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The Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) is a norm-referenced measure of infant gross motor development. The objectives of this study were: (1) to establish the best cut-off scores on the AIMS for predictive purposes, and (2) to compare the predictive abilities of the AIMS with those of the Movement Assessment of Infants (MAI) and the Peabody Developmental Gross Motor Scale (PDGMS). One hundred and sixty-four infants were assessed at 4 and 8 months adjusted ages on the three measures. A pediatrician assessed each infant's gross motor development at 18 months as normal, suspicious, or abnormal. For the AIMS, two different cut-off points were identified: the 10th centile at 4 months and the 5th centile at 8 months. The MAI provided the best specificity rates at 4 months while the AIMS was superior in specificity at 8 months. Sensitivity rates were comparable between the two tests. The PDGMS in general demonstrated poor predictive abilities.  相似文献   

We developed dioxatane-based immunochemiluminometric assays (ICMAs) for lutropin (LH) and follitropin (FSH), using monoclonal antibodies. These ICMAs have a minimal detectable dose (analytical sensitivity) of 0.01 IU/L, extending the lower limit of sensitivity 10-fold (from 0.10 IU/L) when compared with immunoradiometric assays (IRMA) (second generation), and thus provide a true third-generation assay. Daytime FSH and LH concentrations were measured in 236 boys and 195 girls. Unlike the previous assays, all the samples had detectable concentrations of LH and FSH. In agreement with results from earlier methods, the present results indicate that for both sexes mean FSH and LH concentrations are relatively high during the early months of life, fall to baseline prepubertal concentrations by 12-18 months, and remain low until the onset of puberty. During puberty, the mean concentrations of FSH and LH increase significantly in both girls and boys with each stage of puberty, but there is considerable overlap between stages. These third-generation FSH and LH ICMAs reliably separate daytime plasma FSH and LH concentrations of prepubertal children from those of sexually mature children, and therefore can more reliably distinguish between the major causes of precocious puberty (e.g., gonadotropin dependent and independent). Our LH assay is also useful in monitoring the gonadotropin-releasing hormone therapy of patients with gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty.  相似文献   

Behavioral and physiological data suggest that the striatal dopaminergic system is important in the production and execution of sequential movements. Striatal function is also modulated by sex hormones, and previous studies show that estradiol is related to sequential movement in women. The authors examined whether sex hormones are involved in the production of sequential movement in healthy older and younger men. Testosterone was modified for a 6-week period such that levels in older men matched those of younger men, the conversion of testosterone to estradiol was blocked, the production of testosterone was blocked, or the men received no treatment (placebo). Sequential movement was measured before and after hormone treatment. Older men were slower and more accurate than younger men on the sequential movement task pre- and posttreatment. Hormone manipulation had no effect on movement speed. Hormone levels were not correlated with sequential movement performance in either older or younger men, suggesting that sex hormones do not modulate sequential movement in men, and hormone replacement may not restore a loss of sequential movement ability in elderly men or men with Parkinson's disease. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Besides its role in the regulation of energy balance, leptin seems to be involved in linking energy stores to the reproductive system. A gender-dependent difference exists in plasma leptin concentration and leptin messenger ribonucleic acid expression in rodents and humans. This difference does not seem to be explained simply by differences in the amount of body fat between genders. To elucidate the relationship of endogenous testosterone and leptin, we studied the serum leptin concentrations in 269 elderly nondiabetic men. In addition, to assess whether exogenously administered testosterone could influence leptin production, we followed the serum levels of leptin in 10 healthy men during a 12-month treatment with 200 mg testosterone enanthate, i.m., weekly for contraceptive purposes. We found that the serum leptin concentration correlated inversely (r = -0.39; P < 0.001) with that of testosterone in elderly men. This inverse correlation was still present when body mass index and plasma insulin were included in the analysis. The administration of testosterone to young men suppressed serum leptin from the pretreatment level of 3.4 +/- 1.4 to 1.9 +/- 0.6 micrograms/L during the therapy. After cessation of testosterone injections, serum leptin concentration returned back to the pretreatment level. It is concluded that testosterone has a suppressive effect on leptin production, as reflected by circulating levels of this hormone.  相似文献   

