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It is well known that high stress and particularly an enhancement of plasma catecholamines and myocardial infarction have a close relation. In addition, adrenaline is presented as a prothrombogenic agent in vivo. The role of the other agents such as serotonin or acetylcholine, in the development of arterial thrombosis is somewhat uncertain, although, the role of each of them is often considered at the level of vascular regulation only. Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate the effects of three neurotransmitters on experimental arterial thrombosis model induced by generation of free radicals. The results demonstrate that intravenously injection of adrenaline or serotonin (1 ng/kg) stimulated arterial thrombosis formation, whereas injection of high dose of acetylcholine (5 mg/kg) slackened the thrombosis formation.  相似文献   

The specific activity of branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase was highest when S. cerevisiae was grown in minimal medium containing a branched-chain amino acid as nitrogen source. Growth in complex media with glycerol or ethanol gave moderately high levels, whereas with glucose and fructose the specific activity was very low. Mutagenesis defined three genes (BAA1 to BAA3) required for branched-chain amino acid catabolism. The baa1 mutation reduced the specific activity of the aminotransferase, the stationary phase density in YEPD and caused gross morphological disturbance. Branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase is essential for sporulation.  相似文献   

The yeast YCC5 gene encodes a putative amino acid permease and is homologous to GNP1 (encoding a high-affinity glutamine permease). Using strains with disruptions in the genes for multiple permeases, we demonstrated that Ycc5 (which we have renamed Agp1) is involved in the transport of asparagine and glutamine, performed a kinetic analysis of this activity, and showed that AGP1 expression is subject to nitrogen repression.  相似文献   

Long distance transport of amino acids is mediated by several families of differentially expressed amino acid transporters. The two genes AAP1 and AAP2 encode broad specificity H(+)-amino acid co-transporters and are expressed to high levels in siliques of Arabidopsis, indicating a potential role in supplying the seeds with organic nitrogen. The expression of both genes is developmentally controlled and is strongly induced in siliques at heart stage of embryogenesis, shortly before induction of storage protein genes. Histochemical analysis of transgenic plants expressing promoter-GUS fusions shows that the genes have nonoverlapping expression patterns in siliques. AAP1 is expressed in the endosperm and the cotyledons whereas AAP2 is expressed in the vascular strands of siliques and in funiculi. The endosperm expression of AAP1 during early stages of seed development indicates that the endosperm serves as a transient storage tissue for organic nitrogen. Amino acids are transported in both xylem and phloem but during seed filling are imported only via the phloem. AAP2, which is expressed in the phloem of stems and in the veins supplying seeds, may function in uptake of amino acids assimilated in the green silique tissue, in the retrieval of amino acids leaking passively out of the phloem and in xylem-to-phloem transfer along the path. The promoters provide excellent tools to study developmental, hormonal and metabolic control of nitrogen nutrition during development and may help to manipulate the timing and composition of amino acid import into seeds.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized the Saccharomyces cerevisiae PTR3 gene by functional complementation of a mutant deficient for amino acid-inducible peptide transport. PTR3 is predicted to encode a protein of 678 amino acids that exhibits no similarity to any other protein in the database. Deletion of the PTR3 open reading frame pleiotropically reduced the sensitivity to toxic peptides and amino acid analogues. Initial rates of radiolabelled dipeptide uptake demonstrated that elimination of PTR3 resulted in the loss of amino acid-induced levels of peptide transport. PTR3 was required for amino acid-induced expression of PTR2, the gene encoding the dipeptide/tripeptide transport protein, but was not necessary for nitrogen catabolite repression of peptide import or PTR2 expression. It was determined that PTR3 also modulates expression of BAP2, the gene encoding the branched-amino acid permease. Furthermore, we present genetic evidence that suggests that PTR3 functions within a novel regulatory pathway that facilitates amino acid induction of the PTR system.  相似文献   

