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Increased non-specific bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) has been reported after positive reaction to isocyanates in patients with isocyanate-sensitive asthma. The increased responsiveness may, however, also precede the asthma attack. We therefore compared non-specific BHR to a cholinergic agent before and after exposure to toluene-diisocyanate (TDI) that induced no asthma symptoms in 11 workers with isocyanate-related asthma. Patients were exposed for 3 consecutive days to progressively increasing doses of TDI (5, 10, and 20 ppb min-1 for 20 min) in an exposure chamber with continuous TDI monitoring. No immediate nor late asthmatic bronchial reaction was observed in any patient after any dose of TDI during or after challenge. A significant increase in non-specific BHR was noted 24 h after the last dose of TDI challenge, however. This increase was at least one doubling dose for seven of 11 patients. In conclusion, our study shows that, in patients with isocyanate-induced asthma, exposure to TDI induces a slight but significant increase in non-specific BHR in the absence of any immediate or late bronchial response to isocyanate. This result, which requires further confirmation, may justify a proposal to measure non-specific BHR, even after a negative specific inhalation test to TDI, as an additional diagnostic element for TDI-induced occupational asthma, to help lower the percentage of the undetected occupational asthma cases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has recently been reported that acetaldehyde induces bronchoconstriction indirectly via histamine release. However, no study has been performed to assess whether acetaldehyde worsens bronchial responsiveness in asthmatic subjects so this hypothesis was tested. METHODS: Methacholine provocation was performed on three occasions: (1) after pretreatment with oral placebo and inhaled saline (P-S day), (2) after placebo and inhaled acetaldehyde (P-A day), and (3) after a potent histamine H1 receptor antagonist terfenadine and acetaldehyde (T-A day) in a double blind, randomised, crossover fashion. Nine asthmatic subjects inhaled 0.8 mg/ml acetaldehyde or saline for four minutes. After each inhalation a methacholine provocation test was performed. RESULTS: Methacholine concentrations producing a 20% fall in FEV1 (PC20-MCh) on the P-A day (0.48 mg/ml, 95% CI 0.21 to 1.08) and T-A day (0.41 mg/ml, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.77) were lower than those on the P-S day (0.85 mg/ml, 95% CI 0.47 to 1.54). There was no change in the PC20-MCh between the P-A and T-A days. A correlation was observed between the logarithmic values of PC20-MCh (log PC20-MCh) on the P-S day and the potentiating effect of acetaldehyde on the methacholine responsiveness [(log PC20-MCh on P-A day)-(log PC20-MCh on P-S day)] (rho = 0.82). CONCLUSIONS: Acetaldehyde induces bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with asthma by mechanisms other than histamine release.  相似文献   

The gold standard in the diagnosis of occupational asthma is the specific bronchial provocation test (sBPT), but other diagnostic criteria have been proven to have a similar sensitivity, mainly in asthma due to high molecular weight compounds. In order to assess wether some clinical findings can predict the positive response to sBPT, we studied 37 subjects (14 millers and 23 bakers) with suspected occupational asthma who underwent sBPT with wheat flour dust (dust exposure in a small cabin: geometric mean 12.1 mg/m3 for up to 30 min). A positive response to sBPT (FEV1 > 20%) was elicited in 20 subjects (11 early, 4 late, and 5 dual responses). There was no significant difference between subjects with positive or negative sBPT as regards mean age, smoking, length of employment, duration of symptoms, atopy (skin positivity to one or more common allergens) and PD20FEV1 methacholine. The percentage of subjects with work-related symptoms was significantly higher in subjects with positive sBPT with respect to subjects with negative sBPT (81% versus 41.2%, p < 0.01 by chi 2 test); furthermore, FEV1 was significantly lower in subjects with positive sBPT. The percentage of positive skin response to wheat flour extract (mean wheal diameter > or = 3 mm) was mildly but not significantly higher in subjects with positive sBPT (68.4% versus 41.2%). None of the following clinical factors (age < 35 years, asthma symptoms pre-existing occupational exposure, non smokers, atopy and bronchial hyperresponsiveness to methacholine), alone or in combination, were associated with higher prevalence of positive sBPT. We conclude that the response to sBPT in subjects with suspected occupational asthma due to flour dust can not be adequately predicted by other clinical, allergologic and functional data. Therefore, sBPT with flour dust should always be performed in subjects with suspected occupational asthma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Assessing bronchial hyper-responsiveness (BHR) is a main diagnostic criterion of asthma. Provocation testing is not readily available in general practice, but peak expiratory flow (PEF) is. Several guidelines promote the use of PEF variability as a diagnostic tool for BHR. This study tested the agreement between histamine challenge testing and PEF variability, and the consequences for diagnosing asthma. AIM: To investigate the possibility of assessing BHR by PEF variability, using a histamine provocation test as a reference. METHOD: Subjects with signs of symptoms indicating asthma (persistent or recurrent respiratory symptoms or signs of reversible bronchial obstruction) (n = 323) were studied. They had been identified in a population screening for asthma. A histamine provocation test and PEF variability were assessed over a three-week period. Asthma was defined as signs or symptoms together with a reversible airflow obstruction or BHR to the histamine challenge test. BHR was defined as a PC20 histamine of < or = 8 mg/ml or a PEF variability of > or = 15%. Overall correlation between PC20 and PEF variability was calculated using Spearman's rho. Furthermore, a decision tree was constructed to clarify the role of BHR in diagnosing asthma. RESULTS: Thirty-two patients had a reversibility in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) of > or = 9% predicted, 131 patients showed a PC20 of < or = 8 and 11 patients had a PEF variability of > or = 15%. Overall correlation was poor at only -0.27 (P < 0.0001). One hundred and fourteen of the 131 patients diagnosed as having asthma when the histamine challenge test was used were not diagnosed by PEF variability. CONCLUSION: PEF variability cannot replace bronchial provocation testing in assessing BHR. This indicates that PEF variability and bronchial provocation do not measure the same aspects of BHR. If BHR testing is required in diagnosing asthma, a bronchial provocation test has to be used in general practice as well.  相似文献   

