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OBJECTIVE: To analyze in vitro lymphocyte-mediated immune responses of horses with sarcoids against allogeneic sarcoid cells containing endogenous retrovirus but not expressing major histocompatibility complex antigens. DESIGN: Lymphocyte-mediated immune reactions were assessed by means of proliferative responses in mixed lymphocyte tumor cell culture (MLTC) assay and lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity against various equine target cells. ANIMALS: 12 horses with sarcoid tumors and 15 control horses. PROCEDURE: Blood lymphocytes were cocultured in MLTC with allogeneic sarcoid cells (Mc-1, BayMc-1), equine testis cells, or normal equine dermal fibroblasts. Lymphocytes were assayed for proliferative responses by [3H]thymidine uptake and for cytotoxicity against the same targets by 51Cr release assay. The lymphocyte populations were analyzed for some common surface markers. RESULTS: Lymphocytes from horses with sarcoids exerted an anamnestic proliferative response in MLTC against Mc-1 cells, but this procedure never generated cytotoxic lymphocytes. However, lymphocytes from all horses cultured in medium with 10% allogeneic serum only had selective. natural cytotoxicity against Mc-1 that was generated without DNA synthesis. Approximately 80% of the lymphocytes disappeared during culture; however the remaining population of small, viable lymphocytes indicated a decrease of CD4+ T lymphocytes, but numbers of T cells with receptors for Helix pomatia A hemagglutinin were unaffected. Few lymphocytes had Fc-receptors for IgG, were complement-reactive positive cells or were B cells expressing surface immunoglobulin. CONCLUSIONS: Results may indicate a natural defense system, which preferentially recognizes and lyses tumor cells that are deficient in surface expression of major histocompatibility complex antigens, without intervention of conventional T-cell receptors or antibodies.  相似文献   

A test is described which assesses quantitatively the capacity of lymphocytes taken from myositic animals to adhere to skeletal muscle cells in vitro. Lymphocytes were taken from guinea-pigs in which a polymyositis had been induced by injection of rabbit skeletal muscle and complete Freund's adjuvant. These lymphocytes attached themselves preferentially to multinucleate myotubes as opposed to the mononuclear cells in tissue cultures made from chick skeletal muscle. The degree of preference was calculated as a Preferential Attachment (PA) index. This index was high in those animals which developed myositis. In contrast lymphocytes from various groups of control guinea-pigs all gave a PA index of around 1. This test is now being adapted for use in the diagnosis and study of polymyositis in human patients.  相似文献   

Paclitaxel, a naturally occurring antimitotic agent, has shown efficacy in the treatment of certain solid tumors, particularly metastatic breast carcinoma and drug-refractory ovarian cancers. Recent studies have demonstrated that paclitaxel, in addition to its effects on microtubules and cell cycle arrest, possesses significant cell-killing activity in solid tumor cells by the induction of apoptosis. However, the mechanism by which paclitaxel leads to cell death and its relationship with paclitaxel-induced mitotic arrest is presently unclear. In this study, we attempted to determine whether pre-arresting tumor cells at other phases of the cell cycle could affect paclitaxel-induced apoptosis. We found that 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), another antineoplastic agent that usually arrests tumor cells at the G1-S phase of the cell cycle, could significantly repress the cell-killing activity of paclitaxel in solid tumor cells, even when it was added simultaneously with paclitaxel. Further studies indicated that 5-FU actually inhibits the cytotoxic effects of paclitaxel on both mitotic arrest and apoptotic cell death, suggesting that 5-FU might interfere with paclitaxel cytotoxicity at an early stage, probably by preventing tumor cells from entering G2-M phase. Because recent clinical trials have used a combination of paclitaxel and 5-FU in the treatment of metastatic breast cancers, our results also suggest that the combination of these two drugs might not be as valuable in clinical chemotherapy.  相似文献   

