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Pattern recognition has a long history within electrical engineering but has recently become much more widespread as the automated capture of signal and images has been cheaper. Very many of the application of neural networks are to classification, and so are within the field of pattern recognition and classification. In this paper, we explore how probabilistic neural networks fit into the earlier framework of pattern recognition of partial discharge patterns since the PD patterns are an important tool for diagnosis of HV insulation systems. Skilled humans can identify the possible insulation defects in various representations of partial discharge (PD) data. One of the most widely used representation is phase resolved PD (PRPD) patterns. Also this paper describes a method for the automated recognition of PRPD patterns using a novel complex probabilistic neural network system for the actual classification task. The efficacy of composite neural network developed using probabilistic neural network is examined. 相似文献
Yi-Yan Liu Yong-Feng JuChen-Dong Duan Xue-Feng Zhao 《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》2011,24(1):87-92
A structure damage diagnosis method combining the wavelet packet decomposition, multi-sensor feature fusion theory and neural network pattern classification was presented. Firstly, vibration signals gathered from sensors were decomposed using orthogonal wavelet. Secondly, the relative energy of decomposed frequency band was calculated. Thirdly, the input feature vectors of neural network classifier were built by fusing wavelet packet relative energy distribution of these sensors. Finally, with the trained classifier, damage diagnosis and assessment was realized. The result indicates that, a much more precise and reliable diagnosis information is obtained and the diagnosis accuracy is improved as well. 相似文献
The list of documents returned by Internet search engines in response to a query these days can be quite overwhelming. There is an increasing need for organising this information and presenting it in a more compact and efficient manner. This paper describes a method developed for the automatic clustering of World Wide Web documents, according to their relevance to the user’s information needs, by using a hybrid neural network. The objective is to reduce the time and effort the user has to spend to find the information sought after. Clustering documents by features representative of their contents—in this case, key words and phrases—increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the search process. It is shown that a two-dimensional visual presentation of information on retrieved documents, instead of the traditional linear listing, can create a more user-friendly interface between a search engine and the user. 相似文献
Xian-Bin Wen Hua Zhang Xue-Quan Xu Jin-Juan Quan 《Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications》2009,13(4):355-360
A novel scheme of digital image watermarking based on the combination of dual-tree wavelet transform (DTCWT) and probabilistic
neural network is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the original image is decomposed by DTCWT, and then the watermark bits
are added to the selected coefficients blocks. Because of the learning and adaptive capabilities of neural networks, the trained
neural networks can recover the watermark from the watermarked images. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme
has good performance against several attacks. 相似文献
Intrusions detection systems (IDSs) are systems that try to detect attacks as they occur or after the attacks took place. IDSs collect network traffic information from some point on the network or computer system and then use this information to secure the network. Intrusion detection systems can be misuse-detection or anomaly detection based. Misuse-detection based IDSs can only detect known attacks whereas anomaly detection based IDSs can also detect new attacks by using heuristic methods. In this paper we propose a hybrid IDS by combining the two approaches in one system. The hybrid IDS is obtained by combining packet header anomaly detection (PHAD) and network traffic anomaly detection (NETAD) which are anomaly-based IDSs with the misuse-based IDS Snort which is an open-source project.The hybrid IDS obtained is evaluated using the MIT Lincoln Laboratories network traffic data (IDEVAL) as a testbed. Evaluation compares the number of attacks detected by misuse-based IDS on its own, with the hybrid IDS obtained combining anomaly-based and misuse-based IDSs and shows that the hybrid IDS is a more powerful system. 相似文献
针对高速公路事件检测这一非线性分类问题,提出一种基于概率神经网络的事件检测方法。阐述了概率神经网络的结构与训练算法,分析了事件对交通流的影响规律,并合理地选取了概率神经网络的输入量,用高速公路管理部门提供的样本数据进行了仿真研究。仿真实验表明,基于概率神经网络的事件检测方法具有学习速度快、泛化能力好、检测准确率高等优点,具有良好的应用前景。 相似文献
