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工业设计的物质与非物质形态   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
舒湘鄂 《包装工程》2004,25(4):104-106
论述了工业设计中的物质与非物质形态这一理念,及在设计中物质向非物质的转变过程.认为社会的产品将从一种"硬件形式"转变为"软件形式";物质与非物质的产品形态将改变工业设计的观念和方法,也将作为一个新的设计方法论.  相似文献   

本文研究了知识在人类设计一切有目的活动中的行为,分析了设计中知识的流动和在竞争中的完整化即进化,论证了创新和设计的关系以及创新和设计的知识本质。提出了设计是以已有知识为基础、设计是以新知识获取为中心、设计知识具有不完整性、竞争性等基本规律和基本特征,认为要依赖创新推动经济增长方式的转变,知识行为研究应该是设计科学的重要命题。  相似文献   

"包装设计"是社会市场经济发展的产物,随着社会物质程度和精神层次条件的改善,人们的消费理念也随之转变,审美趣味也在不断提高,所以包装设计趣味性的提升也成为重点.如今的包装不再是单纯的包裹商品的方式,而是既要具有丰富的文化内涵又能体现时代的审美特征,以此来满足人们高层次的审美需求和精神需求.拟态是指在包装形态设计上模拟自...  相似文献   

设计中的 “无用” 之道   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
邓焱  李中扬 《包装工程》2015,36(6):109-112
目的探究设计"无用即大用"的理念。方法从通过对古典哲学中"道"与"器"、"有用"与"无用"的分析,阐述了人的需求层次,强调设计应具备创造美的责任,并以优秀的设计为例,论证了"无用即大用"的理念。结论无用设计理念是人们生活需求和社会文化发展的产物,设计不仅满足了人对物质的形态美和功能上的需要,而且其创造的价值在一定程度上改变了社会,改善了人们的生活状态,体现了"无用"之大用。  相似文献   

由于国内、外机械行业的激烈竞争,对机床设计提出了更高的要求。现代工业设计理念的引入,对提高机床设计和加强企业的竞争性起着重要的作用。本文以数控机床为例,分析了该产品设计的现状,用工业设计现代设计理念来诠释机床设计。在产品绿色设计、人眭化设计、语意设计和品牌建设方面做了重点分析和论证。  相似文献   

人性化设计理念在工业设计中的剖析和运用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
杨文发  许世虎 《包装工程》2006,27(6):298-300
归纳和概括出人性化设计理念在当今时代背景下包括了4大方面的内容和范畴:为人的物质和精神满足的设计;为不同特征的人群的设计;"形式服从情感"的设计;多学科的交叉、合作性设计.并通过工业设计实例对它们给予了充分的论证和说明,从而使人们对以"人"为中心的人性化设计理念有更清楚和全面的认识并在设计中给予充分的应用和体现.  相似文献   

城市与社会不断发展,城市公共空间的范围和形式也随之丰富和发展,而空间的内容必然随着空间的发展而发展。随着空间的变化,人们对空间的需求从简单的满足审美与功能的需求,逐渐转变为对文化、情感以及精神方面和美学价值的需求。千篇一律的拿来主义已经不能满足当今大众的需求,而情感化的设计则为当今设计提供了新的设计思考。本文以唐纳德在《情感化设计》中的三个层面作为理论基础,对城市空间情感化设计进行了研究与探讨。  相似文献   

现代工业设计中人性化理念的应用,是要求工业产品设计既要以人为本,满足人们的实际需求,还要尽可能多的考虑到产品功能的全面性。工业设计在现代社会中的应用极为广泛,在多个领域中都有运用到工业设计知识。随着社会经济的快速发展,"以人为本"的设计理念越来越多的受到了社会各界的高度关注。本文就人性化设计理念在现代工业设计中的应用问题展开了分析与研究。  相似文献   

工业设计是由现代科技、现代艺术、社会需求与社会管理要素构成工业设计专业是要培养熟悉国情、通晓必要的工业生产与市场知识,掌握系统的现代工业产品设计理论和专业技能,了解世界工业设计发展趋势,具有较强的设计创新能力和艺术修养,能够从事工业产品设计、研究以及设计教育工作的专业人才  相似文献   

随着世界经济的迅猛发展,现今的工业产品已从满足单一的基本需求转向了满足功能化、人性化、舒适性、健康、安全等多元化的需求和精神需求上,市场竞争不再只是先进科技和价格的竞争,更是工业设计的竞争。可以说:工业设计是企业创新的核心手段和方法。通过工业设计可以促进企业产品创新、树立企业品牌、增加附加值、提升市场竞争力,这是国内外众多著名企业走过的一条成功之路。  相似文献   

Despite great advances in computation, materials design is still science fiction. The construction of structure-property relations on the quantum scale will turn computational empiricism into true design.  相似文献   