Assessment of airway responsiveness by bronchoprovocation and bronchodilatation tests is important in the diagnostic work-up protocol of bronchial asthma and it would be convenient to undertake both tests on the same occasion. However, it is not known whether this can be done accurately. Therefore, this study evaluated the effect of a prior bronchial provocation test on the bronchodilator response to salbutamol after spontaneous recovery of the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) in a group of asthmatic subjects. On two separate occasions at the same time of day, concentration-response studies with inhaled histamine or methacholine, or a sham challenge with normal saline were carried out in a blinded, randomized manner. Changes in airway calibre were followed as FEV1 and agonist responsiveness expressed as the provocative concentration causing a 20% fall in FEV1 (PC20). After either spontaneous recovery or a fixed-duration wait of 45 min (when appropriate), the subjects received 2x100 microg of salbutamol from a metered dose inhaler with a spacer. The bronchodilator response to salbutamol was expressed as a percentage of initial FEV1 (deltaFEV1% init). Bronchial challenge with both agonists failed to alter significantly the airway response to salbutamol, with the deltaFEV1% init mean value (range) being 16.9% (9.0-31.9) and 17.5% (11.6-31.2) on the sham and histamine/methacholine challenge day respectively. It was shown that the degree of bronchodilatation achieved after salbutamol 200 microg is not affected by prior bronchoprovocation testing when enough time is allowed for the airways to recover spontaneously to baseline forced expiratory volume in one second. Thus evaluation of airway responsiveness by both bronchial provocation tests and bronchodilator testing can be assessed reliably within a few hours in asthmatic patients.  相似文献   

Normal baboons, like humans, demonstrate a wide range of bronchial reactivity to inhaled methacholine. Cigarette-smoking baboons demonstrate reduced bronchial reactivity to inhaled methacholine compared with sham-smoking controls after 6 pack-yr of smoking. To evaluate the role of nicotine in this blunting of airway reactivity, we studied the effects of both acute and chronic nicotine inhalation on reactivity to methacholine in baboons. Inhalation of 2 mg of nicotine had no acute effect on lung function but blunted bronchial reactivity in highly reactive animals. This effect was not diminished after daily inhalation of nicotine for 90 days. Marked interindividual differences in bronchial reactivity to methacholine were not abolished by propranolol, suggesting that factors other than beta-adrenergic tone account for this intersubject variability.  相似文献   

