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Thompson MK 《Scanning》2011,33(5):353-369
Finite element (FE) modeling of rough surfaces is becoming increasingly common. However, the quality of the assumptions being made in these models, and thus the quality of the models themselves, is often unclear. Decisions about the geometry of the surface to be modeled, including the size of the surface to be modeled, the lateral resolution of the measured surface data to be used, and the formulation of the probabilistic surface to be used, can have a significant effect on a model's behavior. Similarly, varying model parameters, including the FE mesh density, can change the results by a factor of three or more. This work examines some of the metrics that can be used to evaluate the influence of these assumptions and parameters on FE models with rough surfaces and discusses the relative merits of each option. In particular, qualitative comparison of result plots, quantitative comparison and convergence of results parameters, qualitative and quantitative comparison of distributions of result values over various model dimensions, and more sophisticated comparison techniques inspired by image and signal processing are discussed.  相似文献   

点焊是汽车车身结构常用的一种连接方式,为对这种结构进行有限元分析必须建立相应的点焊模型。本文介绍了MSC.NASTRAN中常用的3种点焊模型,并用一个例子说明了不同的点焊模型对分析结果的影响。  相似文献   

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - Due to the limitations of space and environment, a considerable number pipelines supported by multiple clamps are used in the external pipeline system...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of specimen-specific finite element models of untreated and cement-augmented vertebrae by direct comparison with experimental results. Eleven single cadaveric vertebrae were imaged using micro computed tomography (microCT) and tested to failure in axial compression in the laboratory. Four of the specimens were first augmented with PMMA cement to simulate a prophylactic vertebroplasty. Specimen-specific finite element models were then generated using semi-automated methods. An initial set of three untreated models was used to determine the optimum conversion factors from the image data to the bone material properties. Using these factors, the predicted stiffness and strength were determined for the remaining specimens (four untreated, four augmented). The model predictions were compared with the corresponding experimental data. Good agreement was found with the non-augmented specimens in terms of stiffness (root-mean-square (r.m.s.) error 12.9 per cent) and strength (r.m.s. error 14.4 per cent). With the augmented specimens, the models consistently overestimated both stiffness and strength (r.m.s. errors 65 and 68 per cent). The results indicate that this method has the potential to provide accurate predictions of vertebral behaviour prior to augmentation. However, modelling the augmented bone with bulk material properties is inadequate, and more detailed modelling of the cement region is required to capture the bone-cement interactions if the models are to be used to predict the behaviour following vertebroplasty.  相似文献   

机械螺栓法兰连接的有限元力学模型比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
机械螺栓-法兰连接结构中存在着复杂的接触、摩擦和预紧等非线性因素.螺栓-法兰连接结构的有限元力学模型应当充分包含这些因素.首先介绍了连接结构接触分析的有限元法理论,然后比较研究了二维轴对称力学模型和三维实体模型在螺栓一法兰连接结构建模中的差剐,之后研究了温度载荷法、过盈配合法和等效外载法等三种不同的螺栓预紧力建模方法.计算结果表明:二维模型在处理螺栓-_法兰连接结构上计算耗费小,但计算精度较三维模型差别较大,结果粗糙;三种预紧力模拟方法都能模拟螺栓预紧载荷,但在适用范围、等效方法和计算精度等方面有区别.  相似文献   

Thermal comfort is increasingly becoming a crucial factor to be considered in footwear design. The climate inside a shoe is controlled by thermal and moisture conditions and is crucial to attain comfort. Research undertaken has shown that thermal conditions play a dominant role in shoe climate. Development of thermal models that are capable of predicting in-shoe temperature distributions is an effective way forward to undertake extensive parametric studies to assist optimized design. In this paper, two-dimensional and three-dimensional thermal models of in-shoe climate were developed using finite element analysis through commercial code Abaqus. The thermal material properties of the upper shoe, sole, and air were considered. Dry heat flux from the foot was calculated on the basis of typical blood flow in the arteries on the foot. Using the thermal models developed, in-shoe temperatures were predicted to cover various locations for controlled ambient temperatures of 15, 25, and 35 degrees C respectively. The predicted temperatures were compared with multipoint measured temperatures through microsensor technology. Reasonably good correlation was obtained, with averaged errors of 6, 2, and 1.5 per cent, based on the averaged in-shoe temperature for the above three ambient temperatures. The models can be further used to help design shoes with optimized thermal comfort.  相似文献   

