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Hyperglycemia is one of the most prominent factors associated with diabetic vascular disease, the development of which is initated by functional and morphological alterations of the endothelium. The review summarizes several issues of glycemia and advanced glycation end products induced changes concerning soluble as well as cell bound endothelial adhesion molecules, and further addresses the aspect of apoptosis in the light of diabetic vascular complications.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli low molecular mass penicillin-binding proteins (PBP4, PBP5 and PBP6) are a group of penicillin-sensitive enzymes involved in the final stages of cell wall assembly. It has been suggested that these proteins may interact with the periplasmic face of the inner membrane via C-terminal amphiphilic alpha-helices. Theoretical analysis has predicted that these C-terminal helical regions may be membrane interactive. We have tested this hypothesis by assaying PBP C-terminal homologues (P4, P5 and P6) for haemolytic activity. Our results show that the PBP5 and PBP6 C-terminal homologues readily lyse sheep erythrocytes in a pH-dependent manner with LD50's of 3.5 x 10(-6) M and 6.8 x 10(-7) M respectively at pH 7. These results appear to support the present model for the membrane anchoring of PBP5 and PBP6. The PBP4 C-terminal homologue shows no evidence of haemolytic activity which could imply a different means of membrane association for PBP4.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the longitudinal development of running economy [defined as the oxygen uptake (VO2) at a submaximal running speed] in males and females from teenage to young adult age using data from the Amsterdam Growth and Health Study. Submaximal VO2 (in ml.kg-1.min-1) was measured in 84 males and 98 females while they ran on a treadmill at a constant speed of 8 km.h-1 for 6 min at three different treadmill slopes (0%, 2.5% and 5%). This test was carried out six times, on the same subjects at the ages of 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, and 27 years. The longitudinal development of running economy in males and females was analysed using a two-way analysis of variance for repeated measurements. At all three slopes, a significant decrease in VO2 with increasing age was found for both males and females, implying a significant increase in running economy for both sexes. Males showed significantly higher VO2 values than females at all ages measured and for all three slopes, suggesting that females have a significantly higher running economy than males. In order to make a better comparison of the VO2 of individuals of different sizes, allometric models were used; power function ratios were constructed in which body mass was expressed to an exponential power. Following this analysis the difference in submaximal VO2 and running economy between males and females appeared even larger.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Micrometastases within bone marrow have been shown to indicate a poor prognosis in patients with epithelial tumours. However, the degree to which micrometastases represent true residual disease or cell shedding and metastatic potential, is unclear. AIM: To explore whether micrometastases represent residual disease, bone marrow taken from carefully staged patients before and after (> 6 months) "curative" resection of a primary gastrointestinal cancer was studied prospectively. PATIENTS/METHODS: Seventy two consecutive patients were studied; the only exclusions were patients with known overt metastatic disease at the time of surgery. Micrometastatic cells were quantified per 10(5) marrow cells by flow cytometry after staining for contaminant cytokeratin-18 positive cells. RESULTS: Micrometastases were detected preoperatively in 22% (16/72) of all patients, comprising 11 (23%) of 48 with colorectal cancer, five (33%) of 15 with gastric adenocarcinoma and none (0%) of nine with oesophageal squamous cancer. Although fewer metastatic cells were detected in postoperative bone marrow, and clearance of marrow deposits was evident in most patients, the persistence of micrometastases in five of 16 patients after resection, without evidence of tumour recurrence, indicates a subset with true residual disease. Detection of micrometastases postoperatively (persistent or newly developed) was significantly associated with development of overt metastases during the subsequent 12-18 months of follow up (nine of 19 patients) when compared with patients testing negative for micrometastases (eight of 53; p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative detection of micrometastases may reflect either transient shedding of cells, metastatic potential or residual disease, but postoperative micrometastases indicate minimal residual disease. Identification of these patients is important because they may benefit from adjuvant therapy.  相似文献   

Increased levels of the endothelial markers soluble E-selectin (P = 0.011), soluble thrombomodulin (P < 0.0001) and von Willebrand factor (VWF, P < 0.0001) were found in 116 patients with ischaemic heart disease compared to an equal number of age- and sex-matched asymptomatic controls. In a multivariate analysis of the markers versus the major risk factors for atherosclerosis, VWF correlated with total cholesterol (P = 0.002) and E-selectin with sex (lower in women, P = 0.004) and triglycerides (P = 0.007). The data point to profound differences in the release mechanisms of these three endothelial cell products and suggests that further studies into the roles of these molecules in coronary artery disease are warranted.  相似文献   