Psychometric measures of processing speed are strong predictors of cognitive functioning with aging; however, the neurobiological mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear. Recently, the authors reported a negative association between calculated free testosterone levels (cEFT) and processing speed in men aged between 50 and 70 years (Martin, Wittert, Burns, & McPherson, 2008). Ex-Gaussian decomposition of reaction time (RT) distributions allows for the robust estimation of skew in the distribution, which may reflect poorer attentional control. In a reanalysis of data from this previous study, the authors examined the associations between age, cEFT levels, and ex-Gaussian parameters derived from four RT tasks as predictors of cognitive functioning performance in 96 middle-to-older aged men. Results indicated that cEFT levels were significantly associated with increased skew in the RT distribution (i.e., the exponential portion) but not with the estimates derived from the Gaussian portion of the curve. Further, path analysis across the entire data set showed that this association was a strong predictor of processing speed performance. Taken together these results suggest that cEFT levels moderate cognitive functioning performance in males via attentional control processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Bistable behavior in spinal motoneurons consists of self-sustained firing evoked by a brief period of input. However, not all motoneurons possess an equal capacity for bistable behavior. In the companion paper, we found that self-sustained firing was persistent for long periods only in motoneurons with low rheobases and slow axonal conduction velocities. High rheobase, fast conduction velocity motoneurons tend to be only partially bistable in that self-sustained firing lasts at most 1-2 s. The mechanisms underlying these differences between fully and partially bistable motoneurons were investigated by measuring their current voltage (I-V) relationships in the decerebrate cat preparation after administration of the noradrenergic alpha1 agonist methoxamine. Slow (8 mV/s) triangular voltage commands were applied using the discontinuous single-electrode voltage-clamp technique. Both fully and partially bistable cells exhibited a region of negative I-V slope due to activation of a strong, persistent inward current. The peak amplitude of the total persistent inward current (IPIC) was equally large in fully and partially bistable cells, but there were substantial differences in how IPIC was activated and deactivated. In fully bistable cells, the offset of IPIC on the descending phase of the triangular voltage command occurred at a substantially more hyperpolarized voltage then its onset on the rising phase. Thus the I-V function of fully bistable cells exhibited marked hysteresis. Partially bistable cells had significantly less hysteresis. The lack of hysteresis in partially bistable cells was due to a greater decay of IPIC with time than that seen in fully bistable cells. Furthermore, the range over which activation and deactivation of IPIC occurred was more depolarized in partially than in fully bistable cells. The I-V functions were compared with frequency-current (F-I) functions from the same cells, the characteristics of which were presented in the companion paper. The strong onset-offset difference in IPIC in fully bistable cells corresponded to a similarly large hysteresis for the thresholds of their F-I functions. The reduced onset-offset difference for IPIC in partially bistable cells corresponded to a lack of hysteresis in F-I thresholds. Thus the properties of IPIC accounted for the main differences in the F-I behavior seen between fully and partially bistable cells.  相似文献   

It has recently been reported that Asp 397 of the rat lutropin/ choriogonadotropin receptor (rLHR) may be involved in transducing the signal from hormone binding to the stimulation of cAMP production. We examined the analogous region in the rat follitropin receptor (rFSHR) by substituting the Asp at position 404 (D404) of the rFSHR with either Glu (D404E), Ala (D404A), or Lys (D404K). Both in intact 293 cells and in detergent-solubilized extracts of 293 cells transiently transfected with the rFSHR constructs, only the wild type rFSHR exhibited detectable binding activity. Although the D404-substituted rFSHR mutants were visible on Western blots, in contrast to the wild type rFSHR which is present on Western blots as both mature and immature forms, only a single band comigrating with immature receptor was observed for the mutants. Furthermore, these mutants were sensitive to endoglycosidase H (Endo H), thus indicating that the mutant receptor proteins were retained intracellularly in the endoplasmic reticulum. To test whether the lack of binding of the D404-substituted rFSHR mutants was due to a perturbation of a binding site or to the intracellular retention of the mutants, a truncated rFSHR(t637) mutant, containing a cytoplasmic truncation that should not directly affect FSH binding, was examined. As with the D404-substitution mutants, rFSHR(t637) was stably expressed but sensitive to Endo H. Significantly, detergent-soluble extracts of cells expressing rFSHR(t637) were unable to bind FSH. From these results, we conclude that substitution of D404 of the rFSHR prevents hormone binding as a result of the intracellular retention of the mutants in the endoplasmic reticulum presumably in an incompletely folded state, as opposed to disruption of a hormone-binding site at D404. Comparable rLHR substitution (D397K) and truncation (t616) mutants were constructed and used to transfect 293 cells. For both rLHR(D397K) and rLHR(t616), human CG (hCG) binding to intact cells was not detectable, but high affinity hCG binding was observed in detergent-soluble extracts of the cells. Therefore, the rLHR differs from the rFSHR in that mutants of the rLHR that are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum have already been folded correctly and can bind hCG with high affinity as long as a hormone-binding site has not been perturbed by the mutation. In contrast, mutants of the rFSHR that are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum have not yet folded into a conformation that can bind hormone. This suggests a difference in the temporal pattern of folding between the two structurally related gonadotropin receptors. Our studies also demonstrate how mutagenesis studies of the rFSHR must be interpreted with caution, as FSHR mutants that are expressed but are retained intracellularly will most likely not be able to bind FSH even when a hormone-binding site has not been altered.  相似文献   

