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The Penelope verification editor and its formal basis are described. Penelope is a prototype system for the interactive development and verification of programs that are written in a rich subset of sequential Ada. Because it generates verification conditions incrementally, Penelope can be used to develop a program and its correctness proof in concert. If an already-verified program is modified, one can attempt to prove the modified version by replaying and modifying the original sequence of proof steps. Verification conditions are generated by predicate transformers whose logical soundness can be proven by establishing a precise formal connection between predicate transformation and denotational definitions in the style of continuation semantics. Penelope's specification language, Larch/Ada, belongs to the family of Larch interface languages. It scales up properly, in the sense that one can demonstrate the soundness of decomposing an implementation hierarchically and reasoning locally about the implementation of each node in the hierarchy  相似文献   

We examined the effect of distractor characteristics (modality and processing code) on visual search performance and interaction with an automated decision aid. Multiple Resource Theory suggests that concurrent tasks that are processed similarly (e.g. two visual tasks) will cause greater interference than tasks that are not (e.g., a visual and auditory task). The impact of tasks that share processing and perceptual demands and their interaction with human-automation interaction is not established. In order to examine this, participants completed two blocks of a luggage screening simulation with or without the assistance of an automated aid. For one block, participants performed a concurrent distractor task drawn from one of four combinations of modality and processing code: auditory-verbal; auditory-spatial; visual-verbal; visual-spatial. We measured sensitivity, criterion setting, perceived workload, system trust, perceived system reliability, compliance, reliance, and confidence. Participants demonstrated highest sensitivity when performing with an auditory-spatial secondary task. Automation compliance was higher when the auditory-spatial distraction was present versus absent; however, system trust was highest in the auditory-verbal condition. Confidence (when disagreeing with the aid) was also highest when the distractor was auditory. This study indicates that some forms of auditory ‘distractors’ may actually help performance; these results further contribute to understanding how distractions influence performance when operators interact with automation and have implications for improved work environment and system design.  相似文献   

Safety assessment of new air traffic management systems is a main issue for civil aviation authorities. Standard techniques such as testing and simulation have serious limitations in new systems that are significantly more autonomous than the older ones. In this paper, we present an innovative approach for establishing the correctness of conflict detection systems. Fundamental to our approach is the concept of trajectory, and how we represent a continuous physical trajectory by a continuous path in the x-y plane constrained by physical laws and operational requirements. From the model of trajectories, we extract, and formally prove, high-level properties that can serve as a framework to analyze conflict scenarios. We use the AILS (Airborne Information for Lateral Spacing) alerting algorithm as a case study of our approach. Published online: 19 November 2002  相似文献   

Mobile robot networks emerged in the past few years as a promising distributed computing model. Existing work in the literature typically ensures the correctness of mobile robot protocols via ad hoc handwritten proofs, which, in the case of asynchronous execution models, are both cumbersome and error-prone. Our contribution is twofold. We first propose a formal model to describe mobile robot protocols operating in a discrete space i.e., with a finite set of possible robot positions, under synchrony and asynchrony assumptions. We translate this formal model into the DVE language, which is the input format of the model-checkers DiVinE and ITS tools, and formally prove the equivalence of the two models. We then verify several instances of two existing protocols for variants of the ring exploration in an asynchronous setting: exploration with stop and perpetual exclusive exploration. For the first protocol we refine the correctness bounds and for the second one, we exhibit a counter-example. This protocol is then modified and we establish the correctness of the new version with an inductive proof.  相似文献   

Dependable distributed systems often employ a hierarchy of protocols to provide timely and reliable services. Such protocols have both dependability and real-time attributes, and the verification of such composite services is a problem of growing complexity even when using formal approaches. Our intention in this paper is to exploit the modular design aspects appearing in most dependable distributed protocols to provide formal level of assurance for their correctness. We highlight the capability of our approach through a case study in formal modular specification and tool-assisted verification of a timestamp-based checkpointing protocol. Furthermore, during the process of verification, insights gained in such a stack of protocols have assisted in validating some additional properties those dealing with failure recovery.  相似文献   

