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The neutron coherent scattering length bc has been determined interferometrically to an uncertainty of about 5 × 10−5 by measuring the nondispersive phase. We propose improving the uncertainty to about 10−6 by optimizing various parameters of the interferometric experiment. Any uncertainty in the bc determination arising from possible variations in the constitution of the ambient air can be eliminated by performing the experiment in vacuum. When such uncertainty is attained, it becomes necessary to account for the neutron beam refraction at the sample-ambient interfaces, to infer the correct bc from the observed phase. The formula for the phase used hitherto is approximate and would significantly overestimate bc. The refractive index for neutrons can thus be determined to a phenomenal uncertainty of about 10−12.  相似文献   

为研究金属光电效应的量子理论,给出金属中一个电子的总哈密顿量,建立适合电子量子振动特性的算符代数理论,根据量子算符代数理论,得到金属中一个电子的总能量,由光电效应理论得到一个自由光子的静止质量和一个自由光子的能量表示。  相似文献   

By means of neutron interferometry the s-wave neutron scattering length of the 3He nucleus was re-measured at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL). Using a skew symmetrical perfect crystal Si-interferometer and a linear twin chamber cell, false phase shifts due to sample misalignment were reduced to a negligible level. Simulation calculations suggest an asymmetrically alternating measuring sequence in order to compensate for systematic errors caused by thermal phase drifts. There is evidence in the experiment’s data that this procedure is indeed effective. The neutron refractive index in terms of Sears’ exact expression for the scattering amplitude has been analyzed in order to evaluate the measured phase shifts. The result of our measurement, b′c = (6.000 ± 0.009) fm, shows a deviation towards a greater value compared to the presently accepted value of b′c = (5.74 ± 0.07) fm, confirming the observation of the partner experiment at NIST. On the other hand, the results of both precision measurements at NIST and ILL exhibit a serious 12σ (12 standard uncertainties) deviation, the reason for which is not clear yet.  相似文献   

We observe a spatially localized breakdown of the nearly dissipationless quantum Hall effect into a set of discrete dissipative states in wide, high-quality GaAs/AlGaAs samples. The phenomenon can be explained by an extension of the quasi-elastic inter-Landau level scattering model of Eaves and Sheard.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of how current is distributed within quantum Hall effect devices. Three types of flow patterns most often mentioned in the literature are considered. They are: (1) skipping orbits along the device periphery (which arise from elastic collisions off hard-walled potentials); (2) narrow conducting channels along the device sides (which are presumed to be generated from confining potentials); and (3) currents distributed throughout the device (which are assumed to arise from a combination of confining and charge-redistribution potentials). The major conclusions are that skipping orbits do not occur in quantum Hall effect devices, and that nearly all of the externally applied current is located within the device interior rather than along the device edges.  相似文献   

Precision tests verify the dc equivalent circuit used by Ricketts and Kemeny to describe a quantum Hall effect device in terms of electrical circuit elements. The tests employ the use of cryogenic current comparators and the double-series and triple-series connection techniques of Delahaye. Verification of the dc equivalent circuit in double-series and triple-series connections is a necessary step in developing the ac quantum Hall effect as an intrinsic standard of resistance.  相似文献   

在现代电子光学与电子束技术研究中,Boersch效应作为离散空间电荷效应的一个主要特征,越来越引起了人们的重视。本实验设计并制作了一台观察和测量Boersch效应的实验装置,并进行了动态真空实验。实验装置的电子光学系统包括层流电子枪、聚焦透镜、准直透镜和拒斥场分析器等部分。对实验结果及数据进行了处理和分析,观测到了电子能量分布的反常增宽现象并测量了能量分布曲线。当束腰区束流为微安量级时,测得的电子能量分布宽度为1~3eV,并且得出了随着束流强度的增加能量分布展宽的近似规律。  相似文献   

The effect of the external charge trap on the photoluminescence blinking dynamics of individual colloidal quantum dots is investigated with a series of colloidal quantum dot–bridge–fullerene dimers with varying bridge lengths, where the fullerene moiety acts as a well‐defined, well‐positioned external charge trap. It is found that charge transfer followed by charge recombination is an important mechanism in determining the blinking behavior of quantum dots when the external trap is properly coupled with the excited state of the quantum dot, leading to a quasi‐continuous distribution of ‘on' states and an early fall‐off from a power‐law distribution for both ‘on' and ‘off' times associated with quantum dot photoluminescence blinking.  相似文献   