The effect of biosynthetic human GH on the production rates of testosterone was determined in healthy men (n = 7) using the stable isotope dilution technique and mass spectrometry. 1Alpha,2alpha-d-testosterone (20 microg/h) was infused for 10 h (0800-1800 h). Blood samples obtained at 20-min intervals from 1400-1800 h were pooled during two 2-h periods. Subsequently, each volunteer received a daily dose of biosynthetic human GH (4 IU/day sc) for 7 days. This resulted in a rise in plasma concentrations of somatomedin-C from, basal, 0.67+/-0.13 U/mL to 1.20+/-0.2 U/mL on day 7 (P < 0.0001). Testosterone production rates (basal: 209.9+/-31.0 microg/h) were unchanged by treatment with GH (day 7: 192.2+/-30.1 microg/h). In healthy men, short-term treatment with sc GH does not influence endogenous testosterone production rates.  相似文献   

Serum reproductive hormone levels were measured serially after eugonadal and hypogonadal men had received either a 200-mg or a 100-mg intramuscular injection of testosterone enanthate. The calculated mean integrated testosterone and estradiol levels indicated that the 200-mg testosterone enanthate injection in the hypogonadal subjects maintained eugonadal levels of these hormones through day 11. The 100-mg dose maintained eugonadal levels of these hormones through day 11. The 100-mg dose maintained eugonadal testosterone levels through day 7. The testosterone:estradiol ratios in both groups following the 200-mg injection remained above or at the eugonadal baseline trough day 21. The authors recommend that replacement therapy for hypogonadal men should be 200 mg of testosterone enanthate every 10 to 14 days. A similar dosage would be recommended if testosterone enanthate were to be used as an experimental inhibitor of spermatogenesis (contraceptive agent).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In rodents, leptin is involved in regulating eating behaviour, fat storage, and reproductive function. In humans, the serum leptin concentration in obese and normal weight subjects correlates with body mass index, reflecting the body fat store. The serum leptin exhibit diurnal variation, however, this has been reported to be absent in normal weighted amenorrheic athletes. Anorexia nervosa is associated with multiple endocrine abnormalities. Hypothalamic amenorrhoea often precedes the weight loss and may persist after weight recovery. We hypothesized that leptin could be involved in the regulation of eating behaviour and gonadal function in anorexia nervosa. DESIGN: We measured the concentration of leptin in serum samples taken after an overnight fast in 18 female anorexia nervosa patients and 11 controls. To study diurnal variation, eight patients and 11 controls were hospitalized for 24 h and had a standardized diet at regular times. Seven blood samples were obtained at 4 h intervals from each subject. PATIENTS: The patients fulfilled the DSM-IV criteria for anorexia nervosa. The mean body mass index for the patients was 14.2 +/- 2.3 kg/m2 and for controls 20.3 +/- 1.7 kg/m2. RESULTS: The mean fasting leptin concentration as well as the 24 h mean concentration were significantly lower in the anorectic group than in the control group (2.5 +/- 0.9 vs 10.1 +/- 6.1 micrograms/l, P < 0.01 and 2.7 +/- 1.5 vs 10.6 +/- 7.1 micrograms/l, P < 0.01 respectively). In the whole group of subjects (n = 28) a significant positive correlation between the leptin level and body mass index was found (r = 0.63, P < 0.001). In the anorectic group it was found that the leptin level correlated better with body fat percentage than with body mass index. In normalized data the time course of the mean leptin levels showed a monophasic variation with nadir and zenith at about 0900 and 0100 h respectively. However, the individual coefficients of variance were significantly lower in the anorectic group compared to the group of healthy women. CONCLUSION: In patients with anorexia nervosa the leptin level is low, reflecting the low body fat mass, and the relative diurnal variation is strikingly reduced. The similarity to that of normal weighted women with hypothalamic amenorrhoea suggest that altered leptin oscillations may be of particular significance in the hypothalamic regulation of reproductive function.  相似文献   

