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轩华  李冰  罗书敏  王薛苑 《控制与决策》2018,33(12):2218-2226
研究以最小化总加权完成时间为目标的可重入混合流水车间调度问题(RHFS-TWC),并构建问题的整数规划模型.根据模型的特点,设计基于二维矩阵组的调度解编码方案,结合NEH启发式算法确定工件初始加工顺序,生成高质量初始调度解群.为避免算法陷入早熟及扩大解的搜索空间,给出IGA的遗传参数自适应调整策略,最终形成NEH-IGA融合求解策略.针对不同规模问题分别用传统GA、基于遗传参数自适应调整的IGA、NEH启发式、NEH-IGA算法进行仿真测试,仿真结果表明NEH启发式和遗传参数自适应动态调整策略的引入有效改善了原有GA的求解能力,NEH-IGA算法在求解RHFS-TWC问题方面优势明显.  相似文献   

一类DEDS最优调度算法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈文德 《控制与决策》2000,15(5):613-616
进一步研究一类DEDS最优调度问题,用极大代数方法得到了目标函数所有参数的简化公式,从而完善并改进了最优调度算法。该结果可用于含存储器的串行生产线。  相似文献   

针对总拖期时间最小化的置换流水车间调度问题(Total tardiness permutation flow-shop scheduling problem) 提出了一种基于多智能体的进化搜索算法. 在该算法中,采用基于延迟时间排序的学习搜索策略(Tardiness rank based learning),快速产生高质量的新个体,并根据概率更新模型进行智能体网格的更新进化. 同时通过实验设计的方法探讨了算法参数设置对算法性能的影响. 为了验证算法的性能,求解了Vallada标准测试集中540个测试问题,并将测试结果与一些代表算法进行比较,验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

李曙光  李国君  王秀红 《软件学报》2006,17(10):2063-2068
考虑无界批量机器并行调度中极小化加权完工时间和问题.设有n个工件和m台批加工同型机.每个工件具有一个正权因子、一个释放时间和一个加工时间.每台机器可以同时加工Bn个工件.一个批次的加工时间是该批次所包含的所有工件的加工时间的最大者.在同一批次中加工的工件有相同的完工时间,即它们的共同开始时间加上该批次的加工时间.给出了一个多项式时间近似方案(PTAS).  相似文献   

一类DEDS最优调度问题的解法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈文德 《自动化学报》1997,23(5):591-597
本文提出了带存储器生产线的一类新的最优调度问题,给出了最优调度目标函数的具体形式,指出它不是凸函数;在一个变量时给出了最优调度的公式解,在多个变量时得到了一个迭代寻优的算法.  相似文献   

启发式搜索在时间Petri网的共享资源调度中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
离散事件系统的调度规划问题是计算机科学的重要研究方向。本文介绍了如何在实际中将启发式算法同时提高搜索效率的方法。这在计算机和通信领域的资源调度问题方面有着较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

利用迭代变化邻域搜索算法(IVNS)求解最小化总完工时间的有准备时间无等待流水车间调度问题. 设计局部搜索算法需要考虑3个关键因素:所用邻域、解评估和局部最优的克服. 因此,定义了3个较大规模邻域以扩大搜索范围. 为加速解评估,利用目标增量来避免重新计算每个解的目标函数值,使相邻解比较只需常量时间,NEH插入算法的时间复杂度降低一阶. IVNS通过切换邻域和扰动重启,来克服局部搜索易于陷入局部最优解的缺点. 通过与求解该问题的当前最好算法在5400个标准算上,以相同CPU时间进行的实算比较,实验结果统计分析验证了IVNS的寻优性能明显优于参照算法.  相似文献   

为解决智能制造环境中具有多时间和多AGV约束的柔性作业车间调度问题,构建了以最小化最大完工时间、最小化总延期、最小化设备总负荷为目标的机器/AGV双约束多目标调度模型,模型中综合考虑加工时间、工件到达时间、交货期等多时间因素,进行了多AGV和机器集成调度。为求解该模型,设计了新的AGV调度规则和改进的NSGA-算法,算法中提出了基于工序的扩展染色体编码方式和基于AGV分配的贪婪式解码策略,同时设计了不同参数控制的多种群二元锦标赛选择和分段交叉变异策略以及基于Pareto级的去重精英保留策略,以促进个体协同优化搜索。通过实例实验,分析了不同AGV数量任务分配方案下的模型有效性,对4个案例的仿真测试和同类算法比较解也验证了改进NSGA-算法求解该模型的有效性。  相似文献   

在对经典遗传算法进行研究的基础上,针对具有等待时间置换流水车间调度问题,以最小化最大完成时间为优化目标建立整数规划模型,并提出一种解决该问题的IGA算法;算法中部分染色体的初始种群由原问题所转化而成的具有等待时间两台机器的置换流水车间调度问题的解所组成;交叉方法采用基于顺序和位置相结合的OPX方法;通过对Taillard算例中置换流水车间调度问题基准数据的测试,并对仿真实验的结果进行了分析,验证所提出IGA算法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a sub-population based hybrid monkey search algorithm to solve the flow shop scheduling problem which has been proved to be non-deterministic polynomial time hard (NP-hard) type combinatorial optimization problems. Minimization of makespan and total flow time are the objective functions considered. In the proposed algorithm, two different sub-populations for the two objectives are generated and different dispatching rules are used to improve the solution quality. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of monkey search algorithm to solve the flow shop scheduling problems. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested with the benchmark problems addressed in the literature. Computational results reveal that the proposed algorithm outperforms many other heuristics and meta-heuristics addressed in the literature.  相似文献   

