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研究了我国华南地区广州岭南穗粮谷物股份有限公司一面粉加工车间B区、C区,长为108 m,宽为25 m,高为35.2 m,总体积为95 040 m3,有效熏蒸体积为53842 m3的空间,采用硫酰氟剂量为40 g/m3、密闭时间为48 h的整体性结构熏蒸。在不补充硫酰氟熏蒸剂的条件下,熏蒸过程浓度随时间变化的规律,建立了熏蒸剂的日损失率Ld和浓度半数衰减时间HLT,分析了各楼层硫酰氟浓度变化规律和熏蒸剂泄漏程度,评估了杀虫效果。熏蒸剂的日损失率符合模型:(e,自然常数;b,衰减常数),浓度半数衰减时间HLT符合模型:熏蒸剂日损失率的变化随着衰减常数的增大而增大,浓度半数衰减时间HLT的变化随着衰减常数的增大而减小。单次熏蒸时衰减常数为固定值,熏蒸剂日损失率、浓度半数衰减时间HLT为恒定变化。经模型评估,6、7、8楼的日损失率Ld和半数衰减时间介于56.7 %~71.3 %和0.56~0.83 d。3、4楼区域损失率Ld和半数衰减时间介于85.0 %~92.6 %和0.27~0.37 d;除8楼硫酰氟熏蒸剂浓度半数衰减时间HLT超过15 h,其余楼层均未超过15 h。熏蒸后22 d,取样检测发现面粉加工车间设备和管道中均发现赤拟谷盗幼虫活虫。采用硫酰氟进行建筑物结构40 g/m3剂量、密闭时间48 h方式熏蒸,可将车间空间区域害虫各虫态以及管道和设备中成虫杀死,存在于设备和管道内的卵可能存活且发育成新幼虫或蛹。  相似文献   

研究了硫酰氟熏蒸对片烟质量的影响,并测定了硫酰氟熏蒸后片烟中氟的残留量.结果表明:硫酰氟的使用剂量为20 g/m3,熏蒸120 h,即CT(浓度与时间的乘积)值为2400时,烟草甲成虫、幼虫、蛹及卵全部死亡;硫酰氟处理对片烟常规化学成分影响不明显,总植物碱稍有下降;硫酰氟对片烟的质量无不良的影响;硫酰氟熏蒸后,片烟中氟的残留量增加幅度为3.1 mg/kg.  相似文献   

国内粮食仓储企业防治储粮害虫主要采用磷化铝熏蒸剂熏蒸,但在北方低温季节,储粮发生局部虫害时使用磷化铝熏蒸存在熏蒸时间长、熏杀不彻底等现象.为探索低温环境下处理局部虫害新方式,在查阅大量相关资料基础上,中储粮济南公司对发生局部虫害的仓房使用硫酰氟进行处理,通过应用证明使用硫酰氟局部熏蒸是解决低温季节局部发生虫害导致粮食发...  相似文献   

通过比较分析3种不同实仓施药方式硫酰氟熏蒸高大平房仓的穿透力、均匀性和杀虫效果,探索硫酰氟在实仓熏蒸的最佳工艺.结果表明,硫酰氟气体可在2.5 h内自然扩散穿透粮堆,24 h左右达到整仓基本均匀.环流熏蒸可以加速气体均匀,但此次实验环流过程中导致了一定药剂损失.在整仓熏蒸、膜下上行环流和膜下下行环流的3种熏蒸方式中,整...  相似文献   

硫酰氟属广谱熏蒸剂杀虫剂,于上世纪五十年代在美国进行了首次杀虫剂药品注册.但用作食品(粮食)熏蒸剂,在国际上仅有十几年的历史.主要源于其存在的问题比较突出.针对存在问题,"减少施药量、减少残留、减少排放"是硫酰氟熏蒸杀虫技术发展的必然要求,研究开发"低剂量、低残留、低排放"的硫酰氟高效熏蒸杀虫技术或许是其可行的技术途径...  相似文献   

