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为找出EH36船板用钢探伤不合格的原因,将探伤不合格的钢板通过人工探伤缺陷定位取样,通过光谱仪、光学显微镜、电子探针等仪器,对试样的成分、组织进行分析,结果表明:EH36钢板基体组织为铁素体和珠光体,裂纹附近C、Mn、P元素偏析严重,且有大尺寸的MnS夹杂和高度富集的(Ti,Nb,V)化合物出现,裂纹开口处有马氏体和贝氏体异常组织形成。通过适当控制钢中S、P含量,优化精炼、连铸和加热工艺,可减轻铸坯中心偏析程度;采用细晶轧制和弱冷相结合,可抑制马氏体组织形成。综合以上措施可提高钢板探伤合格率。  相似文献   

厚规格718H模具钢在超声波探伤时发现在厚度1/2位置出现探伤不合格的情况,对其进行了低倍检验、光学显微镜检验、扫描电镜观察和能谱分析。结果表明,探伤不合的主要原因是连铸坯中心疏松和中心偏析缺陷,没有轧合、消除或改善,从而遗留到钢板厚度中心区域造成。针对以上原因,采取了一系列冶炼、轧制措施,钢板探伤合格率明显提高,100 mm及以上厚度钢板探伤合格率由96.18%提高到99.16%。  相似文献   

江慧丰 《热加工工艺》2015,(4):16-19,24
对我国压力容器用低合金高强度钢板进行综述,归纳了4个牌号钢板在不同时期标准中的化学成分、力学性能等指标数据的变化,并对该钢种今后的发展方向和研究重点进行了展望。  相似文献   

用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、光学显微镜(OM)对低碳贝氏体高强钢冲击断口形貌和组织进行观察,对比分析发现冲击吸收能量偏低试样存在较粗大的晶粒,同时在钢板的厚度中心有贯穿试样的珠光体偏析带。用电子探针(EPMA)对试样截面偏析带进行元素面分布分析发现主要为碳和锰的元素偏析。表明在偏析带中Mn元素富集\,从而阻碍了奥氏体向铁素体的转变,产生C元素偏析,进而形成了珠光体偏析带,容易引起材料内应力集中从而降低对裂纹扩展的阻碍能力,或成为断裂起\源点,降低冲击吸收能量,导致钢板脆性断裂。  相似文献   

孙雪娇 《金属热处理》2020,45(5):262-265
针对低合金高强钢伸长率偏低的现象,对不合格的试样进行了探伤分析、显微组织观察、扫描电镜断口分析以及EDS夹杂物成分确定,最终发现伸长率不合格的原因为锰元素的偏聚造成了夹杂物过多、偏析处组织异常,同时这两种缺陷的存在还形成了氢陷阱引起了氢脆,在拉伸断口形成了脆性的氢致平台。  相似文献   

针对高强船板D36拉伸试验后出现断口异常分离现象,利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜、能谱仪、电子探针(EPMA)对出现分离断口的试验钢板和拉伸断口进行了组织、成分的检测和分析,认为拉伸试样中心出现异常分离断口的现象与钢板的中心偏析、粗大的珠光体带(低温产物带)、硫化锰夹杂有关.  相似文献   

针对35钢泵轴锻件出现的冲击功较低进行了金相组织、非金属夹杂物、晶粒度等分析,认为影响锻件冲击功的因素为组织不均匀,晶粒粗大,并有较大的珠光体团,钢中钛含量对锻件的冲击功也有影响。  相似文献   

针对高强度船板焊接接头产生的裂纹,通过光学显微镜、SEM扫描电子显微镜、场发射扫描电镜、EDS能谱分析仪、PHI670俄歇电子能谱仪等对试样组织进行观察,对其产生原因进行了分析.结果表明:根据缺陷特征,焊接接头中产生的缺陷为热裂纹中的近缝区液化裂纹,是由C,Mn偏析引起的严重珠光体带状组织及硫、磷偏析在珠光体带状组织中...  相似文献   

