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建立培训矩阵,转变培训观念,改进培训方式,规范培训管理,有效提高培训工作的针对性和实效性,全面提升一线员工的安全意识和操作技能。本文从一线操作岗位员工培训的角度,总结了开展培训需求矩阵在一线生产岗位实施后取得的效果。  相似文献   

紧密结合油气开采行业的生产实际,总结了开展一线员工岗位技能培训实践活动经验,阐述了在继承传统的岗位练兵方法的同时,针对培训的实用性和实效性等,全面提升操作员工综合技能的方法。  相似文献   

安全工作重于泰山。企业安全监督管理部门普遍重视高危工种和重要岗位的安全教育,经常对重点领域、关键岗位的员工进行培训。相比之下,对非重要岗位人员的安全教育培训却显得不足。事实表明,许多事故恰恰是由被人们忽略的"细微"隐患酿成的。因此,安全工作和安全教育既要重视"高危",也不能忽视"细微"。要增强重视"细微"隐患的意识,查找被忽视的具体"细微"隐患;关注被忽视的人群;消除被忽视的不良心理因素。  相似文献   

叶健 《石油教育》2012,(2):34-36
本文灵活运用了内生式发展理论,就如何更好地有计划、有步骤、科学合理地做好员工的转岗培训教育工作,使员工很好地适应新的岗位要求,即实现了员工的自身发展,又解决了生产一线岗位缺员的实际困难等,进行了探讨。以期今后类似培训工作得到借鉴,并不断完善。  相似文献   

随着中国石油海外油气业务的扩张,越来越多的石油企业招聘外籍员工,尤其是外籍一线操作岗位员工(简称外籍雇员)。如何加强对外籍雇员的培训,使之更好地服务中国企业,是每个海外国企所面临的重要问题。作者结合天津工程职业技术学院外籍雇员的培训经验,对培训教学管理策略进行了分析,希望能够对石油行业外籍雇员培训发挥指导作用。  相似文献   

张玲 《石油教育》2014,(3):73-74
炼化企业属于高温、高压、高危行业范围,员工岗位实际操作能力决定着企业的效益,决定着人身、设备和装置生产的安全。如何加强员工的技能培训,避免培训走过场,切实通过停检课堂、仿真模拟、岗位练兵、预案演练、变更培训等各种方式,提高实际操作技能水平,使得员工能够独自胜任岗位工作,是摆在企业培训工作者面前的一个课题。  相似文献   

随着中国石油海外油气业务的扩张,越来越多的石油企业招聘外籍员工,尤其是外籍一线操作岗位员工(简称外籍雇员)。如何加强对外籍雇员的培训,使之更好地服务中国企业,是每个海外国企所面临的重要问题。作者结合天津工程职业技术学院外籍雇员的培训经验,对培训教学管理策略进行了分析,希望能够对石油行业外籍雇员培训发挥指导作用。  相似文献   

针对机械清罐作业的高危、易爆特点以及传统培训方式缺乏直观感受的问题,综合利用计算机图形学、三维建模、多媒体等多种技术手段,构建了机械清罐作业虚拟仿真培训平台。该培训平台具有数字化、标准化、流程化的特点,主要包括岗位标准化操作虚拟仿真培训、应急处置虚拟仿真培训、理论知识培训、作业流程视频展示、虚拟仿真考核、系统设置与管理等功能,可以在PC端、安卓移动端离线运行。应用该平台,可提升员工学习的自主性,实现了由传统培训考核到信息化培训的转变;通过岗前测试和员工碎片化时间自我学习等新型培训学习方式,使岗位员工在上岗操作前进行全面风险因素识别,熟练掌握标准化操作和应急处置技能,显著提升了培训效果,进一步推动机械清罐作业实现本质安全。  相似文献   

介绍了中国石化山西石油分公司在开展安全文化建设和强化岗位技能练兵,不断提高安全管理水平的经验,其做法是:开展安全文化建设,培植安全理念,规范安全行为,实现“要我安全”向“我要安全”转变;从强化岗位练兵入手,开展技术比武,提高员工技术素质。  相似文献   

<正>中国石油云南销售公司坚持以人为本,紧密围绕公司"十二五"发展规划和队伍建设要求,以岗位要求和个人成长需求为导向,以能力建设和素质提升为主线,以激发员工活力、促进公司与员工共同发展为宗旨,认真抓好干部队伍、三支经理人队伍、基层一线操作员工的培训工作,平均每年举办各级培训班200余期,培训员工16500余人次。目前公司有仿真培训基地1个,培训示范库站15座,  相似文献   

从建设、施工、监理单位人员,安全防护用品和施工机具,安全教育培训和安全考试,高风险作业管理,新能源业务开展,承包商考核等方面,分别指出了加油站施工安全管理存在的问题,提出了相应的解决措施:一是强化建设、施工和监理单位人员管理,把好入场关;二是确保安全防护用品和施工机具符合进场安全要求;三是开展有针对性的安全教育培训;四...  相似文献   

