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We investigated the variations of acute toxicity of mercury (Hg) in Daphnia magna under different temperatures, population origins, body sizes, and Hg pre-exposures. We measured Hg concentrations in the water and in the surviving daphnids, and used the subcellular fractionation approach to determine Hg in the metal-sensitive fraction (MSF) to predict Hg toxicity. The 24-h median lethal concentrations and 24-h lethal body burden were 12-55 microg L(-1) and 10-26 mg kg(-1) wet wt, respectively. High Hg tolerance accompanied by reduced Hg uptake occurred in the daphnids under extreme conditions (low temperature and high pre-exposure to Hg). Correlating Hg levels in different compartments and daphnid survival resulted in the following order of sequence: aqueous Hg > whole body Hg > Hg in the MSF. However, the threshold lethal concentration of Hg (concentration causing 1% mortality) based on the concentration of Hg in the MSF was the best indicator of Hg toxicity. Therefore, the subcellular fractionation approach is less useful in explaining acute toxicity than is sub-lethal Hg toxicity. The number of Hg binding sites in the animals varied under different conditions but the affinity of the transporter to Hg generally decreased as the animals' tolerance increased. Mercury tolerance under different conditions could be enhanced by reducing the Hg uptake, enhancing the intrinsic tolerance, and/or increasing the detoxification activity.  相似文献   

Standard toxicity tests are performed at one constant, optimal temperature (usually 20 degrees C), while in the field variable and suboptimal temperatures may occur. Lack of knowledge on the interactions between chemicals and temperature hampers the extrapolation of laboratory toxicity data to ecosystems. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the effects of temperature on cadmium toxicity to the waterflea Daphnia magna and to address possible processes responsible for temperature-dependent toxicity. This was investigated by performing standard toxicity tests with D. magna under a wide temperature range. Thermal effects on accumulation kinetics were determined by estimating uptake and elimination rates from accumulation experiments. To study temperature dependency of the intrinsic sensitivity of the daphnids to cadmium, the DEBtox model was used to estimate internal threshold concentrations (ITCs) and killing rates from the toxicity and accumulation data. The results revealed that increasing temperature lowered the ITC and increased the killing rate and the uptake rate of the metal. Enhanced sensitivity of D. magna was shown to be the primary factor for temperature-dependent toxicity. Since temperature has such a major impact on toxicity, a temperature correction may be necessary when translating toxicity data from the laboratory to the field.  相似文献   

The extent to which Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ ions and pH independently mitigate acute copper toxicity for the cladoceran Daphnia magna was examined. Higher activities of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ (but not K+) linearly increased the 48-h EC50 (as Cu2+ activity), supporting the concept of competitive binding of these ions and copper ions to toxic action or transport sites at the organism-water interface (e.g. fish gill, the biotic ligand). The increase of the EC50 (as Cu2+ activity) with increasing H+, however, seemed to suggest cotoxicity of CuOH+ rather than proton competition. Based on the biotic ligand model (BLM) concept, we developed a methodology to estimate stability constants for the binding of Cu2+, CuOH+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and H+ to the biotic ligand, solely based on toxicity data. Following values were obtained: log K(CuBL) = 8.02, log K(CuOHBL)= 7.45, log K(CaBL) = 3.47, log K(MgBL) = 3.58, log K(NaBL) = 3.19, and log K(HBL) approximately 5.4. Further, we calculated that on average 39% of the biotic ligand sites need to be occupied by copper to induce a 50% acute effect for D. magna after 48 h of exposure. Using the estimated constants, a BLM was developed that can predict acute copper toxicity for D. magna as a function of water characteristics. The presented methodology can easily be applied for BLM development for other organisms and metals. After validation with laboratory and natural waters (including DOC), the developed model will support efforts to improve the ecological relevance of presently applied risk assessment procedures.  相似文献   