针对30CrNiMo铸钢件调质后冲击吸收能量不合格的问题,通过断口分析、金相检验、硬度测试、化学成分分析等方法对30CrNiMo铸钢件冲击吸收能量不合格原因进行了分析。结果表明,30CrNiMo铸钢件冲击断口为沿晶断口。金相检验发现淬火态晶粒不均匀,存在混晶现象。Nb在原奥氏体晶界处偏聚形成NbC,一方面能降低晶界的活动性,对晶界迁移起阻碍作用,另一方面,形成较多的第二相粒子起钉扎晶界、巩固晶界遗传的作用,最终导致奥氏体晶粒粗化后,钢的韧性—脆性转变温度升高,钢在室温进行冲击时得到脆性穿晶断口和低的冲击性能。  相似文献   

在开发核电堆芯材料SA-508-3-1锻件用钢的过程中,出现局部-20℃的夏氏V形缺口冲击功不合格的问题,且试样邻近部位的冲击值是它的3倍左右.通过对试件的化学成分、晶粒度以及非金属夹杂物的分析确定了Al2O3夹杂是导致-20℃低温冲击不合的主要原因,并提出了工艺改进的方法,保证了核电锻件的一次合格率.  相似文献   

JFE-HITEN610U2L钢制聚丙烯球罐组焊技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王清栋  郝伟沙  王安军  王传标 《电焊机》2012,42(4):28-32,43
日本JFE-HITEN610U2L属-50℃低温调质高强钢,可用于3 000 m3丙烯球罐的制造,试验研究表明该钢不仅具有优良的低温韧性,且可焊性良好,焊接接头的力学性能较高。通过分析球罐的焊接工艺评定以及工程施工实践,总结该钢的焊接工艺,介绍了焊接施工的关键技术措施。实践证明,该焊接工艺符合相关技术标准要求,能够用于指导3 000 m3高参数丙烯球罐的建造,可以确保其焊接质量,为该类球罐的建造提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Rotating arc horizontal narrow gap welding of quenched & tempered ( Q&T) steel was innovatively performed for solving the bottleneck that the molten pool sagged due to the gravity. The shapely multilayer single pass horizontal joint could be obtained by using the rotating arc welding process. The cold crack was not observed in the joint without controlling the heat input and selecting the consumables intentionally. Mkrostructure of the joint could be divided into three zones:base metal zone ( BMZ) , heat-affected zone (HAZ) and weld zone ( WZ). Because of the characteristic of the rotating arc horizontal welding process, the defects in the joints were slag inclusion formed at the inUrlayer of lower side wall. The tensile strength and hardness of HAZ and WZ were larger than those of BMZ. The impact toughness in WZ, HAZ and BM at 0℃ is equal to 115, 212 and 236 J, respectively.  相似文献   

Quenched and tempered (Q&T) steels are prone to hydrogen induced cracking after welding. Austenitic stainless steel (ASS) welding consumables are traditionally used for welding of high hardness, Q&T steels as they have higher solubility for hydrogen in the austenitic phase. The use of stainless steel consumables for a non stainless steel base metal is not economical. Hence, in the present work, an attempt was made to explore alternate consumables for welding Q&T steels. Flux cored arc welding process was used to fabricate the joints using austenitic stainless steel and low hydrogen ferritic steel consumables. The joints fabricated using low hydrogen ferritic steel consumables exhibited superior fatigue performances than the joints fabricated using ASS consumables.  相似文献   

利用金相显微镜、电子万能试验机、显微硬度计、X-Ray应力分析仪、扫描电镜等方法研究了滚压对两种减面率的非调质钢MFT8组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,对于19%,37%两种减面率的MFT8钢经滚压处理使其表层组织拉长并纤维化;表层硬度分别提高36和43 HV0.1,抗拉强度提高了7和20 MPa,伸长率和断面收缩率无明显降低,保持了较好的韧性和塑性;试样表面周向残余压应力分别提高了102、117 MPa;表面纵向残余压应力分别提高了107、53 MPa。  相似文献   