储粮害虫防治始终执行“以防为主、综合治理”的保粮方针,采取各种防治和管理措施控制储粮害虫的发生、传播和危害。目前,储粮害虫对磷化氢的抗性问题已发展到难以解决的处境,磷化铝药物被淘汰后,硫酰氟可能会成为之后的替代熏蒸剂。正确处理好防与治的关系,粮面拌合防护剂立足预防,采用硫酰氟进行快速精准熏蒸杀虫,可取得良好综合防治效果。  相似文献   

为探索砖圆仓硫酰氟熏蒸杀虫和防护效果,分别在3个不同气密性仓房,分别采用整仓不环流熏蒸和环流熏蒸,以及采用不同的熏蒸药剂浓度,通过分析比较气体均匀性,浓度保持时间和杀虫防护效果进行评价.试验结果表明,硫酰氟气体可在4 h内自然扩散穿透10 m粮堆,并在24 h内达到整仓气体均匀.环流熏蒸由于环流管道老化造成药剂损失,气...  相似文献   

通过比较分析3种不同实仓施药方式硫酰氟熏蒸高大平房仓的穿透力、均匀性和杀虫效果,探索硫酰氟在实仓熏蒸的最佳工艺。结果表明,硫酰氟气体可在2.5 h内自然扩散穿透粮堆,24 h左右达到整仓基本均匀。环流熏蒸可以加速气体均匀,但此次实验环流过程中导致了一定药剂损失。在整仓熏蒸、膜下上行环流和膜下下行环流的3种熏蒸方式中,整仓熏蒸操作最为简便,可用于快速杀灭成虫;膜下上行环流方式,药剂损耗量较大;膜下下行环流,浓度均匀速度快,用药量较整仓小,药剂浓度保持时间长,杀虫效果好。  相似文献   

硫酰氟熏蒸技术在美国的应用情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硫酰氟为甲基溴替代熏蒸剂,由美国陶氏益农公司开发研制,商品名Profume,目前已经获得美国环境保护署(EPA)的限制性使用杀虫剂的注册,可用于非居住建筑物、食品加工处理设施(例如,宠物食品厂、面包房、食品加工厂、面粉加工厂和仓库货栈等)、停站的运输工具(火车、船舱、卡车,还包括飞机等)、临时和永久熏蒸室和仓房结构的熏蒸,防治鼠害、虫害和无脊椎有害生物,虫害种类有:印度谷螟、地中海粉螟、衣蛾、赤拟谷盗、锯谷盗、花斑皮蠹、谷象和米象等.可用硫酰氟熏蒸的农产品有:小麦、玉米、稻谷的原粮和加工产品和副产品,大麦、高梁、燕麦、爆米花玉米等杂粮,榛子、核桃、葡萄干、花生、无花果等干果,牛肉干、鸡蛋粉、奶粉、奶酪等食品,共计54种.  相似文献   

硫酰氟属广谱熏蒸剂杀虫剂,于上世纪五十年代在美国进行了首次杀虫剂药品注册。但用作食品(粮食)熏蒸剂,在国际上仅有十几年的历史。主要源于其存在的问题比较突出。针对存在问题,“减少施药量、减少残留、减少排放”是硫酰氟熏蒸杀虫技术发展的必然要求,研究开发“低剂量、低残留、低排放”的硫酰氟高效熏蒸杀虫技术或许是其可行的技术途径。  相似文献   

A validated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of structural fumigation was used to perform 54 fumigation simulations (half with sulfuryl fluoride, SF, and half with methyl bromide, MB) using recorded hourly average weather data for 4 July and 1 September at Indianapolis International Airport for the years 1996-2006. These weather data were used as the simulation boundary conditions. Although the fumigations were simulated for the same time periods, the results indicated substantial variations in the fumigant leakage rates. The 11-year averages of wind speeds on 4 July and 1 September were 3.8 and 2.4 m/s, respectively, resulting in half-loss time (HLT) differences between the fumigations on the two days. On average, the HLT was 4 h lower on 4 July than on 1 September. When comparing the results between individual fumigations, substantial differences in the fumigant leakage were observed, regardless of the fumigant type and whether or not the fumigations were performed at the same time period. This implied that using past fumigation data as the primary means for evaluating the structural sealing quality of a current fumigation is not adequate. Predictions of fumigant leakage rate and fumigation performance should incorporate quantifiable sealing effectiveness and weather information for the planned fumigation period. Comparisons between SF and MB fumigations indicated that under exactly the same weather conditions and fumigation practices the leakage characteristics of SF and MB do not differ. In practical situations where the dosage requirements for SF and MB are typically not the same, however, the leakage rates of SF and MB fumigations could be different due to the buoyancy effect. Nevertheless, the magnitude of the difference may or may not be significant depending on other factors such as sealing quality, wind speed and direction, and ambient temperature. The effects of these factors should be further quantified.  相似文献   