Regulation of a variety of cellular contractile events requires that vertebrate smooth and non-muscle myosin II can achieve an "off" state. To examine the role of the myosin rod in this process, we determined the minimal size at which a myosin molecule is capable of regulation via light chain phosphorylation. Expressed smooth muscle myosin subfragments with as many as 100 amino acids of the coiled-coil rod sequence did not dimerize and were active independently of phosphorylation. To test whether dimerization per se restores regulation of ATPase activity, mutants were expressed with varying lengths of rod sequence, followed by C-terminal leucine zippers to stabilize the coiled-coil. Dimerization restored partial regulation, but the presence of a length of rod approximately equal to the myosin head was necessary to achieve a completely off state. Partially regulated short dimers could be converted into fully regulated molecules by addition of native rod sequence after the zipper. These results suggest that the myosin rod mediates specific interactions with the head that are required to obtain the completely inactive state of vertebrate smooth and non-muscle myosins. If these interactions are prohibited under cellular conditions, unphosphorylated crossbridges can slowly cycle.  相似文献   

After a control phase, 10 normal men received cyproterone acetate (CPA) at a dose of 25 mg/day (CPA-25; n=5) or 12.5 mg/day (CPA-12.5; n=5) plus testosterone enanthate (TE) 100 mg/week, for 16 weeks. Throughout the study sperm counts were performed every 2 weeks, and luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, biochemical and haematological tests were performed every 4 weeks. All five men in group CPA-25 and three men in group CPA-12.5 achieved azoospermia. One man in group CPA-25 was azoospermic by week 12 of hormone administration, but had a sperm count of 0.1 x 10(6)/ml at week 16. Time to azoospermia was 9.0+/-1.3 and 8.7+/-0.7 weeks in groups CPA-25 and CPA-12.5 respectively. Gonadotrophins were decreased by week 4 of hormone administration, remained around the minimum detectability of the assay for the duration of hormone administration and returned to baseline after stopping hormone administration. Testosterone values did not change. No change in any biochemical parameters was found. Haematological parameters were decreased at week 16 of hormone administration and returned to baseline after stopping hormone administration. In conclusion, these results suggest that an hormonal regimen consisting of testosterone plus a progestin with anti-androgenic properties holds promise as an effective, safe and reversible male contraceptive.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The author summarizes current knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of testosterone decline in healthy aging men and the associated clinical issues for psychiatry. METHOD: A MEDLINE search was conducted in which the search terms "male climacteric," "male menopause," "andropause," "viropause," "low-testosterone syndrome," and "testosterone replacement therapy" were used. Literature published before 1966 was identified by reviewing the reference lists of later publications. RESULTS: Manifestations of testosterone deficiency have included depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, weakness, diminished libido, impotence, poor memory, reduced muscle and bone mass, and diminished sexual body hair. Although testosterone levels decline with age, there is great interindividual variability, and the connection between serum testosterone levels and clinical psychiatric signs and symptoms is not clear-cut, since other hormonal changes are implicated as well. Testosterone replacement therapy may offer hypogonadal men benefit, but long-term studies on its efficacy and safety are lacking. Comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment should be a routine part of the evaluation of complaints of low-testosterone syndrome in men. CONCLUSIONS: Testosterone decline/deficiency is not a state strictly analogous to female menopause and may exhibit considerable overlap with primary and other secondary psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