The azlB locus of Bacillus subtilis was defined previously by a mutation conferring resistance to a leucine analog, 4-azaleucine (J. B. Ward, Jr., and S. A. Zahler, J. Bacteriol. 116:727-735, 1973). In this report, azlB is shown to be the first gene of an operon apparently involved in branched-chain amino acid transport. The product of the azlB gene is an Lrp-like protein that negatively regulates expression of the azlBCDEF operon. Resistance to 4-azaleucine in azlB mutants is due to overproduction of AzlC and AzlD, two novel hydrophobic proteins.  相似文献   

The reduction of acetate ester synthesis by aeration and the addition of unsaturated fatty acids to the medium has been reported to be the result of the reduction in alcohol acetyltransferase (AATase) activity induced by inhibition of this enzyme. However, regulation of the AATase gene ATF1 has not been reported. In this study, ATF1 gene expression was studied by Northern analysis, and the results showed that the ATF1 gene was repressed both by aeration and by unsaturated fatty acids. The results also showed that the reduction of AATase activity is closely related to the degree of repression of ATF1 mRNA, which suggested that the gene repression is the primary means of reducing AATase activity in vivo. Using the Escherichia coli lacZ gene as a reporter gene, it was shown that a 150-bp fragment of the 5' flanking sequence played a major role in the repression by aeration and unsaturated fatty acid addition.  相似文献   

The screening of mutants resistant to the oxidized analogues of methionine (methionine sulphoxide and ethionine sulphoxide) allowed the characterisation of a yeast mutant strain lacking the high affinity methionine permease and defining a new locus that was called MUP1. The study of MUP1 mutants showed that methionine is transported into yeast cells by three different permeases, a high affinity and two low affinity permeases. The MUP1 gene was cloned and was shown to encode an integral membrane protein with 13 putative membrane-spanning regions. Database comparisons revealed that the yeast genome contains an ORF whose product is highly similar to the MUP1 protein. This protein is shown here to encode very low affinity methionine permease and the corresponding gene was thus called MUP3. It has previously been suggested that the amino acid permeases from yeast all belong to a single family of highly similar proteins. The two methionine permeases encoded by genes MUP1 and MUP3 are only distantly related to this family and thus define a new family of amino acid transporters.  相似文献   

Amino acid pools were compared in a constructed diploid strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, SKD1, and a closely related strain, SKD2, carrying the slp1 mutation characterized by low pools of lysine and lacking a central vacuole. Cells of SKD2 grew more poorly than SKD1 but took up the same total amount of amino acids from the medium per cell although the profile differed between the two strains. Initially, the total pool was much higher in SKD1 than in SKD2 but the overall relative distribution between cytosol and vacuole was identical and mainly cytosolic even though the composition differed between the two strains. At the end of growth the amino acid concentration had increased and become predominantly vacuolar. Two days later the total pool in SKD1 had declined to the starting level but the intracellular distribution remained identical to that at the end of fermentation. The total concentration of amino acids in SKD2 continued to increase, particularly in the cytosol.  相似文献   

The general amino acid permease, Gap1, of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is very active in cells grown on proline as the sole nitrogen source. Adding NH4+ to the medium triggers inactivation and degradation of the permease via a regulatory process involving Npi1p/Rsp5p, a ubiquitin-protein ligase. In this study, we describe several mutations affecting the C-terminal region of Gap1p that render the permease resistant to NH4(+)-induced inactivation. An in vivo isolated mutation (gap1pgr) causes a single Glu-->Lys substitution in an amino acid context similar to the DXKSS sequence involved in ubiquitination and endocytosis of the yeast alpha-factor receptor, Ste2p. Another replacement, substitution of two alanines for a di-leucine motif, likewise protects the Gap1 permease against NH4(+)-induced inactivation. In mammalian cells, such a motif is involved in the internalization of several cell-surface proteins. These data provide the first indication that a di-leucine motif influences the function of a plasma membrane protein in yeast. Mutagenesis of a putative phosphorylation site upstream from the di-leucine motif altered neither the activity nor the regulation of the permease. In contrast, deletion of the last eleven amino acids of Gap1p, a region conserved in other amino acid permeases, conferred resistance to NH4+ inactivation. Although the C-terminal region of Gap1p plays an important role in nitrogen control of activity, it was not sufficient to confer this regulation to two NH4(+)-insensitive permeases, namely the arginine (Can1p) and uracil (Fur4p) permeases.  相似文献   