We present evidence that Mg2+ antagonism is one mechanism for acute toxicity of waterborne Ni to Daphnia magna. Acutely, adult D. magna were exposed to either control or 694 microg Ni L(-1) as NiSO4 in moderately soft water (45 mg L(-1) as CaCO3; background Ni approximately 1 microg Ni L(-1)) for 48 h without feeding. Chronically, adults were exposed to either control or 131 microg Ni L(-1) for 14 days (fed exposure). These concentrations were approximately 65% and 12%, respectively, of the measured 48-h LC50 (1068 microg Ni L(-1)) for daphnid neonates in this water quality. The clearest effect of Ni exposure was on Mg2+ homeostasis, as whole-body [Mg2+] was significantly decreased both acutely and chronically by 18%. Additionally, unidirectional Mg2+ uptake rate (measured with the stable isotope 26Mg) was significantly decreased both acutely and chronically by 49 and 47%, respectively, strongly suggesting that Ni is toxic to D. magna due at least in part to Mg2+ antagonism. No impact was observed on the whole-body concentrations or unidirectional uptake rates of Ca2+ during either acute or chronic Ni exposure, while only minor effects were seen on Na+ and Cl- balance. No acute toxic effect was seen on respiratory parameters, as both oxygen consumption rate (MO2) and whole-body hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) were conserved. Chronically, however, Ni impaired respiratory function, as both MO2 and [Hb] were significantly reduced by 31 and 68%, respectively. Acutely, Ni accumulation was substantial, rising to a plateau between 24 and 48 h of approximately 15 microg g(-1) wet weight--an increase of approximately 25-fold over control concentrations. Mechanisms of acute toxicity of Ni in D. magna differ from those in fish; it is likely that such mechanistic differences also exist for other metals.  相似文献   

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nano-TiO(2)) are now widely applied in consumer products, and the dispersion of nano-TiO(2) may adsorb metals and modify their behavior and bioavailability in the aquatic environment. In the present study, the aqueous uptake, dietary assimilation efficiency (AE), and efflux rate constant (k(e)) of two toxic metals (cadmium-Cd, and zinc-Zn) adsorbed on nano-TiO(2) in a freshwater zooplankton Daphnia magna were quantified. The biokinetics was then compared to daphnids that were exposed only to dissolved metals as controls. The aqueous uptake of Cd and Zn involved an initial rapid uptake and then an apparent saturation, and the uptake of metals was accompanied by an ingestion of nano-TiO(2). The AEs of Cd and Zn adsorbed on nano-TiO(2) were 24.6 ± 2.4-44.5 ± 3.7% and 30.4 ± 3.4-51.8 ± 5.0%, respectively, and decreased with increasing concentrations of nano-TiO(2). Furthermore, the difference between the AEs of Cd and Zn indicated that the desorption of Cd and Zn from nano-TiO(2) may have occurred within the gut of daphnids. With the use of algae as carrier, the AEs of Cd and Zn adsorbed on nano-TiO(2) were significantly higher than those of Cd and Zn directly from nano-TiO(2). The efflux rate constants of Cd and Zn adsorbed on nano-TiO(2) in the zooplankton were significantly lower than those of Cd and Zn not adsorbed on nano-TiO(2). Our study shows that the uptake and retention of toxic metals is enhanced when they are adsorbed on nano-TiO(2), and suggests more attention be paid to the potential influences of nano-TiO(2) on the bioavailability and toxicity of other contaminants.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that exposure of the freshwater invertebrate Daphnia magna to dietary Zn may selectively affect reproduction without an associated increase of whole body bioaccumulation of Zn. The aim of the current research was therefore to investigate the hypothesis that dietary Zn toxicity is the result of selective accumulation in tissues that are directly involved in reproduction. Since under field conditions simultaneous exposure to both waterborne and dietary Zn is likely to occur, it was also tested if accumulation and toxicity under combined waterborne and dietary Zn exposure is the result of interactive effects. To this purpose, D. magna was exposed during a 16-day reproduction assay to Zn following a 5 × 2 factorial design, comprising five waterborne concentrations (12, 65, 137, 207, and 281 μg Zn/L) and two dietary Zn levels (49.6 and 495.9 μg Zn/g dry wt.). Tissue-specific Zn distribution was quantified by synchrotron radiation based confocal X-ray fluorescence (XRF). It was observed that the occurrence of reproductive inhibition due to increasing waterborne Zn exposure (from 65 μg/L to 281 μg/L) was accompanied by a relative increase of the Zn burdens which was similar in all tissues considered (i.e., the carapax, eggs, thoracic appendages with gills and the cluster comprising gut epithelium, storage cells and ovaries). In contrast, the impairment of reproduction during dietary Zn exposure was accompanied by a clearly discernible Zn accumulation in the eggs only (at 65 μg/L of waterborne Zn). During simultaneous exposure, bioaccumulation and toxicity were the result of interaction, which implies that the tissue-specific bioaccumulation and toxicity following dietary Zn exposure are dependent on the Zn concentration in the water. Our findings emphasize that (i) effects of dietary Zn exposure should preferably not be investigated in isolation from waterborne Zn exposure, and that (ii) XRF enabled us to provide possible links between tissue-specific bioaccumulation and reproductive effects of Zn.  相似文献   

