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基于VB.NET的多线程技术应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用多线程技术可充分提高应用程序运行效率,微软的.NET框架提供了新的线程类库,从而可以方便地创建多线程应用程序。本文首先简述了多线程应用的意义,介绍了进程、线程以及应用程序域的相互关系,随后举例介绍了使用Visual Basic.NET进行线程的创建与管理的过程,通过对Thread基类的引用可创建一个线程,然后可利用线程的start等方法属性进行线程的管理,并强调了线程的同步技术的应用,通过多线程编程技术的应用来开发效率更高、响应速度更快的应用程序。  相似文献   

欧广宇  邓桂英 《微机发展》2004,14(11):101-103
多线程技术是实现需要并发执行的应用程序的较好选择,具有不可替代的作用。文中介绍了进程、线程以及应用程序域的概念及其相互之间的关系,讨论了VisualBasic.NET对多线程的支持。并从线程的创建与管理、线程取消、线程的优先级、线程的状态、线程池、线程的同步等方面展示了如何使用多线程编程技术来创建多线程应用程序。每个线程都需要资源,创建的线程过多,反而会降低应用程序的性能。在设计多线程应用程序时,应慎重对待,建立合理的系统模型,才能使应用程序获得最佳的性能。  相似文献   

多线程技术是实现需要并发执行的应用程序的较好选择,具有不可替代的作用.文中介绍了进程、线程以及应用程序域的概念及其相互之间的关系,讨论了Visual Basic.NET对多线程的支持.并从线程的创建与管理、线程取消、线程的优先级、线程的状态、线程池、线程的同步等方面展示了如何使用多线程编程技术来创建多线程应用程序.每个线程都需要资源,创建的线程过多,反而会降低应用程序的性能.在设计多线程应用程序时,应慎重对待,建立合理的系统模型,才能使应用程序获得最佳的性能.  相似文献   

多线程环境下X-Window程序设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐浩刚  何星  张文渊 《计算机工程》2000,26(1):56-57,60
在分析了X应用程序特点和Xlib线程安全性的基础上给出了在多线程环境下X应用程序的线程框架设计,并提出了两种具体解决Xlib库多线程不安全问题的技术方法。  相似文献   

关于多线程应用程序,每个开发者都需要知道的十年前,只有那些最猛的系统程序员才会在面临开发多线程程序时担心其复杂性。大多数程序员为了避免那些问题,坚持写单线程顺序执行的程序。然而现在,带有多 CPU 的机器已经很常见,很快,不会开发多线程应用程序的程序员会面临不利局面,因为他们将无法充分利用强大的设备计算能力。不幸的是,编写正确的多线程应用程序是不容易的。程序员们通常难以理解为什么其他的线程会先于当前线程访问内存。更坏的是,当出现一个错误时,程序大多数时候还能继续运行。除非资源紧迫,否则错误很难被发现,并且错误信息也很少,不便于调试。其间总结了单线程和多线程程序的主要区别,如你所见,让多线程程序一次性运行正确需要花大力气。  相似文献   

Windows具有多线程处理能力,应用程序中可以创建多个线程,每个线程能够独立完成一个子任务。在通信程序中使用多线程技术,可提高程序的执行效率和反应速度。结合应用实例,介绍了VC++环境下基于Win32API的多线程、串口通信、异步I/O技术的原理和实现方法。  相似文献   

Windows具有多线程处理能力,应用程序中可以创建多个线程,每个线程能够独立完成一个子任务。在通信程序中使用多线程技术,可提高程序的执行效率和反应速度。结合应用实例,介绍了VC++环境下基于Win32API的多线程、串口通信、异步I/O技术的原理和实现方法。  相似文献   

线程是操作系统分配时间的基本实体,可由系统调度的一个最简单的代码单元,采用多线程技术的应用程序可以较好地利用系统资源。用来创建和维护线程的基类是system.Threading.Thread类。一个进程可以创建一个或多个线程以执行与该进程关联的部分程序代码。  相似文献   

介绍了一种非常实用的C/C++程序调试技巧。针对多线程、多事务的大型应用程序进行调试时,可以起到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

我们在设计应用程序的时候,常常需要采用并行编程机制来完成各种各样的任务,在单GPU的机器上,也就是要将CPU时间按照一定的算法分配给各个任务,轮流处理各个任务。在Windows95/NT环境下能够同时运行多个应用程序,这也就是所谓的并行多任务。实际上,Windows95/NT支持所谓的多线程技术。在32位Windows95/NT下,我们可以用多线程编程技术来实现我们需要的并行编程技术。线程很类似于子程序。一个应用程序能够产生多个线程并同时执行。线程使得我们能够在多应用中进一步实现多任务。  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - The use of synchronization mechanisms in multithreaded applications is essential on shared-memory multi-core architectures. However, debugging parallel applications...  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the design and implementation of an integrated monitoring and debugging system for a distributed real-time computer system. The monitor provides continuous, transparent monitoring capabilities throughout a real-time system's lifecycle with bounded, minimal, predictable interference by using software support. The monitor is flexible enough to observe both high-level events that are operating system- and application-specific, as well as low-level events such as shared variable references. We present a novel approach to monitoring shared variable references that provides transparent monitoring with low overhead. The monitor is designed to support tasks such as debugging realtime applications, aiding real-time task scheduling, and measuring system performance. Since debugging distributed real-time applications is particularly difficult, we describe how the monitor can be used to debug distributed and parallel applications by deterministic execution replay.  相似文献   

