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高压真空断路器真空度测量方法的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对高压真空断路器真空度测量方法的计算、研究和试验,提出了以真空灭弧室触头上初始所吸附的分子为电离源,同时结合冷阴极磁控放电的新的真空度测量方法。  相似文献   

真空灭弧室真空度检测技术的现状和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了真空灭弧室真空度检测技术的研究现状 ,着重介绍了在工程中实用的真空灭弧室真空度检测方法 ,并对真空灭弧室真空度检测技术的发展前景作了探讨  相似文献   

真空灭弧室真空度在线检测的试验研究   总被引:24,自引:8,他引:16  
介绍了电光法在线检测真空灭弧室真空度的原理和方法 ,在此基础上开发了一套试验系统 ,并给出了部分试验结果 ,为实现真空灭弧室真空度智能化在线检测做了准备工作。  相似文献   

真空断路器灭弧室真空度的判定及分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为真空断路器核心部件的真空灭弧室,其真空度是决定真空断路器工作性能的重要参数,从真空灭弧室现场实用角度出发,就真空灭弧室几种真空度的现场判定方法进行了介绍和分析,着重介绍了磁控放电技术及运用其技术而进行的真空度定量测定方法,对现有磁控法测试装置进行了研究改进,并对部分真空灭弧室真空度进行了实地测试比较,提出了有效判定真空度的方法和建议。  相似文献   

基于X射线量变化评估真空灭弧室真空度的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了找到一种操作简便且准确度高的方法来进行真空度评估,笔者提出了一种不需外施磁场、利用测量X射线量变化来判断真空灭弧室内部真空度的方法。对于真空灭弧室在指定开距下施加工频电压时,场致发射电子会以很高的速度从阴极表面逸出,在触头间电场的作用下加速轰击阳极,基于轫致辐射的原理会从阳极表面释放出X射线。这时,真空度的差异会使产生的X射线释放强度以及变化情况有所不同,因此,利用测量释放的X射线量的变化可判断真空灭弧室内部的真空度。笔者通过理论分析,得出了X射线量与真空度的关系,并进行了试验验证。  相似文献   

从真空开关上不拆卸真空灭弧室测量其真空度的机理研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用新型励磁线圈测试了真空灭弧室磁控放电的着火条件,以及离子电流与真空度的关系,并从理论上探讨了不拆卸真空灭弧室测量其真空度的磁控放电机理。  相似文献   

一种测量真空开关灭弧室真空度的新方法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
提出了一种无需施加磁场、利用发射电流衰减速度测量真空开关灭弧室真空度的新方法。首先利用500μA发射电流对触头表面轰击,除去触头表面上多余的分子吸附层。然后利用35μA发射电流与触头间残余气体分子的碰撞电离,形成离子流。离子流又撞击触头表面,被表面捕获,形成新增吸附层。这些新增吸附层的存在会增大触头材料逸出功,导致发射电流的衰减。真空度不同,发射电流的衰减速度就不同,故在发射电流衰减量一定的条件下,通过检测发射电流衰减时间就可以测量灭弧室内的真空度。文中通过理论分析,给出了发射电流衰减时间与真空度的关系并进行了实验验证。  相似文献   

真空开关内部气体压强是决定其电气性能的主要因素,真空灭弧室压强减小将降低真空开关耐受系统电压的能力。本文提出了一种基于AVR单片机在线监测真空灭弧室真空度的设计和实现方案,处理器AVR芯片利用片内资源简化了设计的复杂性,增强了整个系统的电磁兼容性。采用高阶数字滤波器分离传感器信号中的工频信号和高频信号,通过三相不对称算法、趋势判断法、高次谐波法综合诊断真空灭弧室内的真空度,提高了在线监测的灵敏度和可靠性。RS485接口可方便与计算机连接,通信距离较长,抗干扰能力强,具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   

基于比例差分探头的真空灭弧室真空度在线监测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用了新型的比例差分双通道电场探头,通过监测真空灭弧室屏蔽罩电位和周期性高频脉冲电压,并将这两个测量值与实际电压值取比率,经过标定后,将该比率作为监测参数,来分析真空灭弧室真空度的变化趋势。现场试验表明,使用该探头可有效消除各相系统电压波动和灭弧室外围空间电场对测量精度的影响,实现有效测量,使用该方法的测量系统具有实际应用的价值,可完成真空灭弧室真空度在线监测任务。  相似文献   

