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为实现对传输线开关振荡器或振荡天线进行快速充电,以提高其耐压能力和产生高频振荡信号的能量效率,本文研制了一种基于Tesla变压器的电容储能型脉冲驱动源。本文首先介绍该驱动源的工作原理和运行过程,接着利用等效电路方法分析了关键电路参数对负载充电过程的影响,然后介绍该驱动源的具体工程设计,最后介绍该驱动源初步测试结果以及将其应用于变压器油在10 ns量级脉冲下击穿特性研究的实验情况。实验表明,输出火花开关在中储电容器充电电压为-191 kV导通时,通过电感对等效电容为15 pF的传输线充电电压峰值为-224 kV,电压上升时间约10 ns。研究结果表明本文研究的驱动源能够满足对传输线开关振荡器等电容负载进行快速充电至数百kV高压的应用需求。 相似文献
为了确保卫星系统电磁兼容性满足要求,设计了一款应用于卫星测控通信系统的小型化S频段高谐波抑制功率放大器。通过在功放输出端设置谐波抑制网络改善了电路的谐波抑制性能。采用集总与分布参数元件相结合匹配形式,实现了电路的小型化设计。电路尺寸38.5 mm×28.2 mm。通过对功放腔体结构进行细化建模仿真,确保了功放电路的稳定性。实测结果表明,当工作频率为2.52 GHz时,功放1 dB压缩点大于31 dBm,谐波抑制度大于61 dBc,功率附加效率高于35%,1 dB带宽大于320 MHz。与国内外同类产品相比,该功放在谐波抑制性能等方面具有明显优势。 相似文献
为了满足K98SA3F-30.00W-R型号(工作电流12A,纹波系数要求小于0.05%)半导体激光器对高功率、高稳定度的需求,设计了恒流源驱动电路,主要采用电流模式同步降压开关控制芯片LTC1625、电流检测放大芯片LT1620、功率场效应管IRF7811、数字电位器AD5231和π型滤波器使电路实现高效率、高精度、高稳定度的电流输出.通过LTspiceⅣ软件进行了模拟仿真,当电路工作在恒流模式时,输出电流在0~20A之间连续可调,最小可调步进电流值0.061A,电流纹波系数可达0.001%以下.结果表明,该恒流源完全满足K98SA3F-30.00W-R型号半导体激光器的应用要求. 相似文献
采用双程前向结构,在一根高浓度掺铒光纤中实现了功率高达13.13mW(11.18dBm)、平均波长为1578.53nm的L波段高功率超荧光输出,在1570nm~1620nm间的功率高于9.38mW。可满足分布式光纤光栅传感、DWDM等由C波段向L波段扩展的带宽及功率需求,同时与C波段光匹配后,可得到功率高于20mW的C+L波段宽带高功率光输出。其中采用普通耦合器制作的光纤圈反射器,将后向的C波段ASE重新引回光纤中,提高了抽运源的利用效率和光纤输出光的稳定性,同时分析了光源的输出功率、平均波长、稳定性等随光纤长度、抽运功率的变化特征,对于光源的应用设计提供参考。 相似文献
Kapetanakos C.A. Hafizi B. Sprangle P. Hubbard R.F. Ting A. 《Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of》2001,37(5):641-652
This paper describes numerical and analytical studies on the optimization of the ultra-broadband infrared (IR) source, a novel high average-power device. The main objective of current studies was the reduction of weight, size, and cost of the system by devising a scheme to generate the two closely spaced radiation lines with a single laser driver instead of the two CO2 transversely excited atmospheric pressure (TEA) lasers envisioned in the initial work. By inducing the modulation instability in nonlinear media, we have obtained as good or better results as in our previous studies but with one of the TEA lasers replaced by a very low-power driver that provides the seed radiation for the excitation of the instability. Even more importantly, we have demonstrated that the second high peak-power TEA laser can be replaced by a compact, light weight, low peak-power driver by focusing the radiation to a tighter spot. The average power of the source is maintained at the previous level by operating at higher duty factor. In the new low-peak-power operating regime, the output spectrum is very similar to that of the high-power regime, provided that the ratio of the peak power to the nonlinear length that scales proportionally to the area of the laser spot remains fixed 相似文献
冰云探测对于提高天气预报准确性、监测极端天气现象等具有重要的意义.考虑到冰云粒子尺寸、形状分布等因素,利用太赫兹频段被动遥感仪器能更好地解决冰云探测的难题. 664 GHz作为一个重要的探测频点,其接收机射频前端主要包括664 GHz二次谐波混频器、332 GHz二倍频器以及166 GHz大功率源.作者在太赫兹二倍频设计的基础上,利用两路功率合成技术实现166 GHz大功率源,目的是提供给后级的332 GHz二倍频器足够的输入功率,从而能够驱动谐波混频器工作.实验结果表明,上述大功率源在164~172 GHz频率范围内输出功率大于46m W;在168 GHz处有最大输出功率59 m W.以上研究有效解决了本振链路中G波段输出功率不足的问题,为研制更高频段的太赫兹系统提供了技术支撑. 相似文献
为了研发一种应用于CO2探测激光雷达的全光纤宽带可调谐高功率光源,以CO2的超精确吸收谱为基础,结合外腔可调谐激光器和L波段光纤放大器,进行了理论分析和实验验证,取得了针对1572nm附近吸收峰的连续调谐窄线宽光源的数据,并通过铒镱双包层光纤放大器将输出光功率提升到瓦级以上。结果表明,光源输出功率大于10dBm,边模抑制比大于50dB,线宽500kHz左右,1572nm放大器最大增益可达25.13dB,输出光功率达到1W以上。该光源具有体积小、低功耗和低成本的优势,对实现更大范围的空间CO2浓度探测分析有一定的帮助。 相似文献
报道了910 nm高峰值功率垂直腔面发射半导体激光器列阵(Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser,VCSEL)的设计方法及测试结果.所制备的910 nm VCSEL列阵在准连续工作时激光功率达到2 W;在重复频率10 kHz,脉冲宽度30 ns,工作电流60 A的电脉冲驱动条件下,VCSEL列阵峰值输出功率达到25.5 W.随着工作电流的增加,VCSEL列阵输出的激光光谱呈现明显办展宽现象,证实VCSEL列阵即使在窄脉冲工作时大的电流驱动仍然会产生严重的内部热效应;VCSEL列阵输出激光的光脉冲波形在驱动电流增大至60 A时脉宽仅展宽了6 ns左右,证实VCSEL阵列具有非常优越的脉冲响应特性.对VCSEL列阵进行光束准直处理后,在1 m距离处得到了近圆形的均匀光斑.我们相信这种高功率的910 nm面阵光源在未来汽车光探测测距(LiDAR)等智能驾驶领域具有很大的应用潜力. 相似文献