使用直读光谱仪、扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪和力学试验设备,研究了Ni含量对淬回火态40CrNiMo钢的显微组织、残留奥氏体含量、硬度、室温抗拉强度和室温冲击性能的影响。结果表明,随着Ni含量从1.346%增加至1.618%,40CrNiMo钢的显微组织、残留奥氏体含量无明显变化,但α-Fe的晶格畸变增大;在不同回火温度下,试验钢的硬度均提高5~10 HV;450 ℃回火的高Ni含量钢的抗拉强度比低Ni含量钢高78 MPa,抗拉强度的提高幅度则随着回火温度的升高而减小;然而在残留奥氏体含量几乎不变的条件下,Ni含量增加反而会使450、500 ℃回火后钢的冲击吸收能量降低约50%。  相似文献   

雷振  王旭友  滕彬  郑红阳 《焊接学报》2010,31(11):33-37
研究了激光-MAG复合热源和常规MAG两种焊接方法在焊接JFE980S低合金调质高强钢时的接头软化问题.通过对接头强度、硬度和组织的测试分析,探讨了低合金调质高强钢焊接接头的软化规律及机制.结果表明,焊后JFE980S高强钢常规MAG焊接头发生了明显软化,而激光-MAG复合热源焊接接头软化不明显;激光-MAG复合热源焊接接头的软化区域宽度和软化程度明显小于常规MAG焊接头;接头的软化主要发生在焊接热影响区的过回火区域和不完全正火区域,该区域中出现沿晶界呈块状或颗粒状分布的组织是造成接头软化的主要原因.  相似文献   

针对海洋钻井平台齿轮的修复问题,采用冷金属过渡(CMT)技术在40CrNiMo调质钢表面进行堆焊,利用扫描电镜、显微硬度测试、冲击性能测试和拉伸性能测试等手段,研究了焊后回火温度对40CrNiMo调质钢堆焊热影响区(HAZ)组织和性能的影响.结果表明:随着焊后回火温度的升高,焊接热影响区的硬度逐渐下降,堆焊试样的抗拉强...  相似文献   

High strength, quench and tempered (Q&T) plates having yield strength of a minimum of 670 MPa and conforming to SA 517 Gr. F specification were successfully developed at Rourkela Steel Plant in plates up to 40 mm thickness. The plates are used extensively for the fabrication of impellers, penstocks, excavators, dumpers, and raw material handling devices, where welding is an important processing step. SA 517 Gr. F plates, characterized by a relatively high carbon equivalent (CE: ∼0.6) and alloyed with Ni, Cr, Mo, Cu, and V, are susceptible to a crack-sensitive microstructure and cold cracking during welding. In view of the above, the present study investigated the weldability properties of 20 mm thick plates using the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process. Implant and elastic restraint cracking (ERC) tests were carried out to assess the cold cracking resistance of the weld joint under different welding conditions. Preheat of 100 °C, partial or full rebake, and a heat input of 14.9 to 15.4 KJ/cm resulted in static fatigue limit (SFL) values well in excess of the minimum specified yield strength (MSYS) of 670 MPa and a critical restraint intensity (K cr) value of 34,650 MPa, indicating adequate cold cracking resistance. Lamellar tear tests conducted using full thickness plates at heat input levels ranging from 9.7 to 14.4 KJ/cm and weld restraint loads (WRL) of 510 to 685 MPa showed no incidence of lamellar tear upon visual, ultrasonic, and four-section macroexamination. The weld joint, based on optimized welding parameters, exhibited adequate tensile strength (812.4 MPa) and low temperature impact toughness 88.3 and 63.4 J (9.2 and 6.6 kg-m) at −40 °C for weld metal (WM), and heat-affected zone (HAZ) properties, respectively. The crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) values of WM and HAZ (0.40 and 0.36 mm, respectively) were superior to that of the parent metal (0.29 mm), indicating adequate resistance of weld joint to brittle fracture. It was concluded that the weld joint conforms to the requirements of SA 517 Gr. F specification and ensures a high integrity of the fabricated products.  相似文献   

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