An expert system for fault diagnosis in internal combustion engines using probability neural network
Jian-Da Wu Peng-Hsin Chiang Yo-Wei Chang Yao-jung Shiao 《Expert systems with applications》2008,34(4):2704-2713
An expert system for fault diagnosis in internal combustion engines using adaptive order tracking technique and artificial neural networks is presented in this paper. The proposed system can be divided into two parts. In the first stage, the engine sound emission signals are recorded and treated as the tracking of frequency-varying bandpass signals. Ordered amplitudes can be calculated with a high-resolution adaptive filter algorithm. The vital features of signals with various fault conditions are obtained and displayed clearly by order figures. Then the sound energy diagram is utilized to normalize the features and reduce computation quantity. In the second stage, the artificial neural network is used to train the signal features and engine fault conditions. In order to verify the effect of the proposed probability neural network (PNN) in fault diagnosis, two conventional neural networks that included the back-propagation (BP) network and radial-basic function (RBF) network are compared with the proposed PNN network. The experimental results indicated that the proposed PNN network achieved the best performance in the present fault diagnosis system. 相似文献
Bin Li Zheng Zhou Dejian Li Weixia Zou 《Journal of Network and Computer Applications》2011,34(6):1894-1902
Ultra-wideband (UWB) has been widely recommended for significant commercial and military applications. However, the well-derived coherent structures for UWB signal detection are either computationally complex or hardware impractical in the presence of the intensive multipath propagations. In this article, based on the nonparametric Parzen window estimator and the probabilistic neural networks, we suggest a low-complexity and noncoherent UWB detector in the context of distributed wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A novel characteristic spectrum is firstly developed through a sequence of blind signal transforms. Then, from a pattern recognition perspective, four features are extracted from it to fully exploit the inherent property of UWB multipath signals. The established feature space is further mapped into a two-dimensional plane by feature combination in order to simplify algorithm complexity. Consequently, UWB signal detection is formulated to recognize the received patterns in this formed 2-D feature plane. With the excellent capability of fast convergence and parallel implementation, the Parzen Probabilistic Neural Network (PPNN) is introduced to estimate a posteriori probability of the developed patterns. Based on the underlying Bayesian rule of PPNN, the asymptotical optimal decision bound is finally determined in the feature plane. Numerical simulations also validate the advantages of our proposed algorithm. 相似文献
概述了多传感器数据融合系统中的联合概率数据互联算法,给出了MSJPDA的两种处理结构,分析了其算法的复杂度。并在此基础上,结合B.zhou提出的直接概率计算和近似概率计算的方法,提出了一种基于近似聚的近似概率数据互联算法(MSJPDA),通过仿真研究以及和最近邻法所做的比较表明,该方法确实能提高在密集情况下的数据融合精度,算法耗时与最近邻法相差不大,精确度接近完全概率互联算法。 相似文献
Modal specification is a well-known formalism used as an abstraction theory for transition systems. Modal specifications are transition systems equipped with two types of transitions: must-transitions that are mandatory to any implementation, and may-transitions that are optional. The duality of transitions allows for developing a unique approach for both logical and structural compositions, and eases the step-wise refinement process for building implementations. We propose Modal Specifications with Data (MSDs), the first modal specification theory with explicit representation of data. Our new theory includes the most commonly seen ingredients of a specification theory; that is parallel composition, conjunction and quotient. As MSDs are by nature potentially infinite-state systems, we propose symbolic representations based on effective predicates. Our theory serves as a new abstraction-based formalism for transition systems with data. 相似文献
Miao Kang 《Information Sciences》2008,178(20):3802-3812