电阻层析成像有限元仿真模型分析与设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据电阻层析成像(ERT)中常采用的16电极相邻激励模式,以及有限元计算中广泛采用的三角形网格元素划分.比较分析了5种不同拓扑类捌模型的对称性误差和结构性误差.仿真结果表明不同类型模型各有优缺点,实际应用中应结合具体情况与系统要求选择理想有限元模型.在此基础上,讨了网格分布形式、有限元质量等因素对ERT有限元仿真不确定度的影响,并探讨了提高ERT计算精度的有限元网格设计方法.仿真实验表明,传统的按等间隔原理剖分的有限元模型并不合理,而通过适当调整有限元剖分密度等措施可降低ERT有限元计算的不确定度.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to develop updated FE models of a drilling machine using analytical and experimental results. These updated FE models have been used to predict the effect of structural dynamic modifications on vibration characteristics of the drilling machine. Two studies have been carried out on the machine. In the first study, modal tests have been carried out on a drilling machine using instrumented impact hammer. Modal identification has been done using global method of modal identification. For analytical FE modeling of the machine, a computer program has been developed. The results obtained using FEM, have been correlated with the experimental ones using mode shape comparison and MAC values. Analytical FE model has been updated, with the help of a program, which has been developed using direct methods of model updating. In the second study, modal testing has been carried out using random noise generator and modal exciter. Global method has been used for modal identification. Analytical FE modeling has been done using I-DEAS software. Correlation of FE results with the experimental ones has been carried out using FEMtools software. Updating of the analytical FE model has also been done using the above software, based on an indirect technique viz. sensitivity based parameter estimation technique. The updated FE models, obtained from both the studies have been used for structural dynamic modifications (SDM), for the purpose of dynamic design and the results of SDM predictions are seen to be reasonably satisfactory.  相似文献   

Digitized-die forming (DDF) is a rapid and flexible manufacture technology for sheet metal parts. An integrated method is developed in the paper, through which the digitized-die geometry can be directly generated from the measured data of a desired part. The method involves two steps, in the first step, based on the theory of optimal approximation and energy smoothing principal, a positive definite functional is constructed by introducing a smoothing factor and minimized by use of 18 degree-of-freedoms triangular finite-element, then the optimal solution is obtained and the objective surface of the desired part is represented by FE interpolation. The second step involves a process of digitized-die geometry generation from the FE model of the surface. The geometry of the digitized-die is characterized in terms of an array of punch positions and a punch position is determined by the contact point of the punch with objective surface, an efficient contact point searching and calculation scheme is suggested. The detailed method is presented together with typical application examples.  相似文献   

Numerical techniques have been developed and used to evaluate the contact temperature distribution between real composite-steel surfaces in sliding contact. To characterise the contact temperature problem of composite materials new definitions for composite Peclet numbers have been introduced. In case of `slow sliding' problems a stationary numerical technique was applied, whereas for `intermediate and fast sliding' problems transient finite element (FE) solutions were preferred. At first sliding contacts of a single steel asperity over polyetheretherketone (PEEK) or carbon fibre (CF)/PEEK composite surfaces were modelled in order to study the contact temperature development on a microscopic level. It was followed by contact temperature results for real composite-steel sliding surfaces; the latter helped to provide information about the actual stress conditions, which are necessary to model the wear process of this pair of materials in future works.  相似文献   

对有限元模型动力缩聚中主、副自由度的选取提出了2种方法.针对单层悬臂板的有限元数学模型,在分别用高精度动力缩聚法和加速动力缩聚法进行降阶处理过程中,对2种主、副自由度的选取方法进行了研究分析.归纳出了这两种选取方法的特点及适用范围,为动力缩聚法的实际应用提供了参考.  相似文献   