There is evidence that during lactation, uptake of the essential branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) by mammary glands exceeds their output in milk protein. In this study, we have measured the potential of lactating rats to catabolize BCAA. The activity, relative protein and specific mRNA levels of the first two enzymes in the BCAA catabolic pathway, branched-chain aminotransferase (BCAT) and branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCKD), were measured in mammary gland, liver and skeletal muscle obtained from rat dams at peak lactation (12 d), from rat dams 24 h after weaning at peak lactation and from age-matched virgin controls. Western analysis showed that the mitochondrial BCATm isoenzyme was found in mammary gland. Comparison of lactating and control rats revealed that tissue BCATm activity, protein and mRNA were at least 10-fold higher in mammary tissue during lactation. Values were 1.3- to 1. 9-fold higher after 24 h of weaning. In mammary gland of lactating rats, the BCKD complex was fully active. In virgin controls and weaning dams, only about 20% of the complex was in the active state. Hypertrophy of the liver and mammary gland during lactation resulted in a 73% increase in total oxidative capacity in lactating rats. The results are consistent with increased expression of the BCATm gene in the mammary gland during lactation, whereas oxidation appears to be regulated primarily by changes in activity state (phosphorylation state) of BCKD.  相似文献   

Fascin is an actin-bundling protein that was first isolated from cytoplasmic extracts of sea urchin eggs [Kane, 1975: J. Cell Biol. 66:305-315] and was the first bundling protein to be characterized in vitro. Subsequent work has shown that fascin bundles actin filaments in fertilized egg microvilli and filopodia of phagocytic coelomocytes [Otto et al., 1980: Cell Motil. 1:31-40; Otto and Bryan, 1981: Cell Motil. 1:179-192]. Fifteen years later, the molecular cloning of sea urchin fascin [Bryan et al., 1993: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 90:9115-9119] has led to the identification and characterization of homologous proteins in Drosophila [Cant et al., 1994: J. Cell Biol. 125:369-380], Xenopus [Holthuis et al., 1994: Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1219:184-188], rodents [Edwards et al,. 1995: J. Biol. Chem. 270:10764-10770], and humans [Duh et al., 1994: DNA Cell Biol. 13:821-827; Mosialos et al., 1994: J. Virol. 68:7320-7328] that bundle actin filaments into structures which stabilize cellular processes ranging from mechanosensory bristles to the filopodia of nerve growth cones. Fascin has emerged from relative obscurity as an exotic invertebrate egg protein to being recognized as a widely expressed protein found in a broad spectrum of tissues and organisms. The purpose of this review is to relate the early studies done on the sea urchin and HeLa cell fascins to the recent molecular biology that defines a family of bundling proteins, and discuss the current state of knowledge regarding fascin structure and function.  相似文献   

"Killer" strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are those that harbor a double-stranded RNA plasmid and secrete a toxin that kills only strains not carrying this plasmid (sensitives). Two chromosomal genes (kex1 and kex2) are required for the secretion of toxin by plasmid-carrying strains. The kex2 gene, which maps at a site distinct from the mating-type locus, is also required for normal mating by alpha strains and meiotic sporulation in all strains. Strains that are alpha mating-type and kex2 fail to secrete the pheromone alpha-factor or to respond to the alpha-factor II pheromone which causes a morphological change, but they do respond to alpha-factor I which causes G1 arrest in alpha cells. Strains that are alpha mating-type and kex2 show no defect in mating; pheromone secretion, or response to alpha-factor. Diploids that are homozygous for the kex2 mutation, unlike wildtype or heterozygous diploids, fail to undergo sporulation, with the defect occurring in the final spore maturation stage. These same defects in the sexual cycle are present in all kex2 mutants independent of the presence of the "killer" plasmid.  相似文献   

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