The p16 tumor suppressor gene is thought to play an important role in cell cycle regulation by encoding for protein products that can inhibit the progression from G1 to S phase in the cell cycle. Recently, the p16 gene has been found to be mutated or deleted in a variety of different types of primary human malignant tumors and human-derived malignant tumor cell lines. In this study, primary ductal pancreatic adenocarcinomas from 32 human patients were analyzed immunohistochemically for expression of p16 protein, with emphasis on the role of abberant p16 protein expression as a prognostic indicator. In addition, the same tumors were also assessed for p53 protein expression, AgNOR counts, and DNA ploidy. Nineteen out of the 32 cases (59%) showed positive immunoreactivity for p16 protein in their tumors and a significant association was found between lack of p16 protein expression, and both advancing clinical stage classification of disease, and poorer survival (p<0.05). The rate of positive immunoreactivity for p53 protein expression was 59%, however, no clear association was found between p53 protein expression, and either clinical stage of disease, or survival. These findings suggest that alteration of the p53 gene may be a relatively early event in pancreatic tumorigenesis, whereas alteration of the p16 gene is more likely to be correlated with tumor progression in pancreatic malignancies. Further survival analysis revealed that all five of the 32 cases that survived for three years or longer had positive immunostaining for p16 protein, and a relatively low level of AgNOR counts. In four out of five of these patients, the tumors also exhibited negative immunostaining for p53 protein and DNA diploidy. These findings suggest that molecular analysis of patient tumor sections may yield potentially useful prognostic indicators for patients undergoing surgical resection for pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

Mitomycin C and hyperthermia are both toxic to chronically hypoxic EMT6 tumor cells. Combinations of this drug and heat were tested in vitro in normally aerated and chronically hypoxic EMT6 mouse mammary tumor cells to establish whether greater than additive cytotoxicity could be achieved by combined treatment. Cell survival was measured at four concentrations of mitomycin C (0.01, 0.1, 1.0, and 10 microM) at 37 degrees or at elevated temperatures (41, 42, and 43 degrees) for durations of 1, 2, 3, and 6 hr. At 42 degrees, exposure to mitomycin C for 3 and 6 hr produced a 2- to 3-fold increase in hypoxic tumor cell kill at all drug concentrations over that expected for strict additivity. A 15-fold enhancement in the kill of hypoxic tumor cells was obtained at 1.0 and 10 microM mitomycin C at 43 degrees for 6 hr of exposure. Under most conditions, additivity was observed for the antibiotic and heat in oxygenated cells, except at 43 degrees with 0.01 and 0.1 microM mitomycin C following 3 and 6 hr of treatment, conditions under which a 5- to 10-fold potentiation of tumor cell kill was obtained. The rate of formation of reactive metabolites from mitomycin C under anaerobic conditions in EMT6 cell-free preparations was measured. A 30 to 50% increase in alkylating activity was observed at elevated temperatures, suggesting that the enhanced cytotoxicity of mitomycin C with heat toward hypoxic cells may, in part, be due to an increase in activation of the drug.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven cases of congenital posterolateral diaphragmatic hernia past infancy are reviewed in tabular form and discussed as to presenting symptoms, physical and radiographic findings, operative treatment, and final outcome. A ten year old male treated by us is presented as a detailed case report. A great contrast is noted between the acute respiratory symptoms which threaten life in the infant hernia compared with the more chronic and recurrent gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms in pateints past infancy. Onset of symptoms did not correlate with age or sex. Chest x-ray films and gastrointestinal contrast studies were most helpful in diagnosis. Abdominal and thoracic approaches were equally effective in reducing the herniated viscera and closing the diaphragmatic defect. We believe that long-term survival of patients with congenital posterolateral diaphragmatic hernia may be due to persistence of a confining pleuroperitoneal sac. Rupture of this sac in later life may coincide with onset of the characteristic symptoms which in turn prompt diagnostic studies. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia must be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with both recurrent gastrointestinal and respiratory complaints. Plain radiographs of the chest and contrast studies of the gastrointestinal tract are necessary to confirm diagnosis preoperatively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The presence of IgG HLA-specific antibodies in the serum of patients awaiting transplantation indicates T- and B-cell priming and would result in acute rejection of a poorly matched human allograft. Recent advances in xenotransplantation, with the amelioration of hyperacute rejection using transgenic pig kidneys, may benefit such patients. However, accelerated cellular rejection might result from the primed T-cell recognition of antigenic epitopes shared between pig and human MHC molecules. METHODS: We have compared the reactivity of IgG antibodies from 8 nonsensitized (NS) and 13 highly sensitized (HS) patients with human and pig lymphocytes by flow cytometry. Xenoreactive natural antibodies (XNA) were absorbed with pig red blood cells, and HLA class I-specific antibodies were further absorbed with pooled human platelets. RESULTS: Before XNA absorption, 20 of the 21 patients had a positive IgG crossmatch with pig lymphocytes, and there was no difference between NS and HS patients. In contrast, after XNA absorption, none of the 8 NS patients were positive, compared with 9 of the 13 HS patients (mean of the median channel fluorescence values of 7.7 and 86.5, respectively; P=<0.001). For XNA-absorbed HS patient sera, 20 of 30 (67%) pig lymphocyte crossmatch combinations were positive, with a mean median channel fluorescence value of 125 (range 31 to 294) compared with 9.5 (range 7 to 13) for the 10 crossmatch-negative combinations. Platelet absorption resulted in a concomitant reduction in antibody binding to pig lymphocytes in three of six HS patient sera, indicating that HLA class I-specific antibodies are responsible, at least in part, for the positive crossmatch. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that some IgG HLA-specific antibodies can bind to pig lymphocytes, analogous to a positive crossmatch with allogeneic donors.  相似文献   