Srivas  M. Bickford  M. 《Software, IEEE》1990,7(5):52-64
The application of modern functional languages and supporting verification technology to a scaled-down but realistic microprocessor is described. The model is of an infinite stream of machine instructions consuming an infinite stream of interrupt signals and is specified at two levels: instruction and hardware design. A correctness criterion is stated for an appropriate sense of equivalent behavior of these levels and proved using a mechanically supported induction argument. The functional-language-based verification system Clio and the Mini Cayuga microprocessor are described. The formal specification and verification process are examined in detail  相似文献   

Operators of highly automated driving systems may exhibit behaviour characteristic for overtrust issues due to an insufficient awareness of automation fallibility. Consequently, situation awareness in critical situations is reduced and safe driving performance following emergency takeovers is impeded. A driving simulator study was used to assess the impact of dynamically communicating system uncertainties on monitoring, trust, workload, takeovers, and physiological responses. The uncertainty information was conveyed visually using a stylised heart beat combined with a numerical display and users were engaged in a visual search task. Multilevel analysis results suggest that uncertainty communication helps operators calibrate their trust and gain situation awareness prior to critical situations, resulting in safer takeovers. In addition, eye tracking data indicate that operators can adjust their gaze behaviour in correspondence with the level of uncertainty. However, conveying uncertainties using a visual display significantly increases operator workload and impedes users in the execution of non-driving related tasks.

Practitioner Summary: This article illustrates how the communication of system uncertainty information helps operators calibrate their trust in automation and, consequently, gain situation awareness. Multilevel analysis results of a driving simulator study affirm the benefits for trust calibration and highlight that operators adjust their behaviour according to multiple uncertainty levels.  相似文献   

We propose a computer-based framework for the formal verification of collaboration patterns in healthcare teams. In this, the patterns are constructed diagrammatically as compositions of keystones that are viewed as abstract processes. The approach provides mechanisms for ensuring that safety properties are enforced and exceptional events are handled systematically. Additionally, a fully verified, executable model is obtained as an end product, enabling a simulation of its associated collaboration scenarios.  相似文献   

The authors describe their experience with formal, machine-checked verification of algorithms for critical applications, concentrating on a Byzantine fault-tolerant algorithm for synchronizing the clocks in the replicated computers of a digital flight control system. The problems encountered in unsynchronized systems and the necessity, and criticality, of fault-tolerant synchronization are described. An overview of one such algorithm and of the arguments for its correctness are given. A verification of the algorithm performed using the authors' EHDM system for formal specification and verification is described. The errors found in the published analysis of the algorithm and benefits derived from the verification are indicated. Based on their experience, the authors derive some key requirements for a formal specification and verification system adequate to the task of verifying algorithms of the type considered. The conclusions regarding the benefits of formal verification in this domain and the capabilities required of verification systems in order to realize those benefits are summarized  相似文献   

As ubiquitous computing becomes a reality, its applications are increasingly being used in business-critical, mission-critical and even in safety-critical, areas. Such systems must demonstrate an assured level of correctness. One approach to the exhaustive analysis of the behaviour of systems is formal verification, whereby each important requirement is logically assessed against all possible system behaviours. While formal verification is often used in safety analysis, it has rarely been used in the analysis of deployed pervasive applications. Without such formality it is difficult to establish that the system will exhibit the correct behaviours in response to its inputs and environment. In this paper, we show how model-checking techniques can be applied to analyse the probabilistic behaviour of pervasive systems. As a case study we apply this technique to an existing pervasive message-forwarding system, Scatterbox. Scatterbox incorporates many typical characteristics of pervasive systems, such as dependence on sensor reliability and dependence on context. We assess the dynamic temporal behaviour of the system, including the analysis of probabilistic elements, allowing us to verify formal requirements even in the presence of uncertainty in sensors. We also draw some tentative conclusions concerning the use of formal verification for pervasive computing in general.  相似文献   

