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The interaction mechanism of collector DLZ in the flotation process of chalcopyrite and pyrite was investigated through flotation experiments, zeta potential measurements and infrared spectrum analysis. Flotation test results indicate that DLZ is the selective collector of chalcopyrite. Especially, the recovery of chalcopyrite is higher than 90% in neutral and weak alkaline systems, while the recovery of pyrite is less than 10%. When using CaO as pH regulator, at pH=7-11, the floatability of pyrite is depressed and the recovery is less than 5%. Zeta potential analysis shows that the zeta potential of chalcopyrite decreases more obviously than that of pyrite after interaction with DLZ, confirming that collector DLZ shows selectivity to chalcopyrite and pyrite. And FT1R results reveal that the flotation selectivity of collector DLZ is due to chemical absorption onto chalcopyrite surface and only physical absorption onto pyrite surface.  相似文献   

Potential control flotation of galena in strong alkaline media   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
The electrochemical oxidation of galena in collectorless and collector flotation systems, particularly in strong alkaline media, was studied. The results show that, with pH value higher than 12.5 and potentials below 0.17 V, the oxidation products of galena are elemental sulfur and HPbO2^- . Elemental sulfur was present on the mineral surface in excess of oxidized lead species due to dissolution of HPbO2^- , which is beneficial to the flotation of galena. Under the same conditions, sphalerite and pyrite were depressed as a result of significant surface oxidation. Diethyldithioearbamate (DDTC) was found to be the most suitable collector for galena flotation in strongly alkaline media. The very potential produced hydrophobic PbD2-the surface reaction produet of DDTC with galena, is 0 to 0.2 V. Meantime DDTC can depress the surface over-oxidation of galena.Investigations also indicate that, in the range of - 0.9 V to 0.6 V, hydrophobic PbD2 can be firmly adsorbed on galena.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONElectrochemicaltechniqueshavebeenap pliedinmanyinvestigationsofsulfideflotationsystems,andeffectsandcontrolofpotent  相似文献   

In our study we investigated a refractory copper-nickel sulfide ore separation by using a cyclonic-static micro-bubble flotation column (FCSMC). The process mineralogy of the main products was studied. Using a scanning electron micro-scope-energy dispersive system (SEM-EDS) and an X-ray spectrometer the mineral category and content of samples were analyzed. By using a mineral liberation analyzer (MLA) the mineral liberation characteristics were revealed. It is shown that in roughing feed the monomers liberation degree of nickel pyrite and chalcopyrite take up 84.11% and 88.82%, respectively. In tailings, the lost nickel pyrite and chalcopyrite are mainly monomers. Therefore, strengthening the micro-fine particle recovery capacity is the key to increase recovery.  相似文献   

出于环境的考虑,越来越多的选矿厂均利用回水以减轻废水对环境的冲击和对水资源的依赖.工业生产经验表明,回水使用量的增加会对浮选带来不利的影响,尤其是对复杂矿化矿的优先浮选.浮选选择性降低的主要原因是溶液中重金属离子对闪锌矿或黄铁矿的意外活化.本文应用微型浮选试验,吸附试验和表面测试研究了利用磷灰石来实现硫化矿浮选废水回用的可行性.试验表明,磷灰石可增强对闪锌矿的抑制而提高浮选的选择性.微型浮选和表面测试表明,磷灰石与闪锌矿竞争吸附溶液中的重金属,从而降低闪锌矿表面的重金属浓度.  相似文献   

出于环境的考虑,越来越多的选矿厂均利用回水以减轻废水对环境的冲击和对水资源的依赖.工业生产经验表明,回水使用量的增加会对浮选带来不利的影响,尤其是对复杂矿化矿的优先浮选.浮选选择性降低的主要原因是溶液中重金属离子对闪锌矿或黄铁矿的意外活化.本文应用微型浮选试验,吸附试验和表面测试研究了利用磷灰石来实现硫化矿浮选废水回用的可行性.试验表明,磷灰石可增强对闪锌矿的抑制而提高浮选的选择性.微型浮选和表面测试表明,磷灰石与闪锌矿竞争吸附溶液中的重金属, 从而降低闪锌矿表面的重金属浓度.  相似文献   

