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探讨了国标GB15612-1995测定硬脂酸单甘酯含量的误差、影响因素,提出了修改国标含量检测的一些建议。   相似文献   

探讨了国标GB7658- 87 的适用范围、测定山梨醇含量的误差及Fe2+ 对测定Ni2+的干扰,提出了修改国标的一些建议  相似文献   

本文阐述了用化学方法测定单硬脂酸甘油酯含量时的最关键条件,这个因素的变化可直接影响检测结果。  相似文献   

本文阐述了用化学方法测定单硬脂酸甘油酯含量时的最关键条件,这个因素的变化可直接影响检测结果。  相似文献   

食品工业中通常利用乳化剂调控塑型脂肪的物理性质及加工性能,其中,单硬脂酸甘油酯(GMS)是应用较为广泛的乳化剂。通过考察质量分数1%,2%,4%的GMS对棕榈硬脂在不同温度下的固体脂肪含量(SFC)、硬度及微观结构的影响,发现:棕榈硬脂及其与质量分数1%,2%,4%的GMS混合物的SFC和硬度随着温度的升高而降低。GMS的添加量对棕榈硬脂SFC的影响在较高温度(21.1~33.3℃)下更显著,当GMS添加量高于1%时,棕榈硬脂的SFC随GMS质量分数的增加而增加。而在15~30℃时,4%GMS的棕榈硬脂的硬度显著高于其它质量分数,且结晶颗粒细小,结晶网络结构致密。结果表明,在温度高于30℃时,添加GMS可以增加棕榈硬脂的SFC及硬度,且减小其结晶颗粒粒度,赋予更为致密的结构,这对棕榈硬脂基塑性脂肪在温度较高季节的储运及品质改善提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

曹雪琼  王虹 《食品科学》1986,7(9):48-50
<正>目前食品工业不断发展,面包的质量有了很大的提高,质软疏松,保鲜期长,其中面包保鲜剂--单硬脂酸甘油酯(以下简称单甘酯)的应用尤为广泛,我国食品添加剂  相似文献   

本文基于酒精通用实验方法(GB/T394.1-94)中采用异烟酸-吡唑啉酮法测定食用酒精氰化物的含量时,乙醇含量(或酒度)的多少会严重影响测定结果的准确性,其方法回收率为132% ̄172%,为此,本文进行了改进,提出了在一定的酒度条件下,进行测定的方法,结果令人满意,方法回收率为95.8% ̄106%。  相似文献   

作为一种安全、高效的乳化剂,单硬脂酸甘油酯在食品工业中应用广泛,尤其在面制食品的生产、加工中。它可以赋予面制食品良好的外观和口感,是常用的面制食品品质改良剂。本文概述了单硬脂酸甘油酯的性质、分类,综合分析其对面粉稳定性的影响。此外,本文以面包、蛋糕、面条等为例,对单硬脂酸甘油酯在面制食品中应用进展进行归纳总结,以期为面食制品质量的进一步改善提供理论参考。  相似文献   

郭磊  高荫榆  谢何融  雷占兰 《食品科学》2007,28(12):149-152
从降低生物柴油的成本和综合利用副产物甘油的角度出发,利用其副产物75%粗甘油替代纯甘油合成单硬脂酸甘油酯;用乙醇替代苯萃取重结晶;以中心组合设计试验得出最佳的条件。研究表明,最佳工艺条件为:物料比2.8,反应时间1.8h,反应温度240℃。得到的含量为97.97%的高纯度单硬脂酸甘油酯,可作为食品添加剂。  相似文献   

本标准规定了油墨和有关产品、检验方法、应用及其原材料等的技术术语。本标准适用于油墨的生产、应用、科研、教学、出版及编制标准等.也可供国内外技术交往中使用。  相似文献   

GB/T8918-1995(钢丝绳》标准较以往的钢丝绳标准水平更高,更能适应生产需要。本文对新标准的部分条款作了叙述,突出难点,阐述深入,有助于对新标准的统一认识和理解。  相似文献   

GB/T8918-1995(钢丝绳》标准较以往的钢丝绳标准水平更高,更能适应生产需要。本文对新标准的部分条款作了叙述,突出难点,阐述深入,有助于对新标准的统一认识和理解。  相似文献   

1主题内容与适用范围 本标准规定了油墨和有关产品、检验方法、应用及其原材料等的技术术语. 本标准适用于油墨的生产、应用、科研、教学、出版及编制标准等,也可供国内外技术交往中使用.  相似文献   

The final year of the Food and Dairy Technology course at the Cheshire College of Agriculture, Reaseheath. requires a project to follow logically from a literature survey, with the undertaking of practical research leading to a final report and a formal seminar presentation. The choice of our topic followed an interest in work undertaken by the Hannah Research Institute on cream liqueurs. Independently the College was contacted by the Hereford Cider Museum Trust, who were interested in manufacturing a cream liqueur from a Calvados distillate. Consequently this became a prime objective of the project. For the academic year 1 982-3 this project was awarded the Society of Dairy Technology cup, and the following is a brief summary of the final report.  相似文献   

Using the Bradford assay that measures total protein, there is a detectable lowering of polypeptide that occurs as the temperature is raised to conversion temperature, though not at the lower temperature (45oC) at which mashing was started. However, this decrease in total soluble protein is not enzyme catalysed. There appears to be no impediment to proteinase action in mashes, as added proteolytic enzymes can lower the level of detectable protein. Comparison of worts made from the same malt using a Hot Water Extract procedure and a Cold Water Extract test illustrates that the protein distribution in the latter (monitored using SDS‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) is much the more complicated. It is concluded that proteolysis does occur in mashes through the action of endogenous proteinases, but that this does not manifest itself in a detectable change in soluble protein as measured by a general protein assay procedure. © 2020 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Monoglyceride (MG)-based oleogelation is an effective strategy to create soft matter structures with the functionality of fats, but with a nutritional profile similar to edible oils. MG oleogels are mainly studied to replace or reduce trans and saturated fats as well as to develop novel products with improved physical and organoleptic properties. The process consists of direct dispersion of MGs into the oil at temperatures above the melting point. This is followed by a cooling period in which the gelator network is formed, entrapping the oil in a crystalline structure. MG composition and concentration, oil type, process temperatures, stirring speed, shear rate during cooling, and storage time play a role in the kinetics of MG crystallization within an MG–oil system, which leads to the formation of lipid materials with different properties. A deep understanding of MG oleogelation processing parameters allows for the tailoring of oleogel properties to meet desirable characteristics as solid fat replacers. This review provides insight regarding manipulating physical process parameters to engineer structures with specific functionality. Furthermore, ultrasound technologies and optimization methodologies are discussed as tools for the production of oleogels with specific properties based on their potential use as well as the development of bi- and multi-gelators oleogels using MGs. Finally, the food applications in which MG oleogels have been tested are summarized in addition to the identified gaps that require further research.  相似文献   

品牌服装体验设计的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张福良 《纺织学报》2010,31(2):96-100
经济形态的显著变化带来了品牌服装消费的升级。服装市场越来越强调消费者个性化、感性化的品牌体验。以体验经济时代消费者的需求由物质享受转向情感和精神享受这一特点为依据,以“体验”这一概念为切入点,阐述了服装品牌体验设计在新经济形态下的必然趋势以及在融合顾客与品牌之间关系的重要作用,突出“道”的用心;指出了服装品牌体验设计在品牌要素运行上的实现途径和刺激人们感官、意识、身心的具体方法,着重“术”的解构;旨在为当前中国服装业品牌提升找到新的方向和方法。  相似文献   

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