This article addresses the open shop scheduling problem with the objective to minimise the maximum completion time, or makespan. Both asymptotical analysis and worst case analysis are conducted for the heuristic, rotation schedule (RS) algorithm. In the asymptotical analysis, we prove that the RS algorithm is asymptotically equal to the optimal solution when the problem size is large enough. In the worst case analysis, we show that the tight worst case performance ratio of RS algorithm is equal to the machine number m. To accelerate the convergence of the RS algorithm for medium size problems, the improved version of the heuristic, the modified RS (MRS) algorithm is presented. At the end of this article, the asymptotical optimality of the RS algorithm and the practical effectiveness of the MRS algorithm are shown by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This paper studies two models of two-stage processing with flowshop at the first stage followed by open shop at the second stage. The first model involves multiple machines at the first stage and two machines at the second stage, and the other involves multiple machines at both stages. In both models, the objective is to minimize the makespan. This problem is NP-complete, for which an efficient heuristic solution algorithm is constructed and its worst-case performance guarantee is analyzed for both models. An integer programming model and a branch and bound algorithm are proposed for model 1 and a lower bound is developed for model 2 as benchmarks for the heuristic algorithms. Computational experiences show that the heuristic algorithms consistently generate good schedule and the branch and bound algorithm is much efficient than the integer-programming model.  相似文献   

以调度的总流水时间为优化目标, 提出一种混合差分进化算法。 首先, 建立无等待流水车间调度的问题模型,并用快速方法评估总流水时间指标。 其次,采用LPV规则,实现离散问题的连续编码; 用差分进化算法对总流水时间指标执行优化;引入插入邻域和基于pairwise的局部搜索算法, 分别对差分进化算法产生的新个体和差分进化算法的最优解执行邻域搜索, 达到优化目标全局和局部的最优。 最后,通过计算标准算例, 并与其他算法比较, 验证该混合差分进化算法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study re-entrant flow shop scheduling problems with the objective of minimizing total completion time. In a re-entrant scheduling problem, jobs may visit some machines more than once for processing. The problem is NP-hard even for machine number m=2. A heuristic algorithm is presented to solve the problem, in which an effective k-insertion technique is introduced as the improvement strategy in iterations. Computational experiments and analyses are performed to give guidelines of choosing parameters in the algorithm. We also provide a lower bound for the total completion time of the optimal solution when there are only two machines. Objective function values of the heuristic solutions are compared with the lower bounds to evaluate the efficiency of the algorithm. For randomly generated instances, the results show that the given heuristic algorithm generates solutions with total completion times within 1.2 times of the lower bounds in most of the cases.  相似文献   

This paper proposes two constructive heuristics, i.e. HPF1 and HPF2, for the blocking flow shop problem in order to minimize the total flow time. They differ mainly in the criterion used to select the first job in the sequence since, as it is shown, its contribution to the total flow time is not negligible. Both procedures were combined with the insertion phase of NEH to improve the sequence. However, as the insertion procedure does not always improve the solution, in the resulting heuristics, named NHPF1 and NHPF2, the sequence was evaluated before and after the insertion to keep the best of both solutions. The structure of these heuristics was used in Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures (GRASP) with variable neighborhood search in the improvement phase to generate greedy randomized solutions. The performance of the constructive heuristics and of the proposed GRASPs was evaluated against other heuristics from the literature. Our computational analysis showed that the presented heuristics are very competitive and able to improve 68 out of 120 best known solutions of Taillard’s instances for the blocking flow shop scheduling problem with the total flow time criterion.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a constructive heuristic to minimize total flow time criterion for the well-known NP-hard no-wait flow shop scheduling problem. It is based on the assumption that the priority of a job in the initial sequence is given by the sum of its processing times on the bottleneck machines. The initial sequence of jobs thus generated is further improved using a new job insertion technique. We show, through computational experimentation, that the proposed method significantly outperforms the best-known heuristics while retaining its time complexity of O(n2). Statistical tests of significance are used to confirm the improvement in solution quality.  相似文献   

This paper studies a bicriteria scheduling problem on a series-batching machine with objective of minimizing makespan and total completion time simultaneously. A series-batching machine is a machine that can handle up to b jobs in a batch and the completion time of all jobs in a batch is equal to the finishing time of the last job in the batch and the processing time of a batch is the sum of the processing times of jobs in the batch. In addition, there is a constant setup time s for each batch. For the problem we can find all Pareto optimal solutions in O(n2) time by a dynamic programming algorithm, where n denotes the number of jobs.  相似文献   

作为量子搜索算法研究的一个基本工具,量子行走是一个重要研究课题。同时,击中时是衡量量子行走到达某一目标顶点速度的标准,对量子算法研究具有广泛的应用。在开放量子环境下,给出开放量子行走的四种击中时定义:单次击中时、并行击中时、平均击中时和极限击中时。区分四种击中时,说明前两种用于刻画开放量子行走局部到达目标顶点,而后两种从全局和极限角度分析目标顶点到达情况。针对同质开放量子行走、异质开放量子行走和嵌套开放量子行走,分别给出四种击中时具体计算。  相似文献   

In this study, three new meta-heuristic algorithms artificial immune system (AIS), iterated greedy algorithm (IG) and a hybrid approach of artificial immune system (AIS-IG) are proposed to minimize maximum completion time (makespan) for the permutation flow shop scheduling problem with the limited buffers between consecutive machines. As known, this category of scheduling problem has wide application in the manufacturing and has attracted much attention in academic fields. Different from basic artificial immune systems, the proposed AIS-IG algorithm is combined with destruction and construction phases of iterated greedy algorithm to improve the local search ability. The performances of these three approaches were evaluated over Taillard, Carlier and Reeves benchmark problems. It is shown that the AIS-IG and AIS algorithms not only generate better solutions than all of the well-known meta heuristic approaches but also can maintain their quality for large scale problems.  相似文献   

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