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采用某超声相控阵检测设备对火车车轮轮辋做检测,检测结果表明相控阵设备具有灵敏度高、覆盖范围广、能多角度检测、曲线显示直观等优点。对超声相控阵检测同仁有一定借鉴意义。 相似文献
对压缩机螺栓的裂纹缺陷进行相控阵超声检测.结果表明,相控阵超声检测技术对裂纹的检出率较高,且检测图像可清晰直观地显示裂纹缺陷,具有一定的推广价值. 相似文献
将相控阵技术引入蜗壳焊缝检测,举例说明该技术在检测中的应用情况及检测效果。对主要参数的设置进行了分析,通过与其他检测方法的对比说明该技术在蜗壳焊缝检测中的优越性。 相似文献
超声相控阵技术的发展及应用 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
扼要介绍超声相控阵技术的发展历史、原理及特点。着重介绍其最新研究动态及其在核工业无损检测与评价中的典型应用。指出将相控阵技术同其它诸如纵波一发一收(TRL)、声时衍射(TOFD)技术、数字信号处理(DSP)及成像等技术结合起来,将有助于充分发挥其特点,提高其检测能力,促进无损检测与评价的发展及应用。 相似文献
A research about the ultrasonic phased array imaging principle from A-scan signal to B-scan image for non-destructive testing (NDT) was conducted in this paper, the ultrasonic phased array inspection imaging system used in industrial field was developed and the experiment was performed on the steel testing block by the system with 64 elements, 5 MHz phased array transducer. Experimental results show that the flaws could be accurately detected and the flaws size could be estimated from the B-scan images, and the B-scan images could clearly show the location of the flaws, but the quality of B-scan images needs to be enhanced by digital signal processing and controlling dynamic focusing for improving the image resolution. 相似文献
A manual inspection of large-diameter tubular joints is difficult. As a result a scanner with three degrees of freedom (DOFs) was developed based on the scanning principle of ultrasonic phased array. The weld tracing is realized by a 2D0F motion of scanner. The pose of ultrasonic probe is controlled by the third one. The control strategy is put forward based on a programmable multi-axis controller. Four kinds of scanning modes can be implemented simultaneously employing this ultrasonic inspection system. Experiments on reference blocks of tubular joints reveal that the automatic ultrasonic phased array inspection system has the same inspection accuracy as a manual ultrasonic inspection. This system is superior to the manual ultrasonic system in terms of reliability and repeatability. The artificial defects of weld at tubular joint can be detected accurately with the presented inspection system. 相似文献
The basic principle and features of ultrasonic phased array imaging are discussed in this paper,Through the ultrasonic phased array technology,the electron beam welding defects and frozen keyholes characterization and imaging were realized.The ultrasonic phased array technology can detect kinds of defects in electron beam welding (EBW) quickly and realized.The ultrasonic phased array technology can detect kinds of defects in electron beam welding (EBW) quickly and easily. 相似文献
In measuring crack depths by ultrasonic testing, there are two difficulties; crack closure and coarse grains. Crack closure can cause the underestimation or miss-detection. Coarse grains can hide crack tip responses due to strong linear scatterings at coarse grains. To solve these problems, a combination of a crack opening method, global preheating and local cooling (GPLC) and a high-selectivity imaging method, load difference phased array (LDPA) was proposed. However, it has yet to be verified. Here we formed a tightly closed fatigue crack in a coarse-grained stainless-steel specimen using a stepwise-decremental method. In the specimen, we demonstrated that our method is useful in selectively imaging closed cracks in coarse-grained materials. 相似文献
采用解析几何理论与方法,对TKY管节点焊缝进行了数学模型的构建.在获得管节点焊缝截面图形基础上,按照规定尺寸绘制焊缝接头,并依据实物尺寸绘制相控阵探头轮廓和超声波的声束线.运用计算机辅助技术实现了焊接接头声束覆盖范围可视化效果,较好地指导了相控阵检测工艺设计,能够对TKY管节点焊缝超声检测盲区进行评估,从而克服了相控阵超声检测参数设置的盲目性.对人工设计的Y形管节点焊缝试样检测表明,利用超声相控阵成像技术和计算机辅助技术相结合手段有助于管节点焊缝作快速检测和评价. 相似文献