Protoberberines are a new class of organic cations that are dual poisons of topoisomerases I and II. Certain protoberberines exhibit greater in vitro cytotoxicity against cell lines derived from solid tumors than from leukemias. Using a group of seventeen different protoberberine analogs, the structural basis for selective cytotoxicity toward sensitive SF-268 glioblastoma cells as compared with resistant RPMI 8402 lymphoblast cells was explored. The selective cytotoxicity is associated with the presence of an imminium ion and other structural features of protoberberines, and is not shared by drugs such as camptothecin, doxorubicin, vinblastine, and etoposide, which are either equally or more cytotoxic against RPMI 8402 cells than SF-268 cells. The selective cytotoxicity of protoberberines against SF-268 over RPMI 8402 cells is not due to differences in topoisomerase levels or known drug efflux systems such as multidrug resistance (MDR1) and multidrug-resistance protein (MRP). Comparative in vitro studies of the accumulation of coralyne, a fluorescent protoberberine, into sensitive and resistant cells demonstrated a correlation between drug accumulation and selective cytotoxicity. Inhibitors of coralyne uptake included several protoberberine-related compounds. Of these, palmatine, a minimally cytotoxic protoberberine, both inhibited coralyne accumulation and reduced cytotoxicity against SF-268 cells, but not against RPMI 8402 cells. Despite the structural resemblance of protoberberines to catecholamines, our experiments using inhibitors and cells expressing biogenic amine uptake systems have ruled out the involvement of biogenic amine uptake1, uptake2, and vesicular monoamine transport systems. Uptake systems remaining as candidates, supported by preliminary data, include transport via vesicles derived from specialized membrane invaginations and selected carrier-mediated organic amine transport systems.  相似文献   

