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A H-optimal control problem in which the measured outputs are the states of the plant is considered. The main result shows that the infimum of the norm of the closed-loop transfer function using linear static state-feedback equals the infimum of the norm of the closed-loop transfer function over all stabilizing dynamic (even, nonlinear time-varying) state-feedback controllers  相似文献   

The problem of finding an internally stabilizing controller that minimizes a mixed H2/H performance measure subject to an inequality constraint on the H norm of another closed-loop transfer function is considered. This problem can be interpreted and motivated as a problem of optimal nominal performance subject to a robust stability constraint. Both the state-feedback and output-feedback problems are considered. It is shown that in the state-feedback case one can come arbitrarily close to the optimal (even over full information controllers) mixed H2/H performance measure using constant gain state feedback. Moreover, the state-feedback problem can be converted into a convex optimization problem over a bounded subset of (n×n and n ×q, where n and q are, respectively, the state and input dimensions) real matrices. Using the central H estimator, it is shown that the output feedback problem can be reduced to a state-feedback problem. In this case, the dimension of the resulting controller does not exceed the dimension of the generalized plant  相似文献   

It is shown that D.S. Bernstein and W.M. Hadad's (ibid., vol.34, no.3, p.293, 1989) necessary condition for full-order mixed H 2 and H optimal control is also sufficient, and that J.C. Doyle et al.'s (Proc. Amer. Control Conf., p.2065, 1989) sufficient condition for full-order mixed H2 and H optimal control is also necessary. They are duals of one another  相似文献   

The suboptimality of some parameter for H-optimization by dynamic state-feedback is characterized in terms of the solvability of Riccati inequalities. This is done without restricting the finite zero structure of the plant. If there are no system zeros on the imaginary axis, the H-problem can be treated in a complete and satisfactory way. Explicit characterizations optimum to be achieved are provided, and a closed formula for the optimal value is derived in terms of the H-norm of some fixed transfer matrix. If the optimum is not attained, any sequence of controllers of bounded size which is constructed to approach the infimal norm must necessarily be high-gain. A globally and quadratically convergent algorithm to compute the optimal value is proposed. This algorithm is generalized to the H-optimization problem by measurement feedback  相似文献   

The H2-optimal control of continuous-time linear time-invariant systems by sampled-data controllers is discussed. Two different solutions, state space and operator theoretic, are given. In both cases, the H2 sampled-data problem is shown to be equivalent to a certain discrete-time H2 problem. Other topics discussed include input-output stability of sampled-data systems, performance recovery in digital implementation of analog controllers, and sampled-data control of systems with the possibility of multiple-time delays  相似文献   

The authors correct the parameterization of the H controller of the full-information (FI) problem derived by J.C. Doyle et al. (1989). Then they parameterize the Hm0 state feedback controller and explain how dynamical free parameters implied in it are related to constant feedback gains different from the central solution F  相似文献   

The focus of this work is L1-optimal control of sampled-data systems. A converging approximation procedure is derived to compute the L-induced norm of closed-loop finite-dimensional linear time-invariant (LTI) sampled-data systems. An approximation method is developed to synthesize L1-optimal sampled-data regulators. Finally, an example is provided that illustrates the L1 analysis and design techniques presented  相似文献   

H control and filtering problems for sampled-data systems are studied. Necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for the existence of controllers and filters that satisfy a specified H performance bound. When these conditions hold, explicit formulas for a controller and a filter satisfying the H performance bound are also given  相似文献   

Robust H control design for linear systems with uncertainty in both the state and input matrices is treated. A state feedback control design which stabilizes the plant and guarantees an H-norm bound constraint on disturbance attenuation for all admissible uncertainties is presented. The robust H control problem is solved via the notion of quadratic stabilization with an H-norm bound. Necessary and sufficient conditions for quadratic stabilization with an H-norm bound are derived. The results can be regarded as extensions of existing results on H control and robust stabilization of uncertain linear systems  相似文献   

The problems of H analysis and synthesis of discrete-time systems with block-diagonal real time-varying uncertainty are considered. It is shown that these problems can be converted into scaled H analysis and synthesis problems. The problems of quadratic stability analysis and quadratic stabilization of these types of systems are dealt with as a special case. The results on synthesis are established for general linear dynamic output feedback control  相似文献   

It is shown that H optimization is equivalent to weighted H2 optimization in the sense that the solution of the latter problem also solves the former. The weighting rational matrix that achieves this equivalence is explicitly computed in terms of a state-space realization. The authors do not suggest transforming H optimization problems to H2 optimization problems as a computational approach. Rather, their results reveal an interesting connection between H and H2 optimization problems which is expected to offer additional insight. For example, H2 optimal controllers are known to have an optimal observer-full state feedback structure. The result obtained shows that the minimum entropy solution of H optimal control problems can be obtained as an H2 optimal solution. Therefore, it can be expected that the corresponding H optimal controller has an optimal observer-full state feedback structure  相似文献   

