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针对一阶离散多智能体系统,研究了事件触发控制下的二分一致性问题.首先考虑智能体间通信拓扑结构为无向连通结构平衡图的情形,针对各智能体设计事件触发控制,包括仅依赖于自身及邻居智能体采样状态的控制输入,以及仅依赖自身状态的事件触发条件,实现了对通信资源的节约利用.基于图论、离散系统稳定性理论,证明系统能够实现二分一致性.同时,合理设置控制输入及事件触发条件中参数,保证系统不存在Zeno现象.之后,进一步分析设计了包含有向生成树的结构平衡图下,多智能体系统的事件触发控制.最后利用仿真实例验证了理论结果的有效性. 相似文献
一致性是多智能体系统分布式协同控制的核心.以往关于一致性问题的研究大多集中在个体间只有正权重相互作用的网络中.现研究符号网络(网络中个体间既存在正权重相互作用又存在负权重相互作用)下二分一致性的牵制控制问题.针对外界输入仅作用于网络节点二元划分的同一簇个体和外界输入分别作用于网络节点二元划分的两簇中个体两种情形,给出其二分一致性稳态值的定量化描述,即如果外界输入只控制其中一簇的个体,则当外界输入作用为正(负)权重时,受到外界输入直接影响的 一簇个体的状态收敛到外界输入(外界输入的相反数),另一簇个体状态收敛到外界输入的相反数(外界输入);如果外界输入以相反的权重符号分别控制两簇中的个体,则由正(负)权重外界输入控制的一簇个体状态收敛到外界输入(外界输入的相反数),另一簇个体状态收敛到外界输入的相反数(外界输入).仿真研究验证了所提出理论的有效性. 相似文献
研究符号图下具有扰动的多智能体系统二分一致性控制问题.考虑了线性系统、非线性不确定系统以及切换拓扑的情况,分别提出相应的预定时间控制器,各控制器可使系统在预定时间内实现二分一致性.通过Lyapunov稳定性理论、代数图论和矩阵分析等验证算法的准确性;仿真对比实验验证了所提算法的可行性和有效性;相较于有限时间控制算法,所提算法的收敛时间不依赖于初始状态,可以通过选择单一时间参数设定系统收敛时间上界;相较于固定时间控制算法,所提算法预设收敛时间与控制算法参数无关,设定简单,具有更低的保守性. 相似文献
研究通信时滞影响下的多智能体系统的一致性设计问题,其中智能体由单输入单输出的二阶严格正则传递函数表示。对具有向生成树的多智能体系统,提出了一类基于输出的二阶一致性协议。首先,在不考虑通信时滞的情形下,得到了维持一致性的参数条件。进而,在前述参数条件下,得到了闭环多智能体系统在的最大容许时滞的上界。最后,用数值仿真验证了所提理论结论的有效性。与已有研究文献相比,针对单输入单输出严格正则多智能体系统设计了一类基于输出反馈的一致性协议,二阶积分链多智能体系统可看作研究系统的特例。 相似文献
研究了遭受网络攻击的双层结构多智能体系统的一致性问题.针对包含领导层和跟随者层的双层网络结构的多智能体系统,考虑了如下情况:领导层相邻智能体之间为友好合作关系,跟随者层相邻智能体之间既包含友好合作也包含对抗竞争关系,同时领导层与跟随者层中部分对应智能体之间存在牵制关系.分析了受网络攻击的领导层多智能体系统、跟随者层多智... 相似文献
复杂工作环境中,许多自然现象的个体动力学特性用整数阶方程不能描述,只能用非整数阶(分数阶)动力学来描述个体的运动行为. 本文假设多自主体系统内部连接组成有向加权网络,个体的动态特性应用分数阶动力学方程描述,个体之间数据传输存在通信时延. 应用分数阶系统的Laplace变换和频域理论,研究了离散时间的分数阶多自主体系统的渐近一致性. 应用Hermit-Biehler 定理,研究了具有样本时延的分数阶多自主体系统的运动一致性,得到保证系统稳定的时延的上界阈值. 最后应用一个实例对结论进行了验证. 相似文献
This paper studies the consensus problem for discrete-time multi-agent systems of first-order in the presence of constant communication delay. Provided that the agent dynamics is unstable and the network topology is undirected, effects of two kinds of communication delays on consensus are investigated. When the relative information is affected by delay, we show that the effect of delay can be alleviated by using the historical input information in the protocol design. On the other hand, if the communication delay only influences the actually transmitted information, sufficient condition admitting any large yet bounded delay for consensus is obtained, and the delay in this case is allowed to be unknown and time-varying. Finally, simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. 相似文献
Consensus control of multi-agent systems is an innovative paradigm for the development of intelligent distributed systems. This has fascinated numerous scientific groups for their promising applications as they have the freedom to achieve their local and global goals and make their own decisions. Network communication topologies based on graph and matrix theory are widely used in a various real-time applications ranging from software agents to robotics. Therefore, while sustaining the significance of both directed and undirected graphs, this research emphases on the demonstration of a distributed average consensus algorithm. It uses the harmonic mean in the domain of multi-agent systems with directed and undirected graphs under static topologies based on a control input scheme. The proposed agreement protocol focuses on achieving a constant consensus on directional and undirected graphs using the exchange of information between neighbors to update their status values and to be able to calculate the total number of agents