按曲率空间的扭率,对含有三阶非线性变量导数的Schrodinger变形等价程进行了数值分析,发现几率波的几率性原来是扭率的疏密流在特定条件下的准规则流,并为势场强度和粒子体元密度的相互作用与量子扭率效应项综合作用的结果;纯量子效应作用为非规则流。  相似文献   

When large currents are passed through a high-quality quantized Hall resistance device the voltage drop along the device is observed to assume discrete, quantized states if the voltage is plotted versus the magnetic field. These quantized dissipative voltage states are interpreted as occurring when electrons are excited to higher Landau levels and then return to the original Landau level. The quantization is found to be, in general, both a function of magnetic field and current. Consequently, it can be more difficult to verify and determine dissipative voltage quantization than previously suspected.  相似文献   

The quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect, which has been realized in magnetic topological insulators (TIs), is the key to applications of dissipationless quantum Hall edge states in electronic devices. However, investigations and utilizations of the QAH effect are limited by the ultralow temperatures needed to reach full quantization—usually below 100 mK in either Cr‐ or V‐doped (Bi,Sb)2Te3 of the two experimentally confirmed QAH materials. Here it is shown that by codoping Cr and V magnetic elements in (Bi,Sb)2Te3 TI, the temperature of the QAH effect can be significantly increased such that full quantization is achieved at 300 mK, and zero‐field Hall resistance of 0.97 h/e2 is observed at 1.5 K. A systematic transport study of the codoped (Bi,Sb)2Te3 films with varied Cr/V ratios reveals that magnetic codoping improves the homogeneity of ferromagnetism and modulates the surface band structure. This work demonstrates magnetic codoping to be an effective strategy for achieving high‐temperature QAH effect in TIs.  相似文献   

对碳纳米管电磁特性的研究进展进行了系统的综述,并溶入我们最近对碳纳米管输运特性、本征电阻、磁阻等的研究结果,简洁地介绍了碳纳米管电磁量子特性研究的方法、理论、主要发现及意义.  相似文献   

为进一步发展形状记忆效应的理论,必须把研究基础于电子化合物的电子态和电-声相互作用的量子理论。在这些合金中,电子和离子之间的非球对称相互作用势产生s-d杂化。它对Fermi球的s电子是吸引性的,使它们“虚束缚”于势阱V_k~→,这就对h·c·p·相的形成作出关键贡献。加热到高温,“热声子辐射”和电子的相互作用引起的扰动趋向恢复高对称,它实际起破坏杂化的作用,并释放S电子。恢复了的Fermi球就在(变形的)马氏体内产生大的应力,驱动材料恢复原形。  相似文献   

The potential and current distributions are calculated across the width of a quantum Hall effect sample for applied currents between 0 μA and 225 μA. For the first time, both a confining potential and a current-induced charge-redistribution potential are used. The confining potential has a parabolic shape, and the charge-redistribution potential is logarithmic. The solution for the sum of the two types of potentials is unique at each current, with no free parameters. For example, the charge-depletion width of the confining potential is determined from a localization experiment by Choi, Tsui, and Alavi, and the spatial extent of the conducting two-dimensional electron gas across the sample width is obtained from the maximum electric field deduced from a high-current breakdown experiment by Cage and Lavine, and from the quantum Hall voltage. The spatial extent has realistic cut-off values at the sample sides; e.g., no current flows within 55 magnetic lengths of the sides for currents less than 215 μA. The calculated potential distributions are in excellent agreement with contactless electro-optic effect laser beam measurements of Fontein et al.  相似文献   

Analogies between hearing and seeing already existed in ancient Greek theories of perception. The present paper follows the evolution of such analogies until the rise of 17th century optics, with due regard to the diversity of their origins and nature but with particular emphasis on their bearing on the physical concepts of light and sound. Whereas the old Greek analogies were only side effects of the unifying concepts of perception, the analogies of the 17th century played an important role in constructing optical theories by imitation of acoustic theories, or vice versa. This transition depended on several factors including the changing relations between optics, music, mathematics, and physics, the diversity of early modern concepts of sound, and the rise of a new physics based on experimentation and mechanical explanation.  相似文献   

The spectra and optical quantum state of guided acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in optical fibers are measured. Spectra from 0.95 to 2?GHz are obtained with amplitude resolution as sensitive as 0.01 shot noise unit. Quantum homodyne tomography measurements confirm the thermal quantum statistics of guided acoustic wave Brillouin scattering, which is useful knowledge in the context of experimental continuous-variable quantum key distribution.  相似文献   

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