In a backward Er-doped superfluorescent fiber source (SFS), we report the observation of large mean wavelength variations (>100 ppm) induced by external perturbations of the fiber birefringence. These previously unreported variations, which need to be reduced to the ppm level for high-accuracy fiber-optic gyroscope applications, are shown to originate first from polarization-dependent gain induced by the polarized pump source, and second from a slight polarization dependence of the SFS wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) coupler and fiber isolator. We demonstrate that these effects can be substantially reduced by incorporating two Lyot fiber depolarizers in the source. The new depolarized SFS exhibits short-term mean wavelength stability of ±2.5 ppm and a long-term drift of ±3 ppm. The latter is probably due mostly to slow variations in the Er-doped fiber temperature, which can be eliminated with a simple temperature control to ~0.1°C 相似文献
Kumar Rajesh Dwari Santanu Kanaujia Binod Kumar 《Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing》2022,111(3):313-323
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing - This paper presents an Ultra-wideband, high-efficiency Class-E power amplifier (PA) using a current source tuner and microstrip inter-digital... 相似文献
Many tomographic source localization algorithms used in biomagnetic imaging assume, explicitly or sometimes implicitly, that the source activity at different brain locations are either independent or that the correlation structure between sources is known. Among these algorithms is a class of adaptive spatial filters known as beamformers, which have superior spatiotemporal resolution abilities. The performance of beamformers is robust to weakly coherent sources. However, these algorithms are extremely sensitive to the presence of strongly coherent sources. A frequent mode of failure in beamformers occurs with reconstruction of auditory evoked fields (AEFs), in which bilateral auditory cortices are highly coherent in their activation. Here, we present a novel beamformer that suppresses activation from regions with interfering coherent sources. First, a volume containing the interfering sources is defined. The lead field matrix for this volume is computed and reduced into a few significant columns using singular value decomposition (SVD). A vector beamformer is then constructed by rejecting the contribution of sources in the suppression region while allowing for source reconstruction at other specified regions. Performance of this algorithm was first validated with simulated data. Subsequent tests of this modified beamformer were performed on bilateral AEF data. An unmodified vector beamformer using whole head coverage misplaces the source medially. After defining a suppression region containing the temporal cortex on one side, the described method consistently results in clear focal activations at expected regions of the contralateral superior temporal plane. 相似文献
针对大型LED显示屏驱动中恒流源功率较小、调光不便捷,其开关特性导致的噪声大的问题,提出一种体积小,适用功率大且纹波效果较好的智能优化式恒流LED驱动设计方法。该设计在以往低电流的基础上进行改进,通过运放反馈调节将输出电流的开关特性转换为线性,辅以通断RCD回路(峰值吸收回路)和构建优化式大电流环式PCB布局,能进行光源检测的电流转脉宽式精准调光,输出能够较完善地抑制开关噪声。该设计方法能实现上位机网络远程数字调光,内、外部模拟调光,多路板载级联的智能控制。实验表明:该恒流驱动输出电流可达10A,功率可达370W,输出电流误差小于1%,驱动光源光功率稳定,光照分布均匀,具有较好的纹波效果,稳定可靠。 相似文献