Formal hardware verification methods: A survey   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Growing advances in VLSI technology have led to an increased level of complexity in current hardware systems. Late detection of design errors typically results in higher costs due to the associated time delay as well as loss of production. Thus it is important that hardware designs be free of errors. Formal verification has become an increasingly important technique towards establishing the correctness of hardware designs. In this article we survey the research that has been done in this area, with an emphasis on more recent trends. We present a classification framework for the various methods, based on the forms of the specification, the implementation, and the proff method. This framework enables us to better highlight the relationships and interactions between seemingly different approaches.  相似文献   

系统建模是系统开发经常用到的分析设计方法,如何保证模型的正确性一直是人们关注的话题.为了验证系统设计的模型正确性,进而提高整个系统的质量,提出了一种通过模型检查技术对UML状态机模型进行动态语义验证的方法.对状态机模型进行形式化描述,根据定义的映射规则将图形信息映射成模型检查器可以读取的语言,分析待验证的性质内容,通过使用模型检查器得到验证结果.  相似文献   

快速傅立叶变换的应用领域非常广泛,其硬件实现方法多种多样,验证这些电路的正确性具有很强的实用价值。传统的电路正确性验证的方法是模拟,这种方法的主要缺点是随着参与运算的点数的增加,穷尽模拟全部输入情况所耗费的时间越来越长,甚至难以实现。而形式化方法使用纯数学手段证明电路的正确性,克服了传统方法的缺点。首先用重写系统给出了任意N=2M点的基2的流水式快速傅里叶变换处理机的形式化模型,然后给出它的正确性验证,探索了验证处理复数的复杂电路正确性的方法。  相似文献   

The runway safety monitor (RSM) designed by Lockheed Martin is part of NASA’s effort to reduce aviation accidents. We developed a Petri net model of the RSM protocol and used the model checking functions of our tool (stochastic and model checking analyzer for reliability and timing) SMART (Stochestic and model checking analyses for seliability and tunnig) to investigate a number of safety properties for the RSM. To mitigate the impact of state-space explosion, we built a highly discretized model of the system, obtained by partitioning the monitored runway zone into a grid of smaller volumes and by considering scenarios involving only two aircraft. The model also assumes that there are no communication failures, such as bad input from radar or lack of incoming data, thus it relies on a consistent view of reality by all participants. In spite of these simplifications, we were able to expose potential problems in the conceptual design of RSM. Our findings were forwarded to the design engineers, who undertook corrective action. Additionally, the results stress the efficiency attained by the new model checking algorithms implemented in SMART, and demonstrate their applicability to real-world systems. Attempts to verify RSM with similar NuSMV and SPIN models have failed due to excessive memory consumption. Work supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under grant NAG-1-02095 and by the National Science Foundation under grants CCR-0219745 and ACI-0203971.  相似文献   

Read-write locking is an important mechanism to improve concurrent granularity, but it is difficult to reason about the safety of concurrent programs with read-write locks. Concurrent separation logic (CSL) provides a simple but powerful technique for locally reasoning about concurrent programs with mutual exclusive locks. Unfortunately, CSL cannot be directly applied to reasoning about concurrent programs with read-write locks due to the different concurrent control mechanisms. This paper focuses on extending CSL and presenting a proof-carrying code (PCC) system for reasoning about concurrent programs with read-write locks. We extend the heap model with a writing permission set, denoted as logical heap, then define “strong separation” and “weak separation” over logical heap. Following CSL’s local-reasoning idea, we develop a novel program logic to enforce weak separations of heap between different threads and provide verification of concurrent programs with read-write locks.  相似文献   

International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer - Critical (software) systems are all around us. These systems are typically characterised by stringent dependability requirements...  相似文献   

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