The glucose analog streptozotocin (STZ) has long been used as a tool for creating experimental diabetes because of its relatively specific beta-cell cytotoxic effect, but the mechanism by which systemic injection of STZ causes beta-cell destruction is not well understood. In the current study, we have used insulinoma (RIN) and AtT-20ins cell lines engineered for overexpression of GLUT2 or GLUT1 to investigate the role of glucose transporter isoforms in mediating STZ cytotoxicity. The in vivo effects of STZ were evaluated by implantation of RIN cells expressing or lacking GLUT2 into athymic nude rats. The drug had a potent cytotoxic effect on RIN cells expressing GLUT2, but had no effect on cells lacking GLUT2 expression, as indicated by histological analysis and measurement of the blood glucose levels of treated animals. The preferential cytotoxic effect of STZ on GLUT2-expressing cell lines was confirmed by in vitro analysis of GLUT2-expressing and untransfected RIN cells, as well as GLUT2- and GLUT1-overexpressing AtT-20ins cells. Consistent with these data, only GLUT2-expressing RIN or AtT-20ins cells transported STZ efficiently. We conclude that expression of GLUT2 is required for efficient killing of neuroendocrine cells by STZ, and this effect is related to specific recognition of the drug as a transported substrate by GLUT2 but not GLUT1.  相似文献   

Stimulation of sensitive leucocyte populations with near optimal concentrations of soluble microbial antigens results in vigorous lymphocyte proliferation when 3H-thymidine incorporation is measured after 4-8 days. Lymphoblasts in these cultures revert to small lymphocytes after 10-14 days, at which time they are often refractory to any stimulant including the original incubating antigen. When these primed lymphocytes are irradiated with 500-1000 R to block their proliferation and added to fresh leucocyte culture from the same individual (autologous), they usually, but not invariably, reduce the proliferation of the unirradiated fresh leucocyte cultures. Exposure to 6000 R reduced the suppressor activity. Reduction was specific for the microbial antigen with which they were originally generated, but, more often, a combination of both specific and nonspecific suppression was observed. These data provide good evidence, with reciprocal specificity, for the generation of antigen specific suppression in vitro.  相似文献   

The effect of N-acetyl-L-cysteine on the cytotoxicity of tumor necrosis factor-alpha was investigated in cultured bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells and L929 mouse tumor cells. In endothelial cells, a 72-h incubation with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (100 ng/ml) reduced the number of viable cells to 27% of control. Simultaneous incubation with N-acetyl-L-cysteine (0.5-5 mmol/l) protected endothelial cells from tumor necrosis factor-alpha-mediated cytotoxicity and increased viability in a concentration-dependent fashion to 69% of control. Under the same conditions, a 72-h incubation with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (100 ng/ml) reduced the number of viable L929 tumor cells to 31% of control. However, this cytotoxic response remained unaltered in the presence of N-acetyl-L-cysteine (0.5-5 mmol/l). Similar results were obtained when using a lower concentration of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (50 ng/ml). These findings demonstrate protection from tumor necrosis factor-alpha-mediated toxicity by N-acetyl-L-cysteine in endothelial cells but not in a tumor cell line. It is concluded that N-acetyl-L-cysteine might serve as a therapeutic agent to limit the vascular toxicity of tumor necrosis factor-alpha without affecting its antineoplastic activity.  相似文献   