The organothiophosphate diazinon inhibits the target site acetylcholinesterase only after activation to its metabolite diazoxon. Commonly, the toxicity of xenobiotics toward aquatic organisms is expressed as a function of the external concentration and the resulting effect on the individual level after fixed exposure times. This approach does not account for the time dependency of internal processes such as uptake, metabolism, and interaction of the toxicant with the target site. Here, we develop a mechanistic toxicodynamic model for Daphnia magna and diazoxon, which accounts for the inhibition of the internal target site acetylcholinesterase and its link to the observable effect, immobilization, and mortality. The model was parametrized by experiments performed in vitro with the active metabolite diazoxon on enzyme extracts and in vivo with the parent compound diazinon. The mechanism of acetylcholinesterase inhibition was shown to occur irreversibly in two steps via formation of a reversible enzyme-inhibitor complex. The corresponding kinetic parameters revealed a very high sensitivity of acetylcholinesterase from D. magna toward diazoxon, which corresponds well with the high toxicity of diazinon toward this species. Recovery of enzyme activity but no recovery from immobilization was observed after in vivo exposure to diazinon. The toxicodynamic model combining all in vitro and in vivo parameters was successfully applied to describe the time course of immobilization in dependence of acetylcholinesterase activity during exposure to diazinon. The threshold value for enzyme activity below which immobilization set in amounted to 40% of the control activity. Furthermore, the model enabled the prediction of the time-dependent diazoxon concentration directly present at the target site.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Relatively low ruminal pH values have been frequently registered in dairy cows grazing alfalfa, which can be involved in reducing feed digestion. An in vitro experiment was carried out to study the effect of ruminal pH (6.4, 6.1, 5.8 and 5.5) on the digestion of fresh alfalfa. RESULTS: Decreasing the pH, in vitro gas production (ivGP) decreased (P < 0.05). The lowest ivGP was registered at pH 5.5 and it was product of a higher lag time and a lower digestion rate. Dry matter disappearance (DMD) was not affected by pH at 48 h (P > 0.05). Neutral detergent disappearance (NDFD) at 48 h decreased below pH 6.1. The NDFD was reduced by 62% at pH 5.5 with respect to results at pH 6.4 and 6.1 (where the highest DMD and NDFD were observed). CONCLUSION: As expected, low rumen pH decreased alfalfa digestion. However, limits to ruminal digestion activity differed from those usually proposed for TMR diets. It is apparent that different relationships between rumen pH and NDFD exist when cows graze fresh alfalfa or grasses. Moreover, our results suggest the convenience to complement the data obtained through ivGP, DMD and NDFD. While ivGP and DMD seem to be more useful at early digestion times, NDFD may be a good predictor of final digestion. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a treatment combining gamma radiation and heating on the allergenic properties of hen's egg ovomucoid (OM) under basic pH conditions. OM solutions of 2.0 mg/ml with pHs of 7.0, 9.0, and 10.0 were gamma irradiated at 10 kGy, heated at 100 degrees C for 15 min, or both. Half of the treated pH 10.0 sample solution was restored to pH 7.4 by dialysis. OM solutions were tested by a competitive direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay formatted with immunoglobulin E from egg-hypersensitive patients. An equation was obtained for quantifying intact OM from the standard curve, and the detected concentration of intact OM was calculated. The concentration of intact OM decreased with irradiation or heating, and the rate of the decrease was higher for a basic pH condition than for the physiological condition. The combination of irradiation and heating was very effective in reducing the amount of intact OM regardless of the pH condition. After treatment, the restoration of the pH to 7.4 did not affect the concentration of OM. The results of this study indicate that a combination of irradiation and heating might be an effective method for reducing egg hypersensitivity resulting from OM.  相似文献   