在软件的开发测试部署过程中,调试工作耗费了开发人员非常多的精力和时间,有时一个很难被发现的错误会导致多次重启调试。反向调试是软件调试的一种技术,无需重启即可向后查看运行的指令及状态,这能够大大提高软件调试的速度,降低软件开发的难度,有效修复程序运行时发生的错误。该技术的核心问题是运行状态的恢复,目前针对该问题的解决方法主要有状态保存和状态重构。文中主要从反向调试的原理、学术研究、产品实现、技术应用等方面梳理其发展情况,对该技术进行分析研究,总结了基于时间和基于指令的状态保存反向调试技术以及两种反向执行重构状态的方法,并提出了有关记录重放程序执行、定位分析软件错误、反向数据流恢复这3方面的应用,可为反向调试技术的研究应用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

调试系统是嵌入式芯片配套基础软件的重要组成部分。而调试系统的核心是对可执行文件中调试信息的解析以及对调试信息的管理。DWARF调试信息格式是一种普遍使用的调试信息格式,它可以以压缩的二进制格式存储调试信息,并具有丰富的表达形式。BWDSP芯片是一款自主开发的高性能通用DSP,其调试系统使用一种自主创新的方法解析DWARF行号调试信息。经实践证明,该方法可以高效正确地解析出DWARF行号调试信息。  相似文献   

C. A. Witschorik 《Software》1983,13(8):727-743
Real-time computer systems can be difficult to test when their timing characteristics influence the occurrence of problems. Because of this, tools for debugging real-time systems must account for the interference that they produce in the system they are monitoring. The debugging monitor for the Bell System 1A processor is an example of just such a tool. This paper examines the 1A processor debugging monitor, focusing on the division of the monitor into three separate devices: a hardware monitor that allows autonomous debugging; a resident monitoring program that allows debugging with a minimal interference to normal timing; and a separate mini-computer monitor that offers extended capability at the expense of unrestricted interference.  相似文献   

Multithreaded programs are especially difficult to test and debug. The aim of the paper is to present a new concept of multithreaded program analysis and debugging based on contextual visualisation of the program components that influence thread execution. For this purpose, a dedicated software package called MTV (multithreading viewer) has been designed and implemented. It performs above the run-time library level, and hence only a programmer's view of multiple threads of control execution may be analyzed. The paper presents tested program code instrumentation, communication and synchronization between the instrumented program and MTV. Next, a general concept of contextual visualisation of multithreaded programs has been elaborated. A scheme of the MTV cooperation with the monitored program is discussed. The user interface has been described. A representation of the multithreaded program state has been shown, and the capability of MTV for certain classes of error recognition has been specified and illustrated by a few examples. These examples have been not intended to be exhaustive, but they rather indicate the opportunities to exploit MTV for analysis of complex applications. Short evaluation of the proposed contextual visualisation techniques with application to multithreaded program analysis concludes the paper. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

M. Tratner 《Software》1979,9(2):97-99
We examine the costs and psychology of debugging. We propose a fundamental approach to debugging. We suggest that industry's outlook is perhaps not thorough.  相似文献   

嵌入式应用的远程调试   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
介绍了一种嵌入式应用远程调试的方法,通过软件接管目标系统的全部异常处理和部分中断处理,在被调试的应用中加入了调试代理(Debugging Agent)负责与宿主机进行调试交互,很好地完成了嵌入式应用的远程调试。  相似文献   

逻辑程序开发过程中需要花费大量的时间用以程序调试,原因之一是调试通常包含大量的用户交互.减少对调试过程不必要的调用能够提高软件开发的效率.程序测试中得到的由同一个错误引发的多个症状是引发对调试过程不必要调用的因素之一.给出了一种逻辑程序测试和调试框架,其中测试用例的生成、症状的发现和调试(包括诊断和改错)交叉进行,由同一个错误引发的症状只有一个可引发调试过程执行,并以此方式避免了对调试过程不必要的调用.然后,利用一种基于约束的Prolog计算解语义,该框架被实例化为一种Prolog程序的测试和调试算法,本实例表明了该算法的应用.  相似文献   

Debugging is one of the most time-consuming activities in program design. Work on automatic debugging has received a great deal of attention and there are a number of symposiums dedicated to this field. Automatic debugging is usually invoked when a test fails in one situation, but succeeds in another. For example, a test fails in one version of the program (or scheduler), but succeeds in another. Automatic debugging searches for the smallest difference that causes the failure. This is very useful when working to identify and fix the root cause of the bug.A new testing method instruments concurrent programs with schedule-modifying instructions to reveal concurrent bugs. This method is designed to increase the probability of concurrent bugs (such as races, deadlocks) appearing. This paper discusses integrating this new testing technology with automatic debugging. Instead of just showing that a bug exists, we can pinpoint its location by finding the minimal set of instrumentations that reveal the bug.In addition to explaining a methodology for this integration, we show an AspectJ-based implementation. We discuss the implementation in detail as it both demonstrates the advantage of the adaptability of open source tools and how our specific change can be used for other testing tools.  相似文献   

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