TiO2 in anatase crystalline structure has strong photocatalysis. In this paper, TiO2 films are deposited on soda‐glass substrate using a Ti cathode vacuum arc with O2 flow. Experimental conditions are as follows: arc current, 50 A; pressure, 0.3 and 1.0 Pa; O2 flow rate, 20 ml/min; cathode–substrate distance, 250 mm; bias dc voltage to the substrate, none and –300 V. As‐deposited films are annealed for 60 min under atmosphere and vacuum. The following results were obtained. (1) Deposition rate is 0.07 μm/min. (2) As‐deposited films are amorphous. (3) Films annealed at 250 to 500 °C have an anatase crystalline structure. These results are independent of pressure, bias, and annealing environment. In another process, the films are deposited for 30 min when the substrate holding table is connected to the anode chamber. Experimental conditions are as follows: arc current, 50 A; pressure, 1.0 Pa; O2 flow rate, 20 ml/min; cathode–substrate distance, 250 mm. Almost 30% of the arc current was observed to flow through the substrate table, and the surface temperature of the table increased up to 450 °C. The reason for this is considered to be that Joule heating occurs when the current flows through the film deposited on the table. The film deposited in this process is dominantly anatase. The above experiments show that anatase TiO2 film can be deposited on soda‐glass by the reactive vacuum arc method. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 126(4): 12–20, 1999  相似文献   

The paper presents results of non-stationary two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of vacuum arc emission center-ecton. The numerical simulation was carried out for the initial stage of the operation of the ecton of a low-current vacuum arc on a copper cathode. It was shown that the current mainly flows through the edges of the emission center. A mechanism for the motion of a cathode spot has been proposed  相似文献   

电流转移过程是电阻型故障限流器中的关键问题。针对基于真空开关与电阻并联的限流器中电流由真空电弧电流向并联限流电阻的转移特性进行研究。搭建了基于真空开关与限流电阻并联的试验研究平台,采用高速CMOS相机拍摄电弧,观测真空电弧转移过程中电弧发展变化。通过研究电流大小(5~15 k A)、限流电阻大小(10~4500 mΩ)、燃弧时间、电流频率等对电流转移时间、转移完成时刻电流等的影响,获得了电流转移特性的数学描述。讨论了横向磁场对电流转移特性的影响,为电阻型故障限流器的结构及优化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The influence of the method of measurement, type of substrate, and some other factors on the results of determining the arc resistance of insulating enamels is considered. Recommendations on conducting testing are made.  相似文献   

介绍真空自耗电弧炉控制系统的硬件组成,软件的设计特点,说明了改造后的控制系统实现了熔炼过程的自动控制,提高了设备的稳定性、可靠性及产品的质量性能。  相似文献   

为确保发电机组分散控制系统的安全可靠运行,电力行业应参照(GB50312—2007综合布线工程验收规范》和(GBT21671—2008基于以太网技术的局域网系统验收测评规范》国家标准,开展发电厂分散控制系统网络测试。对两种分散控制系统网络结构进行分析,探讨分散控制系统网络测试方法,在贵州各电厂发电机组分散控制系统上开展测试服务的实践。形成分散控制系统网络测试雏形。  相似文献   

李建基 《华通技术》2006,25(1):20-24
介绍高压热膨胀式SF6断路器的制造公司、发展历史.对高压热膨胀式SF6断路器各代灭弧室的原理特点和操动机构的结构特点进行了比较、分析.  相似文献   

Life test data of vacuum arc chutes with spherical contacts and KhD70 contact material are presented. The analysis of this data, as well as an analysis of the status of inner chamber elements, demonstrated the efficiency of these engineering solutions with the view of producing chambers with improved interruption capabilities.  相似文献   

The vacuum arc characteristics and high current interruption ability of several different sized electrodes applied in the uniform vacuum arc control method named self arc diffusion by electrode (SADE) are presented. The arc behavior of the test electrode during the arcing period was observed by a high‐speed video camera. At extremely high interruption currents, the arc of the conventional axial magnetic field (AMF) electrode concentrates, causing local heating of the electrode. However, the arc of the SADE diffuses over the whole contact area thus avoiding local heating. The interruption ability of SADE is about twice as much as that of the conventional AMF for the same sized electrode. By applying this arc control method to vacuum circuit breaker (VCB), it can be made more compact and lighter than the conventional type. © 2011 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The performances of vacuum arc chutes (VAC) that contain contact systems (CS) with axial magnetic fields in which the first contact surface is convex and the second contact surface enveloping the first one is concave are analyzed. The new CS allows for the VAC diameter and mass to be reduced; the additional contact pressure necessary to compensate for the electrodynamic force of contact throwing, which appears due to a short circuit in the current, to be decreased; and for the life span of the VAC to be increased greatly. The improvements to VAC performance is connected with the self-shielding phenomenon that takes place in the new CS.  相似文献   

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