A total of 102 nasal polyps from 52 patients were stained by the PAS-alcian blue whole-mount method, and mucous glands were studied quantitatively. Glands were found in all polyps but in many of them only a few. The density is very low, considerably lower than in the nasal mucosa. The glands are tubular, of different shape and size, but differ widely from those in the nose and are formed from the surface epithelium after the polyp has attained a certain size. They do not issue from the nasal mucosa. The glands degenerate and distend. Thus, cysts in the polyp are degenerated, mucus-filled glands.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Activation of endothelial cells and platelets plays an important role in the development of atherosclerosis and thrombotic disorders. Soluble adhesion molecules originating from these cells can be demonstrated in plasma. We hypothesized that elevated plasma concentrations of soluble P-selectin (sP-selectin), soluble intercellular adhesion mole-cule-1 (sICAM-1), soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1), and soluble E-selectin (sE-selectin) can reflect activation of endothelial cells and/or platelets in acute ischemic stroke and in previously symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis. METHODS: Plasma was sampled from patients within 2 days of acute ischemic stroke (n = 28), from patients with a previous (> 1 week) transient or persistent ischemic neurological deficit associated with stenosis of the internal carotid artery (n = 34), and from control patients without a history of vascular disease (n = 34). Concentrations of sP-selectin, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, and sE-selectin were measured by means of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: Compared with control subjects, sP-selectin and sE-selectin were significantly elevated in the acute stage of ischemic stroke (P < .0001 and P = .001, respectively) as well as in previously symptomatic carotid stenosis (P < .0001 and P = .0007). sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 were not increased. CONCLUSIONS: The elevated levels of sE-selectin indicate that endothelial cell activation occurs both in the acute stage of ischemic stroke and in previously symptomatic carotid atherosclerosis. Increased sP-selectin concentrations reflect endothelial cell activation as well but may also be caused by platelet activation.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the longevity and reproducibility of choroidal neovascularisation (CNV) induced by krypton laser photocoagulation in the rat. The presence of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) during the development of CNV was also studied. METHODS: 67 pigmented rats underwent retinal photocoagulation by krypton laser. The eyes were examined by either single or serial fluorescein angiography at 3 days, 1, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8, and 12 weeks post photocoagulation. The expression of CAMs (ICAM-1, E-selectin, and CD44) and VEGF post photocoagulation was studied by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: CNV related fluorescein leakage appeared in 46.4% of 766 laser spots delivered to the 58 eyes that were tested at 2-3 weeks post treatment. The ratio of hyperfluorescent laser sites did not change significantly at 8 weeks post laser. The number of leaky spots was independent of the total number of lesions delivered to each eye (at 2-3 weeks post laser 10-15 spots/eye: 44% and 25-30 spots/eye: 49%; t = 0.7673; p = 0.3903). Nine eyes were followed by serial angiography between 2 and 12 weeks. The laser spots with fluorescein leakage at 2 weeks (51.5%) remained leaky at 12 weeks (51.5%). Histopathologically, macrophage accumulation peaked at 5 days and CNV was firstly observed at 1 week post photocoagulation. ICAM-1, E-selectin, CD44, and VEGF were maximally induced at 3-5 days post laser photocoagulation, and were localised to RPE, choroidal vascular endothelial, and inflammatory cells. VEGF was also detected in intravascular leucocytes at the sites of laser lesions. CONCLUSIONS: These studies demonstrated that krypton laser photocoagulation can be successfully used to produce lesions similar to those of human CNV. The response induced remained present for an extended period of time (12 weeks), thus offering a potential model to screen candidate CNV inhibitory agents. In addition, it is proposed that the expression of ICAM-1, E-selectin, CD44, and VEGF before new vessel formation might be linked to the initiation of CNV.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase and carbamoylphosphate synthetase I expression was examined immunohistochemically in livers of spf-ash homozygous and hemizygous mice, in which one of the urea cycle enzymes (ornithine carbamoyltransferase) is deficient and hyperammonemic disorders are obvious. In the mutant adult mouse liver, only hepatocytes lining central veins expressed glutamine synthetase. In contrast, other hepatocytes expressed carbamoylphosphate synthetase I but not glutamine synthetase. This complementary expression pattern is similar to that seen in wild-type mouse liver. In the liver of mutant young mice, which showed severe retarded growth and abnormal hair and skin development, the developmental expression pattern of both enzymes was also similar to that of the corresponding wild-type liver. However, suppression of carbamoylphosphate synthetase I expression in the pericentral hepatocytes occurred later in the mutant than in wild-type liver. These results show that high plasma concentrations of ammonium ions, which are one of the substrates for both the enzymes, do not change their complementary expression. Instead they support the idea that factor(s) associated with central veins rather than humoral factors direct pericentral hepatocytes to express glutamine synthetase and to suppress carbamoylphosphate synthetase I expression.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Tat is a potent transactivator that stimulates expression from the HIV-1 LTR, from certain cellular gene promoters and from several heterologous viral promoters. Previous reports show that HIV-1 Tat transactivates tumor necrosis factor-beta (TNF-beta) promoter-directed gene expression in lymphocytic and monocytic cell lines and further demonstrate that a 'TAR-like structure' downstream of the TNF-beta promoter is essential for Tat activity. The ability of Tat to activate TNF-beta may have profound effects as TNF has been shown to be a potent activator of HIV-1 gene expression and an important immunomodulatory and growth regulatory factor. The studies presented herein demonstrate a novel finding where HIV-1 Tat specifically represses (> 10-fold) TNF-beta promoter-directed gene expression in central nervous system-derived glial cells. Amino acid residues 2 to 36 of HIV-1 Tat are required for TNF-beta repression. Tat repression of TNF-beta, a factor which upregulates HIV-1 gene expression, suggests a novel mechanism whereby HIV-1 is able to establish latent infection of glial cells that present no detectable virions and/or viral antigens.  相似文献   