Successful food hygiene training and the consent of safe food handling practices learnt during training are critical elements in the control of food-borne illnesses throughout the world. It is true for food handlers and vendors belonging to all sectors. But, it is all the more urgent for street vendors because they are more exposed to environmental hazards and are predominantly from much weaker socio-economic backgrounds and yet cater to the general mass. Using a cross-sectional study design a sample of 80 street food vendors were selected and provided with training to evaluate the existing Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) regarding food safety and hygiene and the change of the same after training interventions. Responses regarding KAP on food safety and hygiene before and after training revealed that there was a significant change in their perception to food safety knowledge and also practices. The knowledge level of the food vendors increased from an average 24.35%–66.2% after training interventions. The overall performance rating of full adoption of good hygiene practices by the vendors ranged from 37.5% to 50.8% in post-training period.  相似文献   

论述实施安全管理体系中应注意的问题,包括建立完善的安全监督机制,内审制度与安全检查的关系,以及开展企业全员培训和编写安全操作手册的必要性。  相似文献   

从施工环境、施工现场、管理对象等方面简要介绍了工程建设过程中的安全工作特点,并针对工程建设安全工作的特点提出了通过合同明确建设单位、设计单位、监理单位、施工单位和经营单位的安全责任、建立安全管理机构、强化安全教育及培训等对策。  相似文献   

《Food Control》2014,35(2):613-618
Food handlers' training is fundamental in order to ensure the safety of the foodstuff. However, the success of training programs that provide only information is unclear and changes in improper food practices are not usually achieved. Food training programs based on theoretical as well as practical activities have been revealed as an important tool in which food handlers can put information into practice. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the influence of food safety training, based on both theoretical and practical approaches, on the microbiological counts of food contact surfaces, food tools, food equipment surfaces and hand washing in canteens and cafes of one university campus. After food safety training, total plate counts decreased about 60% in the case of canteens and almost 45% in cafes while moulds and yeasts decreased approximately 65% in canteens and 55% in cafes. In terms of location, the microbiological reductions observed were higher for food equipment in canteens and for food tools in cafes. The microbiological counts of food handlers' hands decreased after both food safety training and disinfection. Food safety training influenced the reduction of overall microbiological parameters. Parametric t-tests (after vs before training) indicated that reductions were statistically significant before and after disinfection for total plate counts. The decrease observed for total coliforms and Enterobacteriaceae, were statistically significant only before disinfection. The food safety programs cannot be based entirely on a theoretical approach but also on adequate training which includes a practical approach. The success of the microbiological reductions in the study was associated to the practical lessons which let the handler put into practice the knowledge acquired in the theoretical part.  相似文献   

Food safety training for restaurant and food service employees is essential to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. With the large variety of food safety training programs available, it is critical to have an objective evaluation tool, which will allow managers, supervisors or purchasing agents to assessment strengths and weakness among multiple programs. The objective of this study was to use a newly created evaluation tool, the Customizable Tool for Online Training Evaluation (CTOTE) to assess and compare four online food safety training programs currently available to the food service industry. Through a comparison of the objectives of each training programs, a delivery method for training to front-line employees was identified. The preferred training approach was a blended method, which uses multiple delivery methods in a single training module to reinforce of the material being taught. The food safety training program containing the highest overall rating among respondents uses this blended delivery method and was taught at a middle school reading level. Results from this study show supervisors that front-line employees want clear, easy-to-follow instructions, the ability to check their progress, save their work and continue at a later time and include relevant examples and scenarios. Additionally, based on these results, retail employers and food processors can employ the most preferred food safety training methods for their employees.  相似文献   

在分析油料场所员工不安全态度成因的基础上,提出重视新员工安全教育、转变不安全态度、营建良好人际关系、公开安全信息、加大监督检查力度等保持正确安全态度的对策。  相似文献   

Youth are a unique audience for food safety education, in part due to low food safety knowledge. Although the effectiveness of such education has been explored for primary school and college students, no studies have assessed effectiveness among high school students specifically. We conducted a longitudinal intervention study in Ontario, Canada, between February and May 2015, to measure the baseline food safety knowledge and attitudes of high school students (n = 119; from 8 classes in 4 high schools), and determine whether these factors improved following in-class delivery of a provincial standardized food handler training program. Linear mixed effects regression models were used to model within-student changes in knowledge scores and attitudes over time (i.e., circa 2 and 12 weeks post-intervention), and to investigate associations with student characteristics. At baseline, knowledge and attitudes were poor. Following training, overall knowledge was significantly greater than at baseline, although at three months post-intervention only knowledge of safe times and temperatures for cooking and storing food remained significantly higher than baseline. Following training, students were significantly less interested in learning about how to avoid foodborne disease. Other attitudes, as well as knowledge of cross-contamination prevention and disinfection procedures, remained unchanged. These findings suggest that delivering existing food handler training programs within high schools may be a feasible mechanism for food safety educators to improve students' food safety knowledge, both overall and specific to safe times and temperatures, albeit potentially for short timeframes. Whether knowledge continues to decline beyond three months after training bears further investigation. As well, future research to investigate how students' actual food safety practices may change following such training, and whether improvements in knowledge translate into reduced foodborne disease risk, is warranted.  相似文献   

中国石化股份有限公司山东石油分公司在石化集团公司的正确领导下,认真贯彻“安全第一,预防为主,全员动手,综合治理”的安全工作方针,从建立健全安全生产责任制、加强基础工作入手,大力加强安全制度建设、组织建设,加强培训工作,加强隐患治理和设备设施建设,努力提高人员素质,改善安全生产条件,安全基础工作得到明显加强,安全管理水平有了明显提高,2000年度被中国石化集团公司授予安全生产先进单位光荣称号。  相似文献   

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