Sulfuryl fluoride (SF) has been developed as a fumigant for control of insect pests in stored grain. However, there is very limited information on the sorption behaviour of this fumigant, which can be critical to its bioactivity, application and potential for residues. We undertook a comprehensive laboratory study of the sorption and desorption of SF by wheat (bread and durum), flour and semolina at 15, 25 and 35 °C, moisture contents 12% and 15%, and concentration × time combinations at CT = 1500 mgh/L (4.167 mg/L × 360 h, 8.928 mg/L × 168 h and 31.25 mg/L × 48 h).At each dosage, sorption rate increased as commodity temperature and moisture content increased. The highest rates of sorption occurred at 35 °C and 15% m.c., and lowest rates at 15 °C and 12% m.c., and the rate was independent of initial concentration. Sorption followed first order reaction kinetics described by the exponential decay equation, Ct = C0·e−k*t, where k is the sorption rate constant. The most important factors determining the rate of sorption were commodity particle size (exposed surfaces) and temperature. Little sorption of fumigant occurred within the first 24 h whereas longer fumigation times resulted in significant sorption. Unbound SF was rapidly lost from the commodity upon aeration with no further desorption detected under any of the test conditions.SF possesses a number of characteristics that recommend it as a commodity fumigant. It is sorbed slowly by commodities relative to methyl bromide and carbonyl sulphide although it is sorbed about 4–5 times faster than phosphine. It desorbs rapidly upon aeration, and the lack of continued desorption has practical workplace health and safety benefits. On the other hand, sorbed SF appears irreversibly bound to the commodity matrix indicating the need to be alert to the possibility of excessive residues, particularly in longer term fumigations.  相似文献   

目的建立顶空气相色谱法(headspace gas chromatography,HS-GC)测定甘蓝中硫酰氟残留量的分析方法。方法样品均质后,采用顶空毛细管气相色谱法测定,进样口温度:150℃,进样量0.5mL,分流比20:1,柱温:70℃,检测器温度:250℃,载气:N2,外标法定量分析。结果硫酰氟在0.001~1.000 mg/L范围内线性关系良好, r~20.99,方法检出限为0.001 mg/kg,定量限为0.005 mg/kg。在0.005、0.05、0.1 mg/kg的添加水平下,硫酰氟在甘蓝中的回收率为71%~116%,相对标准偏差为7%~13%。结论该方法该法操作简便,重现性好,结果准确可靠,可以用于甘蓝中硫酰氟残留的测定。  相似文献   

研究了不同比例配粉对小麦粉焙烤品质性状指标的影响,结果表明:随着优质粉配粉比例的增大,面包体积改善程度增加,特别是在优质粉所占比例较小时(30%左右),面包体积的改善程度最为显著;配粉对面包比容的改善作用较小,但合适配粉比例能使面包比容和面包评分得到显著的改善和提高。  相似文献   

Fumigation experiments under laboratory conditions are common but due to a number of factors, fumigation experiments under real-world conditions are difficult and rare. This study was aimed at providing an insight into efficacy evaluations of fumigants based on insect mortality data under real-world conditions. A total of eight sulfuryl fluoride (SF) and three methyl bromide (MB) fumigations were performed in four different flour mills in the Midwestern United States. Bioassays were undertaken with all insect life stages (i.e., eggs, larvae, pupae and adults) of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) placed inside fumigated structures. In addition, in most of the fumigations, environmental conditions (e.g., prevailing wind, temperature, and relative humidity) and gas concentrations were monitored. Complete mortality was obtained for the adults and larvae of both insect species, and for the pupae of P. interpunctella. Some T. castaneum pupae survived in all three MB fumigations and in one SF fumigation. In addition, some exposed eggs were able to reach the adult stage in one MB and four SF fumigations. The methodology and procedures presented can be used in future field studies of fumigant efficacy.  相似文献   

