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1.引言电子商务已经成为Internet的一种重要的应用形式,在此领域的研究也非常活跃。B2C模式的电子商务形式单一而容易形成统一规范,以SET为代表的交易模型较好解决了B2C电子商务中交易支付安全、认证、隐私和不可抵赖等问题,而B2B模式的电子商务则需要面临更多复杂的问题。由于企业构建的信息系统或电子商务系统往往各不相同,因而  相似文献   

最近听到一种说法:"B2B的光芒即将消失,由于B2B网站所带来的交易寥寥,资本市场不久也会远离它们."而本文所要探讨的B2B电子商务在商品流通领域的应用,却赋予了它新的涵义:B2B电子商务不单纯指在网上找生意,也不仅仅是电子交易的概念,它包含有大量的涉及供应链管理的电子业务,特别是指在商品流通过程中供应链上下游企业间信息互动,协同工作,从而达到优化供应链,缩减流通成本与环节,并最终高效率满足消费者的需求.  相似文献   

一种B2B电子商务协作模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B2B是电子商务的一种重要应用形式,它提供了企业之间通过Internet开展商务活动的手段。但是企业信息系统的异构性使不同系统之间难以实现商务数据的互操作。文章提出一种B2B电子商务的协作模型,通过定义商务信息本体库和分层次地描述商务协作的流程,解决了异构商务系统间协作的问题。  相似文献   

<正> 传统的EDI模式是B2B的雏形。早期的外贸部等大部委都有这样的EDI系统,但EDI方式费用很高。针对目前的B2B电子商务模式,我个人认为能够以B2B模式取得商业成功的企业是大的部委和大企业。 具体理由是,每一个企业,每一个供应商都有自己的商业流通程序,那么在电子商务的交易过程中,哪一家企业的商业流通程序占主导地位  相似文献   

李丽娜 《互联网周刊》2001,(16):132-132
成立于1999年底的今硅公司将自己定位于B2B电子商务类软件公司。它构建的新润迅概念店网上交易的产品金额达到了10亿元,近来,它又面向航空行业推出了中国航空网,正是它的软件产品推动了电子商务应用向纵深发展  相似文献   

B2B电子商务,是利用现代信息网络与计算机技术进行的商务活动,是电子商务的一种主流形式。尽管我国使用B2B电子商务已经很长时间了,但是却没有达到发达的发展程度,还需要更进一步的发展,所以说对于我国B2B电子商务目前的发展状况来说,积极的推广对B2B电子商务的使用和发展是有很大的意义的。  相似文献   

商信 《中国信息化》2006,(22):78-79
我国浙江省的沿海经济发达地区,比如宁波、台州、温州等地市,经过多年发展,成长了大量的以外向型经济为主的企业,除了一部分大型的企业具有独立开展进出口的业务能力外,其他大量的中小型企业虽然也取得了进出口权,但是企业的自营业务往往受到企业规模小、资金紧缺、销售渠道不健全、国际信用欠缺等因素的制约,经营规模和效益不能得到长足的发展。所以他们迫切需要一个能够开展外向型业务的大型商务平台,能在资金、渠道、信用、服务、管理等方面得到一定的帮助,以便更好的开展进出口业务.尤其是出口业务。  相似文献   

B2B电子商务与企业供应链管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子商务发展的真正突破是B2B的电子商务,即企业对企业的电子商务,是在上下游企业之间从事的网络商务活动,是网络经济的基础.从参与企业的数量、涉及的金额、交互信息的规模上来说,B2B都将成为电子商务的主体.在这种环境下,企业不仅要协调企业内计划、采购、制造、销售的各个环节,还要与包括供应商、承销商等在内的上下游企业紧密配合.  相似文献   

电子商务技术正在当前国际企业界方兴未艾,我国也在积极起步。对于电子商务的内涵及其范畴的界定,尤有确切认定的必要。审视国际成功建立电子商务的典型案例,分析其必备前提条件并预见其发展方向,为发展我国化工企业电子商务提供借鉴,这无疑是很有必要的。  相似文献   

B2C e-commerce is becoming more widespread as more people come to recognize its convenience and its ability to rapidly respond to requests and as more products and services become available. However, many electronic marketplaces, especially in the business-to-consumer, are in essence some kind of search engine where buyers look for the best product in a database of products offered by sellers. Usually, such e-marketplaces do not use agent technology at all although agents could significantly improve the services provided both for the buyers and the sellers. Further, negotiation capabilities are essential for B2C e-commerce systems. In an automated negotiation, intelligent agents engage in broadly similar processes to achieve the same end. In more detail, the agents prepare bids for and evaluate offers on behalf of the parties they represent with the aim of obtaining the maximum benefit for their users. Nevertheless, in the current situation, price is the only criterion by which agents are created. This factor is easy to measure and automate. However, the criteria for advanced transactions need to be elaborated, for example, details of giveback and dividend. In this paper, we present a multiple-attributes negotiation model for B2C e-commerce, which deploys intelligent agents to facilitate autonomous and automatic on-line buying and selling by intelligent agents while quickly responding to consumers. These include a 4-phase model, information collection, search, negotiation, and evaluation. We also apply fuzzy theory and analytical hierarchy process to develop the system interface to facilitate the user inputs. Finally, an example of the notebook purchasing process is illustrated.  相似文献   