that contribute to the communication network at the same time. The proposed method is implemented for the identical networks that are considered under the directional and non-directional communication links. Two different scenarios are simulated and it is concluded that the undirected approach has an advantage over directed graph communication in terms of processing time and the total number of iterations required to achieve convergence. The same network parameters are introduced for both orientations of the communication graphs. In addition, the results of the simulation and the calculation of various matrices are provided at the end to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to achieve consensus. 相似文献
This paper studies bipartite consensus problems for continuous‐time multi‐agent system over signed directed graphs. We consider general linear agents and design both state feedback and dynamic output feedback control laws for the agents to achieve bipartite consensus. Via establishing an equivalence between bipartite consensus problems and the conventional consensus problems under both state feedback and output feedback control approaches, we make direct application of existing state feedback and output feedback consensus algorithms to solve bipartite consensus problems. Moreover, we propose a systematical approach to design bipartite consensus control laws. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
本文针对一类存在输入时延的非线性多智能体系统,研究了其在结构平衡的无向符号图下的固定时间二分一致性问题.首先,本文针对智能体间相互合作与相互竞争的关系,设计了一类存在输入时延的多智能体系统固定时间分布式一致性控制协议,使得系统状态在固定时间内收敛到数值相同但符号相反的两个值,且收敛时间上界与初始状态无关.随后,利用Lyapunov稳定性理论和代数图论给出了在存在输入时延的情况下多智能体系统实现固定时间二分一致性的充分条件和收敛时间的上界值,证明了控制算法的稳定性.最后,仿真实例验证了所提固定时间二分一致性算法和理论结果的有效性. 相似文献
针对通信延时及输入延时并存的情况下,研究具有一般线性动态特性的高阶多智能体在固定且无向的网络拓扑下的一致性.通过将多智能体的特征方程分解为一系列低阶的因子,一致性问题转换为一系列低阶因子的稳定性分析问题,降低了问题的分析复杂度.进一步地,分析无延时情况下多智能体达到一致性的控制增益的取值范围,即增益的稳定区间.当从稳定区间选取一个固定的控制增益时,应用频率扫描高级聚类法分析多个因子在两延时参数空间中的稳定性,并由此获得多智能体延时无关及延时相关的一致性结论.一个说明性的例子验证了分析结论. 相似文献
Rudy Cepeda-Gomez 《International journal of control》2013,86(4):746-757
A consensus problem and its stability are studied for a group of agents with second-order dynamics and communication delays. The communication topologies are taken as irregular but always connected and undirected. The delays are assumed to be quasi-static and the same for all the interagent channels. A decentralised, PD-like control structure is proposed to create a consensus in the position and velocity of the agents. We present an interesting factorisation feature for the characteristic equation of the system which simplifies the stability analysis considerably from a prohibitively large dimensional problem to a manageable small scale. It facilitates a rare stability picture in the space of the control parameters and the delay, utilising a paradigm named cluster treatment of characteristic roots (CTCR). The influence of the individual factors on the absolute and relative stability of the system is studied. This leads to the introduction of two novel concepts: the most exigent eigenvalue, which refers to the one that defines the delay stability margin of the system, and the most critical eigenvalue, which is the one that dictates the consensus speed of the system. It is observed that the most exigent eigenvalue is not always the most critical, and this feature may be used as a design tool for the control logic. Case studies and simulations results are presented to verify these concepts. 相似文献