为实现使用氰化物的铅锌矿浮选废水的回用,试验了一种利用金属沉淀剂去除铅锌矿浮选废水中重金属离子的新方法.试验表明,利用该方法可以从浮选废水中去除对浮选有害的重金属离子,释放出自由氰,从而达到提高浮选选择性、节省氰化物用量的目的.  相似文献   

Bioflotation of pyrite with bacteria Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in the presence or absence of potassium ethyl xanthate was studied on a pure pyrite through microflotation and electrophoretic light scattering measurements. The experimental results showed that in the absence of xanthate, pyrite flotation is slightly enhanced by Thiobacillusferrooxidans. However, with xanthate as a collector, pyrite flotation is strongly depressed after being exposed to the bacteria. The longer is the time when the pyrite is exposed to the bacteria, the stronger the depression is. The mechanism of the depression might be due to the formation of the biofilms of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans on pyrite surfaces, preventing the adsorption of xanthate on pyrite surfaces in the form of dixanthogen or xanthate ions.  相似文献   

方铅矿磨矿体系表面电化学性质及其对浮选的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用电化学测试技术研究方铅矿磨矿体系中磨矿介质类型(瓷介质和铁介质)、机械力以及捕收剂对方铅矿表面电化学性质的影响。研究结果表明:瓷介质中,方铅矿表面会发生适当的氧化反应,有利于方铅矿浮选:增大方铅矿与瓷介质间的机械力,体系的还原性增强,同时削弱矿物表面的氧化反应,给浮选造成一定影响。铁介质中,一方面,由于铁与方铅矿的腐蚀电偶作用增强了体系的还原性,降低了药剂在方铅矿表面的吸附性能,另一方面,由于腐蚀电偶作I用产生的铁离子增强了方铅矿表面的亲水性,两方面的影响都不利于方铅矿的浮选;增大方铅矿与铁介质间的机械力,二者之间的腐蚀电偶作用和体系的还原性增强,同样不利于方铅矿浮选。当pH=9时,在瓷介质和铁介质磨矿体系中是否添加捕收剂,对方铅矿表面电化学性质和浮选影响不大。  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been extensively employed In flotation research. The work done by the author and co-workers has been reported. A comparison has been made among the different FTIR specfroscopic techniques, e.g. , transmission FTIR spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy, and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) FTIR spectroscopy. FTIR spectroscopy has been used to study the mechanism of interaction between the collector and the surfaces of different minerals, the mechanism of action of the depressant in improving the selectivity of flotation, and the mechanism of adsorption of the polymeric modifying reagent on mineral surfaces. The interaction between particles in mineral suspension has also been studied by FTIR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

为了设计和优化废轮胎热解炭利用工艺,利用氮气吸附法、傅里叶变化红外光谱(FTIR)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对废轮胎回转窑中试热解炭的孔隙结构及表面化学特性进行研究,分析热解温度和热解炭粒径的影响因素,并与商用炭黑进行比较.结果发现,热解炭中有很多大孔而微孔很少,Brumauer-Emmett-Teller (BET)比表面积随热解温度的升高而增大;热解炭BET比表面积与N660相当,分型维数与N330相当,热解炭粒径越大,BET比表面积越大;热解炭中C和O的含量高,含氧官能团主要为醇、酚、酯、内酯、酸酐和醚,有大量芳香稠环的存在,热解温度越高,芳构化越高;商用炭黑芳构化高于热解炭;热解炭中S元素主要以硫化物存在,N元素多以胺形态存在,而商用炭黑中S元素主要以“S-C/R-S-S-R”的形态存在.  相似文献   

在黄铁矿浮选中,使用抑制剂WHL-Y1可有效地降低精矿中MgO含量.通过工艺矿相研究及吸附量、Zata电位、红外光谱测定,研究了WHL-Y1的作用机理:WHL-Y1中的-P-OH离子可以与矿物表面的Mg^2+(Ca^2+)发生化学反应,增强不纯黄铁矿的亲水性,在浮选时使其受到抑制,较纯黄铁矿可以优先浮选分离.  相似文献   