Modifications of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for different applications may change their physicochemical properties such as surface charge. Assessments of the extent to which such modifications influence CNT ecotoxicity, accumulation, and elimination behaviors are needed to understand potential environmental risks these variously modified nanoparticles may pose. We have modified carbon-14 labeled multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) with polyethyleneimine (PEI) surface coatings to increase their aqueous stability and to give them positive, negative, or neutral surface charges. Uptake and elimination behaviors of Daphnia magna exposed to PEI-coated and acid-modified MWNTs at concentrations of approximately 25 and 250 μg/L were quantified. PEI surface coatings did not appear to substantially impact nanotube accumulation or elimination rates. Although the PEI-modified nanotubes exhibited enhanced stability in aqueous solutions, they appeared to aggregate in the guts of D. magna in a manner similar to acid-treated nanotubes. The MWNTs were almost entirely eliminated by Daphnia fed algae during a 48 h elimination experiment, whereas elimination without feeding was typically minimal. Finally, PEI coatings increased MWNT toxicities, though this trend corresponded to the size of the PEI coatings, not their surface charges.  相似文献   

A toxicokinetic model for Daphnia magna , which simulates the internal concentration of the insecticide diazinon, its detoxification product 2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinol, and its active metabolite diazoxon, is presented. During in vivo exposure to diazinon with and without inhibition of cytochrome P450 by piperonyl butoxide, the parent compound as well as its metabolites were quantified with high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in extracts of D. magna . Rate constants of all relevant toxicokinetic steps were obtained by modeling the time course of the internal concentrations with a multicomponent first-order kinetics model. When cytochrome P450 was inhibited, the kinetic bioconcentration factor (BCF) of diazinon increased from 17.8 to 51.0 mL·g(ww)(-1). This clearly indicates that diazinon is biotransformed to a high degree by cytochrome P450 in D. magna . The dominant elimination step of diazinon was shown to be its oxidative dearylation to pyrimidinol (62% of total elimination) with a corresponding rate constant of 0.16 h(-1). In contrast, oxidative activation to diazoxon with a rate constant of 0.02 h(-1) amounted to only 8% of the total elimination. During exposure to diazinon, the active metabolite diazoxon could be detected only in very low concentrations (approximately 0.5% of the parent compound), presumably due to a very fast reaction with the target site acetylcholinesterase. During the exposure experiments (no feeding of daphnids), an exponential decline of the lipid content in D. magna with a first-order rate constant of 0.013 h(-1) was observed. For short exposure times (≤ 24 h), this had only a minor influence on the determined TK parameters. Such a TK model containing detailed biotransformation processes is an important tool for estimation of the toxic potential of chemicals, particularly, when active metabolites are formed inside an organism.  相似文献   