The adoptive immunotherapy of human malignancy requires reliable methods to sensitize and expand patients' T-cells reactive to autologous tumors. In animal studies, we have generated therapeutic effector cells against a poorly immunogenic tumor by a two-step procedure: vaccination of the host followed by the secondary stimulation of vaccine-primed lymph node (LN) cells by in vitro sensitization (IVS) with tumor in the presence of interleukin 2 (IL-2). Based on these observations, we performed a clinical trial in patients with advanced cancer to evaluate the antitumor efficacy of vaccine-primed LN cells which were similarly activated in vitro. Patients were vaccinated with irradiated autologous tumor admixed with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin and had draining LN excised 10 days later for IVS culture. During IVS culture, LN cells expanded up to 14-fold (average of 8.4-fold). A mean of 6.7 x 10(9) cells was infused in ten patients (seven melanoma, three renal cell cancer) along with the concomitant i.v. administration of IL-2 (180,000 IU/kg every 8 h for 5 days). Phenotype analysis of IVS-LN cells revealed 78 +/- 4% CD3+ T-cells which were predominantly CD4+ (67 +/- 5%) with expression of HLA-DR and IL-2 receptor. IVS-LN cells displayed relative specificity of autologous tumor lysis in four of ten cases compared to zero of seven IVS-peripheral blood lymphocytes derived from the same patients as measured by the 51Cr release assay. One mo after therapy, seven of nine patients treated with IVS-LN cells and IL-2 developed delayed-type hypersensitivity reactivity to autologous tumor compared to zero of nine patients treated with tumor vaccination and IL-2 only (P < 0.002). These observations suggest that antitumor reactivity was passively transferred with the IVS-LN cells. Major toxic side effects including fever, hepatic dysfunction, and weight gain associated with the capillary leak syndrome were associated with exogenous IL-2 administration. Tumor vaccination and cell transfer were well tolerated without significant complications. Of the ten patients treated with IVS-LN cells and IL-2, there were one partial and one minor response, and one patient has had stable disease for 27+ mo. There was no evidence of tumor response in ten patients treated with tumor vaccination and IL-2 only. Further clinical studies evaluating the antitumor reactivity of vaccine-primed LN cells are warranted.  相似文献   

The pH of the embryonic blood, one of the most important environmental factors for embryonic cells, was found to range from 8.1 to 8.5 in chick embryos until 108 h after incubation. Based on these results, the culture medium adjusted to pH 8.0 was used to culture embryonic chick and quail cells. They were easily subcultured for a long period of time at pH 8.0. This pH culture condition may have wide application for manipulating embryonic cells or tissues and establishing cell lines from avian embryos.  相似文献   

Globulin-producing cells -- lymphocytes, transitional transformed forms, blasts and plasmocyte-like cells were revealed with the aid of Coon's method in the culture of the human peripheral blood following stimulation with staphylococcus filtrate and phytohemagglutinin. Analysis of dynamics of the appearance of these cells suggests that they originate from a special B-lymphocyte subpopulation -- the immunological memory cells. Some of the globulin-producing cells arose from precursors without any division, in others differentiation was combined with proliferation.  相似文献   

Photosensitization induces intracellular free calcium changes ([Ca2+]i) in some eukaryotic cell systems which either contribute to or protect against cell inactivation. We have investigated whether or not similar changes can be induced in prokaryotes. The skin bacterium Propionibacterium acnes was sensitized using protoporphyrin IX (PP IX) or 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). Exogenous ALA resulted in either a preferential accumulation of protoporphyrin (ALA-PP) or of coproporphyrin and/or uroporphyrin (ALA-CP/UP) in P. acnes. For PP IX or ALA-PP sensitization, exposure to broad-band red light resulted in an increase in [Ca2+]i. For ALA-PP sensitization, this increase was transient and [Ca2+]i returned to basal levels within 5-10 min after irradiation. However, the elevated [Ca2+]i levels obtained after PP IX sensitization were maintained for at least 1 h after irradiation. In both cases, the reduction in the external calcium concentration led to an enhancement in the cell survival, indicating that induced [Ca2+]i changes may participate in photoinactivation. Sensitization by hydrophilic coproporphyrin and/or uroporphyrin (ALA-CP/UP) did not affect the [Ca2+]i levels, but higher levels of cell inactivation were obtained. It therefore appears that damage to membrane-associated components is at least partly responsible for [Ca2+]i alterations after photosensitization.  相似文献   

Transferrin is a serum glycoprotein involved in iron transport. Transferrin acts also in cell growth regulation through membrane receptors. The number of transferrin receptors is increased in tumor and other rapidly dividing cells. This renders transferrin suitable for use in cytotoxic drugs targetting tumor cells. Paclitaxel was derivatized on 2' carbon and coupled with trasferrin using glutaraldehyde. The cytotoxicity of the conjugate was evaluated on small cell carcinoma of the lung cell line (H69). As compared to paclitaxel, the conjugate exhibited a slight decrease in cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

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