Sulfuryl fluoride (SF) could not control all life stages of Tyrophagus putrescentiae when applied at 23 °C using the highest allowable gas level. Recent work on heat treatments found 40 °C was ineffective against mites unless held for more than 48 h, a heating time that can damage ham quality. The objective of the laboratory trials reported here was to determine the lowest temperature and shortest exposure time at which SF could control mites while staying below the US EPA maximum concentration-time product (CTP) label rate of 1500 gh m−3 A 36-h fumigation with a CTP of 1400 gh m−3 killed 100% of all mite life stages at 40 °C. Mite eggs, which were determined to be the most SF-tolerant life stage, were exposed to lower CTPs of 300 or 1000 gh m−3 SF at 40 °C, control was estimated to require up to 125.71 h at 300 gh m−3 and 60.93 h at1000 gh m−3. Applying heat with SF just below the maximum allowable CTP will increase the efficacy of this fumigant, but also increases the risk of exceeding the legal limit for the gas. However, at target CTPs of either 300 or 1000 gh m−3, which would represent preferred commercial application rates of SF, good levels of mite control could not be achieved at 40 °C within a 48-h exposure.  相似文献   

为了解不同气密性仓房硫酰氟熏蒸过程中的浓度衰减规律,选取5个不同气密性储粮仓房,通过熏蒸过程中的硫酰氟浓度监测,分析和比较气体浓度衰减半衰期和仓房气密性的相关性。结果显示,当仓房气密性为143 s时,最长浓度半衰期为8.5 d;当仓房气密性为53、46 s时,最高浓度半衰期分别为2.7、4.6 d。无法检测出气密性的仓房气体浓度半衰期约在2~3 d。硫酰氟气体浓度越高,衰减速度越快,但研究并未发现气体浓度衰减与仓房气密性呈现明显规律。  相似文献   

通过在小麦粉中添加不同比例的马铃薯全粉,测定其面筋特性、粉质特性、热特性及面条的蒸煮、质构特性和感官评价,并用扫描电镜观察面条微观结构,来探讨马铃薯全粉对小麦粉及面条品质的影响。结果表明:随着马铃薯全粉添加量的增大,混合粉湿面筋含量逐渐减少。面团的形成时间和稳定时间下降,稳定时间从5.1 min下降到0.8 min,弱化度增大。起始温度To、峰值温度TP变化不明显、终止温度TC呈上升趋势,热焓值H呈下降趋势,热焓值从257.56 J/g下降到179.46 J/g,面团的热稳定性下降。面条的干物质损失率、断条率逐渐增大。面条的硬度、弹性随着马铃薯全粉添加量的增加而逐渐减小。扫描电镜观察结果显示,随着马铃薯全粉添加量的增大面条表面变得松散,面筋断裂,淀粉颗粒暴露在面筋网络结构之外。结果得到,当马铃薯全粉添加量在20%以下时,面条具有较好的品质。   相似文献   

The ability of chickpea flour to enrich pasta products (e.g. lasagne) was studied. In addition, the influence of protein and other components upon the rheological properties of the dough and the cooking quality of the wheat–chickpea blends was determined. Supplementing lasagne with 5–20% w/w chickpea flour improves the physical characteristics of dough, which achieves optimum strength and extensible properties thus allowing the lasagne to maintain a firm and elastic form. Organoleptic properties (colour, flavour and overall acceptability) improved with a low proportion of chickpea flour, especially for 5% w/w substitution. For supplementation ≥ 30%, while the content of the total protein increased along with the level of fortification, lasagne processing, handling and cooking characteristics deteriorated proportionally. This could be attributed primarily to the gluten fraction, which decreases upon being diluted by the added chickpea protein. The rheological properties of high supplemented dough products (30–50% w/w) have low extensograph values and the lasagne obtained has a brown colour and a soft mushy taste that is unacceptable to consumers. So, durum wheat flour can carry 5–10% (w/w) of chickpea flour and still meet the specification of pasta products in terms of firmness, cooking quality and sensory evaluation. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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