Whey proteins adjusted at pH values 2, 4.6, 9 and at the natural milk pH (pH 6.8) were subjected to microwave irradiation at 300 W for 20 min or 700 W for 10 min. The protein composition of treated and native whey proteins were evaluated by Lowry’s method and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The ability of treated whey to bind IgG polyclonal antibody was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using sera obtained from rabbit immunized to β-Lactoglobulin (β-Lg). Significantly higher losses in soluble protein concentrations were observed for microwave irradiated whey proteins at pH value 4.6 (35.6% at 300 W and 44.33% at 700 W) (P < 0.0001) compared with those irradiated at the natural milk pH (26% at 300 or 700 W). The electrophoretic patterns of these proteins revealed a considerable decrease in intensity of the band corresponding to α-lactalbumin but only a slight modification was observed for the electrophoretic profiles of β-lactoglobulin. The data obtained with a rabbit anti-β-lactoglobulin immunoglobulin indicated a low antigenic response for microwave-irradiated whey proteins at the natural milk pH (up to 29.32% as well as 300–700 W) (P < 0.001). The lowest antigenicity was observed for samples adjusted to pH 4.6 followed by microwave irradiation at 300 or 700 W (46.99% at 300 W and 41.16% at 700 W) (P < 0.0001).  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) is an important environmental pollutant due to its highly toxic nature and widespread occurrence in aquatic systems. The biokinetics of Hg in zooplankton have been largely ignored in previous studies. This study examines the assimilation, dissolved uptake, and efflux of inorganic mercury [Hg(II)] and methylmercury (MeHg) in a freshwater cladoceran, Daphnia magna, and models the exposure pathways of Hg(II) and MeHg in the daphnids. The assimilation efficiencies (AEs) of both Hg species decreased significantly with increasing algal carbon concentrations. The dissolved uptake of Hg(II) and MeHg was proportional to the ambient concentration (ranging from environmentally realistic to high concentration over a 3-4 orders of magnitude variation), whereas MeHg had a slightly higher uptake rate constant (0.46 L g(-1) h(-1)) than Hg(II) (0.35 L g(-1) h(-1)). Surprisingly, the efflux rate constants of Hg(ll) and MeHg were rather comparable (0.041 -0.063 day(-1)). The release of both Hg(II) and MeHg via different routes (excretion, egestion, molting, and neonate production) was further examined at different food concentrations. It was found that regeneration into the dissolved phase was important for D. magna to eliminate both Hg species, but maternal transfer of Hg(II) (11-15%) and MeHg (32-41%) to neonates represented another important pathway for the elimination of Hg(II) and MeHg from the mothers. Modeling results suggest that food is an important source for MeHg exposure (47-98%), but water exposure represents 31-96% of Hg(II) accumulation in D. magna, depending on the variation of Hg bioconcentration factor in ingested food. Furthermore, MeHg predominates the bioaccumulation of Hg in D. magna even though MeHg constitutes only a small percentage of the total Hg in the water. The results strongly indicate that maternal transfer of Hg(II) and MeHg in freshwater zooplankton should be considered in manytoxicity testings and risk assessment in aquatic food chains.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the formation of potato protein microgel particles (PPM) formed by heating a protein solution at pH 2–8 in order to improve emulsifying potential of commercial potato protein (PP). The physicochemical properties (particle diameter, ζ-potential and contact angle), structural characteristics and emulsifying capacity of PPM were investigated. The results indicated that preparation pH of PPM had significantly influenced the emulsification properties. The PPM samples prepared near the isoelectric point of PP (pI ~ 4.5) had low ζ-potential, high particle size, lower emulsifying activity index (EAI) and emulsifying stability index (ESI). Meanwhile, compared to PP, PPM prepared at pH (pH = 2, pH = 6–8) stay away from isoelectric point had higher EAI and ESI, evidenced by the appropriate ζ-potential and contact angel. In conclusion, PPM prepared at specific pH (pH = 6) would enhance the emulsifying properties of potato protein, the findings would broaden the application of potato protein in the food industry.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to quantify the rate of urea hydrolysis in dairy cattle manure under different initial urea concentration, temperature, and pH conditions. In particular, by varying all 3 factors simultaneously, the interactions between them could also be determined. Fresh feces and artificial urine solutions were combined into a slurry to characterize the rate of urea hydrolysis under 2 temperatures (15°C and 35°C), 3 urea concentrations in urine solutions (500, 1,000, and 1,500 mg of urea-N/dL), and 3 pH levels (6, 7, and 8). Urea N concentration in slurry was analyzed at 0.0167, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h after initial mixing. A nonlinear mixed effects model was used to determine the effects of urea concentration, pH, and temperature treatments on the exponential rate of urea hydrolysis and to predict the hydrolysis rate for each treatment combination. We detected a significant interaction between pH and initial urea level. Increasing urea concentration from 1,000 to 1,500 mg of urea-N/dL decreased the rate of urea hydrolysis across all pH levels. Across all pH and initial urea levels, the rate of urea hydrolysis increased with temperature, but the effect of pH was only observed for pH 6 versus pH 8 at the intermediate initial urea concentration. The fast rates of urea hydrolysis indicate that urea was almost completely hydrolyzed within a few hours of urine mixing with feces. The estimated urea hydrolysis rates from this study are likely maximum rates because of the thorough mixing before each sampling. Although considerable mixing of feces and urine occurs on the barn floor of commercial dairy operations from cattle walking through the manure, such mixing may be not as quick and thorough as in this study. Consequently, the urea hydrolysis rates from this study indicate the maximum loss of urea and should be accounted for in management aimed at mitigating ammonia emissions from dairy cattle manure under similar urea concentration, pH, and temperature conditions reported in this experiment.  相似文献   