A novel combination of the adaptive function neural network (ADFUNN) and on-line snap-drift learning is presented in this paper and applied to optical and pen-based recognition of handwritten digits [E. Alpaydin, F. Alimoglu for Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits and E. Alpaydin, C. Kaynak for Pen-Based Recognition of Handwritten Digits http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn/databases/optdigits/http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn/databases/pendigits/]. Snap-drift [S.W. Lee, D. Palmer-Brown, C.M. Roadknight, Performance-guided neural network for rapidly self-organising active network management (Invited Paper), Journal of Neurocomputing, 61C, 2004, pp. 5-20] employs the complementary concepts of common (intersection) feature learning (called snap) and LVQ (drift towards the input patterns) learning, and is a fast, unsupervised method suitable for on-line learning and non-stationary environments where new patterns are continually introduced. ADFUNN [M. Kang, D. Palmer-Brown, An adaptive function neural network (ADFUNN) for phrase recognition, in: The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN05), Montréal, Canada, 2005, D. Palmer-Brown, M. Kang, ADFUNN: An adaptive function neural network, in: The 7th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms (ICANNGA05), Coimbra, Portugal, 2005] is based on a linear piecewise neuron activation function that is modified by a novel gradient descent supervised learning algorithm. It has recently been applied to the Iris dataset, and a natural language phrase recognition problem, exhibiting impressive generalisation classification ability with no hidden neurons. The unsupervised single layer snap-drift is effective in extracting distinct features from the complex cursive-letter datasets, and the supervised single layer ADFUNN is capable of solving linearly inseparable problems rapidly. In combination within one network (SADFUNN), these two methods are more powerful and yet simpler than MLPs, at least on this problem domain. We experiment on SADFUNN with two handwritten digits datasets problems from the UCI Machine Learning repository. The problems are learned rapidly and higher generalisation results are achieved than with a MLP. 相似文献
A neural network approach for data masking 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Vishal Anjaiah Gujjary Author VitaeAshutosh SaxenaAuthor Vitae 《Neurocomputing》2011,74(9):1497-1501
In this letter we present a neural network based data masking solution, in which the database information remains internally consistent yet is not inadvertently exposed in an interpretable state. The system differs from the classic data masking in the sense that it can understand the semantics of the original data and mask it using a neural network which is a priori trained by some rules. Our adaptive data masking (ADM) concentrates on data masking techniques such as shuffling, substitution, masking and number variance in an intelligent fashion with the help of adaptive neural network. The very nature of being adaptive makes data masking easier and content agnostic, and thus finds place in various vertical domains and systems. 相似文献
针对电力信息网络中的高级持续性威胁问题,提出一种基于混合卷积神经网络(CNN)和循环神经网络(RNN)的入侵检测模型。该模型根据网络数据流量的统计特征对当前网络状态进行分类。首先,获取日志文件中网络流量的各统计值,进行特征编码、归一化等预处理工作;然后,通过深度卷积神经网络中可变卷积核提取不同主机入侵流量之间空间相关特征;最后,将已经处理好的包含空间相关特征的数据在时间上错开排列,利用深度循环神经网络挖掘入侵流量的时间相关特征。实验结果表明,该模型相对于传统的机器学习模型在曲线下方的面积(AUC)上提升了7.5%~14.0%,同时误报率降低了83.7%~52.7%。所提模型能准确地识别网络流量的类别,大幅降低误报率。 相似文献
Development of a universal freeway incident detection algorithm is a task that remains unfulfilled and many promising approaches have been recently explored. The partial least squares (PLS) method and artificial neural network (NN) were found in previous studies to yield superior incident detection performance. In this article, a hybrid model which combines PLS and NN is developed to detect automatically traffic incident. A real traffic data set collected from motorways A12 in the Netherlands is presented to illustrate such an approach. Data cleansing has been introduced to preprocess traffic data sets to improve the data quality in order to increase the veracity and reliability of incident model. The detection performance is evaluated by the common criteria including detection rate, false alarm rate, mean time to detection, classification rate and the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic. Computational results indicate that the hybrid approach is capable of increasing detection performance comparing to PLS, and simplifying the NN structure for incident detection. The hybrid model is a promising alternative to the usual PLS or NN for incident detection. 相似文献
通过分析当前运用较多的入侵检测模型的缺陷,提出了一种基于样条权函数神经网络的新型入侵检测系统模型。网络拓扑结构简单,网络训练所需要的神经元个数与样本个数无关。训练后的权函数由三次样条函数构成,而不是传统方法中的常数。该模型克服了传统入侵检测系统所存在的局部极小、收敛速度慢、初值敏感性等问题。 相似文献
根据TCP/IP协议族攻击的特征,提出在传输层上将捕获的数据包分成三类(UDP、TCP和ICMP)分别进行编码并输入到三个不同的神经网络中训练、检测。根据以上思想设计并实现了一个基于BP神经网络的实时入侵检测系统的原型。该原型系统具有通用性和可扩展性,能够根据需要灵活调整网络结构和训练参数,可以发展为更精确的网络入侵检测系统。最后给出了实验设计及其结果,证明了文中对数据包分类处理的方法既能减少网络训练的次数,又能提高网络检测的精度。 相似文献
卷积神经网络在检测不同尺度的人脸时所需要的计算量很大,检测过程由多个分离的步骤组成,过于复杂。针对这两方面的不足,提出一种多尺度卷积神经网络模型。根据卷积神经网络各个层具有大小不同的感受野,从不同层提取多个尺度的特征向量分别进行人脸分类与回归,并将网络的全连接层改成卷积层,以适应不同大小的图片输入。该方法将人脸检测的多个步骤集成到一个卷积神经网络中,降低了模型复杂度。实验结果表明,相同测试条件下,所提方法相比其他人脸检测模型在准确率和检测速度上均有显著提升。 相似文献
为解决传统单一传感器式的火灾探测器容易造成火灾报警的漏报和误报的问题,采用多传感器信息融合技术,将温度、烟雾浓度和CO浓度等多个参数相结合,进行综合分析,对火灾进行早期预测。采用可拓神经网络作为数据融合算法,以温度、烟雾浓度、CO气体浓度三个物理参量作为输入,以三种火灾预警等级作为输出。通过仿真分析结果表明:火灾正确识别率很高,达到93.9%以上。同时通过与传统BP神经网络的对比,表明可拓神经网络在数据融合的速度和可靠性上有突出的优势,从而使可拓神经网络实际应用于火灾早期预测成为可能。 相似文献