A two-peak cyclicity in the plasma level of melatonin, estradiol/testosterone and Harderian porphyrin was noted in F. pennanti. An inverse relationship of Harderian porphyrin with plasma melatonin and a direct relation of it with plasma estradiol/testoserone level were also observed, suggesting that the variation of Harderian, porphyrin concentration may be under the control of both, circulating melatonin and gonadal steroids.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The effects of androgen replacement via a nonscrotal permeation enhanced testosterone transdermal system on the sexual function of men with hypogonadism were assessed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An open label, multicenter study of testosterone supplementation and withdrawal was conducted with sexual function assessed by the Watts and Davidson questionnaires and RigiScan monitoring. RESULTS: When comparing results obtained during use of the testosterone transdermal system (with normalized testosterone levels) and during the androgen withdrawal period, nocturnal erections occurred more frequently with longer duration and greater rigidity, and patient assessments of sexual desire and weekly number of erections were higher. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual function improved significantly in men with hypogonadism treated with the testosterone transdermal system.  相似文献   

Since decreased serum levels of testosterone (T) do not necessarily predict good outcome of testosterone treatment for erectile disorder, the purpose, of this study was to determine which men with erectile disorder and decreased serum levels might benefit from treatment. From a sample of 31 men (mean age = 39 years), 15 (48%) with erectile disorder and decreased serum levels of T responded well after 8 weeks of testosterone treatment (100 mg of testosterone propionate in the sustained-release form given im once a week). Good treatment outcome was associated with several variables, but only high levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and low values of the T/LH (testosterone/LH) ratio consistently emerged as significant correlates and/or predictors of effective treatment. Levels of LH above 7.5 IU/L or the values of the T/LH ratio equal to or below 0.87 nmol/IU in patients with erectile disorder and decreased serum levels of T suggest that testosterone treatment may be effective.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We investigate and define the effects of exogenous testosterone on the normal prostate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 31 healthy volunteers 21 to 39 years old were randomized to receive either 100, 250 or 500 mg. testosterone via intramuscular injection once a week for 15 weeks. Baseline measurements of serum testosterone, free testosterone and prostate specific antigen (PSA) were taken at week 1. Semen samples were also collected for PSA content and prostate volumes were determined by transrectal ultrasound before testosterone injection. Blood was then drawn every other week before each testosterone injection for the 15 weeks, every other week thereafter until week 28 and again at week 40. After the first 15 weeks semen samples were again collected, and prostate volumes were determined by repeat transrectal ultrasound. RESULTS: Free and total serum testosterone levels increased significantly in the 250 and 500 mg. dose groups. No significant change occurred in the prostate volume or serum PSA levels at any dose of exogenous testosterone. Total semen PSA levels decreased following administration of testosterone but did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: Despite significant elevations in serum total and free testosterone, healthy young men do not demonstrate increased serum or semen PSA levels, or increased prostate volume in response to exogenous testosterone injections.  相似文献   

To assess the pharmacokinetics of testosterone after application of one, two, or three testosterone transdermal delivery systems to hypogonadal patients, 12 hypogonadal men (mean age 46.6 +/- 10.5 years) were enrolled in an open-label, randomized, crossover study. Each application period comprised 4 days: a 2-day washout period with no exogenous testosterone therapy followed by 2 days of therapy with one, two, or three transdermal systems applied daily to the patient's back. On day 4 of each period, serial blood samples were collected for determination of total and non-sex hormone binding globulin (non-SHBG) bound serum testosterone concentrations. Serum concentrations of testosterone were determined using validated radioimmunoassay methods. Residual testosterone analysis of used transdermal systems was used to estimate testosterone delivery through the skin. In general, serum concentrations of testosterone rose in accordance with an increase in dose. Using a strict bioequivalence approach to dose proportionality, the increases in area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and morning concentrations were proportional to the increase in dose from two to three transdermal systems, but somewhat less than proportional with an increase from one to two transdermal systems. Results from the non-SHBG bound serum testosterone concentrations closely paralleled those of total serum testosterone. Use of three transdermal systems yielded serum concentrations of testosterone that tended to be above the upper limit of the normal range. The AUC and cumulative release of testosterone were linearly related to the number of applied systems. If necessary, the standard recommended dose of two testosterone transdermal delivery systems can be modified to accommodate interindividual differences in testosterone requirements of hypogonadal men.  相似文献   

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