A solution to the two-degree-of-freedom H-minimization problem that arises in the design of multivariable optimal continuous-time stochastic control systems is derived. A decoupling approach that enables a partially independent design of the prefilter and the feedback controller and yields a simple solution to the optimization problem is applied. This solution is obtained by transforming the optimization problem into two standard form (four-block) problems  相似文献   

The worst-case effect of a disturbance system on the H 2 norm of the system is analyzed. An explicit expression is given for the worst-case H2 norm when the disturbance system is allowed to vary over all nonlinear, time-varying and possibly noncausal systems with bounded L2-induced operator norm. An upper bound for this measure, which is equal to the worst-case H2 norm if the exogeneous input is scalar, is defined. Some further analysis of this upper bound is done, and a method to design controllers which minimize this upper bound over all robustly stabilizing controllers is given. The latter is done by relating this upper bound to a parameterized version of the auxiliary cost function studied in the literature  相似文献   

The author clarifies some of the results of J.C. Doyle et al. (ibid., vol.34, no.8, p.831-47, Aug. 1989) and gives some new interpretations. In particular, the author parameterizes all suboptimal H controllers for the full information (FI) and state feedback control problems and indicates when this FI H control problem can or cannot be given a differential game saddle point interpretation  相似文献   

Robust disturbance rejection bounds obtained recently by Zhu et al. are tight with respect to the disturbance set that has a specified L2 norm bound. It is shown that the bounds are also tight with respect to a weighted L2 disturbance set that has a specified bound on its outer product by choosing a special weight matrix in the L2 norm. The matrix can computed by numerical iteration  相似文献   

A solution to the problem of disturbance attenuation via measurement feedback with internal stability is presented for an affine nonlinear system. It is shown that the concept of disturbance attenuation, in the sense of truncated L2 norms, can be given an interpretation in terms of the response to periodic inputs in the sense of RMS amplitude, even in the nonlinear setup. In the case of state feedback, a family of controllers is also provided. The proofs of all these results are simple and provide deeper insight even in the analysis of the corresponding linear control problem  相似文献   

The L1 optimal control problem with rational controllers for continuous-time systems is considered in which it is shown that the optimal L1 performance index with rational controllers is equal to that of irrational controllers. A sequence of rational controllers that approximates the optimal index is constructed. Convergence properties of such a sequence are studied. That the corresponding sequence of objective transfer functions is shown to converge in weak-* topology in BV(R+) in the time domain and uniformly in a wider sense in the frequency domain  相似文献   

H-balanced truncation may be used to obtain reduced-order plants or controllers. The plant (possibly unstable) is compensated using a particular robustly stabilizing controller. The two Riccati equations involved are then used to define a set of closed-loop input-output invariants called the H-characteristic values. That part of the plant or controller corresponding to small H-characteristic values is discarded to give a reduced-order plant or controller. By exploiting an intimate connection with coprime factorization, a simple a priori test is derived for the ability of such a reduced-order controller to stabilize the full-order plant. The performance of the resulting closed-loop may also be bounded a priori, i.e. in terms of the prespecified level of robustness and the discarded H-characteristic values  相似文献   

The authors are concerned with the derivation of general methods for the L2 approximation of signals by polynomial splines. The main result is that the expansion coefficients of the approximation are obtained by linear filtering and sampling. The authors apply those results to construct a L2 polynomial spline pyramid that is a parametric multiresolution representation of a signal. This hierarchical data structure is generated by repeated application of a REDUCE function (prefilter and down-sampler). A complementary EXPAND function (up-sampler and post-filter) allows a finer resolution mapping of any coarser level of the pyramid. Four equivalent representations of this pyramid are considered, and the corresponding REDUCE and EXPAND filters are determined explicitly for polynomial splines of any order n (odd). Some image processing examples are presented. It is demonstrated that the performance of the Laplacian pyramid can be improved significantly by using a modified EXPAND function associated with the dual representation of a cubic spline pyramid  相似文献   

A linear algorithm and a nonlinear algorithm for the problem of system identification in H posed by Helmicki et al. (1990) for discrete-time systems are presented. The authors derive some error bounds for the linear algorithm which indicate that it is not robustly convergent. However, the worst-case identification error is shown to grow as log(n), where n is the model order. A robustly convergent nonlinear algorithm is derived, and bounds on the worst-case identification error (in the H norm) are obtained  相似文献   

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