在离散实体模型时,通过合理的选择单元类型,恰当的使用特殊单元,能快速、高效地进行有限元造型,以提高求解精度、准确性及加快收敛速度,同时提高后置处理的可信度。  相似文献   

We compared the structural analysis feature of finite element (FE) models for the structural integrity evaluation of the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) high temperature piping and to evaluate the structural integrity against the typical duty cycle event. To evaluate the structural integrity of the high temperature piping per ASME Subsection NH rules, the structural analysis should be carried out first by using a 3-dimensional structural model. The object FE models under consideration in this study are pipe element model, 3-D full model, and 3-D simplified model. The pipe element model is based on the 3-D beam element and effective in understanding overall deformation but less favorable to the detailed stress distribution. The 3-D full model consists of solid structure as well as the contained coolant inside the piping structure with the fluid element. The 3-D simplified model consists of structure shape only, but its material properties are recalculated to reflect the coolant weight effect. The loading conditions for the structural analyses are the mechanical load including dead weight and steady state thermal load. From the analysis results, the piping element model shows the smallest stress intensity, and the required time for FE analysis is also the shortest. The 3-D simplified model shows the most conservative stress intensity output but its calculation time is less than the 3-D full model.  相似文献   

In this paper, dented contacts have been studied in an EHL ball on disk device under pure sliding conditions. Dents with diameter of half the Hertzian contact radius were positioned in the center of the contact. The measured pressure profiles, obtained from Raman microspectrometry, are very different from those expected. A huge pressure peak is observed at the place where the lubricant leaves the dent, leading to very high pressure gradients. The effect of the dent shoulders is also visible. These results are discussed and compared to numerical ones. Finally, some consequences on life prediction of dented surfaces are presented.  相似文献   

To understand the dynamic characteristics of the human spine, a detailed three-dimensional finite element model of the lower thorax to pelvis segment, T12-pelvis, was developed based on actual vertebral geometry. After modal analysis, the resonant frequencies of different spinal segments were obtained. The vibration mode of T12-pelvis shows that the human upper body mainly performs the vertical motion during whole-body vibration and the lumbar spine segment conducts translation and rotation in the sagittal plane. The lower segments of the lumbar spine move in flexion and the upper lumbar segments move in extension. This investigation may be helpful in understanding further the biomechanical behaviour of the human spine under the condition of whole-body vibration and to offer potential references for spinal disease treatments and product design in industry.  相似文献   

A combined finite volume and finite element method is presented for solving the unsteady scalar convection-diffusion-reaction equation in two dimensions. The finite volume method is used to discretize the convection-diffusion-reaction equation. The higher-order reconstruction of unknown quantities at the cell faces is determined by Taylor’s series expansion. To arrive at an explicit scheme, the temporal derivative term is estimated by employing the idea of local expansion of unknown along the characteristics. The concept of the finite element technique is applied to determine the gradient quantities at the cell faces. Robustness and accuracy of the method are evaluated by using available analytical and numerical solutions of the two-dimensional pure-convection, convection-diffusion and convection-diffusion-reaction problems. Numerical test cases have shown that the method does not require any artificial diffusion to improve the solution stability. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Dongshin Shin Pramote Dechaumphai received his B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Khon-Kaen University, Thailand, in 1974, M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Youngstown State University, USA in 1977, and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Old Dominion University, USA in 1982. He is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. His research interests are numerical methods, finite element method for thermal stress and computational fluid dynamics analysis. Sutthisak Phongthanapanich received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Chiangmai University, Thailand in 1990. He then received his M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 2002, and 2006, respectively. He is a Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Technology at King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand. His research interests are finite element method, finite volume method, mesh generation and adaptation, and shock wave dynamics.  相似文献   

基于ANSYS的离合器压盘有限元设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
离合器是汽车传动系中的重要总成,压盘是离合器的主要零件之一,对离合器性能具有很大的影响.采用有限元技术对离合器压盘进行设计研究.基于建立的压盘实体模型,进行有限元分析,得出了热载荷下压盘的应力分布及变形情况.根据分析结果对压盘的摩擦面进行改进设计,得出了合理的压盘设计方案.  相似文献   

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