To clarify the local immune responses in inflammatory myopathies, we examine recent studies on expression of adhesion and costimulatory molecules. Adhesion molecules participate in MNC influx from blood vessels into muscle tissues and interactions of inflamed muscle cells with surrounded MNC. These antigens may work as costimulatory molecules in antigen presenting process by muscle cells, as well as in augmentation of inflammation by infiltrating MNCs.  相似文献   

Nasal polyps are generally considered as a result of extreme nasal mucosal edema induced by long-term recurrent inflammation of the respiratory mucosa. The estradiol (E2) has been demonstrated to play a facilitating role in nasal inflammation. To evaluate the effect of estradiol on the pathogenesis of nasal polyps, the expression of E2 receptors in paraffin section from patients with nasal polyps (84 cases), chronic hypertrophic rhinitis (6 cases) and healthy control subjects were investigated by means of immunohistochemistry for E2 receptors and toluidine blue staining for mast cells. It was shown that there was high expression of E2 receptors in 61 out of 84 cases (male 40, female 44) of nasal polyps and the expression distributed equally among both sexes. Low expression of E2 receptors presents in 2 out of 6 cases of chronic rhinitis and 1 out of 4 healthy subjects. Noteworthily, the E2 receptor expressing cells are similar with the mast cells in shape and distribution. The authors speculate that they may be identical cells. E2 receptor expression in nasal polyps suggests that estradiol plays certain role in the development of nasal polyps.  相似文献   