平桂珊瑚硫化矿含银127.08g (?),具有较高的回收价值.但矿石性质复杂,含砷高.本文通过大量试验,着重对珊瑚这一高砷富含银的多金属硫化矿中银的浮选特性及其回收问题作了研究.  相似文献   

FTIR技术在几株细菌鉴定中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对3种人体正常菌株(大肠杆菌ATCC25922、表皮葡萄球菌、缓症链球菌)和来自土壤常驻细菌硅酸盐细菌的红外光谱对比分析,通过峰型、峰强度比值、特征峰的比较发现,各种细菌间谱图存在显著差异,特别是土壤细菌与人体正常菌之间差异更为明显。另外,对同种的两株硅酸盐细菌K0和K27的红外光谱分析发现,其峰位与峰型也存在多处不同。红外光谱技术可应用于细菌鉴定。  相似文献   

The galvanic coupling formed in origin potential flotation systems of sulfide minerals can be divided into three types: sulfide mineral-sulfide mineral-water system; sulfide mineral-steel ball-water system; and sulfide mineral-sulfide mineral-collector system. In this paper, taking lead, zinc, iron sulfide mineral systems for examples,several models of galvanic coupling were proposed and the effects of galvanic coupling on flotation were discussed. A galvanic contact between galena (or sphalerite) and pyrite contributes to decreasing the content of zinc in lead concentrate, and enhances remarkably the absorption of collector on the galena surface. During grinding, due to galvanic interactions between minerals and steel medium, Fe(OH)3 formed covers on the cathodic mineral surface, affecting its floatability.  相似文献   

由于阿奇霉素对人血清白蛋白的内源性荧光具有猝灭作用,且猝灭方式为静态猝灭。采用荧光光谱研究了模拟生理条件下大环内酯类抗生素阿奇霉素与人血清白蛋白的相互作用,计算了二者相互作用的结合常数K和结合位点数n,并根据不同温度下的热力学函数确定了阿奇霉素与人血清白蛋白的相互作用力类型为疏水作用和静电引力。采用同步荧光光谱和傅立叶变换红外光谱探讨了阿奇霉素对人血清白蛋白构象的影响,结果表明阿奇霉素明显改变了人血清白蛋白的构象。  相似文献   

Studyingthedistributionlawofcollectorsintheflotationsystemishelpfultousingflotationa gentsreasonably ,savingthecostofflotationpro cessanddecreasingthepollutionofpoisonousa gents.Therewereafewreports[1 3] aboutthedis tributionbehaviorofxanthateanddithiophos…  相似文献   

Solids and solutions of sodium phosphates with various chain lengths have been studied by using the techniques of diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy and attenuated total reflection- Fourier transform infrared ( ATR- FTIR ) spectroscopy, respectively. A systematic study of the infrared spectra of the solid sodium phosphates has been conducted on the basis of the information available in the literatures to establish the assignments of the infrared vibrations of the different groups in the phosphate molecules . The infrared spectra of the solutions of sodium phosphates have been analyzed according to the infrared study on the relevant solids , in conjunction with the study of the phosphate species distribution in solution on the basis of the acid- base reaction equilibria. The results obtained have revealed the correlations between the infrared absorption spectra and the structure of the different P-O groups in different hinds of phosphates and are useful in the analysis of phos  相似文献   

以哌嗪水溶液和均苯三甲酰氯正己烷溶液,通过油水两相界面聚合在聚砜超滤膜表面形成功能层.制备了超薄聚哌嗪酰胺/聚砜纳滤复合膜,利用衰减全反射傅立叶变换红外技术和X光电子能谱研究了超薄复合膜(TFC)表面化学结构,利用扫描电子显微镜和原子力显微镜观察了膜的形态结构.结果表明.在最初很短聚合时间(〈30s)内基膜表面形成一层聚酰胺脱盐功能层.新生功能层不能阻隔两相界面聚合.使得功能层不断增厚趋于稳定.基膜表层对复合膜通量影响很大,基膜表层越薄,所得TFC通量越大;TFC表面粗糙度与其性能关系密切,适宜的粗糙度可以使其获得高通量和高脱盐率.  相似文献   

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