Hong GP  Min SG  Chin KB 《Meat science》2012,90(1):185-193
In this study, the effects of microbial transglutaminase (MTG) and calcium alginate (CA) systems in combination with soybean oil on the emulsion properties of porcine myofibrillar protein (MP) were evaluated under various pH conditions. MTG was shown to improve emulsifying capacity and creaming stability, which increased with increasing pH values up to 6.5. The CA did not influence emulsifying capacity, but it improved the creaming stability of the MP-stabilized emulsions. Both MTG and CA enhanced the rheological properties, but their effects on the physical characteristics of the protein evidenced an opposite trend in relation to pH, i.e., the MTG system improved both the emulsion and gelling properties with increasing pH, whereas the CA system was effective when the pH was lowered. By combining the two MP gelling systems, a stable and pH-insensible emulsion could be produced.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the effects of exposure to simulated gastric and intestinal juices on the survival of six strains of dairy propionibacteria. Gastrointestinal tolerance of propionibacteria strains was highly variable, depending on the strain and pH (P < 0.05). Exopolysaccharides (EPS) production of six propionibacteria strains under different pH conditions and bile concentrations was also studied. A positive correlation was obtained between the EPS production quantity of the strains and tolerance to simulated gastric juices at pH 2.0, 3.0 (< 0.05). This investigation showed that high EPS production may be important in the selection of probiotic strains for resistance to upper gastrointestinal system conditions.  相似文献   

Blue polydiacetylene vesicles were studied with regard to their behaviour under variations in storage temperature, heating, potentiometric titration and in the presence of chemical components of milk, to evaluate their application as a sensor in the food industry. Vesicles were prepared using 10,12-pentacosadienoic acid (PCDA)/1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC). Their changes were monitored using UV-Vis absorption. Temperatures not exceeding 25°C did not cause colour change in PCDA/DMPC vesicles for a period of up to 60days of storage. Heating for 10min at 60 and 90°C, exposure to pH higher than 9.0 and the simulant solutions of the whey proteins, β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin, promoted colour change from blue to red for the vesicles studied. The effects of routine factors on the characteristics and stability of polydiacetylene vesicles is important in defining the parameters related to their application as a sensor for the food industry.  相似文献   

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