Specific bronchial challenge (SBC) testing is a key technique for diagnosing the origin of occupational asthma (OA). SBC is indicated in specific circumstances, including whenever several agents present in the work environment may be the cause of OA, when new or unusual occupational agents need to be identified, when evidence for legal action is required, or when research is conducted. SBC procedures are not standardized, because of the great diversity of occupational agents and the variety of physical and chemical properties involved. Thus, SBC testing with agents found in fumes, gases or vapors can be administered in special cabins or in closed circuits with continuous monitoring of sub-irritant concentrations. Agents found in dust, most but not all of which have high molecular weights, may be appropriate for routine SBC testing in an allergy laboratory. This paper will treat only these cases. SBC must be formed in specialized centers by experienced personnel, as it is a sophisticated and potentially dangerous technique. We describe a series of 20 patients diagnosed of OA in our unit over the past two years in whom SBC provided an etiologic diagnosis. All were exposed to dust or aerosols at work. The cause was a substance of high molecular weight in 17 cases, and low molecular weight in 3. The procedure used is described and models of bronchial response are discussed.  相似文献   

Hyperosmolar aerosols are used to assess airway responsiveness in subjects with asthma. Using a 10% NaCl aerosol, we investigated airway responsiveness in 23 cystic fibrosis (CF) subjects (12 females, 11 males; 19.1 +/- 3.3 years) who had asthma-like symptoms. The pre-challenge predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) was 74.7 +/- 21.5. The aerosol was generated by a MistO2gen 143A ultrasonic nebulizer and inhaled for 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 8, and 8 minutes or part thereof. Spirometry was performed before and 1 minute after each inhalation period. The challenge was stopped when a > or = 20% fall from the baseline FEV1 was recorded, after the last inhalation period, or when requested by the subject. We recorded different responses to 10% NaCl among subjects. In 7, the FEV1 fell progressively throughout the challenge in a manner similar to asthmatics. By contrast, in 15 subjects the FEV1 was higher at the completion of challenge compared to during challenge, i.e., the fall in FEV1 was transient. In 7 of these subjects, the final FEV1 at the end of the challenge was higher than the pre-challenge FEV1. We conclude that inhaled 10% hyperosmolar saline causes either progressive and sustained or transient airway narrowing during challenge in the majority of CF subjects. The cause of the transient airway narrowing requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Bronchial hyperreactivity (BHR) to different allergic and non-allergic stimuli is characteristic feature of asthma. Sometimes however it is not possible to perform bronchial provocation test (BPT) assessing reactivity. It was interesting for us if the result of BPT can be predicted on the base of routine lung tests. The aim of the study is evaluation of the relationship between BPT results and baseline lung function tests assessing small bronchi obstruction in children suffering from asthma. Investigated group comprised 139 children aged 7 to 17 years, with episodic, mild or moderate asthma. During bronchial challenge lung function was assessed on the base of spirography and maximal flows at 50% and 25% of forced vital capacity (MEF50 and MEF25) and other indices as surface under end-half of flow-volume curve and mean flow times T50 and T25. The study results confirmed good correlation between BPT result and baseline lung function. Those children which had worse initial lung tests had more pronounced bronchial hyperreactivity. This relationship was the closest in the group of children with small bronchi obstruction. Analysis of correlation showed highly significant relationship between baseline lung function tests and degree of bronchial reactivity. The highest significance was observed for MEF50 and MEF25. We conclude that small bronchi test disturbances in children with asthma could predict with high probability results of bronchial challenge.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to describe the use of the testimony method of psychotherapy in a group of traumatized adult refugees from genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina. METHOD: The subjects were 20 Bosnian refugees in Chicago who gave written informed consent to participate in a case series study of testimony psychotherapy. All subjects received testimony psychotherapy, averaging six sessions, approximately 90 minutes, weekly or biweekly. Subjects received standardized instruments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, traumatic events, global functioning, and prior psychiatric history. The instruments were administered before treatment, at the conclusion of the treatment, and at the 2- and 6-month follow-ups. RESULTS: The posttreatment assessments demonstrated significant decreases in the rate of PTSD diagnosis, PTSD symptom severity, and the severity of reexperiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal symptom clusters. Depressive symptoms demonstrated a significant decrease, and there was a significant increase in scores on the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. Two-month and 6-month follow-up assessments demonstrated further significant decreases in all symptoms and an increase in scores on the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study provides preliminary evidence that testimony psychotherapy may lead to improvements in PTSD and depressive symptoms, as well as to improvement of functioning, in survivors of state-sponsored violence.  相似文献   

