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为了有效解决二次误差测度算法(quadric error metrics, QEM)容易产生异常三角面、失去局部特征、几何结构异常等问题, 提出一种结合边分割的改进二次误差测度算法(quadric error mactrics with edge splitting, ESQEM). 该算法添加顶点高斯曲率作为边折叠代价之一, 通过参数调节模型特征保留情况; 添加边长查询机制, 对细长三角面进行边分割操作. ESQEM算法能有效维护网格模型高曲率区域特征、保持网格几何结构、消除狭长三角面, 简化后的模型有更好的视觉效果, 高简化率下的简化精度更高. 相似文献
递进网格表示法能高效地存储网格信息,并能生成连续的细节层次模型,支持模型的多分辨率表示、递进传输、网格压缩和有选择精化。文中提出并实现了一种基于二次误差测度的多属性递进网格生成算法。同Hoppe提出的基于能量优化的算法和以往大多支持仅具有几何属性的算法相比,该算法具有生成速度快、质量高、可处理包含色彩、纹理等多属性递进网格模型的特点。 相似文献
距离加权的二次误差测试网格简化算法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
文中针对现有的均匀三角网格简化算法在显示质量上的不足,提出了根据网格顶点到视点的距离,使用加权的二次误差测度算法进行顶点对折叠、简化、该方法能根据视点位置简化网格,产物符合观察需要的网格;还将距离加权用于视窗裁剪,得到视点相关的网格模型,并对该算法的优点及存在的问题作了分析。 相似文献
提出一种基于2次误差测度(QEM)的网格简化改进算法。算法首先对折叠边所产生的新顶点定义其在初始网格上的简化支撑域,从而建立新顶点与初始网格之间的联系;然后计算新顶点到支撑域的2次距离误差作为该顶点的全局简化误差,并将原始QEM中的误差作为局部简化误差;最后将两个误差之和作为新的折叠代价目标函数以实现对原有QEM算法的改进。多个模型的简化实验表明,改进算法能较好地保留初始网格的细节特征,并且较为明显地降低简化误差。 相似文献
研究了一类三维累进网格生成算法,在网格分辨率固定的前提下,以期获得较高质量的三维模型;基于二次误差模型,提出了基于累进网格生成的改进算法;引入了边界约束条件,提出了二阶邻域指标。实验证明,该算法输出的模型质量优于文献中的算法。 相似文献
一种全特征递进网格模型生成算法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
递进网格模型可用于实现层次细节模型、网格模型的递进传输等。文中提出并实现了一种支持全特征的递进网格模型生成算法。该算法可生成带有颜色、纹理等附属信息的递进网格模型,且所占空间小,运行速度较快。 相似文献
一种任意网格模型的选择细化算法 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
以基于最大误差L∞控制的网格简化算法为基础,通过删除边操作对网格模型进行向下采样,同时建立各删除操作的依赖关系.在进行网格选择细化时,将细化操作分解为对网格模型的几何修改信息和各细化操作之间的关系信息,确保了网格模型选择细化结果的正确性.实验结果证明了文中算法的有效性. 相似文献
提出了一种基于边折叠的网格模型简化的新方法。考虑到模型的局部形状特征,算法将局部面积度量因素加入简化计算过程,与二次方距离误差测度一起组成新的误差目标函数。还提出了计算二次方误差矩阵的预测-校正模型,用于降低简化累积误差。实验结果表明,该算法通用性较强,能够显著提升模型的简化质量,特别是对于曲率变化剧烈的模型表面,其简化模型能够更好地保持原有特征。 相似文献
An Effective Error Resilient Packetization Scheme for Progressive Mesh Transmission over Unreliable Networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

When a 3D model is transmitted over a lossy network,some model information may inevitably be missing. Under such situation,one may not be able to visualize the receiving model unless the lost model information has been retransmitted. Progressive model transmission offers an alternative to avoid the "all or nothing situation" by allowing a model to be visualized with a degraded quality when only part of the model data has been received. Unfortunately,in case some model refinement information is missing,one may still need to wait for such information to be retransmitted before the model can be rendered with a desired visual quality. To address this problem,we have developed a novel error resilient packetization scheme. We first construct a Non-Redundant Directed Acyclic Graph to encode the dependencies among the vertex splits of a progressive mesh. A special Global Graph Equipartition Packing Algorithm is then applied to partitioning this graph into several equal size sub-graphs,which is packed as packets. The packing algorithm comprises two main phases:initial partition phase and global refinement phase. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can minimize the dependencies between packets. Hence,it reduces the delay in rendering 3D models with proper quality at the clients. 相似文献
In this paper, an efficient recursive algorithm is presented to compute the set of prime implicants of a propositional formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF). The propositional formula is represented as a (0,1)-matrix, and a set of 1's across its columns are termed as paths. The algorithm finds the prime implicants as the prime paths in the matrix using the divide-and-conquer technique. The algorithm is based on the principle that the prime implicant of a formula is the concatenation of the prime implicants of two of its subformulae. The set of prime paths containing a specific literal and devoid of a literal are characterized. Based on this characterization, the formula is recursively divided into subformulae to employ the divide-and-conquer paradigm. The prime paths of the subformulae are then concatenated to obtain the prime paths of the formula. In this process, the number of subsumption operations is reduced. It is also shown that the earlier algorithm based on prime paths has some avoidable computations that the proposed algorithm avoids. Besides being more efficient, the proposed algorithm has the additional advantage of being suitable for the incremental method, without recomputing prime paths for the updated formula. The subsumption operation is one of the crucial operations for any such algorithms, and it is shown that the number of subsumption operation is reduced in the proposed algorithm. Experimental results are presented to substantiate that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than the existing algorithms. 相似文献
基于黎曼度量的复杂参数曲面有限元网格生成方法 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
给出了三维空间的黎曼度量和曲面自身的黎曼度量相结合的三维复杂参数曲面自适应网格生成的改进波前推进算法.详细阐述了曲面参数域上任意一点的黎曼度量的计算和插值方法;采用可细化的栅格作为背景网格,在降低了程序实现的难度的同时提高了网格生成的速度;提出按层推进和按最短边推进相结合的方法,在保证边界网格质量的同时,提高曲面内部网格的质量.三维自适应黎曼度量的引入,提高了算法剖分复杂曲面的自适应性.算例表明,该算法对复杂曲面能够生成高质量的网格,而且整个算法具有很好的时间特性和可靠性. 相似文献