To investigate the role played by chemokines in the natural history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, we measured the plasma levels of RANTES. MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta in a cohort of patients with primary HIV-1 infection (PHI) followed longitudinally. The cohort included 17 patients with well-documented history of acute HIV syndrome within two months of the first observation. The mean plasma concentration of RANTES, but not that of MIP-1 alpha or MIP-1 beta, was significantly higher in patients with PHI (192.3 ng/ml) than in five HIV-seronegative controls (8.0 ng/ml) studied during the same time period. Treatment of blood with a cocktail of drugs preventing platelet activation, followed by high-speed centrifugation, reduced the levels of RANTES by approximately 2 logs both in patients and in controls, indicating that the bulk of RANTES was released by platelets, which are known to store this chemokine in their alpha-granules, in the immediate aftermath of blood drawing. No correlation was seen between the levels of RANTES and the number of HIV genome equivalents in plasma. These data suggest that large amounts of pre-formed RANTES are stored in platelets and, possibly, in other blood cells during the early phases of HIV infection. The possible role of this HIV-suppressive chemokine in the control of viral replication during PHI remains to be established.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1), E-selectin, and P-selectin could selectively recruit leukocyte subpopulations, and whether this was affected by shear force or adhesion molecule concentration. Cover slips coated with purified adhesion molecules were incorporated into laminar flow chambers. Whole human blood was perfused for 5 minutes over these cover slips at relative shear forces of 2 to 40 dynes/cm2. Chasing the whole blood with buffer permitted visualization of leukocyte-substratum interactions. Leukocytes were observed to roll on and adhere to VCAM-1 at shears between 2 and 15 dynes/cm2. As assessed by cover slip staining, the majority of these cells were lymphocytes, but eosinophils, monocytes, and, surprisingly, neutrophils were also recruited, events inhibitable by anti-4-integrin antibody (HP1/2). Neutrophils were effectively recruited onto the selectins, with interactions occurring at shears as high as 30 and 40 dynes/cm2 for E- and P-selectin respectively. Eosinophils had high affinity for P- but not E-selectin. Mononuclear cells did not have high affinity for either selectin, but interacted avidly with VCAM-1. Antibodies against P-selectin (G1) and E-selectin (ES-1) completely blocked interactions on these substrates. Reducing the concentration of adhesion molecules did not appreciably change recruitment patterns except for VCAM-1, where neutrophils were no longer recruited. The novel use of whole blood in flow chambers shows a partial selectivity of selectins and VCAM-1 for certain subpopulations of leukocytes under varying physiologic shear conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Patients with predominantly upper body obesity are at greater risk for developing diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Little is known about the mechanisms involved in the regulation of regional body distribution. It has been accepted that the accumulation of fat into adipose tissue depends on regional metabolic regulation of adipocytes and that glucocorticoids play a role in this mechanism. The aim of the present study is to investigate how the pharmacokinetics of cortisol correlate to intraabdominal and subcutaneous fat distribution in obese patients. METHODS: A group of 24 obese patients (13 males and 11 females) were submitted to a CT scan for intraabdominal and subcutaneous fat area evaluation. A 30-min cortisol infusion (0.25 mg/kg) was administered and plasma cortisol was measured over 6 hours. RESULTS: Patients with larger intraabdominal fat areas were found to have a higher cortisol clearance than those with lower intraabdominal fat areas. Cortisol clearance (both, absolute and body-weight corrected) showed a statistically significant correlation with intraabdominal fat area, either expressed by waist-hip ratio or obtained by computerized tomography. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate a more effective clearance capability for cortisol in patients with central obesity resulting in lowered cortisol plasma levels despite an increased cortisol secretion observed in this patient group.  相似文献   

Daytime sleepiness is a common complaint in blind subjects. Abnormally timed melatonin has been invoked as a possible cause of both daytime sleepiness and nighttime awakening. In free-running blind individuals, there is an opportunity to assess the relationship between endogenous melatonin rhythms and subjective sleepiness and naps. The aim of this study was to characterize melatonin rhythms and simultaneously to evaluate subjective napping. A total of 15 subjects with no conscious light perception (NPL) were studied for 1 month. Prior to the study, sleep disorders were assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Cosinor and regression analysis revealed that 9 of the 15 NPL subjects had free-running 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) rhythms (period [tau] range = 24.34 to 24.79 h), 3 were entrained with an abnormal phase, and 3 were normally entrained. Most of the subjects (13 of 15) had daytime naps; the 2 individuals who did not made conscious efforts not to do so. Subjects with abnormal aMT6s rhythms had more naps of a longer duration than did those with normal rhythms. Free-running nap rhythms occurred only in subjects with free-running aMT6s rhythms. The 2 abnormally entrained subjects who napped did so at times that coincided with high levels of aMT6s (mean aMT6s acrophase [phi] +/- SD = 14.30 +/- 1.08 h, 20.30 +/- 0.62 h; mean nap time +/- SD = 14.01 +/- 3.60 h, 18.23 +/- 3.20 h, respectively). Regardless of aMT6s rhythm abnormality, significantly more naps occurred with a 4-h period before and after the estimated aMT6s acrophase. In 4 free-running subjects, aMT6s acrophase (phi) passed through an entire 24-h period. When aMT6s was in a normal phase position (24:00 to 06:00 h), night-sleep duration tended to increase with a significant reduction in the number and duration of naps. Sleep onset and offset times tended to advance and delay as the aMT6s rhythms advanced and delayed. Our results show a striking relationship between the timing of daytime production of melatonin and the timing of daytime naps. This suggests that abnormally timed endogenous melatonin may induce sleepiness in blind subjects.  相似文献   

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