Assessment of the hemodynamic and anatomic results following balloon angioplasty of discrete native coarctation of the aorta, with particular attention to remodeling, has required repeat cardiac catheterization and angiography, which is invasive and has limited resolution. Eight patients with hypertension and discrete native coarctation with an otherwise normally developed aortic arch underwent angioplasty at 5.0 +/- 6.8 years of age. Angiographic cross-sectional areas of the aorta indexed to body surface area at the isthmus (I), coarctation site (C), and 1 cm distal to the coarctation site (Cd) pre- and postangioplasty were compared with MRI-indexed cross-sectional areas 18 +/- 10 months (MRI-1) and 35 +/- 11 months (MRI-2) postangioplasty. From preangioplasty to MRI-2, the isthmus was smaller (149 +/- 22 versus 127 +/- 27 mm2/m2; p < 0. 05). The coarctation site was larger postangioplasty (25 +/- 9 versus 116 +/- 40 mm2/m2; p < 0.001) with continued growth at latest follow-up (116 +/- 40 versus 164 +/- 36 mm2/m2; p < 0.01). The segment 1 cm distal to the coarctation site continued to decrease in area at latest follow-up (267 +/- 78 versus 163 +/- 38 mm2/m2; p < 0. 001). I versus C versus Cd at MRI-2 were similar, whereas postangioplasty and MRI-1 cross-sectional area measurements were significantly different. Following angioplasty of discrete native coarctation, the aorta becomes more uniform or undergoes remodeling. Noninvasive MRI is an effective means of evaluating the anatomic result following balloon angioplasty, obviating the need for repeated invasive cardiac catheterizations.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The authors report the case of an internal rotation of the lower limb, lately ascribed to a posterior placement of the acetabular component during total hip arthroplasty. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A 58 years old female had an irreducible internal rotation of the right hip 3 years after total hip arthroplasty for arthritis. When the hip was extended, the lower limb showed an irreducible internal rotation of 45 degrees. In flexion of the hip this rotation disappeared. AP radiograms showed femur and femoral stem in internal rotation, a healed fracture of the acetabulum, and the acetabular component seemed to be in correct position. On CT scan the acetabular component was 4 cm posterior to the anatomic location, although there was no abnormal anteversion of the stem and acetabular component. Revision, with relocation of the acetabular component, corrected lower limb rotation. DISCUSSION: Posterior position of the acetabular component has not been described as a cause of lower limb malrotation. Normally the strength of the external hip rotators muscles is three times as important as of the internal rotators. The transverse acetabular fracture led to backwards placement of the acetabular component and yelded in an automatic internal rotation of the femur, because the trochanter kept an anatomical position in the horizontal plane. The posteriorised rotation center of the hip had changed the balance of the different rotator muscles, some of them, originally external rotators, becoming internal rotators.  相似文献   

We studied the responses to ultrasonically nebulized distilled water (UNDW) challenge, exercise challenge and methacholine challenge in asthmatic children. Fifty-four asthmatic and fourteen nonasthmatic control children participated in this study. The UNDW inhalation test was by the methodology described by Anderson. The average output of water was approximately 3.0 mL/min (SD = .1) and inhalation times were 30 seconds, one minute, two minutes and four minutes. Some subjects performed exercise challenge on a bicycle ergometer and methacholine challenge by an Astrograph technique. Twenty-three of 54 asthmatic patients (42.6%) and none of the controls showed a fall in FEV1 greater than 20% with UNDW challenge. The fall in FEV1 with UNDW correlated with that induced by exercise challenge (r = .89) and Log Dmin, which may reflect bronchial sensitivity (r = .70). Our method is not sensitive enough for detecting bronchial hyperresponsiveness in all asthmatic children. Bronchoconstriction induced by UNDW has a similar mechanism of action as exercise and methacholine.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIM: Traditionally, orthotopic liver transplantation has consisted of a total native hepatectomy that included retrohepatic inferior vena cava. The so-called "piggyback" technique was described by Tzakis et al. (2). It consists of a recipient hepatectomy with preservation of the native retrohepatic IVC and subsequent anastomosis of the homograft suprahepatic IVC to a cuff fashioned from the recipient's suprahepatic veins. In this study, a single surgeon's experience with both techniques during the same period of time is discussed to analyze any significant differences in survival, intraoperative blood loss, length of stay in the ICU, and total length of stay in the hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Over a three year period, 128 patients were transplanted at the University of Pittsburgh. Of these, 66 patients (51.6%) had a piggyback (PB) operation while the remaining 62 (48.4%) had a "standard" (ST) operation. RESULTS: The actual 6 month survival was 81.8% in the PB group (54/66) and 74.2% in the ST group (46/62), with no statistical difference between the two. The median intraoperative blood usage was 6 units for the PB group versus 10 units for the ST group (p > 0.02). The median ICU length of stay was the same at 4 days, as was the total hospitalization duration, 21 days. The in-hospital deaths were included in the analysis. CONCLUSIONS: The piggyback technique has some advantages, including less bleeding and absence of brachial plexus or phrenic nerve injury. Several other important considerations are discussed. In conclusion, the results with the piggyback technique are equivalent to those obtained with the standard approach.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Because cigarette smoking affects the respiratory system earlier than many other systems of the human body, an attempt was made to identify objective and subjective respiratory problems among adolescent smokers. METHODS: Two studies based on a pulmonary function test (PFT), respiratory symptom assessment, and other smoking-related variables were undertaken. Study 1 involved cigarette smokers (N = 18, 22% males, mean age 18.7 years) from a freshman college class who participated in an acute smoking experiment that involved performing a PFT before and after smoking a single cigarette. Study 2 was performed on a combined group of vocational-technical high school students and freshman college students (N = 44, 48% males, mean age 17.8 years) where PFT parameters, respiratory symptoms, and smoking-related health vulnerability were assessed among smokers vs nonsmokers. RESULTS: In Study 1, the average reduction across PFT parameters was 4.4% and the mean estimated lung age increased from 27.15 to 29.84 years. In Study 2, a consistent trend toward reduction of PFT values among smokers vs nonsmokers was observed; the mean forced expiratory volume in 1 sec/forced vital capacity ratio (90.51% vs 94.59%), peak expiratory flow rate (80.32% vs 92.06%), and flow rate of 50% of forced vital capacity (88.39% vs 102.81%) differed significantly. Significant differences in respiratory symptoms were also observed among smokers vs nonsmokers. CONCLUSIONS: The beginning of respiratory health disorders can be identified among adolescent smokers. These findings might provide important clues on how to improve outcomes from health care provider-based adolescent smoking cessation counseling.  相似文献   