本文对B2C模式的各种商务类型进行了评述,分析了当前状况和前景,并且就我国目前B2C模式电子商务发展存在的问题进行了探讨,为此提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

郑楠 《物联网技术》2013,(12):34-36,39
随着电子商务的不断发展,传统的物流模式已经不能满足当前业务的需求,建立以及完善运输车辆实时动态监控系统,实现对运输全过程的车辆以及货物状态的监测,是当前亟需解决的问题。物联网技术能够大大提高车辆货物在运输过程中的安全性以及可靠性。因此,文中首先对物联网相关技术进行了阐述,重点探讨了物联网技术在B2C电子商务配送运输中的应用设计以及实现的功能,最后分析了物联网技术对电子商务模式的影响。  相似文献   

Workflow Management Systems (WFMSs) are often used in context of B2B integration as a base technology to implement business-to-business (B2B) integration processes across enterprises. In this context the notion of distributed inter-organizational workflows is introduced to indicate the collaboration of enterprises on a process level. This notion requires a thorough examination presented in this article since WFMSs were not designed with inter-enterprise distribution as one of the design goals. At a closer look, the proposed use of WFMSs in context of B2B integration is often very naïve and inappropriate. Consequently it does not address the real requirements found in enterprises. Enterprises do not share common workflow definitions, let alone common workflow instance execution state and have no intent to do so due to competitive knowledge protection. Furthermore, trading partner specific business rules within enterprises are not accounted for leading to an unwanted explosion of workflow definitions. This article clarifies the notion of distributed inter-organizational workflows as well as private and public processes. Based on this definition, the appropriate use of WFMSs is shown in context of an overall B2B integration solution that allows enterprises to protect their competitive knowledge while participating in B2B integration.  相似文献   

随着互联网上电子商务的高速发展,越来越多的商品销售方进入C2C这一行业,一方面促进了网络交易的繁荣,另一方面也增加了买方合理选择良好交易对象的难度。分析能够反映卖方信息的指标因素,使用自定义的网络数据抓取工具,随机选取40条卖方的指标数据用做分析。使用主成分分析法对这些卖方的信用指标进行计算和处理,并对结果进行分析,提取出影响信用选择的主要因素,最终得到13项对信用评价起重要作用的评价因素;应用该方法对卖方进行评价得到评价排序,为区分和筛选不同信用程度的卖方信息提供了参考。  相似文献   

目前C2C电子商务环境下使用的信任评价模型存在诸多问题,提出基于交易成功率的C2C电子商务信任评价模型,并从模型框架、信任值计算、信任评价模型算法、用户信任值存储、仿真实验等多个方面对模型进行阐述。通过仿真实验,从评价准确率和交易成功率两点就本模型与淘宝的信任评价模型进行比较。  相似文献   


A review of existing Electronic Commerce adoption literature reveals that the prevailing theoretical frameworks implicitly assume that organizations are independent and have complete control over their decisions to adopt innovations. Given the fact that organizations are often constrained by and depend on their environment and exchange partners to survive, this paper proposes that Resource Dependency can either be a facilitator or inhibitor of the role of Technological, Organizational, and Environmental (TOE) motivating factors. Using 239 valid responses from supply chain managers in Jordan, the study found partial support for the role of Resource Dependency as a moderator. The findings provide insights on how Resource Dependency between partners drives different patterns of innovation acceptance among potential adopters, regardless of several technological and organizational motivations to innovate. The results suggest that predicting how innovation is diffused within a market needs a detailed understanding of the inter-dependence structure among the supply chain members.  相似文献   

基于多通道的B2C电子商务交互模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在B2C电子商务中,一个有效的人机交互模型是吸引用户参与的重要手段。提出一个基于多通道信息的电子商务交互模型,将视觉、听觉及WIMP等多个信息通道结合起来,利用虚拟现实技术,通过使用虚拟的购物环境、顾客替身、导购员及商品的三维展示等来增强用户的购物体验  相似文献   

Facility location problem is one of the most critical elements in the design of distribution systems, and numerous studies have focused on this issue. However, facility location theory and guidelines for B2C firms are sparse. In this paper, with regard to the customer characteristics peculiar to B2C e-commerce and the turbulence of the competitive market, a new fuzzy location model is proposed to optimize the distribution system design in B2C e-commerce. The model adopts a hierarchical agglomerative clustering method to classify customers and estimate the fuzzy delivery cost. At the same time, due to the turbulence of competitive market, both market supply and customer demand are treated as fuzzy variables in the model. Afterward, the credibility measure and Hurwicz criterion are introduced to convert the model into a crisp one which has NP-hard complexity. In order to solve the crisp model, an improved genetic algorithm with particle swarm optimization is developed. Finally, the computational results of some numerical examples are used to illustrate the application and performance of the proposed model and algorithm.  相似文献   

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