This paper discusses methods to retrieve designs from a design library in order to achieve a better initial starting point for the iterative model of the design process. The motivation for doing this is to reduce the extensive analysis time required for many iterative design problems. Starting a design at a favorable initial point should help reduce the number of iterations. Four initial design methods have been investigated, varying from a simple nonlibrary method to methods that use designs from a library. The iterative design scheme used is conventional hill-climbing. To evaluate the effectiveness of these methods, the initial design methods were tested on four example problems. They are, a cantilever beam, a gear-pair, a V-belt, and an extruder-die. It was found that the number of iterations reduced approximately to the order of 1/n [referred in the rest of the article as O (1/n)], wheren is the number of stored values in the design library.  相似文献   

Robust design, axiomatic design, and reliability‐based design provide effective approaches to deal with quality problems, and their integration will achieve better quality improvement. An integration design optimization framework of robust design, axiomatic design, and reliability‐based design is proposed in this paper. First, the fitted response model of each quality characteristic is obtained by response surface methodology and the mean square error (MSE) estimation is given by a second‐order Taylor series approximation expansion. Then the multiple quality characteristics robust design model is developed by the MSE criteria. Finally, the independence axiom constraints for decoupling and reliability constraints are integrated into the multiple quality characteristics robust design model, and the integration design optimization framework is formulated, where the weighted Tchebycheff approach is adopted to solve the multiple objective programming. An illustrative example is presented at the end, and the results show that the proposed approach can obtain better trade‐offs among conflicting quality characteristics, variability, coupling degree and reliability requirements. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Function-based design synthesis approach to design reuse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, a design reuse framework with a function-based design synthesis approach is proposed in the context of conceptual product development. Previous researches in design reuse have lacked a comprehensive functional base for knowledge representation and reasoning. The method presented in this paper uses a function-based product information model and a multiple objective optimization model to achieve design reuse. The information model is dependent on a functional core which is the key element vector. It is capable of modeling product information with sufficient abstraction, which in turn facilitates intelligent construction of product platforms. The multiple objective optimization method carries out automated design synthesis and evaluation subject to various design constraints. The approach has been applied in the design of the fan filter unit, a key clean room device. It has achieved intelligent design reuse in product conceptual design with significant rapidity and solution variety.  相似文献   

包装容器形态仿生设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
何霞  杨国平  王家俊 《包装工程》2006,27(1):162-163,172
通过例子分析了仿生设计与包装容器形态之间的密切关系,从具象形态仿生设计和抽象形态仿生设计2个方面,对包装容器形态仿生设计在包装中的应用进行了分析和探讨,以达到创新设计的目的,真正做到实用与审美的统一.指出包装设计中的仿生设计极大地丰富了包装设计的设计方法,赋予了产品鲜明的个性形象,并提升了包装的魅力.  相似文献   

Injection mould design is a complex process incorporating various aspects of design information and a variety of design activities. Specific requirements such as undercut mould design add difficulties to the problem because they often require innovation, which involves the conceptual stage of design problem solving. Modelling injection mould design from a functional perspective enables a higher level of design abstraction, thus facilitating a wider range of conceptual variants selection. In this paper, the authors discuss the essential aspects of functional design information in injection mould design and how they can be modelled. Functional design knowledge supporting the modelling process is also discussed and formalized, and a number of knowledge libraries are implemented. A side core mechanism design is used as an example to illustrate the proposed method and its usefulness.  相似文献   

It is widely agreed that the design methods and computer support of VLSI design are generally more mature than those of mechanical items. Why is this so, and is there any hope of the gap being significantly closed? This paper argues that there are fundamental reasons, that is, reasons based on natural phenomena, that keep mechanical design from approaching the ideal of VLSI design methods. The argument is accompanied by examples and brief histories of the evolution of VLSI design methods and attempts to systemize mechanical design. Brief attention is also given to the paradoxical fact that VLSI design itself is currently receding from the ideal and taking on the flavor and problems of mechanical design. This paper is based on several reports and working papers with limited circulation. The one relied on primarily is Whitney et al. (C.S. Draper Lab Report R-2577, Dec., 1993). The author wishes to acknowledge the contributions of his co-authors of that report. He also acknowledges the many discussions he had with people mentioned in the footnotes who enriched his approach to this topic.  相似文献   

This study develops a method for determining optimal design embodiments under the following assumptions: (1) the design approach involves the axiomatic design theory and (2) the design-relevant information refers to a designer’s intuition, expressible as f-granular information. The optimal design embodiments are then obtained by determining such optimal set of crisp points having definiteness positions close to each other. Here, a crisp point means a value of one of the parameters needed to specify the design. The definiteness position of a crisp point depends on two factors: (1) how much a designer knows about this point, and (2) how desirable it is to design the actual product. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated by an example that involves both weight and dimension measures. As axiomatic-design-theoretic practices move further into the age of design automation, various machine intelligence techniques capable of computing qualitative information (f-granular information) rather than numbers (numerical or semi-numerical information) will be needed. This study is intended to further such investigations.
A. M. M. Sharif UllahEmail:

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