A pilot-study was carried out on ten Dutch goat farms to see whether there is a relationship between farm management factors and the occurrence of toxoplasmosis. Questionnaires were used to collect information about farm management factors and blood samples were taken to determine the prevalence of toxoplasmosis on these farms. The mean prevalence was 47% (range 5-90%). The presence of kittens on a farm was a risk factor for a higher prevalence of toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein is a fluorescent analogue of the natural bile acid, cholyl glycine. In vivo and in vitro studies showed that this analogue has many biological characteristics similar to cholyl glycine. In this study we analysed cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein plasma clearance in six healthy volunteers as a potential quantitative liver function test. METHODS: The compound in water for injection was administered as an i.v. bolus in the dose of 0.02 mg/kg b.w. RESULTS: The plasma elimination curve showed rapid, intermediate and slow phases of clearance. Half-life (T1/2 time) for the first (t1/2 1st phase), second (t1/2 2nd phase) and third (t1/2 3rd phase) phases of elimination was 1.7+/-0.9 min, 6.7+/-1.6 min and 68+/-17 min, respectively. Ninety-minute plasma retention (% dose/l plasma) was 2.2%. Cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein volume of distribution and residual fluorescence after 60 min were similar to the data obtained by others for natural or radiolabelled bile acids. In five out of six healthy volunteers a 25-fold higher dose of cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein (0.5 mg/kg b.w.) was injected to estimate the safety margins of the compound. This dose was eliminated at a disappearance rate similar to that of the dose of 0.02 mg/kg b.w. and did not cause any adverse reactions. Serum liver tests measured before and after injection did not change significantly. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein clearance is similar to the clearance of endogenous natural bile acids and may potentially offer a new, dynamic test of liver function.  相似文献   

1. Artists use many materials composed of the same chemicals that cause major occupational health problems in industry. 2. The majority of artists are unaware of the potential hazards in the materials and processes they use. 3. The pilot study revealed that greater than 90% of the amateur photographers did not use safety precautions in the darkroom. 4. The most common perceived barrier to the use of safety precautions was the lack of knowledge about chemical safety.  相似文献   

Early enteral nutrition in gastrointestinal surgery: a pilot study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hot tar burns compose a unique class of thermal injury, because removal of this highly sticky compound may be very difficult without inflicting additional tissue damage. Early removal of tar facilitates assessment of the burn and improves patient comfort. Although the use of many substances for the painless removal of tar has been described, we used sunflower oil effectively in the treatment of four tar burn patients. This first report describes the practical and successful use of sunflower oil which was easily obtained from the hospital kitchen.  相似文献   

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