Maude, an executable specification language based on a very efficient implementation of term rewriting. The first rewriting algorithm essentially consists of a set of equations establishing an executable semantics of LTL, using a simple formula transforming approach. This algorithm is further improved to build automata on-the-fly via caching and reuse of rewrites (called memoization), resulting in a very efficient and small Maude program that can be used to monitor program executions. The second rewriting algorithm builds on the first one and synthesizes provably minimal BTT-FSMs from LTL formulae, which can then be used to analyze execution traces online without the need for a rewriting system. The presented work is part of an ambitious runtime verification and monitoring project at NASA Ames, called PathExplorer, and demonstrates that rewriting can be a tractable and attractive means for experimenting and implementing logics for program monitoring.Supported in part by joint NSF/NASA grant CCR-0234524.  相似文献   

For over a decade, researchers in formal methods have tried to create formalisms that permit natural specification of systems and allow mathematical reasoning about their correctness. The availability of fully automated reasoning tools enables non-experts to use formal methods effectively—their responsibility reduces to specifying the model and expressing the desired properties. Thus, it is essential that these properties be represented in a language that is easy to use, sufficiently expressive and succinct. Linear-time temporal logic (LTL) is a formalism that has been used extensively by researchers for program specification and verification. One of the desired properties of LTL formulas is closure under stuttering. That is, we do not want the interpretation of formulas to change over traces where some states are repeated. This property is important from both practical and theoretical prospectives; all properties which are closed under stuttering can be expressed in LTL–X—a fragment of LTL without the next operator. However, it is often difficult to express properties in this fragment of LTL. Further, determining whether a given LTL property is closed under stuttering is PSPACE-complete. In this paper, we introduce a notion of edges of LTL formulas and present a formal theory of closure under stuttering. Edges allow natural modelling of systems with events. Our theory enables syntactic reasoning about whether the resulting properties are closed under stuttering. Finally, we apply the theory to the pattern-based approach of specifying temporal formulas.  相似文献   

LTL公式到自动机的转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在LTL公式和自动机理论的基础上,给出了一种从LTL公式到自动机的转换算法.该算法先简化LTL公式,然后再对简化的LTL公式转换,形成选择Buchi自动机.此算法与其他算法相比,具有可扩展性的优点,可以在此基础上形成属性描述语言PSL向自动机的转换.  相似文献   

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